em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
This master’s thesis mainly focuses on the design requirements of an Electric drive for Hybrid car application and its control strategy to achieve a wide speed range. It also emphasises how the control and performance requirements are transformed into its design variables. A parallel hybrid topology is considered where an IC engine and an electric drive share a common crank shaft. A permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is used as an electric drive machine. Performance requirements are converted into Machine design variables using the vector model of PMSM. Main dimensions of the machine are arrived using analytical approach and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to verify the design and performance. Vector control algorithm was used to control the machine. The control algorithm was tested in a low power PMSM using an embedded controller. A prototype of 10 kW PMSM was built according to the design values. The prototype was tested in the laboratory using a high power converter. Tests were carried out to verify different operating modes. The results were in agreement with the calculations.
A hybrid electric vehicle is a fast-growing concept in the field of vehicle industry. Nowadays two global problems make manufactures to develop such systems. These problems are: the growing cost of a fuel and environmental pollution. Also development of controlled electric drive with high control accuracy and reliability allows improving of vehicle drive characteristics. The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to investigate the possibilities of electrical drive application for new principle of parallel hybrid vehicle system. Electric motor calculations, selection of most suitable control system and other calculations are needed. This work is not final work for such topic. Further investigation with more precise calculations, modeling, measurements and cost calculations are needed to answer the question if such system is efficient.
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) have attracted very much attention during the latest years. Increasing environmental concern and an increase in fuel prices are key factors for the growing interest towards the HEV. In a hybrid electric vehicle the power train consists of both a mechanical power system and an electric power transmission system. The major subsystems in the mechanical power system are the internal combustion engine which powers the vehicle; electric power transmission including an energy storage, power electronic inverter, hybrid control system; the electric motor drive that runs either in the generating mode or in the motoring mode to process the power flow between the energy storage and the electrical machine. This research includes two advanced electric motors for a parallel hybrid: induction machine and permanent magnets synchronous machine. In the thesis an induction motor and a permanent magnet motor are compared as propulsion motors. Electric energy storages are also studied.
This study is a survey of benefits and drawbacks of embedding a variable gearbox instead of a single reduction gear in electric vehicle powertrain from efficiency point of view. Losses due to a pair of spur gears meshing with involute teeth are modeled on the base of Coulomb’s law and fluid mechanics. The model for a variable gearbox is fulfilled and further employed in a complete vehicle simulation. Simulation model run for a single reduction gear then the results are taken as benchmark for other types of commonly used transmissions. Comparing power consumption, which is obtained from simulation model, shows that the extra load imposed by variable transmission components will shade the benefits of efficient operation of electric motor. The other accomplishment of this study is a combination of modified formulas that led to a new methodology for power loss prediction in gear meshing which is compatible with modern design and manufacturing technology.
Tässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin Nissan Leaf -sähköauton käytetyn litiumakun soveltuvuutta UPS-varavirtalaitteen energialähteeksi. Kun akku on heikentynyt niin ettei sen kapasiteetti enää ole riittävä autokäyttöön, sitä voidaan kuitenkin vielä hyödyntää muissa sovelluksissa, kuten UPS-laitteessa. Työ sai alkunsa osana GreenDataNet-projektia, jossa pyritään kehittämään datakeskuksiin ympäristöä vähemmän kuormittavia ratkaisuja käyttämällä uusiutuvia energialähteitä, akkujen uusiokäytöllä, sekä energianhallinnan optimoinnilla. Työssä käytiin läpi akun ja sen ohjausjärjestelmän ominaisuuksia, kerrottiin UPS:in ohjelmistoon tehdyistä muutoksista sekä esitettiin testitulokset. Lopputuloksena todettiin akun sopivan muuten hyvin UPS-käyttöön, mutta vaadittu päivittäinen kennojännitteiden tasaus ja sen aiheuttama katkos energian saatavuuteen heikentää UPSin käyttövarmuutta kuorman suojauksessa. Lopussa esitettiin muutamia ehdotuksia tämän ongelman korjaamiseksi.
