7 resultados para Field survey
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The Kenyan forestry and sawmilling industry have been subject to a changing environment since 1999 when the industrial forest plantations were closed down. This has lowered raw material supply and it has affected and reduced the sawmill operations and the viability of the sawmill enterprises. The capacity of the 276 registered sawmills is not sufficient to fulfill sawn timber demand in Kenya. This is because of the technological degradation and lack of a qualified labor force, which were caused because of non-existent sawmilling education and further training in Kenya. Lack of competent sawmill workers has led to low raw material recovery, under utilization of resources and loss of employment. The objective of the work was to suggest models, methods and approaches for the competence and capacity development of the Kenyan sawmilling industry, sawmills and their workers. A nationwide field survey, interviews, questionnaire and literature review was used for data collection to find out the sawmills’ competence development areas and to suggest models and methods for their capacity building. The sampling frame included 22 sawmills that represented 72,5% of all the registered sawmills in Kenya. The results confirmed that the sawmills’ technological level was backwards, productivity low, raw material recovery unacceptable and workers’ professional education low. The future challenges will be how to establish the sawmills’ capacity building and workers’ competence development. Sawmilling industry development requires various actions through new development models and approaches. Activities should be started for technological development and workers’ competence development. This requires re-starting of vocational training in sawmilling and the establishment of more effective co-operation between the sawmills and their stakeholder groups. In competence development the Enterprise Competence Management Model of Nurminen (2007) can be used, whereas the best training model and approach would be a practically oriented learning at work model in which the short courses, technical assistance and extension services would be the key functions.
Hormonstörande ämnen är syntetiska eller naturliga ämnen som stör organismers hormonsystem och bidrar till könsförvirring och sterilitet. Sådana ämnen kommer i ökande takt ut i vattenmiljön genom rester av läkemedel, bekämpningsmedel och industriprodukter. Eftersom det finns många likheter mellan hormonsystemen hos människan och övriga ryggradsdjur kan till exempel fiskar användas som modellsystem för att underöka detta problem. I tidigare undersökningar har man funnit hormonella störningar, bl.a. feminisering och maskulinisering hos fiskar som utsatts för avfallsvatten från kommunala reningsverk eller avfallsvatten från pappersindustrin. Målet med denna avhandling var att undersöka om renat avfallsvatten från kommunala reningsverk längs Finlands kust innehåller hormonstörande ämnen i sådana mängder att de kan försorsaka hormonstörande effekter på fisk. Målet i denna avhandling var också att utveckla cellulära testsystem baserade på fiskceller, eftersom behovet av tillförlitliga och kostnadseffektiva cellbaserade tester för att underlätta riskbedömningen av hormonstörande ämnen är mycket stort för tillfället. Som testsystem har storspiggen använts, som besitter flera användbara biomarkörer för att mäta hormonstörande ämnens påverkan. Resultaten tyder på att problemen med hormonstörande påverkan på fisk inte är lika utbredda i Finland som i många andra europeiska länder. Detta beror troligtvis på att finska reningsverk har effektiva reningstekniker som reducerar mängden hormonstörande ämnen, eller på att utspädningen av avloppen i recipienterna är större än i många andra länder. Dock kan problemen inte helt uteslutas eftersom vissa feminiserande (estrogena) effekter kunde observeras hos fisken i de undersökta recipienterna utanför kommunala reningsverk. I kontrollerade laboratorieförsök där storpsiggar exponerades för kommunalt avloppsvatten uppmättes även här effekter som tyder på förekomst av estrogener i avloppsvattnet. De cell-baserade testsystemen klarade av att förutspå hormonella effekter hos hel fisk och kan därför vara mycket användbara i fortsatta studier av hormonstörande ämnens verkningsmekanismer i preliminära toxicitetsbedömningar.
Software faults are expensive and cause serious damage, particularly if discovered late or not at all. Some software faults tend to be hidden. One goal of the thesis is to figure out the status quo in the field of software fault elimination since there are no recent surveys of the whole area. Basis for a structural framework is proposed for this unstructured field, paying attention to compatibility and how to find studies. Bug elimination means are surveyed, including bug knowhow, defect prevention and prediction, analysis, testing, and fault tolerance. The most common research issues for each area are identified and discussed, along with issues that do not get enough attention. Recommendations are presented for software developers, researchers, and teachers. Only the main lines of research are figured out. The main emphasis is on technical aspects. The survey was done by performing searches in IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Inspect databases. In addition, a systematic search was done for a few well-known related journals from recent time intervals. Some other journals, some conference proceedings and a few books, reports, and Internet articles have been investigated, too. The following problems were found and solutions for them discussed. Quality assurance is testing only is a common misunderstanding, and many checks are done and some methods applied only in the late testing phase. Many types of static review are almost forgotten even though they reveal faults that are hard to be detected by other means. Other forgotten areas are knowledge of bugs, knowing continuously repeated bugs, and lightweight means to increase reliability. Compatibility between studies is not always good, which also makes documents harder to understand. Some means, methods, and problems are considered method- or domain-specific when they are not. The field lacks cross-field research.
There is currently little empirical knowledge regarding the construction of a musician’s identity and social class. With a theoretical framework based on Bourdieu’s (1984) distinction theory, Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) theory of ecological systems, and the identity theories of Erikson (1950; 1968) and Marcia (1966), a survey called the Musician’s Social Background and Identity Questionnaire (MSBIQ) is developed to test three research hypotheses related to the construction of a musician’s identity, social class and ecological systems of development. The MSBIQ is administered to the music students at Sibelius Academy of the University of Arts Helsinki and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, representing the ’highbrow’ and the ’middlebrow’ samples in the field of music education in Finland. Acquired responses (N = 253) are analyzed and compared with quantitative methods including Pearson’s chi-square test, factor analysis and an adjusted analysis of variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that (1) the music students at Sibelius Academy and Metropolia construct their subjective musician’s identity differently, but (2) social class does not affect this identity construction process significantly. In turn, (3) the ecological systems of development, especially the individual’s residential location, do significantly affect the construction of a musician’s identity, as well as the age at which one starts to play one’s first musical instrument. Furthermore, a novel finding related to the structure of a musician’s identity was the tripartite model of musical identity consisting of the three dimensions of a musician’s identity: (I) ’the subjective dimension of a musician’s identity’, (II) ’the occupational dimension of a musician’s identity’ and, (III) ’the conservative-liberal dimension of a musician’s identity’. According to this finding, a musician’s identity is not a uniform, coherent entity, but a structure consisting of different elements continuously working in parallel within different dimensions. The results and limitations related to the study are discussed, as well as the objectives related to future studies using the MSBIQ to research the identity construction and social backgrounds of a musician or other performing artists.
The User Experience (UX) designers are undoubtedly aware of how many UX design methods currently exist and that sometimes it becomes a problem to choose an appropriate one. What are all of methods that designers have in their “arsenal”? When can they use them? This thesis presents the research on the design methods in the contemporary context of User Experience (UX) and Innovations by using a survey approach. The study is limited to cover the domain of consumer mobile services development and provider companies around the world. The study follows 2 clear objectives: (1) to understand what design methods are currently used in that context and to what extent they are used (2) to identify at what stage according to the UX design thinking process for creating innovations they are placed. The study contributes to the research in the field of UX design and Innovations and extends the knowledge in that field together with communities’ (UXPA, SIGCHI, SIGSOFT) members’ cooperation. The research is vital due to lack of information on design practices and their application in the chosen context.