31 resultados para Hard And Brittle Coating

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Työn aiheena oli tehdä ohut barrierkalvo terä- tai sauvapäällystys menetelmällä. Erilaisissa elintarvikepakkauksissa käytetään hyviä barrier-ominaisuuksia omaavia ohuita päällysteitä. Elintarvikepakkauksen tehtävä on suojata pakattua tuotetta ympäristöltä, mahdollistaa helppo kuljetus ja säilytys sekä antaa tarvittavat tiedot tuotteesta tuotteen käsittelijöille ja loppukäyttäjille. Diplomityön teoriaosuudessa keskityttiin barrierpäällystykseen, eri päällystysmenetelmiin, niiden erityisvaatimuksiin ja ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin myös vaadittavia barrier-ominaisuuksia ja haasteita niiden saavuttamisessa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella haasteiksi nousivat helposti muodostuvat mikroreiät. Kokeellinen osa jakautui kahteen osakokonaisuuteen: laboratoriokokeisiin ja pilot-koeajoon. Laboratoriokokeita tehtiin ennen pilot-ajoa, jotta pilot-koeajoon voitiin valita parhaat päällystereseptit. Pilot-koeajonäytteiden päällystemäärät osoittautuivat liian pieniksi ja siksi laboratoriossa tehtiin jatkotutkimuksia riittävän päällystemäärän saavuttamiseksi. Tämän työnperusteella pohjakartongin ominaisuuksilla, erityisesti karheudella, on merkittävä vaikutus päällystyksen onnistumisessa ja yksinkertaisilla resepteillä ja päällystysmenetelmillä ei saada tarpeeksi laadukasta kalvoa.


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Pigmenttipäällystyksen tarkoituksena on parantaa painopapereiden pintaominaisuuksia. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli löytää sopiva päällystyspasta päällystetylle coldset-paperille. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty coldset-painatusta ja sen ongelmia. Päällystysmenetelmän perusteita, pastan ominaisuuksia ja niiden vaikutusta päällystystulokseen on myös käsitelty. Lisäksi on esitelty joitakin päällystetyn paperin pinnantutkimusmenetelmiä. Kokeellisessa osassa on tutkittu erilaisten pastakoostumusten ja päällystemäärien sekä kalanteroinnin vaikutusta paperin painettavuuteen. Paperit on päällystetty Helicoaterilla ja joitakin pastoja on testattu myös pilot-mittakaavaisessa päällystyksessä. Selitystä paperin käyttäytymiseen painatuksessa on etsitty päällystetyn paperin pintarakenteesta. Paras painettavuus saavutetaan päällysteellä, jossa pigmenttinä on vain karbonaatti. Painojälkeä voidaan parantaa käyttämällä kalsinoitua kaoliinia yhdessä karbonaatin kanssa, mutta tämän päällysteen pintalujuus ei ole riittävä CSWO-painatukseen. Tärkkipigmentti parantaa veden ja painovärin absorptiota ja siten tekee painetun tuotteen kuivemmaksi ja miellyttävämmän tuntuiseksi, mutta aiheuttaa smearingia. Tämä johtuu liian nopeasta musteen asettuvuudesta. "Pehmeä" SB-lateksi soveltuu paremmin offset-painatukseen kuin "kova" lateksi, joka sisältää myös PVAc:ta. "Pehmeällä" lateksilla saadaan parempi pintalujuus ja painojälki kuin "kovalla" lateksilla. Paperin pölyävyyttä painatuksessa voidaan vähentää nostamalla päällystemäärää ja laskemalla pastan kuiva-ainepitoisuutta. Kalanteroinnilla ei pintalujuutta tai painojälkeä voida parantaa. Selitys tutkimuksessa käsiteltyjen papereiden painojäljelle ja painettavuudelle löydetään tutkimalla päällysteen pintarakennetta. Painojälkeen vaikuttaa eniten päällysteen peittoaste. Huonoa peittävyyttä voidaan parantaa nostamalla päällystemäärää. Pölyäminen painatuksessa johtuu pigmenteistä, jotka eivät ole sidottuja paperin pintaan. Tämä taas johtuu pastan huonosta vesiretentiosta. Hyödyllisintä tietoa näiden papereiden pintarakenteesta saadaan tutkimalla pintaa pyyhkäisyelektonimikroskoopilla (SEM), atomivoimamikroskoopilla (AFM) ja laserindusoidulla plasmaspektrometrilla (LIPS). LIPSin etuna on se, että päällystemääräjaukauma voidaan määrittää sekä x-y- että z-suunnassa samanaikaisesti samasta kohdasta. LIPSissä myös näytteen preparointitarve on hyvin vähäinen.