The purpose of the Thesis was to evaluate the business environment of electrical vehicle charging equipment (EVSE) in USA, find the key issues of entering the US EVSE markets and to form a marketing plan for possible market entry. The external market research analyzed the environment, customers, competitors and demand of EVSEs. In the internal analysis the focus was on resources and capabilities, offering, performance, business relations and US related issues. The research about the business environment was done using already available information from market studies and seminars. In external analysis there were also two semi-structured interviews from market experts used. The internal analysis was done mostly by interviews, but also company’s internal data sources were used. The interviews were semi-constructed and included eight interviewees from each part of EVSE value chain. The research findings were analyzed using SWOT analysis, which was converted to a so called TOWS matrix for extracting strategies. As a result of the Thesis, valuable information about the US markets and their requirements for EVSEs was gained. By matching the strengths of the case company and market requirements, customer segmentation and targeting were done and a marketing plan was constructed for the case company to help their management to evaluate the feasibility of possible market entry and investments to USA.
Target of this book is to propose an approach for modelling drivetrain dynamics in order to design further a vibration control system of a hybrid bus. In this thesis two approaches are examined and compared. First model is obtained by theoretical means: drivetrain is represented as a system of rotating masses, which motion is described with differential equations. Second model is obtained using system identification method: mathematical description of the dynamic behavior of a system is formed based on measured input (torque) and output (speed) data. Then two models are compared and an optimal approach is suggested.
Selostus: Valuma-aluetason mallisovellus suojakaistojen käytöstä eroosion torjunnassa
Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.
Metal industries producing thick sections have shown increasing interest in the laser–arc hybrid welding process because of its clear advantages compared with the individual processes of autogenous laser welding and arc welding. One major benefit of laser–arc hybrid welding is that joints with larger gaps can be welded with acceptable quality compared to autogenous laser welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding process has good potential to extend the field of applications of laser technology, and provide significant improvements in weld quality and process efficiency in manufacturing applications. The objective of this research is to present a parameter set-up for laser–arc hybrid welding processes, introduce a methodical comparison of the chosen parameters, and discuss how this technology may be adopted in industrial applications. The research describes the principles, means and applications of different types of laser–arc hybrid welding processes. Conducted experiment processing variables are presented and compared using an analytical model which can also be used for predictive simulations. The main argument in this thesis is that profound understanding of the advanced technology of laser-arc hybrid welding will help improve the productivity of welding in industrial applications. Based on a review of the current knowledge base, important areas for further research are also identified. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses laser–arc hybrid welding by characterizing its mechanism and most important variables. The second part comprises four research papers elaborating on the performance of laser– arc hybrid welding in the joining of metals. The study uses quantitative and qualitative research methods which include in-depth, interpretive analyses of results from a number of research groups. In the interpretive analysis, the emphasis is placed on the relevance and usefulness of the investigative results drawn from other research publications. The results of this study contribute to research on laser–arc hybrid welding by increasing understanding of how old and new perspectives on laser–arc hybrid welding are evidenced in industry. The research methodology applied permits continued exploration of how laser–arc hybrid welding and various process factors influence the overall quality of the weld. Thestudy provides a good foundation for future research, creates improved awareness of the laser–arc hybrid welding process, and assists the metal industry to maximize welding productivity.
Kasvihuonekaasu- ja hiilidioksidipäästöt ovat kasvaneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana merkittävästi. Merkittävimpiä päästöjen lähteitä ovat liikenteessä ja energiantuotannossa käytetyt fossiiliset polttoaineet. Kaikista maailman kasvihuonepäästöistä liikenne aiheuttaa noin 13 %, josta yli 80 % on tieliikenteen aiheuttamia päästöjä. Jotta tieliikenteen ai-heuttamia päästöjä saataisiin vähennettyä on tieliikenteeseen kehitettävä yhä vähäpäästöisempiä ja päästöttömiä kulkuvälineitä. Tämä on ollut yksi päätekijä sähkö- ja hybridiautojen kehitykseen. Tässä kandidaatintyössä selvitetään sähkö- ja hybridiautoissa käytettyjä jännitetasoja sekä voimansiirtojärjestelmissä käytettyjä komponentteja. Työ rajoittuu ainoastaan henkilöautoihin, joista tarkastelun kohteena ovat sähkö-, hybridi- ja muunnossähköautot. Työssä tarkastellaan myös sähkö- ja hybridiautojen tulevaisuuden näkymiä turvallisuuden ja standardoinnin kannalta. Työssä esitettyjen tietojen perusteella saadaan selkeä näkemys siitä, miten käytetyt jännitetasot ja komponentit vaihtelevat eri autovalmistajien kesken. Korkeammat jännitetasot ovat energiatehokkuuden kannalta parempia, mutta aiheuttavat vaatimuksia käyttöturvallisuuteen liittyvissä kysymyksissä.
