47 resultados para Infinite Horizon

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Digitoitu 10. 6. 2008.


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This dissertation describes a networking approach to infinite-dimensional systems theory, where there is a minimal distinction between inputs and outputs. We introduce and study two closely related classes of systems, namely the state/signal systems and the port-Hamiltonian systems, and describe how they relate to each other. Some basic theory for these two classes of systems and the interconnections of such systems is provided. The main emphasis lies on passive and conservative systems, and the theoretical concepts are illustrated using the example of a lossless transfer line. Much remains to be done in this field and we point to some directions for future studies as well.


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Avhandlingen syftar till att ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv beskriva och upptäcka tjänandets meningsinnehåll samt fördjupa förståelsekunskap om tjänandets ethos i förhållande till vårdledarskap med en inriktning på det vårdadministrativa. Syftet är även att skapa en idealmodell som öppnar för en ny eller annorlunda förståelsehorisont för tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap. Kunskapssökandet sker genom följande delstudier: (1) I begreppsbestämningen genomförs begreppsanalyser av tjäna och tjänst med avsikt att öppna för en grundförståelse och tankestruktur i forskningsuppgiften. (2) I det idéhistoriska spåras tjänandets ontologiska arv och idémönster fram genom tolkning av historiska källornas texter från 1900-talets första hälft i ljuset av sjuksköterskeledarskap utgående från Sophie Mannerheims, Bertha Wellins och Bergljot Larssons idéer och tankeströmningar. (3) Sökandet fortsätter i dagens kliniska kontextbas genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 30 deltagare (vårdledare och vårdare) från Finland, Sverige och Norge. Förförståelsen och forskningens teoretiska perspektiv har rötter i Erikssons caring science-tradition och vårdvetenskapens ontologiska grundantaganden som utvecklats vid Åbo Akademi, Enheten för vårdvetenskap i Vasa. Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av H-G Gadamers filosofiska hermeneutik. Designen är explorativ-deskriptiv, idiografisk och implicerar ett hypotetisk-deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Tjänandet och vårdledarskapets ethos upptäcks och tolkas genom det metodologiska närmandet: Erikssons hermeneutiska begreppsbestämningsmodell, idéhistoriska läsakt och hermeneutiska läsakt. Materialet bildar förståelsehorisonter genom den hermeneutiska dialogens successiva och oändliga rörelse. Horisonterna reflekteras mot teorikärnan för att öppna för ny förståelse av tjänandets meningsinnehåll, vårdledarskap och vårdadministration. I slutandet sker en horisontsammansmältning och en reflektiv anslutning till vårdvetenskapens teorikärna som visar hur tjänandets ethos blir evident i vårdledarskap. Resultatet visar att vårdledarskap som är tjänande för patienten och vårdkulturen synliggörs i vårdadministrationens kontext genom huvudets skärpa, handens gärningar och hjärtats visdom. Tjänandets sanna, goda och sköna tidlösa rörelse är riktad mot hälsa och helande. I dag sammankopplas tjänande inom vårdorganisationer med hälsoekonomiska förhållanden, effektivitet, produktivitet och rationalitet, vilket strider mot tjänandets värdegrund, människans värdighet och respekt för livet. Vårdorganisationernas etiska ansvar är att fungera som samhälleliga förebilder, tillrättalägga för vårdadministrationernas tjänande och stå i patientens tjänst. Gestaltningen av tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap öppnar för nya diskurser, riktningar, visioner och handlingar i den vårdadministrativa verkligheten. Avhandlingen ger vårdvetenskapens systematiska grundforskning ett teoritillskott av fördjupad förståelse av tjänandets och vårdledarskapets historiska och samtida ontologiska evidens och ethos med applikationen på klinisk vårdvetenskap.


