em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, which mainly affects young adults. In Finland, approximately 2500 out of 6000 MS patients have relapsing MS and are treated with disease modifying drugs (DMD): interferon- β (INF-β-1a or INF-β-1b) and glatiramer acetate (GA). Depending on the used IFN-β preparation, 2 % to 40 % of patients develop neutralizing antibodies (NAbs), which abolish the biological effects of IFN-β, leading to reduced clinical and MRI detected efficacy. According to the Finnish Current Care Guidelines and European Federation of Neurological Societis (EFNS) guidelines, it is suggested tomeasure the presence of NAbs during the first 24 months of IFN-β therapy. Aims The aim of this thesis was to measure the bioactivity of IFN-β therapy by focusing on the induction of MxA protein (myxovirus resistance protein A) and its correlation to neutralizing antibodies (NAb). A new MxA EIA assay was set up to offer an easier and rapid method for MxA protein detection in clinical practice. In addition, the tolerability and safety of GA were evaluated in patients who haddiscontinued IFN-β therapy due to side effects and lack of efficacy. Results NAbs developed towards the end of 12 months of treatment, and binding antibodies were detectable before or parallel with them. The titer of NAb correlated negatively with the amount of MxA protein and the mean values of preinjection MxA levels never returned to true baseline in NAb negative patients, but tended to drop in the NAb positive group. The test results between MxA EIA and flow cytometric analysis showed significant correlation. GA reduced the relapse rate and was a safe and well-tolerated therapy in IFN-β-intolerant MS patients. Conclusions NAbs inhibit the induction of MxA protein, which can be used as a surrogate marker of the bioactivity of IFN-β therapy. Compared to flow cytometricanalysis and NAb assay, MxA-EIA seemed to be a sensitive and more practical method in clinical use to measure the actual bioactivity of IFN-β treatment, which is of value also from a cost-effective perspective.
ABSTRACT Fescues consist of wild and cultivated grasses that have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. They are an excellent model species for evolutionary ecology studies that investigate symbiosis and polyploidization and their effects on plant performance. First, they are frequently infected with symbiotic endophytic fungi known to affect a plant’s ability to cope with biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Second, fescue species have been reported to have substantial intraspecific variation in their ploidy level and morphology. In my thesis, I examined large-scale generalizations for frequency of polyploidy and endophyte infections and their effects on plant morphology. As a model species, I selected red (Festuca rubra) and viviparous sheep’s (F. vivipara) fescues. They are closely related, but they differ in terms of distribution and endophyte infection frequency. I investigated the biogeographic pattern and population biology of 29 red and 12 viviparous sheep’s fescue populations across ≈300 latitudes in Europe (400-690 N). To examine plant ploidy levels, I implemented time- and cost-efficient plate-based high throughput flow cytometric analysis. This efficient procedure enabled me to analyze over 1000 red fescue individuals. I found three ploidy levels among them: overall 84 %, 9 % and 7 % of the red fescue plants were hexaploid, tetraploid and octoploid, respectively. However, all viviparous sheep’s fescue plants were tetraploid. Ploidy level of red fescue appeared to some extent follow gradients in latitude and primary production as suggested by previous studies, but these results could be explained better by taking the sampling design and local adaptation into account. Three Spanish populations were mostly tetraploids and one high elevation population in northernmost Finland (Halti) was octoploid, while most other populations (25 sites) were dominated by hexaploids. Endophyte infection frequencies of wild fescue populations varied from 0 to 81 % in red fescue populations and from 0 to 30 % in viviparous sheep’s fescue populations. No gradients with latitude or primary production of the sites were detected. As taxonomy of red fescues is somewhat unclear, I also studied morphology, ploidy variation and endophyte status of proposed subspecies of European red fescues. Contrary to previous literature, different ploidy levels occurred in the same subspecies. In addition to wild fescues, I also used two agronomically important cultivars of meadow and tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix and S. pratensis). As grass-legume mixtures have an agronomic advantage over monocultures in meadows, I carried out a mixture/competition experiment with fescues and red clover to find that species composition, nutrient availability and endophyte status together determined the total biomass yield that was higher in mixtures compared to monocultures. The results of this thesis demonstrate the importance of local biotic and abiotic factors such as grazing gradients and habitat types, rather than suggested general global geographical or environmental factors on grass polyploidization or its association with symbiotic endophytic fungi. I conclude that variation in endophyte infection frequencies and ploidy levels of wild fescues support the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution. Historical incidents, e.g., glaciation and present local factors, rather than ploidy or endophyte status, determine fescue morphology.
