18 resultados para Hot Forming Process

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The growth of the food packaging industry has raised more interest in bio-based fibre packing. The use of petroleum based packages is unfriendly to the environment while bio-based is a sustainable option for food packing. In this Master Thesis the aim was to discover how the press forming machineries runnability is affected by parameters of the press and how it also affects formability of paperboard trays. Familiarisation of the working operation parameters was done with the KAMA ST 75 flat-bed die cutting machine and the VP3-70 mould press. Some small test runs of moulding trays where done to get acquainted to the adjustment parameters of the machines. Literature study was done on how paperboards physical properties react to the forces applied during press forming. The study of what kind of defects to the paperboard tray might occur during forming process and the causes for these defects. Also how the parameters of the press forming machine affects formability of the tray. Maintenance procedures was done to the press forming machine to enhance the reliably of production process. Tool alignment measurement was done to determine proper alignment. Laboratory test of the physical properties of the test material was done to find any connection to how the test material performs in press forming. An evaluation criterion was made to evaluate the dimensions and defects of the tray. From the test result a conclusion can be drawn on how the parameters of the press forming process affect the paperboard material. Based on the results the adjustment the parameters of moulding machines to the mechanical properties of paperboard it is possible to produce high quality fibre passed trays for the food packaging industry.


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Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin muodostuvan RosettaNet-palvelun toteuttamiseen tarvittavia osaamisia ja valittiin osaamisien perusteella parhaat mahdolliset partnerit. Aluksi selvitettiin verkottuvan liiketoiminnan periaatteita sekä verkostoitumisen vaikutusta yritysten nykyiseen toimintaympäristöön. Verkostoista siirryttiin arvoverkostoihin sekä niiden sisälle muodostuvien arvontuotantojärjestelmien toimintaan, joiden pohjalta luotiin RosettaNet-palvelun ympärille muodostuva arvoverkosto ja havaittiin sen sisältävän useita erillisiä arvontuotantojärjestelmiä. Arvontuotantojärjestelmien ja empiirisen kokemuksen pohjalta hahmotettiin palveluun tarvittavat osaamiset, joita olivat teknologia-alustaosaaminen, myynti ja konsultointiosaaminen, ratkaisusuunnitteluja integraatio-osaaminen. Näiden osaamisten perusteella kartoitettiin kaikki mahdolliset partnerit, joiden kanssa tuleva palvelu voitaisiin toteuttaa. Tällöin pääkriteereinä olivat partnerin osaaminen ja sopivuus palveluntarjoajan nykyiseen toimintaympäristöön. Alustavien tutkimuskierrosten jälkeen jäljelle jääneille partneriehdokkaille suoritettiin teemahaastattelut ja yritysten taustojen selvitys. Näiden tutkimusten perusteella yritysten osaamiset ja soveltuvuudet arvioitiin ja tehtiin ehdotus siitä, kuinka Palveluntarjoajan tulisi partneroitua RosettaNet-palvelun osalta. Tutkielmassa muodostettu arvoverkosto ja sen perusteella tehty partnerikartoitus on tehty Palveluntarjoajan tarpeiden pohjalta, eikä se sellaisenaan sovellu käytettäväksi yleisenä toimintamallina johtuen jokaiselle yritykselle ominaisesta toimintaympäristöstä ja tarpeista.


