75 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
This thesis is a research about the recent complex spatial changes in Namibia and Tanzania and local communities capacity to cope with, adapt to and transform the unpredictability engaged to these processes. I scrutinise the concept of resilience and its potential application to explaining the development of local communities in Southern Africa when facing various social, economic and environmental changes. My research is based on three distinct but overlapping research questions: what are the main spatial changes and their impact on the study areas in Namibia and Tanzania? What are the adaptation, transformation and resilience processes of the studied local communities in Namibia and Tanzania? How are innovation systems developed, and what is their impact on the resilience of the studied local communities in Namibia and Tanzania? I use four ethnographic case studies concerning environmental change, global tourism and innovation system development in Namibia and Tanzania, as well as mixed-methodological approaches, to study these issues. The results of my empirical investigation demonstrate that the spatial changes in the localities within Namibia and Tanzania are unique, loose assemblages, a result of the complex, multisided, relational and evolutional development of human and non-human elements that do not necessarily have linear causalities. Several changes co-exist and are interconnected though uncertain and unstructured and, together with the multiple stressors related to poverty, have made communities more vulnerable to different changes. The communities adaptation and transformation measures have been mostly reactive, based on contingency and post hoc learning. Despite various anticipation techniques, coping measures, adaptive learning and self-organisation processes occurring in the localities, the local communities are constrained by their uneven power relationships within the larger assemblages. Thus, communities own opportunities to increase their resilience are limited without changing the relations in these multiform entities. Therefore, larger cooperation models are needed, like an innovation system, based on the interactions of different actors to foster cooperation, which require collaboration among and input from a diverse set of stakeholders to combine different sources of knowledge, innovation and learning. Accordingly, both Namibia and Tanzania are developing an innovation system as their key policy to foster transformation towards knowledge-based societies. Finally, the development of an innovation system needs novel bottom-up approaches to increase the resilience of local communities and embed it into local communities. Therefore, innovation policies in Namibia have emphasised the role of indigenous knowledge, and Tanzania has established the Living Lab network.
The importance of the regional level in research has risen in the last few decades and a vast literature in the fields of, for instance, evolutionary and institutional economics, network theories, innovations and learning systems, as well as sociology, has focused on regional level questions. Recently the policy makers and regional actors have also began to pay increasing attention to the knowledge economy and its needs, in general, and the connectivity and support structures of regional clusters in particular. Nowadays knowledge is generally considered as the most important source of competitive advantage, but even the most specialised forms of knowledge are becoming a short-lived resource for example due to the accelerating pace of technological change. This emphasizes the need of foresight activities in national, regional and organizational levels and the integration of foresight and innovation activities. In regional setting this development sets great challenges especially in those regions having no university and thus usually very limited resources for research activities. Also the research problem of this dissertation is related to the need to better incorporate the information produced by foresight process to facilitate and to be used in regional practice-based innovation processes. This dissertation is a constructive case study the case being Lahti region and a network facilitating innovation policy adopted in that region. Dissertation consists of a summary and five articles and during the research process a construct or a conceptual model for solving this real life problem has been developed. It is also being implemented as part of the network facilitating innovation policy in the Lahti region.
Climate innovations, that cover both technological applications and process and service innovations, play a key role in climate change mitigation. The purpose of this study was to examine how the Finnish innovation system could be enhanced with governmental measures so that the diffusion of climate innovations could be speeded up. During the study, it became evident that the governmental measures need to support the whole innovation chain, which comprises of research, development, demonstration and deployment. Only this can lead to the successful birth and diffusion of low carbon innovations. The study found that the strengths of the Finnish innovation system are research and development, and the current national innovation policies strongly support these activities. However, these have been emphasised at the expense of the demonstration and deployment. Consequently, the biggest bottlenecks in the Finnish innovation landscape are the lack of pilot and demonstration projects and slow commercialisation, thus the high price of the innovation. To meet with the challenge, the government should firstly promote strict greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. This would boost up the innovation activities, which would also lower the prices of the innovations. To speed up the commercialisation process, measures that stimulate the domestic market, such as feed-in-tariffs and public procurements, are needed. Special attention should also be paid to the measures that could shift the traditional closed innovation chain towards open innovation. This means that the product development should involve experts from several fields such as the user and marketing experts to speed up the commercialisation. In addition, efficient innovation co-operation between both private and public sector is essential. Finally, as the domestic resources are not adequate for producing all the innovations needed, the domestic innovation activities should be focused on a few sectors, and at the same time promote efficient import policies.