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This basic research focuses on the ethos of health and the human being's becoming in health. The theoretical perspective consists of the caring tradition within caring science developed at Åbo Akademy University. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to uncover a new understanding as well as to deepen and attain a more nuanced understanding of the ethos of health, the essence of health, by penetrating to the core of what gives the human being the strength for experiencing a becoming in health. The research questions are as follows: l) What is the human being's source of strength? and 2) What reveals the source of strength so that the human being can perceive it and dedicate its strength in order to experience a becoming in health? The primary methodology used in the dissertation is hermeneutical. The material consists of the work Kärlekens gerningar by Kierkegaard, texts from focused interviews with respondents who have lived through severe personal suffering, as well as the book Det bländande mörkret by Wikström. These texts are interpreted through hermeneutical reading. The new horizon of understanding that emerges is reflected towards Eriksson's caritative theory, towards prior research within the tradition of caring science at Åbo Akademy University and towards previous national and international studies within this field. The new understanding shows that the human being's source of strength is love, the essence and origin of life. The substance of health is love, which, through the trinity of faith, hope and love, also makes possible the existence of the source of strength. Love has a deeper dignity than faith and hope, is connected with eternity and is the uniting link between temporality and eternity. The human being's inner longing entails an ontological attraction towards the source of strength. This source of strength is hidden, which provides and maintains its force, like a mystery connected with the darkness of suffering that hides the secret representing the source of strength, life's mystery, bu t w hi ch is revealed in both the darkness of suffering and in the light of joy. The dedication of strength requires freedom, willingness and courage to see the light, despite awareness of shame and guilt. Creative acts liberate the human being for the dedication of strength, which is preceded by a holy presence where, in solitude, the human being makes sacrifices for the sake of his or her human smallness and weakness, and allows himself or herself to be enclosed by the darkness of suffering to discover the light from the source. This entails being enraptured in a quiet "doing" in order to experience the beauty that bears witness to the holy which creates unity. The source of strength is revealed through beauty. The ethos of the human being and the ethos of health have the same fundamental substance, whilst the ethos of life possesses the deepest dimension and concerns the mysterious and infinite eternity. The ethos of life, eternity, which is a wellspring of strength, is not in itself strength-giving unless it is allied with love. Health can be understood in the light of life, of which death is an inevitable part. Life itself constitutes and creates the source which, through its alliance with eternity' s primordial wellspring of strength, generates strength from which the human being's source of strength, love, receives its eternal fervour. The human being is fundamentally interconnected with an abstract other, the first love, a universal wellspring of strength. Through Communion with this abstract other a dedication of the strength to experience a becoming in health becomes possible. Love for one's neighbour is the fundamental substance in the movement of becoming in health. Becoming in health presupposes a simultaneous movement in which the human being practices the human calling through ethos. As one loves one's neighbour through actions the still forces of eternity are in motion. When life emerges in the foreground and becomes the home of the human being, a dedication of the power of love is possible. Life itself determines the human being's becoming in health. A humble fundamental attitude towards life constitutes the basis for a continuous dedication of vitality from this source.


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In this work we look at two different 1-dimensional quantum systems. The potentials for these systems are a linear potential in an infinite well and an inverted harmonic oscillator in an infinite well. We will solve the Schrödinger equation for both of these systems and get the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The solutions are obtained by using the boundary conditions and numerical methods. The motivation for our study comes from experimental background. For the linear potential we have two different boundary conditions. The first one is the so called normal boundary condition in which the wave function goes to zero on the edge of the well. The second condition is called derivative boundary condition in which the derivative of the wave function goes to zero on the edge of the well. The actual solutions are Airy functions. In the case of the inverted oscillator the solutions are parabolic cylinder functions and they are solved only using the normal boundary condition. Both of the potentials are compared with the particle in a box solutions. We will also present figures and tables from which we can see how the solutions look like. The similarities and differences with the particle in a box solution are also shown visually. The figures and calculations are done using mathematical software. We will also compare the linear potential to a case where the infinite wall is only on the left side. For this case we will also show graphical information of the different properties. With the inverted harmonic oscillator we will take a closer look at the quantum mechanical tunneling. We present some of the history of the quantum tunneling theory, its developers and finally we show the Feynman path integral theory. This theory enables us to get the instanton solutions. The instanton solutions are a way to look at the tunneling properties of the quantum system. The results are compared with the solutions of the double-well potential which is very similar to our case as a quantum system. The solutions are obtained using the same methods which makes the comparison relatively easy. All in all we consider and go through some of the stages of the quantum theory. We also look at the different ways to interpret the theory. We also present the special functions that are needed in our solutions, and look at the properties and different relations to other special functions. It is essential to notice that it is possible to use different mathematical formalisms to get the desired result. The quantum theory has been built for over one hundred years and it has different approaches. Different aspects make it possible to look at different things.