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Taidekasvatuksen kaksi kulttuuria, Suomi ja Kanada? Integroitu näkemys Tutkimuksessa kuvataan kanadalaisen Learning Through The Arts –pedagogiikan mukainen suomalainen kokeiluhanke, jonka aikana taiteilija–opettaja-parit opettivat yhdessä eri oppiaineita koululuokille: esim. matematiikkaa tanssien, biologiaa maalaten tai yhdistäen eri taiteenlajeja projektimuotoiseen oppimiseen. Hanketta arvioitaessa nousee esille, ei niinkään yksittäisten taiteilijoiden ja opettajien toiminta, vaan pikemminkin Kanadan ja Suomen rakenteelliset sekä kulttuuriset eroavuudet. Tutkimus sivuaa myös Suomessa käytävää keskustelua taiteen hyödyllisyydestä ja pohtii samalla taito- ja taideaineiden asemaa koulussa. Työn teoreettisessa osassa integroidaan opetussuunnitelmateoriaa, kasvatuksen historiaa ja filosofiaa, tähdentäen taidekasvatuksen merkitystä osana koko ihmisen kasvatusta. Opetussuunnitelmateorian osalta tarkastellaan romanttista ja klassista opetussuunnitelmaa, jotka eroavat toisistaan menetelmiensä, sisältöjensä, tavoitteidensa sekä arvioinnin osalta. Ns. kovat ja pehmeät aineet tai matemaattis-luonnontieteelliset aineet vastakohtanaan humanismi, voidaan ymmärtää sekä historiallisia että epistemologisia taustojaan vasten. Pepperin maailmanhypoteesien mukaisesti on kasvatuksen ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi hahmotettavissa neljä selvästi toisistaan eroavaa lähestymistapaa: formismi; organisismi; mekanisismi; sekä kontekstualismi. Kantin filosofiaan viitaten tutkimus puolustaa käsitystä taiteesta rationaalisena ja propositionaalisena kokonaisuutena, joka ei ole vain kommunikaation väline, vaan yksi todellisuuden kohtaamisen lajeista, tiedon ja etiikan rinnalla. Näin ajateltuna taito- ja taidekasvatuksen tulisi olla luonteeltaan aina myös kulttuurikasvatusta. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan väittää, että moniammatillinen yhteistyö monipuolistaa koulun opetusta. Mikäli huolehditaan siitä, että taiteilijat saavat riittävästi koulutusta opettamiseen liittyvissä asioissa, on mahdollista käyttää taiteilijoita opettajien rinnalla koulutyössä.


