13 resultados para Energy optimal
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to develop a method to be used in the selection of an optimal energy system for buildings and districts. The term optimal energy system was defined as the energy system which best fulfils the requirements of the stakeholder on whose preferences the energy systems are evaluated. The most influential stakeholder in the process of selecting an energy system was considered to be the district developer. The selection method consisted of several steps: Definition of the district, calculating the energy consumption of the district and buildings within the district, defining suitable energy system alternatives for the district, definition of the comparing criteria, calculating the parameters of the comparing criteria for each energy system alternative and finally using a multi-criteria decision method to rank the alternatives. For the purposes of the selection method, the factors affecting the energy consumption of buildings and districts and technologies enabling the use of renewable energy were reviewed. The key element of the selection method was a multi-criteria decision making method, PROMETHEE II. In order to compare the energy system alternatives with the developed method, the comparing criteria were defined in the study. The criteria included costs, environmental impacts and technological and technical characteristics of the energy systems. Each criterion was given an importance, based on a questionnaire which was sent for the steering groups of two district development projects. The selection method was applied in two case study analyses. The results indicate that the selection method provides a viable and easy way to provide the decision makers alternatives and recommendations regarding the selection of an energy system. Since the comparison is carried out by changing the alternatives into numeric form, the presented selection method was found to exclude any unjustified preferences over certain energy systems alternatives which would affect the selection.
Pumppauksessa arvioidaan olevan niin teknisesti kuin taloudellisestikin huomattavia mahdollisuuksia säästää energiaa. Maailmanlaajuisesti pumppaus kuluttaa lähes 22 % sähkö-moottorien energiantarpeesta. Tietyillä teollisuudenaloilla jopa yli 50 % moottorien käyttämästä sähköenergiasta voi kulua pumppaukseen. Jäteveden pumppauksessa pumppujen toiminta perustuu tyypillisesti on-off käyntiin, jolloin pumpun ollessa päällä se käy täydellä teholla. Monissa tapauksissa pumput ovat myös ylimitoitettuja. Yhdessä nämä seikat johtavat kasvaneeseen energian kulutukseen. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään perusteet jätevesihuollosta ja jäteveden käsittelystä sekä pumppaussysteemin pääkomponentit: pumppu, putkisto, moottori ja taajuusmuuttaja. Työn empiirisessä osassa esitellään työn aikana kehitetty laskuri, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida energiansäästöpotentiaalia jäteveden pumppaussysteemeissä. Laskurilla on mandollista laskea energiansäästöpotentiaali käytettäessä pumpun tuoton ohjaustapana pyörimisnopeuden säätöä taajuusmuuttajalla on-off säädön sijasta. Laskuri ilmoittaa optimaalisimmanpumpun pyörimisnopeuden sekä ominaisenergiankulutuksen. Perustuen laskuriin, kolme kunnallista jätevedenpumppaamoa tutkittiin. Myös laboratorio-testitsuoritettiin laskurin simuloimiseksi sekä energiansäästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että jätevedenpumppauksessa on huomattavia mandollisuuksia säästää energiaa pumpun pyörimisnopeutta pienentämällä. Geodeettisen nostokorkeuden ollessa pieni, voidaan energiaa säästää jopa 50 % ja pitkällä aikavälillä säästö voi olla merkittävä. Tulokset vahvistavat myös tarpeen jätevedenpumppaussysteemien toiminnan optimoimiseksi.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin ja vertailtiin eukalyptuksen, akaasian ja koivun kemimekaanista kuiduttamista ja valkaisua. Yleensä näitä puulajeja käytetään sellun keittoon. Puulajit eroavat toisistaan kasvupaikan ja kuiturakenteen osalta. Eukalyptus ja akaasia ovat niin sanottuja trooppisia lehtipuita, kun taas koivu kasvaa pohjoisilla vyöhykkeillä. Koivulla on kookkaimmat kuidut ja akaasialla pienimmät kuidut. Myös näiden lajien putkilot eroavat toisistaan. Koivun putkilot ovat pitkiä ja kapeita, kun taas eukalyptuksen ja akaasian putkilot ovat lyhyitä ja leveitä. Prosessiksi valittiin kaksivaiheinen APMP-prosessi. Koeajot tehtiinKeskuslaboratorio Oy:ssä. Massoille asetettiin seuraavat tavoitteet: freeness 150-200 ml ja vaaleus 80 %ISO. Eukalyptukselle ja koivulle tehtiin kaksi erilaista impregnointisarjaa, mutta akaasialle vain yksi. Jauhatuksen viimeisessä vaiheessa kokeiltiin myös jauhinvalkaisua. Jauhatuksen energiankulutus oli korkea varsinkin eukalyptuksella ja akaasialla. Jotta energiankulutus saataisiin pienemmäksi, tulisi käyttää enemmän lipeää, mutta se johtaa alkalitummumiseen. Lopuksi massat valkaistiin laboratoriossa. Eukalyptus ja koivu pystyttiin valkaisemaan vaaleuteen 80 %ISO, mutta eukalyptuksen valkaisu vaati enemmän peroksidia kuin koivun valkaisu. Akaasian lähtövaaleus oli niin alhainen, ettei siinä päästy tavoitevaaleuteen. Eukalyptuksella on parempi valonsironta ja paremmat lujuusominaisuudet kuin koivulla. Kemimekaanista massaa voidaan käyttää hienopaperissa parantamassa jäykkyyttä, bulkkia ja valonsirontaa, mutta usein ongelmana on alhainen vaaleus ja huono vaaleuden pysyvyys. Kemimekaanista massaa voidaankäyttää missä tahansa mekaanisissa painopapereissa. Mekaanisissa painopapereissa kemimekaanisella lehtipuumassalla voidaan korvata mekaanista havupuumassaa. Akaasia on niin tummaa, ettei sitä voida käyttää korkeavaaleuksisiin papereihin. Eukalyptus ja koivu ovat vaaleampia ja helpompia valkaista kuin akaasia, mutta myös niillä on niin huono vaaleudenpysyvyys että käyttö hienopapereissa on rajoittunutta. Mekaanisille eukalyptus ja koivumassoille hienopaperia parempi käyttökohde on mekaaniset painopaperit, kuten MWC-paperi.