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In this work we look at two different 1-dimensional quantum systems. The potentials for these systems are a linear potential in an infinite well and an inverted harmonic oscillator in an infinite well. We will solve the Schrödinger equation for both of these systems and get the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The solutions are obtained by using the boundary conditions and numerical methods. The motivation for our study comes from experimental background. For the linear potential we have two different boundary conditions. The first one is the so called normal boundary condition in which the wave function goes to zero on the edge of the well. The second condition is called derivative boundary condition in which the derivative of the wave function goes to zero on the edge of the well. The actual solutions are Airy functions. In the case of the inverted oscillator the solutions are parabolic cylinder functions and they are solved only using the normal boundary condition. Both of the potentials are compared with the particle in a box solutions. We will also present figures and tables from which we can see how the solutions look like. The similarities and differences with the particle in a box solution are also shown visually. The figures and calculations are done using mathematical software. We will also compare the linear potential to a case where the infinite wall is only on the left side. For this case we will also show graphical information of the different properties. With the inverted harmonic oscillator we will take a closer look at the quantum mechanical tunneling. We present some of the history of the quantum tunneling theory, its developers and finally we show the Feynman path integral theory. This theory enables us to get the instanton solutions. The instanton solutions are a way to look at the tunneling properties of the quantum system. The results are compared with the solutions of the double-well potential which is very similar to our case as a quantum system. The solutions are obtained using the same methods which makes the comparison relatively easy. All in all we consider and go through some of the stages of the quantum theory. We also look at the different ways to interpret the theory. We also present the special functions that are needed in our solutions, and look at the properties and different relations to other special functions. It is essential to notice that it is possible to use different mathematical formalisms to get the desired result. The quantum theory has been built for over one hundred years and it has different approaches. Different aspects make it possible to look at different things.


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The Thesis gives a decision support framework that has significant impact on the economic performance and viability of a hydropower company. The studyaddresses the short-term hydropower planning problem in the Nordic deregulated electricity market. The basics of the Nordic electricity market, trading mechanisms, hydropower system characteristics and production planning are presented in the Thesis. The related modelling theory and optimization methods are covered aswell. The Thesis provides a mixed integer linear programming model applied in asuccessive linearization method for optimal bidding and scheduling decisions inthe hydropower system operation within short-term horizon. A scenario based deterministic approach is exploited for modelling uncertainty in market price and inflow. The Thesis proposes a calibration framework to examine the physical accuracy and economic optimality of the decisions suggested by the model. A calibration example is provided with data from a real hydropower system using a commercial modelling application with the mixed integer linear programming solver CPLEX.


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Yliopistotukisäätiöt omaavat kohtalaisen paljon sijoitettavaa omaisuutta. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan sitä, millainen tukisäätiöiden taloudellinen asema on ollut, ja millaista sijoitustoimintaa ja allokointia säätiöistä voidaan löytää. Tutkielman kohteena on kahdeksan suomalaista yliopistotukisäätiötä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu säätiöiden tilinpäätösaineistosta vuosilta 2001-2005. Lisäksi tutkimusta varten on haastateltu mukana olleiden säätiöiden edustajia sekä kahta varainhoitajaa. Tutkielmassa käytetään kvantitatiivisia ja kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Tutkimuksessa tutustuttiin säätiöiden sijoitustoimintaan tutkimalla säätiöiden sijoitus- ja toimintastrategioita, varainhoidon järjestämistä, varojen allokaatiota sekä tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan havaita esimerkiksi, että säätiöiden sijoitustoimintaa kuvaa turvallisen ja varman tuoton turvaavan sijoittamisen vaatimus sekä mahdollisimman pitkä sijoitushorisontti. Säätiöiden väliltä löytyi kuitenkin myös jonkin verran eroja sijoitustoiminnassa.