The important role of entrepreneurship in countries economic development and overall society well-being is widely recognized by researchers, experts as well as policy makers. Every phase of the process of starting a new business is related to the interaction with at least one player of country innovation system and therefore the efficiency of this interaction may have an influence on the success of whole entrepreneurial process and consequently on the willingness of potential entrepreneurs to engage into this process. The study proposes a System Dynamics model for studying the impact of National Innovation System (NIS) on the entrepreneurial venture creation process. The developed model also takes country population aspect into account and provides results for estimation the effect various demographic tendencies on the process performance. The special impact is made on possible ways to facilitate the development of entrepreneurial framework conditions. Business incubators are seen as one of the effective tool for accomplishing such task. The study also provides the result for estimation of possible impact arising from properly functioned Business Incubators.
Russia inherited a large research and development (R&D) sector from the Soviet times, and has retained a substantial R&D sector today, compared with other emerging economies. However, Russia is falling behind in all indicators measuring innovative output in comparison with most developed countries. Russias innovation performance is disappointing, despite the available stock of human capital and overall investment in R&D. The communist legacy still influences the main actors of the innovation system. The federal state is still the most important funding source for R&D. Private companies are not investing in innovative activities, preferring to import innovations embedded in foreign technologies. Universities are outsiders in the innovation system, only a few universities carry out research activities. Nowadays, Russia is a resource-depended country. The economy depends on energy and metals for growth. The Russian economy faces the challenge of diversification and should embrace innovation, and shift to a knowledge economy to remain competitive in the long run. Therefore, Russia has to tackle the challenge of developing an efficient innovation system with its huge potential in science expertise and engineering know-how.
Suomenlahden lisntynyt meriliikenne on herttnyt huolta meriliikenteen turvallisuuden tasosta, ja erityisesti Venjn ljyviennin kasvu on lisnnyt ljyonnettomuuden todennkisyytt Suomenlahdella. Erilaiset kansainvliset, alueelliset ja kansalliset ohjauskeinot pyrkivt vhentmn merionnettomuuden riski ja meriliikenteen muita haittavaikutuksia. Tm raportti ksittelee meriturvallisuuden yhteiskunnallisia ohjauskeinoja: ohjauskeinoja yleisell tasolla, meriturvallisuuden keskeisimpi stelijit, meriturvallisuuden ohjauskeinoja ja meriturvallisuuspolitiikan tulevaisuuden nkymi, ohjauskeinojen tehokkuutta ja nykyisen meriturvallisuuden ohjausjrjestelmn heikkouksia. Raportti on kirjallisuuskatsaus meriturvallisuuden yhteiskunnalliseen sntelyn rakenteeseen ja tilaan erityisesti Suomenlahden meriliikenteen nkkulmasta. Raportti on osa tutkimusprojektia SAFGOF - Suomenlahden meriliikenteen kasvunkymt 2007 - 2015 ja kasvun vaikutukset ympristlle ja kuljetusketjujen toimintaan ja sen typakettia 6 Keskeisimmt riskit ja yhteiskunnalliset vaikutuskeinot. Yhteiskunnalliset ohjauskeinot voidaan ryhmitell