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The dissertation is based on four articles dealing with recalcitrant lignin water purification. Lignin, a complicated substance and recalcitrant to most treatment technologies, inhibits seriously pulp and paper industry waste management. Therefore, lignin is studied, using WO as a process method for its degradation. A special attention is paid to the improvement in biodegradability and the reduction of lignin content, since they have special importance for any following biological treatment. In most cases wet oxidation is not used as a complete ' mineralization method but as a pre treatment in order to eliminate toxic components and to reduce the high level of organics produced. The combination of wet oxidation with a biological treatment can be a good option due to its effectiveness and its relatively low technology cost. The literature part gives an overview of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). A hot oxidation process, wet oxidation (WO), is investigated in detail and is the AOP process used in the research. The background and main principles of wet oxidation, its industrial applications, the combination of wet oxidation with other water treatment technologies, principal reactions in WO, and key aspects of modelling and reaction kinetics are presented. There is also given a wood composition and lignin characterization (chemical composition, structure and origin), lignin containing waters, lignin degradation and reuse possibilities, and purification practices for lignin containing waters. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the operating conditions of WO, such as temperature, partial pressure of oxygen, pH and initial concentration of wastewater, on the efficiency, and to enhance the process and estimate optimal conditions for WO of recalcitrant lignin waters. Two different waters are studied (a lignin water model solution and debarking water from paper industry) to give as appropriate conditions as possible. Due to the great importance of re using and minimizing the residues of industries, further research is carried out using residual ash of an Estonian power plant as a catalyst in wet oxidation of lignin-containing water. Developing a kinetic model that includes in the prediction such parameters as TOC gives the opportunity to estimate the amount of emerging inorganic substances (degradation rate of waste) and not only the decrease of COD and BOD. The degradation target compound, lignin is included into the model through its COD value (CODligning). Such a kinetic model can be valuable in developing WO treatment processes for lignin containing waters, or other wastewaters containing one or more target compounds. In the first article, wet oxidation of "pure" lignin water was investigated as a model case with the aim of degrading lignin and enhancing water biodegradability. The experiments were performed at various temperatures (110 -190°C), partial oxygen pressures (0.5 -1.5 MPa) and pH (5, 9 and 12). The experiments showed that increasing the temperature notably improved the processes efficiency. 75% lignin reduction was detected at the lowest temperature tested and lignin removal improved to 100% at 190°C. The effect of temperature on the COD removal rate was lower, but clearly detectable. 53% of organics were oxidized at 190°C. The effect of pH occurred mostly on lignin removal. Increasing the pH enhanced the lignin removal efficiency from 60% to nearly 100%. A good biodegradability ratio (over 0.5) was generally achieved. The aim of the second article was to develop a mathematical model for "pure" lignin wet oxidation using lumped characteristics of water (COD, BOD, TOC) and lignin concentration. The model agreed well with the experimental data (R2 = 0.93 at pH 5 and 12) and concentration changes during wet oxidation followed adequately the experimental results. The model also showed correctly the trend of biodegradability (BOD/COD) changes. In the third article, the purpose of the research was to estimate optimal conditions for wet oxidation (WO) of debarking water from the paper industry. The WO experiments were' performed at various temperatures, partial oxygen pressures and pH. The experiments showed that lignin degradation and organics removal are affected remarkably by temperature and pH. 78-97% lignin reduction was detected at different WO conditions. Initial pH 12 caused faster removal of tannins/lignin content; but initial pH 5 was more effective for removal of total organics, represented by COD and TOC. Most of the decrease in organic substances concentrations occurred in the first 60 minutes. The aim of the fourth article was to compare the behaviour of two reaction kinetic models, based on experiments of wet oxidation of industrial