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Euroopan unionissa päätettiin jo yli vuosikymmen sitten, että rautatieliiketoiminta vapautetaan kilpailulle. Iso-Britanniasta olimäärä tulla esimerkkivaltio tämän prosessin käyttöönotossa. Pääideana oli säännöstelyn keventäminen, jolloin omistuspohja toimialalla laajenee ja rautateiden infrastruktuuri sekä toiminta parantuvat. Infrastruktuuri on määrä olla yhden organisaation hallinnassa ja raiteiden käyttöoikeus on kaikilla lupaehdot täyttävillä operaattoreilla, jotka kilpailevat keskenään matkustajista ja tavararahdeista. Kuitenkin Yhdysvalloissa ja eräissä Latinalaisen Amerikan maissa kilpailu on vapautettu siten, että rautatieyritys omistaa raideinfrastruktuurin, junat, tavarankuljetus- sekä matkustajavaunut. Iso-Britannian yksityistämistä pidettiin aluksi isonaepäonnistumisena: nopealla aikataululla sovellettiin jäykkiä transaktioperusteisia ulkoistamisstrategioita infrastruktuurin kunnossapitoon, jotka lopulta johtivat junien jatkuviin myöhästymisiin ja muutamaan tuhoisaan onnettomuuteen. Liiketoiminnallisessa mielessäkään ei oikein onnistuttu: infrastruktuurista vastaava yritys jouduttiin listaamaan pois Lontoon pörssistä, ja hallituksen oli pakko luoda tukipaketti pahasti velkaantuneen, vain marginaalisien investointien kohteena olleen yrityksen toimintaa varten (vaikka kapasiteettitarvetta oli markkinoilla). Myös rautatieoperaattorit olivat taloudellisessa ahdingossa ja vain määrätietoisten hallituksen laatimien pelastuspakettien avulla ala nousi syvimmästä kriisistään. Tästä huolimatta näiden negatiivisten sivuvaikutusten ohella koko ala pystyi kasvattamaan kysyntää, niin matkustaja- kuin rahtiliikenteenkin osalta. Vähenevän kysynnän trendi, joka alkoi 1970-luvulla, otti käännöksen parempaan. Toinen eurooppalaismaa, jolla on pitkät kokemukset yksityistämisestä, on Ruotsi. Tämä maatapaus on melko konservatiivinen verrattuna tilanteeseen edellisessä; vain rajattu määrä reittejä on avattu kilpailulle ja sopimukset tehdään kerralla pitkäksi aikaa eteenpäin. Ruotsin säännöstelyn purku osoittautui menestykseksi, koska tuottavuus onollut vakaassa kasvussa ja rautateiden markkinaosuus erityisesti matkustajapuolella on noussut merkittävästi, verrattuna muihin kuljetusmuotoihin. Kuitenkin kilpailua on käytännössä vähän tässä maassa ja parempiatuloksia on lupa odottaa, kun vain säännöstelyn purkaminen jatkuu. Viimeinen tutkimuksemme kohteena oleva maa on Yhdysvallat, joka alistutti rautatiet kilpailulle jo 1980-luvun alussa, käyttäen jo edellä mainittua vertikaalista integraatiota; tämä valinta on taas johtanut hyvin erilaisiin tuloksiin. Vaihtoehtoinen rakenteellinen uudistustapa on suosinut rahtivirtoja matkustajiin nähden, ja lopputuloksena tämä tapaus synnytti yrityksiä huolehtimaan toista näistä kahdesta pääasiakasryhmästä. Viimeaikaiset tulokset tästä yksityistämisprosessista ovat olleet hyviä: jäljellejääneiden yritysten voitot ovat kasvaneet, osinkoja ollaan kyetty jakamaan ja osakkeiden arvostus on noussut. Tässä tutkimusraportissa yritämme kolmen maatapauksen kautta esittää, miten yksityistämisprosessi tulee vaikuttamaan Euroopassa, kun kilpailu rautateillä vapautuu. Me käymmeläpi, mikä näistä kolmesta maaesimerkistä on kaikkein todennäköisin jaesitämme ehdotuksia siihen, miten valtiot voisivat välttää ei-haluttuja sivuvaikutuksia. Kolme maaesimerkkiä, ja lopuksi esitetty lyhyt tilastollinen analyysi osoittavat, että rautateillä on tulevaisuuden potentiaalia Euroopassa, ja kilpailun vapauttaminen on avain tämän potentiaalin realisointiin.