hallinnollisiin, taloudellisiin ja tietoohjaukseen perustuviin ohjauskeinoihin. Meriturvallisuuden edistmisess kytetn kaikkia nit, mutta hallinnolliset ohjauskeinot ovat trkeimmss asemassa. Merenkulun kansainvlisen luonteen vuoksi meriturvallisuuden sntely tapahtuu posin kansainvlisell tasolla YK:n ja erityisesti Kansainvlisen merenkulkujrjestn (IMO) toimesta. Lisksi mys Euroopan Unionilla on omaa meriturvallisuuteen liittyv sntely ja on mys olemassa muita alueellisia meriturvallisuuden edistmiseen liittyvi elimi kuten HELCOM. Joitakin meriturvallisuuden osa-alueita sdelln mys kansallisella tasolla. Hallinnolliset meriturvallisuuden ohjauskeinot sisltvt aluksen rakenteisiin ja varustukseen, alusten kunnon valvontaan, merimiehiin ja merityn tekemiseen sek navigointiin liittyvi ohjauskeinoja. Taloudellisiin ohjauskeinoihin kuuluvat esimerkiksi vyl- ja satamamaksut, merivakuutukset, P&I klubit, vastuullisuus- ja korvauskysymykset sek taloudelliset kannustimet. Taloudellisten ohjauskeinojen kytt meriturvallisuuden edistmiseen on melko vhist verrattuna hallinnollisten ohjauskeinojen kyttn, mutta niit voitaisiin varmasti kytt enemmnkin. Ongelmana taloudellisten ohjauskeinojen kytss on se, ett ne kuuluvat pitklti kansallisen sntelyn piiriin, joten alueellisten tai kansainvlisten intressien edistminen taloudellisilla ohjauskeinoilla voi olla hankalaa. Tieto-ohjaus perustuu toimijoiden vapaaehtoisuuteen ja yleisen tiedotuksen lisksi tieto-ohjaukseen sisltyy esimerkiksi vapaaehtoinen koulutus, sertifiointi tai meriturvallisuuden edistmiseen thtvt palkinnot. Poliittisella tasolla meriliikenteen aiheuttamat turvallisuusriskit Suomenlahdella on otettu vakavasti ja paljon tyt tehdn eri tahoilla riskien minimoimiseksi. Uutta sntely on odotettavissa etenkin liittyen meriliikenteen ympristvaikutuksiin ja meriliikenteen ohjaukseen kuten meriliikenteen shkisiin seurantajrjestelmiin. Mys inhimilliseen tekijn merkitykseen meriturvallisuuden kehittmisess on kiinnitetty lisntyviss mrin huomiota, mutta inhimilliseen tekijn osalta tehokkaiden ohjauskeinojen kehittminen nytt olevan haasteellista. Yleisimmin lkkeeksi esitetn koulutuksen kehittmist. Kirjallisuudessa esitettyjen kriteereiden mukaan tehokkaiden ohjauskeinojen tulisi tytt seuraavat vaatimukset: 1) tarkoituksenmukaisuus ohjauskeinojen tytyy olla sopivia asetetun tavoitteen saavuttamiseen, 2) taloudellinen tehokkuus ohjauskeinon hydyt vs. kustannukset tulisi olla tasapainossa, 3) hyvksyttvyys ohjauskeinon tytyy olla hyvksyttv asianosaisten ja mys laajemman yhteiskunnan nkkulmasta katsottuna, 4) toimeenpano ohjauskeinon toimeenpanon pit olla mahdollista ja sen noudattamista tytyy pysty valvomaan, 5) lateraaliset vaikutukset hyvll ohjauskeinolla on positiivisia seurannaisvaikutuksia muutoinkin kuin vain ohjauskeinon ensisijaisten tavoitteiden saavuttaminen, 6) kannustin ja uuden luominen hyv ohjauskeino kannustaa kokeilemaan uusia ratkaisuja ja kehittmn toimintaa. Meriturvallisuutta koskevaa sntely on paljon ja yleisesti ottaen merionnettomuuksien lukumr on ollut laskeva viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Suuri osa sntelyst on ollut tehokasta ja parantanut turvallisuuden tasoa maailman merill. Silti merionnettomuuksia ja muita vaarallisia tapahtumia sattuu edelleen. Nykyist sntelyjrjestelm voidaan kritisoida monen asian suhteen. Kansainvlisen sntelyn aikaansaaminen ei ole helppoa: prosessi on yleens hidas ja tuloksena voi olla kompromissien kompromissi. Kansainvlinen sntely on yleens reaktiivista