debarking water under different conditions. The simpler model took into account only the changes in COD, BOD and TOC; the advanced model was similar to the model used in the second article. Comparing the results of the models, the second model was found to be more suitable for describing the kinetics of wet oxidation of debarking water. The significance of the reactions involved was compared on the basis of the model: for instance, lignin degraded first to other chemically oxidizable compounds rather than directly to biodegradable products. Catalytic wet oxidation of lignin containing waters is briefly presented at the end of the dissertation. Two completely different catalysts were used: a commercial Pt catalyst and waste power plant ash. CWO showed good performance using 1 g/L of residual ash gave lignin removal of 86% and COD removal of 39% at 150°C (a lower temperature and pressure than with WO). It was noted that the ash catalyst caused a remarkable removal rate for lignin degradation already during the pre heating for `zero' time, 58% of lignin was degraded. In general, wet oxidation is not recommended for use as a complete mineralization method, but as a pre treatment phase to eliminate toxic or difficultly biodegradable components and to reduce the high level of organics. Biological treatment is an appropriate post treatment method since easily biodegradable organic matter remains after the WO process. The combination of wet oxidation with subsequent biological treatment can be an effective option for the treatment of lignin containing waters.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia erilaisten elintarvikekartonkien muotoutuvuutta prässäämällä valmistettujen vuokien valmistuksessa. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin mm. kartongin muotoutuvuuteen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia sekä lämpötilan ja kosteuden vaikutusta muotoutuvuuteen. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa käytiin läpi vuokien valmistusprosessi, jossa vuoka-aihiot valmistetaan stanssaamalla ja vuoat prässäämällä. Lopuksi on esitetty vuokien valmistuksessa kartongin muotoutuvuuteen vaikuttavia ajoparametrejä. Kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin prässäämällä vuokia erilaisista kartonkimateriaaleista. Jokaiselle materiaalille etsittiin sopivat ajoparametrit erilaisissa kosteuspitoisuuksissa ja vertailtiin niiden muotoutuvuutta. Työ sisälsi myös kaksi laminointikoeajoa, jonka tuloksena saatuja materiaaleja verrattiin referenssi vuokakartonkiin. Vuokien todettiin muotoutuvan parhaiten kosteuden ollessa 7 – 9,4 % välillä. Työssä erottui kartongit, jotka muotoutuivat muita paremmin sekä kartongit, jotka muotoutuivat muita huonommin. Näiden muotoutuvuutta pyrittiin selvittämään mitattujen paperiteknisten ominaisuuksien avulla, mutta selvää yksittäistä selittävää ominaisuutta ei löytynyt. Parhaiten muotoutuvuutta kuvasivat kartonkien kuitukoostumukset. Laminoitujen rakenteiden todettiin muotoutuvan vuokakartonkia paremmin. Tähän vaikuttivat laminaattien korkeammat lujuus- ja venymäarvot.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää menetelmä, jolla voitaisiin arvioida veto-ominaisuuksien avulla konvertointikoneen prässäysnopeuden ja muottien lämpötilan vaikutuksia kartongin muovautuvuuteen. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin kartongin muovautuvuuteen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia sekä vetolujuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi käsiteltiin kosteuden vaikutusta muovautuvuuteen sekä esiteltiin vuokakonvertointiprosessin periaate ja muovin sekä kartongin käyttäytymisen erot konvertointiprosessissa. Kokeellinen osa jakaantui kolmeen osaan. Esikokeissa tutkittiin laboratoriomittauksilla vetonopeuden ja kosteuden muutosten vaikutusta erilaisten kaupallisten kartonkimateriaalien vetolujuuteen ja murtovenymään. Tulosten perusteella valittiin prässäysnopeudet ja kosteustaso 2D- testauslaitteella suoritettuihin esi-pilot-mittakaavan kokeisiin sekä varsinaiseen pilot-koeajoon. Pilot-koeajossa pyrittiin arvioimaan prässäysnopeuden ja muottien lämpötilan vaikutuksia muovautuvuuteen vetolujuusarvojen avulla. Prässäysnopeudella ja vetolujuuslaitteen nopeudella ei havaittu yhteneväisyyksiä, jotta voitaisiin arvioida kartongin muovautuvuutta. Muovautuvuutta voidaan kuitenkin arvioida epäonnistuneisuusluvulla, jonka laskentapa kehitettiin työn aikana. Epäonnistuneisuusluku kuvaa hyvin kartongin muovautuvuutta ja on menetelmänä helppo, mutta sen heikkoutena on repeämien mittaamisen aiheuttama epätarkkuus. Esikokeissa havaittiin myös muovipäällysteiden veto-ominaisuuksien vastaavan kartongin ominaisuuksia 65 %:n suhteellisessa kosteudessa, jonka valittiin siten olevan optimaalinen olosuhde pilot-mittakaavan koeajoihin.