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Arkitus on kartongin jatkojalostusmuoto, jonka tehokkuus muodostuu monen tekijän vaikutuksesta. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli parantaa arkitustehokkuutta tutkitussa kahden folioleikkurin arkittamossa tuotannonsuunnittelun ja tuotannonohjauksen kehittämisellä. Kartonkitehtaan sisäisessä jalostusketjussa arkitus on viimeinen vaihe, mikä tekee siitä pitkälti riippuvaisen edeltävistä konevaiheista, eli kartonkikoneista ja PE-päällystyskoneista. Pelkkä arkituksen tuotannonsuunnittelun huomiointi ei siis vielä takaa hyvää lopputulosta arkitustehokkuuden kannalta. Folioarkitustoiminta on hyvin asiakassuuntautunutta. Arkkikoot määräytyvät asiakkaiden omien tarpeiden perusteella, jolloin eri arkkikokojen kokonaismäärä kasvaa huomattavan suureksi. Viime vuosien trendinä on ollut tilauseräkokojen pieneneminen. Näiden tekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksena arkituksen tuotantoprosessille on ominaista erilaisten asetusten aiheuttama katkonaisuus. Lisäksi pelkästään yhden millimetrin muutos arkin leveydessä voi usein vaikuttaa arkitustehokkuuteen hyvinkin merkittävästi. Näistä syistä arkituksen tuotannonsuunnittelun apuvälineeksi tarvitaan tarkkuuteen ja joustavuuteen kykenevää tietojärjestelmää. Tehokkaan tuotannonohjauksen tueksi tarvitaan lisäksi erilaisia leikkuri- ja kartonkilaatukohtaisia raportteja. Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään tarkemmin arkitustoiminnan ominaisuuksia ja sen tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi käsitellään tuotannonsuunnittelun ja tuotannonohjauksen periaatteita ja toimintoja.


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This work aimed to find out the suitability of foam as medium in application of thin liquid films. This consists of research over phenomena related to foam physics and behaviour. Solutions and mixtures to be foamed, foaming agents, foam generation and application methods were evaluated. Over the evaluated solutions and mixtures coating paste and CMC did not foam well. Latex and PVA solutions were foamable and the best solution for foam use was starch. PVA and casein can be used as foaming agents, but the best results were achieved with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). SDS works well with starch solutions producing fine and stable foam. Foaming was done with simple mixers where pressurized air was fed to the solution. The foaming works fine when enough shear force is used together with sufficient foaming agent concentration. Foam application with curtain, rod and cylinder methods with a gap between the application device and paper were not usable because of high coating amount. Coating amounts were smallest with the blade method which achieved 0.9 g/m2 starch layer. Although some strength decrease was expected because of the foaming agent, it dit not have significant effect. The targeted coating amount of 0.5 g/m2 was not achieved due to the limitations with the methods. More precise foam application methods are needed. Continuous foam generation and feed to the paper surface with controllable device such as application teeth could improve the results.


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The control of coating layer properties is becoming increasingly important as a result of an emerging demand for novel coated paper-based products and an increasing popularity of new coating application methods. The governing mechanisms of microstructure formation dynamics during consolidation and drying are nevertheless, still poorly understood. Some of the difficulties encountered by experimental methods can be overcome by the utilisation of numerical modelling and simulation-based studies of the consolidation process. The objective of this study was to improve the fundamental understanding of pigment coating consolidation and structure formation mechanisms taking place on the microscopic level. Furthermore, it is aimed to relate the impact of process and suspension properties to the microstructure of the coating layer. A mathematical model based on a modified Stokesian dynamics particle simulation technique was developed and applied in several studies of consolidation-related phenomena. The model includes particle-particle and particle-boundary hydrodynamics, colloidal interactions, Born repulsion, and a steric repulsion model. The Brownian motion and a free surface model were incorporated to enable the specific investigation of consolidation and drying. Filter cake stability was simulated in various particle systems, and subjected to a range of base substrate absorption rates and system temperatures. The stability of the filter cake was primarily affected by the absorption rate and size of particles. Temperature was also shown to have an influence. The consolidation of polydisperse systems, with varying wet coating thicknesses, was studied using imposed pilot trial and model-based drying conditions. The results show that drying methods have a clear influence on the microstructure development, on small particle distributions in the coating layer and also on the mobility of particles during consolidation. It is concluded that colloidal properties can significantly impact coating layer shrinkage as well as the internal solids concentration profile. Visualisations of particle system development in time and comparison of systems at different conditions are useful in illustrating coating layer structure formation mechanisms. The results aid in understanding the underlying mechanisms of pigment coating layer consolidation. Guidance is given regarding the relationship between coating process conditions and internal coating slurry properties and their effects on the microstructure of the coating.