Tulevaisuudessa sähköverkko kohtaa monia haasteita, kun sähköautot yleistyvät, vaatien suuren tehotarpeen. Uusiutuvan energiantuotannon epävarma huipputehon tuotanto ei välttämättä pysty kattamaan sähköautoista johtuvaa suurta tehopiikkiä, jos suuret määrät ajoneuvoista kytketään yhtä aikaa lataukseen. Jos sähköajoneuvot voidaan ladata ohjatusti, ei välttämättä tarvita lisäenergian tuotantoa kattamaan kasvanutta huipputehon tarvetta. Lisäksi sähköajoneuvojen akut toimivat koko sähköverkolle energiavarastoina, jollaista ei ole ennen ollut. Älykkäällä sähköverkolla voidaan ohjata sähköajoneuvon latausta, mikäli ajoneuvossa on ohjausjärjestelmä ja akkujen varaustilan mittaus. Tässä kandidaatin työssä ohjelmoidaan mittaus- ja ohjauskortti plug-in hybridiautoa varten, jossa on V2G-ominaisuus. Ohjainkortista toteutetaan toimintakuvaus, jonka mukaan se myös ohjelmoidaan. Ohjainkortti mittaa akkujen jännitettä ja virtaa, joista voidaan määrittää akkujen varaustilat. Ohjainkortti lähettää tiedot eteenpäin PC:lle, jolta ohjainkortti saa käskyn toimintatilasta. Mittaustietojen perusteella voidaan seurata mahdollisia vikatilanteita. Kandidaatintyön aikana ohjainkorttia ei ehditty asentamaan ajoneuvoon, mutta laboratoriotestien mukaan voidaan todeta, että ohjainkortti on ohjelmallisesti toimiva. Mittauksissa selvisi, että ohjainkortin mittaustulot eivät olleet tarpeeksi tarkkoja käyttökohteeseen. Todettiin, että ohjainkortti vaatii rakenteellisia muutoksia mittaustuloksien parantamista varten, ennen ohjainkortin käyttöönottoa, mutta kandidaatintyön tavoitteet saavutettiin.
The focus in this thesis is to study both technical and economical possibilities of novel on-line condition monitoring techniques in underground low voltage distribution cable networks. This thesis consists of literature study about fault progression mechanisms in modern low voltage cables, laboratory measurements to determine the base and restrictions of novel on-line condition monitoring methods, and economic evaluation, based on fault statistics and information gathered from Finnish distribution system operators. This thesis is closely related to master’s thesis “Channel Estimation and On-line Diagnosis of LV Distribution Cabling”, which focuses more on the actual condition monitoring methods and signal theory behind them.
In this thesis a control system for an intelligent low voltage energy grid is presented, focusing on the control system created by using a multi-agent approach which makes it versatile and easy to expand according to the future needs. The control system is capable of forecasting the future energy consumption and decisions making on its own without human interaction when countering problems. The control system is a part of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University’s smart grid project that aims to create a smart grid for the university’s own use. The concept of the smart grid is interesting also for the consumers as it brings new possibilities to control own energy consumption and to save money. Smart grids makes it possible to monitor the energy consumption in real-time and to change own habits to save money. The intelligent grid also brings possibilities to integrate the renewable energy sources to the global or the local energy production much better than the current systems. Consumers can also sell their extra power to the global grid if they want.