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The objective of this study was to develop laboratory test methods for characterizing the effects of changed moisture content on paperboard trays produced by press-forming process. Influence of moisture on the properties of unconverted paperboard such as bending stiffness, bursting strength, and curling was studied. Paperboard and tray samples were tested after storing in different relative humidity conditions (35, 50, 65, 80 and 95% RH). The effect of PE and PET extrusion coatings on these properties was also studied. It was found that increase in moisture content of paperboard decreases bending and bursting strength, dimensional stability and stiffness of paperboard trays. Such physical and mechanical properties as bending stiffness and curling of paperboard seem to define the stiffness of ready-made trays and their dimensional stability. Paperboards and trays with extruded PE and PET one sided coatings demonstrated higher strength properties but at the same time had lower dimensional stability comparing to uncoated paperboards. Samples with smaller polymer coat weight had better dimensional stability than respective samples with higher coat weight. It was also found that preconditioning of paperboard in lower humidity environment before press-forming could improve dimensional stability and stiffness of ready-made tray.


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KESLA 2110T -autonosturin siirtopuomin teleskooppimainen rakenne koostuu kolmesta sisäkkäin menevästä puomista. Näiden puomien muodonmuutokset ja mittavaihtelut ovat kriittisiä seikkoja siirtopuomin kokoonpantavuuden kannalta. Liian suuret muodonmuutokset ja mittavaihtelut aiheuttavat ylimääräistä työtä siirtopuomien kokoonpanossa, mikä lisää tuotteen läpimenoaikaa ja valmistuskustannuksia. Työssä pyrittiin selvittämään valmistusprosessin kriittisimmät osat kokoonpantavuuden kannalta sekä varmistamaan niiden vaikutus mittauksin. Valmistusprosessin ongelmakohtia selvitettiin ensin haastattelemalla tuotannon työntekijöitä ja toimihenkilöitä. Saatujen tuloksien perusteella suunniteltiin tarkoituksenmukaiset mittausjärjestelyt, joilla valmistusprosessin ongelmakohdat voidaan todeta. Mittaukset suoritettiin kahdelle viiden siirtopuomin koesarjalle ja samalla kehitettiin valmistusprosessia. Puomien mittauksissa keskityttiin kokoonpanon kannalta kriittisiin mittoihin. Mittatuloksia arvioidaan toleranssien, standardien ja prosessien suorituskyvyn parametrien avulla. Työssä selvitettiin myös rullamuovauksen soveltuvuutta puomien valmistusmenetelmäksi sekä välyksen vaikutusta kokoonpantavuuden kehittämiseksi. Mittauksissa havaittiin mittavirheiden kertautuvan valmistusprosessin varrella. Kokoonpantavuuden kannalta kriittisimmät virheet ovat puomien alakotelon V-pohjan toislaitaisuus sekä puomien kieroutuminen hitsausvaiheessa. Puomien korkeus- tai leveysvaihteluilla ei ole suurta merkitystä, sillä niitä voidaan kompensoida liukupaloja säätämällä.


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Three-dimensional (3D) forming of paperboard and heat sealing of lidding films to trays manufactured by the press forming process are investigated in this thesis. The aim of the work was to investigate and recognize the factors affecting the quality of heat sealing and the leak resistance (tightness) of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays heatsealed with a multi-layer polymer based lidding film. One target was to achieve a solution that can be used in food packaging using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The main challenge in acquiring adequate tightness properties for the use of MAP is creases in the sealing area of the paperboard trays which can act as capillary tubes and prevent leak-proof sealing. Several experiments were made to investigate the effect of different factors and process parameters in the forming and sealing processes. Also different methods of analysis, such as microscopic analysis and 3D-profilometry were used to investigate the structure of the creases in the sealing area, and to analyse the surface characteristics of the tray flange of the formed trays to define quality that can be sealed with satisfactory tightness for the use of MAP. The main factors and parameters that had an effect on the result of leak-proof sealing and must be adjusted accordingly were the tray geometry and dimensions, blank holding force in press forming, surface roughness of the sealing area, the geometry and depth of the creases, and the sealing pressure. The results show that the quality of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays and multi-layer polymer lidding films can be satisfactory for the use of modified atmosphere packaging in food solutions. Suitable tools, materials, and process parameters have to be selected and used during the tray manufacturing process and lid sealing process, however. Utilizing these solutions and results makes it possible for a package that is made mostly from renewable and recyclable sources to be a considerable alternative for packages made completely from oil based polymers, and to achieve a greater market share for fibre-based solutions in food packaging using MAP.