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The paper industry is constantly looking for new ideas for improving paper products while competition and raw material prices are increasing. Many paper products are pigment coated. Coating layer is the top layer of paper, thus by modifying coating pigment also the paper itself can be altered and value added to the final product. In this thesis, synthesis of new plastic and hybrid pigments and their performance in paper and paperboard coating is reported. Two types of plastic pigments were studied: core-shell latexes and solid beads of maleimide copolymers. Core-shell latexes with partially crosslinked hydrophilic polymer core of poly(n-butyl acrylate-co-methacrylic acid) and a hard hydrophobic polystyrene shell were prepared to improve the optical properties of coated paper. In addition, the effect of different crosslinkers was analyzed and the best overall performance was achieved by the use of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA). Furthermore, the possibility to modify core-shell latex was investigated by introducing a new polymerizable optical brightening agent, 1-[(4-vinylphenoxy)methyl]-4-(2-henylethylenyl)benzene which gave promising results. The prepared core-shell latex pigments performed smoothly also in pilot coating and printing trials. The results demonstrated that by optimizing polymer composition, the optical and surface properties of coated paper can be significantly enhanced. The optimal reaction conditions were established for thermal imidization of poly(styrene-co-maleimide) (SMI) and poly(octadecene-co-maleimide) (OMI) from respective maleic anhydride copolymer precursors and ammonia in a solvent free process. The obtained aqueous dispersions of nanoparticle copolymers exhibited glass transition temperatures (Tg) between 140-170ºC and particle sizes from 50-230 nm. Furthermore, the maleimide copolymers were evaluated in paperboard coating as additional pigments. The maleimide copolymer nanoparticles were partly imbedded into the porous coating structure and therefore the full potential of optical property enhancement for paperboard was not achieved by this method. The possibility to modify maleimide copolymers was also studied. Modifications were carried out via N-substitution by replacing part of the ammonia in the imidization reaction with amines, such as triacetonediamine (TAD), aspartic acid (ASP) and fluorinated amines (2,2,2- trifluoroethylamine, TFEA and 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobuthylamine, HFBA). The obtained functional nanoparticles varied in size between 50-217 nm and their Tg from 150-180ºC. During the coating process the produced plastic pigments exhibited good runnability. No significant improvements were achieved in light stability with TAD modified copolymers whereas nanoparticles modified with aspartic acid and those containing fluorinated groups showed the desired changes in surface properties of the coated paperboard. Finally, reports on preliminary studies with organic-inorganic hybrids are presented. The hybrids prepared by an in situ polymerization reaction consisted of 30 wt% poly(styrene- co-maleimide) (SMI) and high levels of 70 wt% inorganic components of kaolin and/or alumina trihydrate. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images and characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Spcetroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) revealed that the hybrids had conventional composite structure and inorganic components were covered with precipitated SMI nanoparticles attached to the surface via hydrogen bonding. In paper coating, the hybrids had a beneficial effect on increasing gloss levels.