eli ongelmakohtiin puututaan vasta kun jokin onnettomuus tapahtuu sen sijaan ett se olisi proaktiivista ja pyrkisi puuttumaan ongelmakohtiin jo ennen kuin jotain tapahtuu. IMO:n tyskentely perustuu kansallisvaltioiden osallistumiseen ja sntelyn toimeenpano tapahtuu lippuvaltioiden toimesta. Kansallisvaltiot ajavat IMO:ssa pasiallisesti omia intressejn ja sntelyn toimeenpanossa on suuria eroja lippuvaltioiden vlill. IMO:n kyvyttmyys puuttua havaittuihin ongelmiin nopeasti ja ottaa sntelyss huomioon paikallisia olosuhteita on johtanut siihen, ett esimerkiksi Euroopan Unioni on alkanut itse sdell meriturvallisuutta ja ett on olemassa sellaisia alueellisia erityisjrjestelyj kuin PSSA (particularly sensitive sea area erityisen herkk merialue). Merenkulkualalla toimii monenlaisia yrityksi: toisaalta yrityksi, jotka pyrkivt toimimaan turvallisesti ja kehittmn turvallisuutta viel korkeammalle tasolle, ja toisaalta yrityksi, jotka toimivat niin halvalla kuin mahdollista, eivt vlit turvallisuusseikoista, ja joilla usein on monimutkaiset ja epmriset omistusolosuhteet ja joita vahingon sattuessa on vaikea saada vastuuseen. Ongelma on, ett kansainvlisell merenkulkualalla kaikkien yritysten on toimittava samoilla markkinoilla. Vastuuttomien yritysten toiminnan mahdollistavat laivaajat ja muut alan toimijat, jotka suostuvat tekemn yhteistyt niiden kanssa. Vlinpitmtn suhtautuminen turvallisuuteen johtuu osaksi mys merenkulun vanhoillisesta turvallisuuskulttuurista. Verrattaessa meriturvallisuuden sntelyjrjestelm kokonaisuutena tehokkaiden ohjauskeinoihin kriteereihin, voidaan todeta, ett monien kriteerien osalta nykyist jrjestelm voidaan pit tehokkaana ja onnistuneena. Suurimmat ongelmat lienevt sntelyn toimeenpanossa ja ohjauskeinojen kustannustehokkuudessa. Lippuvaltioiden toimeenpanoon perustuva jrjestelm ei toimi toivotulla tavalla, josta mukavuuslippujen olemassa olo on selvin merkki. Ohjauskeinojen, sek yksittisten ohjauskeinojen ett vertailtaessa eri ohjauskeinoja keskenn, kustannustehokkuutta on usein vaikea arvioida, mink seurauksena ohjauskeinojen kustannustehokkuudesta ei ole saatavissa luotettavaa tietoa ja tuloksena voi olla, ett ohjauskeino on kytnnss pienen riskin eliminoimista korkealla kustannuksella. Kansainvlisen tason meriturvallisuus- (ja merenkulku-) politiikan menettelytavoiksi on ehdotettu mys muita vaihtoehtoja kuin nykyinen jrjestelm, esimerkiksi monitasoista tai polysentrist hallintojrjestelm. Monitasoisella hallintojrjestelmll tarkoitetaan jrjestelm, jossa keskushallinto on hajautettu sek vertikaalisesti alueellisille tasoille ett horisontaalisesti ei-valtiollisille toimijoille. Polysentrinen hallintojrjestelm menee viel askeleen pidemmlle. Polysentrinen hallintojrjestelm on hallintotapa, jonka puitteissa kaikentyyppiset toimijat, sek yksityiset ett julkiset, voivat osallistua hallintoon, siis esimerkiksi hallitukset, edunvalvontajrjestt, kaupalliset yritykset jne. Kansainvlinen lainsdnt mrittelee yleiset tasot, mutta konkreettiset toimenpiteet voidaan ptt paikallisella tasolla eri toimijoiden vlisess yhteistyss. Tmn tyyppisiss hallintojrjestelmiss merenkulkualan todellinen, kansainvlinen mutta toisaalta paikallinen, toimintaymprist tulisi otetuksi paremmin huomioon kuin jrjestelmss, joka perustuu kansallisvaltioiden keskenn yhteistyss tekemn sntelyyn. Tllainen muutos meriturvallisuuden hallinnassa vaatisi kuitenkin suurta periaatteellista suunnanmuutosta, jollaisen toteutumista ei voi pit kovin todennkisen ainakaan lyhyell thtimell.