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In the era of fast product development and customized product requirements, the concept of product platform has proven its power in practice. The product platform approach has enabledcompanies to increase the speed of product introductions while simultaneously benefit from efficiency and effectiveness in the development and production activities. The product platforms are technological bases, which can be used to develop several derivative products, and hence, the differentiation can be pushed closer to the product introduction. The product platform development has some specific features, which differ somewhat from the product development of single products. The time horizon is longer, since the product platform¿slife cycle is longer than individual product's. The long time-horizon also proposes higher market risks and the use of new technologies increases the technological risks involved. The end-customer interface might be far away, but there is not a lack of needs aimed at the product platforms ¿ in fact, the product platform development is very much balancing between the varying needs set to it by thederivative products. This dissertation concentrated on product platform development from the internal product lines' perspective of a singlecase. Altogether six product platform development factors were identified: 'Strategic and business fit of product platform', 'Project communication and deliverables', 'Cooperation with product platform development', 'Innovativeness of product platform architecture and features', 'Reliability and quality of product platform', and 'Promised schedules and final product platform meeting the needs'. From the six factors, three were found to influence quite strongly the overall satisfaction, namely 'Strategic and business fit of product platform', 'Reliability and quality of product platform', and 'Promised schedules and final product platform meeting the needs'. Hence, these three factors might be the ones a new product platform development unit should concentrate first in order to satisfy their closest customers, the product lines. The 'Project communication and deliverables' and 'Innovativeness of product platform architecture and features' were weaker contributors to the overall satisfaction. Overall, the factors explained quite well the satisfaction of the product lines with product platform development. Along the research, several interesting aspects about the very basic nature of the product platform development were found. The long time horizon of the product platform development caused challenges in the area of strategic fIT - a conflict between the short-term requirements and long term needs. The fact that a product platform was used as basis of several derivative products resulted into varying needs, and hence the match with the needs and the strategies. The opinions, that the releases of the larger product lines were given higher priorities, give an interesting contribution to the strategy theory of powerand politics. The varying needs of the product lines, the strengths of them as well as large number of concurrent releases set requirements to prioritization. Hence, the research showed the complicated nature of the product platform development in the case unIT - the very basic nature of the product platform development might be its strength (gaining efficiency and effectiveness in product development and product launches) but also the biggest challenge (developing products to meet several needs). As a single case study, the results of this research are not directly generalizable to all the product platform development activities. Instead, the research serves best as a starting point for additional research as well as gives some insights about the factors and challengesof one product development unit.


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Työssä selvitettiin vastusvenymäliuskamittausten avulla sekoitinakselin kuormitukset sekä perehdyttiin väsymisilmiöön ja hitsattujen rakenteiden väsymismitoitukseen. Kuormitusten mittauksessa rekisteröitiin akselin kriittisen kohdan taivutus- ja vääntövenymät. Mittaustulosten avulla tutkittiin kuormituksia ja kuormitusten luonnetta sekä johdettiin väsymismitoitusperusteet sekoitinakseleille. Väsymismitoitus perustuu kahteen eri menetelmään. Vakioamplitudiseen väsymisrajaan perustuvassa menetelmässä vaihtuva-amplitudisella jännityksellä suurinkin jännitysheilahdus jää väsymisrajan alle. Kokonaisväsymisvaurioon perustuvassa mitoituksessa puolestaan sallitaan vakioamplitudisen väsymisrajan ylitys. Kestoikä on käytetty loppuun, kun väsymisvaurio saavuttaa väsymiskestävyyden arvon. Menetelmän valinta riippuu käytettävästä sekoitinelintyypistä ja käytön aikana ilmenevistä väsymisen kannalta vaarallisista tilanteista.


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In a very volatile industry of high technology it is of utmost importance to accurately forecast customers’ demand. However, statistical forecasting of sales, especially in heavily competitive electronics product business, has always been a challenging task due to very high variation in demand and very short product life cycles of products. The purpose of this thesis is to validate if statistical methods can be applied to forecasting sales of short life cycle electronics products and provide a feasible framework for implementing statistical forecasting in the environment of the case company. Two different approaches have been developed for forecasting on short and medium term and long term horizons. Both models are based on decomposition models, but differ in interpretation of the model residuals. For long term horizons residuals are assumed to represent white noise, whereas for short and medium term forecasting horizon residuals are modeled using statistical forecasting methods. Implementation of both approaches is performed in Matlab. Modeling results have shown that different markets exhibit different demand patterns and therefore different analytical approaches are appropriate for modeling demand in these markets. Moreover, the outcomes of modeling imply that statistical forecasting can not be handled separately from judgmental forecasting, but should be perceived only as a basis for judgmental forecasting activities. Based on modeling results recommendations for further deployment of statistical methods in sales forecasting of the case company are developed.