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the possibility to enhance certain qualities of facial prostheses. Polymethyl methacrylate is still being used as base mate¬rial or clip carrier material, but it is hard and heavy, and debonding of the silicone from the acrylic base material is a frequent problem. This thesis aims to evaluate the use of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) as framework material for maxillofacial silicone prostheses. FRC has been used as reinforcement in removable and fixed partial dentures since the 1990s. This material is lightweight and can be fabricated to compress the margins of the prosthesis slightly, to keep it tightly against the skin during jaw movements and facial expressions. Additionally, the use of a thermochromic pigment, colorless in room temperature and red in a cold environment, was studied in order to evaluate the possibility of using this color changing pigment in facial prostheses to mimic the color change of facial skin in cold weather. The tensile bond strength between pre-impregnated, unidirectional FRC and maxillofacial silicone elastomer was studied. Three different bonding agents or primers were compared. Bond strength was improved by one of the primers and by roughening the surface. The effect of a skin compressing glass fiber-reinforced composite framework on facial skin blood flow was studied by using a face mask, constructed with a compression pad corresponding to the outer margin of a glass fiber-reinforced framework beam of a facial prosthesis. The skin blood flow of ten healthy volunteers, aged 23-25 years, was measured during touch, light, and moderate compression of the skin, by using laser Doppler imaging technique. None of the compressions showed any marked effects on local skin blood flow. There were no significant differences between blood flow during compression and at baseline. Maxillofacial silicone elastomer was colored intrinsically with conventional color pigments: a control group containing only conventional pigments was compared to two test groups with 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermochromic pigment added. The color of the material was measured with a spectrophotometer in room temperature and after storage in a freezer. The color stability of the maxillofacial silicone elastomer colored with thermo¬chromic pigment was evaluated by artificial aging. The color dif¬ference of the L* (lightness) and a* values (redness), comparing color after the samples were stored at room temperature and in a freezer (-19°C), was statistically significant for both 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermo¬chromic pigment groups. The differences in the b* values (yellowness) were statistically significant for the 0.6 wt% group. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation led to visually noticeable and statistically signifi¬cant color changes (ΔE) in all color values in both test groups. The specimens containing thermochromic pigment were very sensitive to UV radiation. In conclusion, a framework of fiber-reinforced composite can successfully be bonded to maxillofacial silicone elastomer, and a framework beam, compressing the facial skin, did not remarkably alter the skin blood flow on healthy, young adults. The thermochromic pigment showed color change in maxillofacial silicone elastomer. However, artificial aging showed that it was too sensitive to UV radiation to be used, as such, in maxillofacial prostheses.


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The monitoring and control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) level is of great interest for a wide range of application areas including food quality control, defense and antiterrorist applications and air quality monitoring e.g. in mines. H2S is a very poisonous and flammable gas. Exposure to low concentrations of H2S can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid retention in the lungs. These symptoms usually disappear in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Higher concentrations of 700 - 800 ppm tend to be fatal. H2S has a characteristic smell of rotten egg. However, because of temporary paralysis of olfactory nerves, the smelling capability at concentrations higher than 100 ppm is severely compromised. In addition, volatile H2S is one of the main products during the spoilage of poultry meat in anaerobic conditions. Currently, no commercial H2S sensor is available which can operate under anaerobic conditions and can be easily integrated in the food packaging. This thesis presents a step-wise progress in the development of printed H2S gas sensors. Efforts were made in the formulation, characterization and optimization of functional printable inks and coating pastes based on composites of a polymer and a metal salt as well as a composite of a metal salt and an organic acid. Different processing techniques including inkjet printing, flexographic printing, screen printing and spray coating were utilized in the fabrication of H2S sensors. The dispersions were characterized by measuring turbidity, surface tension, viscosity and particle size. The sensing films were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and an electrical multimeter. Thin and thick printed or coated films were developed for gas sensing applications with the aim of monitoring the H2S concentrations in real life applications. Initially, a H2S gas sensor based on a composite of polyaniline and metal salt was developed. Both aqueous and solvent-based dispersions were developed and characterized. These dispersions were then utilized in the fabrication of roll-to-roll printed H2S gas sensors. However, the humidity background, long term instability and comparatively lower detection limit made these sensors less favourable for real practical applications. To overcome these problems, copper acetate based sensors were developed for H2S gas sensing. Stable inks with excellent printability were developed by tuning the surface tension, viscosity and particle size. This enabled the formation of inkjet-printed high quality copper acetate films with excellent sensitivity towards H2S. Furthermore, these sensors showed negligible humidity effects and improved selectivity, response time, lower limit of detection and coefficient of variation. The lower limit of detection of copper acetate based sensors was further improved to sub-ppm level by incorporation of catalytic gold nano-particles and subsequent plasma treatment of the sensing film. These sensors were further integrated in an inexpensive wirelessly readable RLC-circuit (where R is resistor, L is inductor and C is capacitor). The performance of these sensors towards biogenic H2S produced during the spoilage of poultry meat in the modified atmosphere package was also demonstrated in this thesis. This serves as a proof of concept that these sensors can be utilized in real life applications.