The concept of open innovation has recently gained widespread attention, and is particularly relevant now as many firms endeavouring to implement open innovation, face different sets of challenges associated with managing it. Prior research on open innovation has focused on the internal processes dealing with open innovation implementation and the organizational changes, already taking place or yet required in companies order to succeed in the global open innovation market. Despite the intensive research on open innovation, the question of what influences its adoption by companies in different contexts has not received much attention in studies. To fill this gap, this thesis contribute to the discussion on open innovation influencing factors by bringing in the perspective of environmental impacts, i.e. gathering data on possible sources of external influences, classifying them and testing their systemic impact through conceptual system dynamics simulation model. The insights from data collection and conceptualization in modelling are used to answer the question of how the external environment affects the adoption of open innovation. The thesis research is presented through five research papers reflecting the method triangulation based study (conducted at initial stage as case study, later as quantitative analysis and finally as system dynamics simulation). This multitude of methods was used to collect the possible external influence factors and to assess their impact (on positive/negative scale rather than numerical). The results obtained throughout the thesis research bring valuable insights into understanding of open innovation influencing factors inside a firms operating environment, point out the balance required in the system for successful open innovation performance and discover the existence of tipping point of open innovation success when driven by market dynamics and structures. The practical implications on how firms and policy-makers can leverage environment for their potential benefits are offered in the conclusions.
In the network era, creative achievements like innovations are more and more often created in interaction among different actors. The complexity of todays problems transcends the individual human mind, requiring not only individual but also collective creativity. In collective creativity, it is impossible to trace the source of new ideas to an individual. Instead, creative activity emerges from the collaboration and contribution of many individuals, thereby blurring the contribution of specific individuals in creating ideas. Collective creativity is often associated with diversity of knowledge, skills, experiences and perspectives. Collaboration between diverse actors thus triggers creativity and gives possibilities for collective creativity. This dissertation investigates collective creativity in the context of practice-based innovation. Practice-based innovation processes are triggered by problem setting in a practical context and conducted in non-linear processes utilising scientific and practical knowledge production and creation in cross-disciplinary innovation networks. In these networks diversity or distances between innovation actors are essential. Innovation potential may be found in exploiting different kinds of distances. This dissertation presents different kinds of distances, such as cognitive, functional and organisational which could be considered as sources of creativity and thus innovation. However, formation and functioning of these kinds of innovation networks can be problematic. Distances between innovating actors may be so great that a special interpretation function is needed that is, brokerage. This dissertation defines factors that enhance collective creativity in practice-based innovation and especially in the fuzzy front end phase of innovation processes. The first objective of this dissertation is to study individual and collective creativity at the employee level and identify those factors that support individual and collective creativity in the organisation. The second objective is to study how organisations use external knowledge to support collective creativity in their innovation processes in open multi-actor innovation. The third objective is to define how brokerage functions create possibilities for collective creativity especially in the context of practice-based innovation. The research objectives have been studied through five substudies using a case-study strategy. Each substudy highlights various aspects of creativity and collective