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Press forming is nowadays one of the most common industrial methods in use for producing deeper trays from paperboard. Demands for material properties like recyclability and sustainability have increased also in the packaging industry, but there are still limitations related to the formability of paperboard. A majority of recent studies have focused on material development, but the potential of the package manufacturing process can also be improved by the development of tooling and process control. In this study, advanced converting tools (die cutting tools and the press forming mould) are created for production scale paperboard tray manufacturing. Also monitoring methods that enable the production of paperboard trays with enhanced quality, and can be utilized in process control are developed. The principles for tray blank preparation, including creasing pattern and die cutting tool design are introduced. The mould heating arrangement and determination of mould clearance are investigated to improve the quality of the press formed trays. The effect of the spring back of the tray walls on the tray dimensions can be managed by adjusting the heat-related process parameters and estimating it at the mould design stage. This enables production speed optimization as the process parameters can be adjusted more freely. Real-time monitoring of pressing force by using multiple force sensors embedded in the mould structure can be utilized in the evaluation of material characteristics on a modified production machinery. Comprehensive process control can be achieved with a combination of measurement of the outer dimensions of the trays and pressing force monitoring. The control method enables detection of defects and tracking changes in the material properties. The optimized converting tools provide a basis for effective operation of the control system.


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This thesis attempts to find whether scenario planning supports the organizational strategy as a method for addressing uncertainty. The main issues are why, what and how scenario planning fits in organizational strategy and how the process could be supported to make it more effective. The study follows the constructive approach. It starts with examination of competitive advantage and the way that an organization develops strategy and how it addresses the uncertainty in its operational environment. Based on the conducted literature review, scenario methods would seem to provide versatile platform for addressing future uncertainties. The construction is formed by examining the scenario methods and presenting suitable support methods, which results in forming of the theoretical proposition for supporter scenario process. The theoretical framework is tested in laboratory conditions, and the results from the test sessions are used a basis for scenario stories. The process of forming the scenarios and the results are illustrated and presented for scrutiny


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In this thesis, the purpose was to find the cost distribution of the screen dryer and the largest cost factors. The hot section of the screen dryer was revealed as the biggest cost factor, so composing new cost efficient solutions were directed to it. DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) was chosen to help the design process. DFMA is a product design strategy developed for taking manufacturing and assembly costs into account at the early stages of the design process. In the theory part of the thesis, other methods of economical design and tools needed for estimating manufacturing costs are introduced. In the empirical part, the hot section of the screen dryer was divided into sub-assemblies and their manufacturing costs were estimated. The design propositions were directed to the self-manufactured assemblies and parts. The new manufacturing costs were calculated for the developed propositions. Lastly, the most cost efficient solutions were summarized. The savings on the self-manufactured assemblies were about 40 %, which was about 13 % of the combined total costs of the hot section.


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Joining processes and techniques need to meet the trend of new applications and the development of new materials. The application in connection with thick and thin plates in industrial fields is wide and the joining technology is in very urgent need. The laser-TIG hybrid welding technology can play the respective advantages of both of them. One major advantage of the hybrid laser-TIG welding technology is its efficient use of laser energy. Additionally, it can develop into a high and new advanced welding technology and become a hot spot in both the application and research area. This thesis investigated laser –TIG hybrid welding with the aim of enlightening the reader on its advantages, disadvantages and future areas of improvement. The main objective is to investigate laser-TIG hybrid on the welding of various metals (steels, magnesium, aluminium etc.). In addition, it elaborates on various possible combinations on hybrid laser-TIG welding technology and their benefits. The possibility of using laser-TIG hybrid in welding of thick materials was investigated. The method applied in carrying out this research is by using literature review. The results showed that hybrid laser-TIG is applicable to almost all weldable metals. Also it proves to be effective in welding refractive metals. The possibility of welding with or without filler materials is of economic advantage especially in welding of materials with no filler material. Thick plate’s hybrid laser-TIG welding is showing great prospects although it normally finds its used in welding thin materials in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The findings show that laser-TIG hybrid welding can be a versatile welding process and therefore will be increasingly used industrially due to its numerous advantages and the development of new TIG arc that enhances its capabilities.