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The focus of the work reported in this thesis was to study and to clarify the effect of polyelectrolyte multilayer surface treatment on inkjet ink spreading, absorption and print quality. Surface sizing with a size press, film press with a pilot scale coater, and spray coating, have been used to surface treat uncoated wood-free, experimental wood-free and pigmentcoated substrates. The role of the deposited cationic (polydiallydimethylammonium chloride, PDADMAC) and anionic (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, NaCMC) polyelectrolyte layers with and without nanosilica, on liquid absorption and spreading was studied in terms of their interaction with water-based pigmented and dye-based inkjet inks. Contact angle measurements were made in attempt to explain the ink spreading and wetting behavior on the substrate. First, it was noticed that multilayer surface treatment decreased the contact angle of water, giving a hydrophilic character to the surface. The results showed that the number of cationic-anionic polyelectrolyte layers or the order of deposition of the polyelectrolytes had a significant effect on the print quality. This was seen for example as a higher print density on layers with a cationic polyelectrolyte in the outermost layer. The number of layers had an influence on the print quality; the print density increased with increasing number of layers, although the increase was strongly dependent on ink formulation and chemistry. The use of nanosilica clearly affected the rate of absorption of polar liquids, which also was seen as a higher density of the black dye-based print. Slightly unexpected, the use of nanosilica increased the tendency for lateral spreading of both the pigmented and dye-based inks. It was shown that the wetting behavior and wicking of the inks on the polyelectrolyte coatings was strongly affected by the hydrophobicity of the substrate, as well as by the composition or structure of the polyelectrolyte layers. Coating only with a cationic polyelectrolyte was not sufficient to improve dye fixation, but it was demonstrated that a cationic-anionic-complex structure led to good water fastness. A threelayered structure gave the same water fastness values as a five-layered structure. Interestingly, the water fastness values were strongly dependent not only on the formed cation-anion polyelectrolyte complexes but also on the tendency of the coating to dissolve during immersion in water. Results showed that by optimizing the chemistry of the layers, the ink-substrate interaction can be optimized.


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For advanced devices in the application fields of data storage, solar cell and biosensing, one of the major challenges to achieve high efficiency is the fabrication of nanopatterned metal oxide surfaces. Such surfaces often require both precise structure at the nanometer scale and controllable patterned structure at the macro scale. Nowadays, the dominating candidates to fabricate nanopatterned surfaces are the lithographic technique and block-copolymer masks, most of which are unfortunately costly and inefficient. An alternative bottom-up approach, which involves organic/inorganic self-assembly and dip-coating deposition, has been studied intensively in recent years and has proven to be an effective technique for the fabrication of nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The overall objective of this work was to optimize the synthesis conditions of nanoperforated TiO2 (NP-TiO2) thin films, especially to be compatible with mixed metal oxide systems. Another goal was to develop fabrication and processing of NP-TiO2 thin films towards largescale production and seek new applications for solar cells and biosensing. Besides the traditional dip-coating and drop-casting methods, inkjet printing was used to prepare thin films of metal oxides, with the advantage of depositing the ink onto target areas, further enabling cost-effective fabrication of micro-patterned nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The films were characterized by water contact angle determination, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Grazing Incidence XRay Diffraction. In this study, well-ordered zinc titanate nanoperforated thin films with different Zn/Ti ratios were produced successfully with zinc precursor content up to 50 mol%, and the dominating phase was Zn2Ti3O8. NP-TiO2 structures were also obtained by a cost-efficient means, namely inkjet printing, at both ambient temperature and 60 °C. To further explore new biosensing applications of nanoperforated oxide thin films, inkjet printing was used for the fabrication of both continuous and patterned polymeric films onto NP-TiO2 and perfluorinated phosphate functionalized NP-TiO2 substrates, respectively. The NP-TiO2 films can be also functionalized with a fluoroalkylsilane, resulting in hydrophobic surfaces on both titania and silica. The surface energy contrast in the nanoperforations can be tuned by irradiating the films with UV light, which provides ideal model systems for wettability studies.