creativity. The empirical data consist of materials from innovation projects arranged in the Lahti region, Finland, or materials from the development of innovation methods in the Lahti region. The Lahti region has been chosen as the research context because the innovation policy of the region emphasises especially the promotion of practice-based innovations. The results of this dissertation indicate that all possibilities of collective creativity are not utilised in internal operations of organisations. The dissertation introduces several factors that could support collective creativity in organisations. However, creativity as a social construct is understood and experienced differently in different organisations, and these differences should be taken into account when supporting creativity in organisations. The increasing complexity of most potential innovations requires collaborative creative efforts that often exceed the boundaries of the organisation and call for the involvement of external expertise. In practice-based innovation different distances are considered as sources of creativity. This dissertation gives practical implications on how it is possible to exploit different kinds of distances knowingly. It underlines especially the importance of brokerage functions in open, practice-based innovation in order to create possibilities for collective creativity. As a contribution of this dissertation, a model of brokerage functions in practice-based innovation is formulated. According to the model, the results and success of brokerage functions are based on the context of brokerage as well as the roles, tasks, skills and capabilities of brokers. The brokerage functions in practice-based innovation are also possible to divide into social and cognitive brokerage.
This thesis examines innovation development needs of firms in a remote rural region. The perspective of the study is in strategic innovation management and three dimensions of innovation development: innovation environment, value delivery and innovation capability. The framework is studied with a theoretical and methodological approach in the context of the development of a regional innovation system and the defining of innovation development needs. The thesis is based on existing innovation management literature, expanding it by examining the features of the three dimensions. The empirical data of the study comprise 50 purposefully selected firms within the region of Pielinen Karelia located in Eastern Finland. Most of the firms (70%) included in the study represent manufacturing firms, and over 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data consist of two questionnaires and an interview, which were done during 2011 in the connection of a regional development project. The point of view of the research is in regional development and harnessing the innovation capability of the firms within the region. The principal research approach applies soft systems methodology. The study explores the means to foster the innovativeness of firms from the viewpoints of innovation environment, innovation capability and value delivery. In closer detail, the study examines relations between the innovation capability factors, differences in innovation development needs within the value delivery system, between sectors and between firm size categories. The thesis offers three major contributions. First, the study extends earlier research on strategic innovation management by connecting the frameworks of innovation capability, innovation environment and value delivery process to the defining of innovation development needs at the regional level. The results deepen knowledge especially concerning practice-based innovation, peripheral regions and smaller firms. Second, the empirical work, based on a case study, confirms the existence of a structural connection integrating five factors of innovation capability. Statistical evidence is provided especially for the positive impacts of the improvement of absorption capability, marketing capability and networking capability, which are the main weaknesses of firms according to the study. Third, the research provides a methodological contribution by applying the innovation matrix in the defining of the innovation development needs of firms. The study demonstrates how the matrix improves possibility to target policy instruments and innovation services more efficiently through indicating significant differences between the innovation support needs regarding various time horizons and phases of innovation process.