Granular flow phenomena are frequently encountered in the design of process and industrial plants in the traditional fields of the chemical, nuclear and oil industries as well as in other activities such as food and materials handling. Multi-phase flow is one important branch of the granular flow. Granular materials have unusual kinds of behavior compared to normal materials, either solids or fluids. Although some of the characteristics are still not well-known yet, one thing is confirmed: the particle-particle interaction plays a key role in the dynamics of granular materials, especially for dense granular materials. At the beginning of this thesis, detailed illustration of developing two models for describing the interaction based on the results of finite-element simulation, dimension analysis and numerical simulation is presented. The first model is used to describing the normal collision of viscoelastic particles. Based on some existent models, more parameters are added to this model, which make the model predict the experimental results more accurately. The second model is used for oblique collision, which include the effects from tangential velocity, angular velocity and surface friction based on Coulomb's law. The theoretical predictions of this model are in agreement with those by finite-element simulation. I n the latter chapters of this thesis, the models are used to predict industrial granular flow and the agreement between the simulations and experiments also shows the validation of the new model. The first case presents the simulation of granular flow passing over a circular obstacle. The simulations successfully predict the existence of a parabolic steady layer and show how the characteristics of the particles, such as coefficients of restitution and surface friction affect the separation results. The second case is a spinning container filled with granular material. Employing the previous models, the simulation could also reproduce experimentally observed phenomena, such as a depression in the center of a high frequency rotation. The third application is about gas-solid mixed flow in a vertically vibrated device. Gas phase motion is added to coherence with the particle motion. The governing equations of the gas phase are solved by using the Large eddy simulation (LES) and particle motion is predicted by using the Lagrangian method. The simulation predicted some pattern formation reported by experiment.
Centrifugal compressors are widely used for example in process industry, oil and gas industry, in small gas turbines and turbochargers. In order to achieve lower consumption of energy and operation costs the efficiency of the compressor needs to be improve. In the present work different pinches and low solidity vaned diffusers were utilized in order to improve the efficiency of a medium size centrifugal compressor. In this study, pinch means the decrement of the diffuser flow passage height. First different geometries were analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. The flow solver Finflo was used to solve the flow field. Finflo is a Navier-Stokes solver. The solver is capable to solve compressible, incompressible, steady and unsteady flow fields. Chien's k-e turbulence model was used. One of the numerically investigated pinched diffuser and one low solidity vaned diffuser were studied experimentally. The overall performance of the compressor and the static pressure distribution before and after the diffuser were measured. The flow entering and leaving the diffuser was measured using a three-hole Cobra-probe and Kiel-probes. The pinch and the low solidity vaned diffuser increased the efficiency of the compressor. Highest isentropic efficiency increment obtained was 3\% of the design isentropic efficiency of the original geometry. It was noticed in the numerical results that the pinch made to the hub and the shroud wall was most beneficial to the operation of the compressor. Also the pinch made to the hub was better than the pinchmade to the shroud. The pinch did not affect the operation range of the compressor, but the low solidity vaned diffuser slightly decreased the operation range.The unsteady phenomena in the vaneless diffuser were studied experimentally andnumerically. The unsteady static pressure was measured at the diffuser inlet and outlet, and time-accurate numerical simulation was conducted. The unsteady static pressure showed that most of the pressure variations lay at the passing frequency of every second blade. The pressure variations did not vanish in the diffuser and were visible at the diffuser outlet. However, the amplitude of the pressure variations decreased in the diffuser. The time-accurate calculations showed quite a good agreement with the measured data. Agreement was very good at the design operation point, even though the computational grid was not dense enough inthe volute and in the exit cone. The time-accurate calculation over-predicted the amplitude of the pressure variations at high flow.