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The print substrate influences the print result in dry toner electrophotography, which is a widely used digital printing method. The influence of the substrate can be seen more easily in color printing, as that is a more complex process compared to monochrome printing. However, the print quality is also affected by the print substrate in grayscale printing. It is thus in the interests of both substrate producers and printing equipment manufacturers to understand the substrate properties that influence the quality of printed images in more detail. In dry toner electrophotography, the image is printed by transferring charged toner particles to the print substrate in the toner transfer nip, utilizing an electric field, in addition to the forces linked to the contact between toner particles and substrate in the nip. The toner transfer and the resulting image quality are thus influenced by the surface texture and the electrical and dielectric properties of the print substrate. In the investigation of the electrical and dielectric properties of the papers and the effects of substrate roughness, in addition to commercial papers, controlled sample sets were made on pilot paper machines and coating machines to exclude uncontrolled variables from the experiments. The electrical and dielectric properties of the papers investigated were electrical resistivity and conductivity, charge acceptance, charge decay, and the dielectric permittivity and losses at different frequencies, including the effect of temperature. The objective was to gain an understanding of how the electrical and dielectric properties are affected by normal variables in papermaking, including basis weight, material density, filler content, ion and moisture contents, and coating. In addition, the dependency of substrate resistivity on the electric field applied was investigated. Local discharging did not inhibit transfer with the paper roughness levels that are normal in electrophotographic color printing. The potential decay of paper revealed that the charge decay cannot be accurately described with a single exponential function, since in charge decay there are overlapping mechanisms of conduction and depolarization of paper. The resistivity of the paper depends on the NaCl content and exponentially on moisture content although it is also strongly dependent on the electric field applied. This dependency is influenced by the thickness, density, and filler contents of the paper. Furthermore, the Poole-Frenkel model can be applied to the resistivity of uncoated paper. The real part of the dielectric constant ε’ increases with NaCl content and relative humidity, but when these materials cannot polarize freely, the increase cannot be explained by summing the effects of their dielectric constants. Dependencies between the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor and NaCl content, temperature, and frequency show that in the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture and NaCl, new structures with a relaxation time of the order of 10-3 s are formed in paper. The ε’ of coated papers is influenced by the addition of pigments and other coating additives with polarizable groups and due to the increase in density. The charging potential decreases and the electrical conductivity, potential decay rate, and dielectric constant of paper increase with increasing temperature. The dependencies are exponential and the temperature dependencies and their activation energies are altered by the ion content. The results have been utilized in manufacturing substrates for electrophotographic color printing.


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Alahuulten, kärkilistojen, turboputkien ja telapinnoitteiden pinnankarheutta mitataan Rautpohjan tehtaalla nykyään pääosin koskettavalla pinnankarheusprofilometrilla. Profilometrin käyttö on hankalaa ja epäluotettavaa tai käytössä on muita ongelmia. Paperin kuituorientaation mittaamiseen käytetään nykyisin mm. TSO-menetelmää tai repäisymenetelmää. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa diffraktiiviseen optiseen elementtiin perustuvan kiiltomittalaiteprototyypin mahdollisuuksia karakteroida pinnan ominaisuuksia ja tutkia kiiltomittalaitteen soveltuvuutta tuotannon laadunvarmistuksessa. Alahuuli-, kärkilista-, turboputki-, telapinnoite- ja paperinäytteistä valmistettiinnäytesarjoja, jotka mitattiin nykymenetelmin ja kiiltomittalaitteella. Tulostenkorreloituvuutta tutkittiin ja taloudellista merkitystä arvioitiin investointilaskelmin. Paperin kuituorientaation, paperin pinnan kuituorientaation ja telapinnoitteiden mittaaminen kiiltomittalaitteella osoittautui taloudellisesti erittäin merkittäväksi. Ennen mahdollista kiiltomittalaitteen käyttöönottoa prototyyppiä on kehitettävä, kiillon korreloituvuutta tulee tutkia edelleen ja aiheesta on tehtävä lisätutkimuksia.