Biotechnology has been recognized as the key strategic technology for industrial growth. The industry is heavily dependent on basic research. Finland continues to rank in the top 10 of Europe's most innovative countries in terms of tax-policy, education system, infrastructure and the number of patents issued. Regardless of the excellent statistical results, the output of this innovativeness is below acceptable. Research on the issues hindering the output creation has already been done and the identifiable weaknesses in the Finland's National Innovation system are the non-existent growth of entrepreneurship and the missing internationalization. Finland is proven to have all the enablers of the innovation policy tools, but is lacking the incentives and rewards to push the enablers, such as knowledge and human capital, forward. Science Parks are the biggest operator in research institutes in the Finnish Science and Technology system. They exist with the purpose of speeding up the commercialization process of biotechnology innovations which usually include technological uncertainty, technical inexperience, business inexperience and high technology cost. Innovation management only internally is a rather historic approach, current trend drives towards open innovation model with strong triple helix linkages. The evident problems in the innovation management within the biotechnology industry are examined through a case study approach including analysis of the semi-structured interviews which included biotechnology and business expertise from Turku School of Economics. The results from the interviews supported the theoretical implications as well as conclusions derived from the pilot survey, which focused on the companies inside Turku Science Park network. One major issue that the Finland's National innovation system is struggling with is the fact that it is technology driven, not business pulled. Another problem is the university evaluation scale which focuses more on number of graduates and short-term factors, when it should put more emphasis on the cooperation success in the long-term, such as the triple helix connections with interaction and knowledge distribution. The results of this thesis indicated that there is indeed requirement for some structural changes in the Finland's National innovation system and innovation policy in order to generate successful biotechnology companies and innovation output. There is lack of joint output and scales of success, lack of people with experience, lack of language skills, lack of business knowledge and lack of growth companies.
Tyss tutkitaan eri mekanismeja rajojen ylittvn innovaatioiden edistmiseen pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten nkkulmasta. Case ympristn on Kaakkois-Suomen ja Luoteis-Venjn alueeli Pietarin Corridor. Tavoitteena on lyt tarkemmat mritykset ja rajauksetnille mekanismeille. Teoriassa muodostettiin viitekehys rajojen ylittvlle innovaatioiden edistmismallille. Mallin pohjalta toteutettiinhaastattelututkimus, joka suoritettiin case-ympristss. Haastattelujoukko koostui yritysten edustajista, tutkimus-henkilstst sek julkisista toimijoista. Innovaatiojrjestelm oli avoin uusille toimintamenetelmille.Menetelmien toteuttamistapa kuitenkin jakoi mielipiteit. Toimijoiden vlille tarvitaan parempaa yhteistyt ja tmn kautta selkemp kommunikointia yritysten suuntaan. Innovaatioiden edistmiseen ehdotetaan Innovation Relay Centre tyyppisen toiminnan laajentamista Corridorin alueelle sek sen kyttmn teknologioiden vlittmismallin sek kansainvlisen verkoston hydyntmist. Edistmisen tukena tulisi kytt innovaatiotietokanta-tykalua.
Tyn tavoitteena oli perehty innovaatiojohtamisen ja jrjestelmn soveltamiseen prosessiteollisuuden toimintaympristn. Kirjallisuuslhteit apuna kytten perehdyttiin liiketoimintaympristn innovaatiojohtamiselle asettamiin vaatimuksiin ja erilaisiin innovaatiojrjestelmiin. Olennaisena osana innovaatiojohtamiseen liittyy sidosryhmien tarpeiden ja niiden tarjoamien resurssien huomioiminen toiminnassa. Myskin tuotekehityksen menetelmt ja tykalut ovat omalta osaltaan merkittvss asemassa toiminnan tehokkuutta arvioitaessa. Innovaatiojrjestelm tulee sopeuttaa yrityksen toimintoihin ja sen erityispiirteet huomioonottaen siten, ett toiminnan johtaminen prosessina tuo yritykselle ja sen sidosryhmille lisarvoa. Innovaatiojrjestelmn luominen yritykselle on ainayksilllinen prosessi ja siihen ei ole olemassa yleisptev menetelm, joka voitaisiin ottaa kyttn sellaisenaan. Yritys, jonka liiketoiminta keskittyy kuitupohjaisten pakkausmateriaalien valmistamiseen, joutuu tyttmn toiminnassaan materiaalintoimittajien, omien tuotantoprosessiensa ja asiakkaiden sek jopa loppukyttjien uusille tuotteille luomat odotukset. Innovaatiojohtamista svytt toiminnan tulosten suuri epvarmuus ja sen vaativien aineellisten ja henkisten resurssien mittavuus. Innovaatiotoiminnan johtaminen prosessina, kytten hyvksi jrjestelmmallia, tavoittelee systemaattista ja asetettujen kriteerien tyttm lhestymistapaa tuotekehityksen ja uusien liiketoimintainnovaatioiden alueella. Kehitetyn mallin tulee palvella monimutkaista liiketoimintaymprist, jokatoisaalta perustuu tehokkaaseen massatuotantoon ja toisaalta pyrkii erilaistumaan palvelemalla sek huomioimalla asiakkaidensa tuotteille asettamat vaatimukset.
Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan millaisia kyvykkyyksi toimijoiltavaaditaan, jotta voidaan edist verkostoja palvelevan innovaatiopolitiikan toteutumista ja toteuttaa kytntlhtist innovaatiotoimintaa. Empiirinen osa tarkastelee Pijt-Hmeen toimijoiden asenneymprist ja toimimisen valmiuksia kytntlhtisen innovaatiotoiminnan tarpeisiin sopivaksi. Osaaminen kerntyy yliopistopaikkakunnille ulkoisten suurtuotannon etujen mukaisesti. Ne alueet, joilla ei ole yliopistoa joutuvat luomaan muunlaista innovaatiokyvykkyytt saavuttaakseen kilpailuetua. Siksi Pijt-Hmeen visiona on tulla johtavaksi kytntlhtisen innovaatiotoiminnan alueeksi hyvien toimintamallien ja tehokkaiden tiedonsiirtomekanismien avulla. Tm vaatii alueen toimijoilta mm. korkeaa absorptiivista kapasiteettia ja heikkoja linkkej alueen ulkopuolelle. Tyn empiirinen osa koostuu 12:sta puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta sek kyselytutkimuksesta. Tiedonluonti ja -siirto alueelle nhtiin pasiassa tutkimusmaailman tehtvn, mutta varianssianalyysin perusteella tutkimusmaailma ei itse nhnyt olevansa siin asemassa. Yhteisen kielen puuttuminen tutkimus- ja kytnnn tyelmn vlilt nhtiin puutteena.
Seudullinen innovaatio on monimutkainen ilmi, joka usein sijaitsee paikallisten toimijoiden keskinisen vuorovaikutuksen kentss. Tten sit on perinteisesti pidetty vaikeasti mitattavana ilmin. Tyss sovellettiin Data Envelopment Analysis menetelm, joka on osoittautunut aiemmin menestyksekkksi tapauksissa, joissa mitattavien sytteiden ja tuotteiden vliset suhteet eivt ole olleet ilmeisi. Tyss luotiin konseptuaalinen malli seudullisen innovaation sytteist ja tuotteista, jonka perusteella valittiin 12 tilastollisen muuttujan mittaristo. Kytten Eurostat:ia datalhteen, lhdedata kahdeksaan muuttujsta saatiin seudullisella tasolla, sek mittaristoa tydennettiin yhdell kansallisella muuttujalla. Arviointi suoritettiin lopulta 45 eurooppalaiselle seudulle. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli arvioida DEA-menetelmn soveltuvuutta innovaatiojrjestelmn mittaamiseen, sill menetelm ei ole aiemmin sovellettu vastaavassa tapauksessa. Ensimmiset tulokset osoittivat yliptn liiallisen korkeita tehokkuuslukuja. Korjaustoimenpiteit erottelutarkkuuden parantamiseksi esiteltiin ja sovellettiin, jonka jlkeen saatiin realistisempia tuloksia ja ranking-lista arvioitavista seuduista. DEA-menetelmn todettiin olevan tehokas ja kiinnostava tykalu arviointikytntjen ja innovaatiopolitiikan kehittmiseen, sikli kun datan saatavuusongelmat saadaan ratkaistua sek itse mallia tarkennettua.