On selvää, että tänä päivänä maailmankaupan painopiste on hiljalleen siirtymässä Aasiaan ja varsinkin Kiina on ollut huomion keskipisteessä. Erityisesti valmistavien yritysten perspektiivistä muutos on ollut merkittävä ja tämä tosiasia kasvattaa yrityksissä paineita luoda kustannustehokkaita toimitusketjuratkaisuja,joiden vasteaika on mahdollisimman lyhyt. Samaan aikaan kun tarkastellaan kuljetusvirtoja, huomattaan että maanosien välillä on suuri epätasapaino. Tämä on enimmäkseen seurausta suurten globaalisti toimivien yritysten toimitusketjustrategioista. Useimmat näistä toimijoista optimoivat verkostonsa turvautumalla 'paikalliseen hankintaan', jotta he voisivat paremmin hallita toimitusketjujaan ja saada näitä reagointiherkimmiksi. Valmistusyksiköillä onkin monesti Euroopassa pakko käyttää kalliita raaka-aineita ja puolivalmisteita. Kriittisiksi tekijöiksi osoittautuvat kuljetus- ja varastointikustannukset sekä näiden seurauksena hukka-aika, joka aiheutuu viivästyksistä. Voidakseen saavuttaa optimiratkaisun, on tehtävä päätös miten tuotteet varastoidaan: keskitetysti tai hajautetusti ja integroida tämä valinta sopivien kuljetusmuotojen kanssa. Aasiasta Pohjois-Eurooppaan on halpaa käyttää merikuljetusta, mutta operaatio kestää hyvin pitkään - joissain tapauksessa jopa kahdeksan viikkoa. Toisaalta lentokuljetus on sekä kallis että rajoittaa siirrettävien tuotteiden eräkokoa.On olemassa kolmaskin vaihtoehto, josta voisi olla ratkaisuksi: rautatiekuljetus on halvempi kuin lentokuljetus ja vasteajat ovat lyhyemmät kuin merikuljetuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tilannetta selvitetään kyselyllä, joka suunnattiin Suomessa ja Ruotsissa toimiville yrityksille. Tuloksien perusteella teemme johtopäätökset siitä, mitkä kuljetusmuotojen markkinaosuudet tulevat olemaan tulevaisuudessa sekä luomme kuvan kuljetusvirroista Euroopan, Venäjän, Etelä-Korea, Intian, Kiinan ja Japanin välillä. Samalla on tarkoitus ennakoida sitä, miten tarkastelun kohteena olevat yritykset aikovat kehittää kuljetuksiaan ja varastointiaan tulevien vuosien aikana. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että seuraavan viiden vuoden kuluessa kuljetuskustannukset eivät merkittävissä määrin tule muuttuman ja meri- sekä kumipyöräkuljetukset pysyvät suosituimpina vaihtoehtoina.Kuitenkin lentokuljetusten osuus laskee hiukan, kun taas rautatiekuljetusten painotus kasvaa. Tulokset paljastavat, että Kiinassa ja Venäjällä kuljetettava konttimäärä kasvaa; Intiassa tulos on saman suuntainen, joskaan ei niin voimakas. Analyysimme mukaan kuljetusvirtoihin liittyvä epätasapaino säilyy Venäjän kuljetusten suhteen: yritykset jatkavat tulevaisuudessakin vientiperusteista strategiaansa. Varastoinnin puolella tunnistamme pienemmän muutoksen, jonka mukaan pienikokoisten varastojen määrät todennäköisesti vähenevät tulevaisuudessa ja kiinnostus isoja varastoja kohtaan lisääntyy. Tässä kohtaa on mainittava, että suomalaisilla yrityksillä on enemmän varastoja Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa verrattuna ruotsalaisiin toimijoihin, jotka keskittyvät selkeämmin Länsi-Euroopan maihin. Varastoja yrityksillä on molemmissa tapaukissa paljolti kotimaassaan. Valitessaan varastojensa sijoituskohteita yritykset painottavat seuraavia kriteereitä: alhaiset jakelukustannukset, kokoamispaikan/valmistustehtaan läheisyys, saapuvan logistiikan integroitavuus ja saatavilla olevat logistiikkapalvelut. Tutkimuksemme lopussa päädymme siihen, että varastojen sijoituspaikat eivät muutu satamien rakenteen ja liikenneyhteyksien takia kovinkaan nopeasti.