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The topic of this thesis is studying how lesions in retina caused by diabetic retinopathy can be detected from color fundus images by using machine vision methods. Methods for equalizing uneven illumination in fundus images, detecting regions of poor image quality due toinadequate illumination, and recognizing abnormal lesions were developed duringthe work. The developed methods exploit mainly the color information and simpleshape features to detect lesions. In addition, a graphical tool for collecting lesion data was developed. The tool was used by an ophthalmologist who marked lesions in the images to help method development and evaluation. The tool is a general purpose one, and thus it is possible to reuse the tool in similar projects.The developed methods were tested with a separate test set of 128 color fundus images. From test results it was calculated how accurately methods classify abnormal funduses as abnormal (sensitivity) and healthy funduses as normal (specificity). The sensitivity values were 92% for hemorrhages, 73% for red small dots (microaneurysms and small hemorrhages), and 77% for exudates (hard and soft exudates). The specificity values were 75% for hemorrhages, 70% for red small dots, and 50% for exudates. Thus, the developed methods detected hemorrhages accurately and microaneurysms and exudates moderately.


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The solid-rotor induction motor provides a mechanically and thermally reliable solution for demanding environments where other rotor solutions are prohibited or questionable. Solid rotors, which are manufactured of single pieces of ferromagnetic material, are commonly used in motors in which the rotationspeeds exceed substantially the conventional speeds of laminated rotors with squirrel-cage. During the operation of a solid-rotor electrical machine, the rotor core forms a conductor for both the magnetic flux and the electrical current. This causes an increase in the rotor resistance and rotor leakage inductance, which essentially decreases the power factor and the efficiency of the machine. The electromagnetic problems related to the solid-rotor induction motor are mostly associated with the low performance of the rotor. Therefore, the main emphasis in this thesis is put on the solid steel rotor designs. The rotor designs studied in thisthesis are based on the fact that the rotor construction should be extremely robust and reliable to withstand the high mechanical stresses caused by the rotational velocity of the rotor. In addition, the demanding operation environment sets requirements for the applied materials because of the high temperatures and oxidizing acids, which may be present in the cooling fluid. Therefore, the solid rotors analyzed in this thesis are made of a single piece of ferromagnetic material without any additional parts, such as copper end-rings or a squirrel-cage. A pure solid rotor construction is rigid and able to keep its balance over a large speed range. It also may tolerate other environmental stresses such as corroding substances or abrasive particles. In this thesis, the main target is to improve the performance of an induction motor equipped with a solid steel rotor by traditional methods: by axial slitting of the rotor, by selecting a proper rotor core material and by coating the rotor with a high-resistive stainless ferromagnetic material. In the solid steel rotor calculation, the rotor end-effects have a significant effect on the rotor characteristics. Thus, the emphasis is also put on the comparison of different rotor endfactors. In addition, a corrective slip-dependent end-factor is proposed. The rotor designs covered in this thesis are the smooth solid rotor, the axially slitted solid rotor and the slitted rotor having a uniform ferromagnetic coating cylinder. The thesis aims at design rules for multi-megawatt machines. Typically, mega-watt-size solidrotor machines find their applications mainly in the field of electric-motor-gas-compression systems, in steam-turbine applications, and in various types of largepower pump applications, where high operational speeds are required. In this thesis, a 120 kW, 10 000 rpm solid-rotor induction motor is usedas a small-scale model for such megawatt-range solid-rotor machines. The performance of the 120 kW solid-rotor induction motors is determined by experimental measurements and finite element calculations.