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The major type of non-cellulosic polysaccharides (hemicelluloses) in softwoods, the partly acetylated galactoglucomannans (GGMs), which comprise about 15% of spruce wood, have attracted growing interest because of their potential to become high-value products with applications in many areas. The main objective of this work was to explore the possibilities to extract galactoglucomannans in native, polymeric form in high yield from spruce wood with pressurised hot-water, and to obtain a deeper understanding of the process chemistry involved. Spruce (Picea abies) chips and ground wood particles were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) in the temperature range 160 – 180°C. Detailed chemical analyses were done on both the water extracts and the wood residues. As much as 80 – 90% of the GGMs in spruce wood, i.e. about 13% based on the original wood, could be extracted from ground spruce wood with pure water at 170 – 180°C with an extraction time of 60 min. GGMs comprised about 75% of the extracted carbohydrates and about 60% of the total dissolved solids. Other substances in the water extracts were xylans, arabinogalactans, pectins, lignin and acetic acid. The yields from chips were only about 60% of that from ground wood. Both the GGMs and other non-cellulosic polysaccharides were extensively hydrolysed at severe extraction conditions when pH dropped to the level of 3.5. Addition of sodium bicarbonate increased the yields of polymeric GGMs at low additions, 2.5 – 5 mM, where the end pH remained around 3.9. However, at higher addition levels the yields decreased, mainly because the acetyl groups in GGMs were split off, leading to a low solubility of GGMs. Extraction with buffered water in the pH range 3.8 – 4.4 gave similar yields as with plain water, but gave a higher yield of polymeric GGMs. Moreover, at these pH levels the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in GGMs was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that hot-water extraction of polymeric GGMs in good yields (up to 8% of wood) demands appropriate control of pH, in a narrow range about 4. These results were supported by a study of hydrolysis of GGM at constant pH in the range of 3.8 – 4.2 where a kinetic model for degradation of GGM was developed. The influence of wood particle size on hot-water extraction was studied with particles in the range of 0.1 – 2 mm. The smallest particles (< 0.1 mm) gave 20 – 40% higher total yield than the coarsest particles (1.25 – 2 mm). The difference was greatest at short extraction times. The results indicated that extraction of GGMs and other polysaccharides is limited mainly by the mass transfer in the fibre wall, and for coarse wood particles also in the wood matrix. Spruce sapwood, heartwood and thermomechnical pulp were also compared, but only small differences in yields and composition of extracts were found. Two methods for isolation and purification of polymeric GGMs, i.e. membrane filtration and precipitation in ethanol-water, were compared. Filtration through a series of membranes with different pore sizes separated GGMs of different molar masses, from polymers to oligomers. Polysaccharides with molar mass higher than 4 kDa were precipitated in ethanol-water. GGMs comprised about 80% of the precipitated polysaccharides. Other polysaccharides were mainly arabinoglucuronoxylans and pectins. The ethanol-precipitated GGMs were by 13C NMR spectroscopy verified to be very similar to GGMs extracted from spruce wood in low yield at a much lower temperature, 90°C. The obtained large body of experimental data could be utilised for further kinetic and economic calculations to optimise technical hot-water extractionof softwoods.