Small centrifugal compressors are more and more widely used in many industrialsystems because of their higher efficiency and better off-design performance comparing to piston and scroll compressors as while as higher work coefficient perstage than in axial compressors. Higher efficiency is always the aim of the designer of compressors. In the present work, the influence of four partsof a small centrifugal compressor that compresses heavy molecular weight real gas has been investigated in order to achieve higher efficiency. Two parts concern the impeller: tip clearance and the circumferential position of the splitter blade. The other two parts concern the diffuser: the pinch shape and vane shape. Computational fluid dynamics is applied in this study. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver Finflo is used. The quasi-steady approach is utilized. Chien's k-e turbulence model is used to model the turbulence. A new practical real gas model is presented in this study. The real gas model is easily generated, accuracy controllable and fairly fast. The numerical results and measurements show good agreement. The influence of tip clearance on the performance of a small compressor is obvious. The pressure ratio and efficiency are decreased as the size of tip clearance is increased, while the total enthalpy rise keeps almost constant. The decrement of the pressure ratio and efficiency is larger at higher mass flow rates and smaller at lower mass flow rates. The flow angles at the inlet and outlet of the impeller are increased as the size of tip clearance is increased. The results of the detailed flow field show that leakingflow is the main reason for the performance drop. The secondary flow region becomes larger as the size of tip clearance is increased and the area of the main flow is compressed. The flow uniformity is then decreased. A detailed study shows that the leaking flow rate is higher near the exit of the impeller than that near the inlet of the impeller. Based on this phenomenon, a new partiallyshrouded impeller is used. The impeller is shrouded near the exit of the impeller. The results show that the flow field near the exit of the impeller is greatly changed by the partially shrouded impeller, and better performance is achievedthan with the unshrouded impeller. The loading distribution on the impeller blade and the flow fields in the impeller is changed by moving the splitter of the impeller in circumferential direction. Moving the splitter slightly to the suction side of the long blade can improve the performance of the compressor. The total enthalpy rise is reduced if only the leading edge of the splitter ismoved to the suction side of the long blade. The performance of the compressor is decreased if the blade is bended from the radius direction at the leading edge of the splitter. The total pressure rise and the enthalpy rise of thecompressor are increased if pinch is used at the diffuser inlet. Among the fivedifferent pinch shape configurations, at design and lower mass flow rates the efficiency of a straight line pinch is the highest, while at higher mass flow rate, the efficiency of a concave pinch is the highest. The sharp corner of the pinch is the main reason for the decrease of efficiency and should be avoided. The variation of the flow angles entering the diffuser in spanwise direction is decreased if pinch is applied. A three-dimensional low solidity twisted vaned diffuser is designed to match the flow angles entering the diffuser. The numerical results show that the pressure recovery in the twisted diffuser is higher than in a conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which also leads to higher efficiency of the twisted diffuser. Investigation of the detailed flow fields shows that the separation at lower mass flow rate in the twisted diffuser is later than in the conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which leads to a possible wider flow range of the twisted diffuser.
Studying testis is complex, because the tissue has a very heterogeneous cell composition and its structure changes dynamically during development. In reproductive field, the cell composition is traditionally studied by morphometric methods such as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. These techniques provide accurate quantitative information about cell composition, cell-cell association and localization of the cells of interest. However, the sample preparation, processing, staining and data analysis are laborious and may take several working days. Flow cytometry protocols coupled with DNA stains have played an important role in providing quantitative information of testicular cells populations ex vivo and in vitro studies. Nevertheless, the addition of specific cells markers such as intracellular antibodies would allow the more specific identification of cells of crucial interest during spermatogenesis. For this study, adult rat Sprague-Dawley rats were used for optimization of the flow cytometry protocol. Specific steps within the protocol were optimized to obtain a singlecell suspension representative of the cell composition of the starting material. Fixation and permeabilization procedure were optimized to be compatible with DNA stains and fluorescent intracellular antibodies. Optimization was achieved by quantitative analysis of specific parameters such as recovery of meiotic cells, amount of debris and comparison of the proportions of the various cell populations with already published data. As a result, a new and fast flow cytometry method coupled with DNA stain and intracellular antigen detection was developed. This new technique is suitable for analysis of population behavior and specific cells during postnatal testis development and spermatogenesis in rodents. This rapid protocol recapitulated the known vimentin and γH2AX protein expression patterns during rodent testis ontogenesis. Moreover, the assay was applicable for phenotype characterization of SCRbKO and E2F1KO mouse models.