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The papermaking industry has been continuously developing intelligent solutions to characterize the raw materials it uses, to control the manufacturing process in a robust way, and to guarantee the desired quality of the end product. Based on the much improved imaging techniques and image-based analysis methods, it has become possible to look inside the manufacturing pipeline and propose more effective alternatives to human expertise. This study is focused on the development of image analyses methods for the pulping process of papermaking. Pulping starts with wood disintegration and forming the fiber suspension that is subsequently bleached, mixed with additives and chemicals, and finally dried and shipped to the papermaking mills. At each stage of the process it is important to analyze the properties of the raw material to guarantee the product quality. In order to evaluate properties of fibers, the main component of the pulp suspension, a framework for fiber characterization based on microscopic images is proposed in this thesis as the first contribution. The framework allows computation of fiber length and curl index correlating well with the ground truth values. The bubble detection method, the second contribution, was developed in order to estimate the gas volume at the delignification stage of the pulping process based on high-resolution in-line imaging. The gas volume was estimated accurately and the solution enabled just-in-time process termination whereas the accurate estimation of bubble size categories still remained challenging. As the third contribution of the study, optical flow computation was studied and the methods were successfully applied to pulp flow velocity estimation based on double-exposed images. Finally, a framework for classifying dirt particles in dried pulp sheets, including the semisynthetic ground truth generation, feature selection, and performance comparison of the state-of-the-art classification techniques, was proposed as the fourth contribution. The framework was successfully tested on the semisynthetic and real-world pulp sheet images. These four contributions assist in developing an integrated factory-level vision-based process control.


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This doctoral thesis describes the development work performed on the leachand purification sections in the electrolytic zinc plant in Kokkola to increase the efficiency in these two stages, and thus the competitiveness of the plant. Since metallic zinc is a typical bulk product, the improvement of the competitiveness of a plant was mostly an issue of decreasing unit costs. The problems in the leaching were low recovery of valuable metals from raw materials, and that the available technology offered complicated and expensive processes to overcome this problem. In the purification, the main problem was consumption of zinc powder - up to four to six times the stoichiometric demand. This reduced the capacity of the plant as this zinc is re-circulated through the electrolysis, which is the absolute bottleneck in a zinc plant. Low selectivity gave low-grade and low-value precipitates for further processing to metallic copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. Knowledge of the underlying chemistry was poor and process interruptions causing losses of zinc production were frequent. Studies on leaching comprised the kinetics of ferrite leaching and jarosite precipitation, as well as the stability of jarosite in acidic plant solutions. A breakthrough came with the finding that jarosite could precipitate under conditions where ferrite would leach satisfactorily. Based on this discovery, a one-step process for the treatment of ferrite was developed. In the plant, the new process almost doubled the recovery of zinc from ferrite in the same equipment as the two-step jarosite process was operated in at that time. In a later expansion of the plant, investment savings were substantial compared to other technologies available. In the solution purification, the key finding was that Co, Ni, and Cu formed specific arsenides in the “hot arsenic zinc dust” step. This was utilized for the development of a three-step purification stage based on fluidized bed technology in all three steps, i.e. removal of Cu, Co and Cd. Both precipitation rates and selectivity increased, which strongly decreased the zinc powder consumption through a substantially suppressed hydrogen gas evolution. Better selectivity improved the value of the precipitates: cadmium, which caused environmental problems in the copper smelter, was reduced from 1-3% reported normally down to 0.05 %, and a cobalt cake with 15 % Co was easily produced in laboratory experiments in the cobalt removal. The zinc powder consumption in the plant for a solution containing Cu, Co, Ni and Cd (1000, 25, 30 and 350 mg/l, respectively), was around 1.8 g/l; i.e. only 1.4 times the stoichiometric demand – or, about 60% saving in powder consumption. Two processes for direct leaching of the concentrate under atmospheric conditions were developed, one of which was implemented in the Kokkola zinc plant. Compared to the existing pressure leach technology, savings were obtained mostly in investment. The scientific basis for the most important processes and process improvements is given in the doctoral thesis. This includes mathematical modeling and thermodynamic evaluation of experimental results and hypotheses developed. Five of the processes developed in this research and development program were implemented in the plant and are still operated. Even though these processes were developed with the focus on the plant in Kokkola, they can also be implemented at low cost in most of the zinc plants globally, and have thus a great significance in the development of the electrolytic zinc process in general.