The objective of this study was to find out how LUT Energy should start marketing its energy audit services, what would be the optimal pricing policy for its services and how LUT Energy could manage customer expectations towards quality of its auditing services. In order to answer these questions, a quantitative survey questionnaire was sent by e-mail to 56 companies from the regions of South Karelia and Kymenlaakso. The empirical data of the study was the answers and opinions of the companies, previous researches about energy efficiency and articles and presentations about the current situation in the energy efficiency market. The results of the study were that there is a great potential for energy audit services and also the legislation requires companies to improve their energy efficiency. To start marketing its services, LUT Energy should first clarify its service concept and divide its service offering into two offers. It should also clarify the marketing message it wants to send its customers and then do the marketing with the help of three-way-model. The best pricing policy for the service would be that the price is proportioned to the future savings. In order to ensure the quality of its services, LUT Energy has to make sure that both dimensions of the quality are managed properly and to fade out customer expectations towards the quality the auditing work has to be monitored.
The energy reform, which is happening all over the world, is caused by the common concern of the future of the humankind in our shared planet. In order to keep the effects of the global warming inside of a certain limit, the use of fossil fuels must be reduced. The marginal costs of the renewable sources, RES are quite high, since they are new technology. In order to induce the implementation of RES to the power grid and lower the marginal costs, subsidies were developed in order to make the use of RES more profitable. From the RES perspective the current market is developed to favor conventional generation, which mainly uses fossil fuels. Intermittent generation, like wind power, is penalized in the electricity market since it is intermittent and thus diffi-cult to control. Therefore, the need of regulation and thus the regulation costs to the producer differ, depending on what kind of generation market participant owns. In this thesis it is studied if there is a way for market participant, who has wind power to use the special characteristics of electricity market Nord Pool and thus reach the gap between conventional generation and the intermittent generation only by placing bids to the market. Thus, an optimal bid is introduced, which purpose is to minimize the regulation costs and thus lower the marginal costs of wind power. In order to make real life simulations in Nord Pool, a wind power forecast model was created. The simulations were done in years 2009 and 2010 by using a real wind power data provided by Hyötytuuli, market data from Nord Pool and wind forecast data provided by Finnish Meteorological Institute. The optimal bid needs probability intervals and therefore the methodology to create probability distributions is introduced in this thesis. In the end of the thesis it is shown that the optimal bidding improves the position of wind power producer in the electricity market.
In this work mathematical programming models for structural and operational optimisation of energy systems are developed and applied to a selection of energy technology problems. The studied cases are taken from industrial processes and from large regional energy distribution systems. The models are based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) and on a hybrid approach of a combination of Non-Linear Programming (NLP) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). The optimisation of the structure and operation of energy systems in urban regions is treated in the work. Firstly, distributed energy systems (DES) with different energy conversion units and annual variations of consumer heating and electricity demands are considered. Secondly, district cooling systems (DCS) with cooling demands for a large number of consumers are studied, with respect to a long term planning perspective regarding to given predictions of the consumer cooling demand development in a region. The work comprises also the development of applications for heat recovery systems (HRS), where paper machine dryer section HRS is taken as an illustrative example. The heat sources in these systems are moist air streams. Models are developed for different types of equipment price functions. The approach is based on partitioning of the overall temperature range of the system into a number of temperature intervals in order to take into account the strong nonlinearities due to condensation in the heat recovery exchangers. The influence of parameter variations on the solutions of heat recovery systems is analysed firstly by varying cost factors and secondly by varying process parameters. Point-optimal solutions by a fixed parameter approach are compared to robust solutions with given parameter variation ranges. In the work enhanced utilisation of excess heat in heat recovery systems with impingement drying, electricity generation with low grade excess heat and the use of absorption heat transformers to elevate a stream temperature above the excess heat temperature are also studied.
Electricity price forecasting has become an important area of research in the aftermath of the worldwide deregulation of the power industry that launched competitive electricity markets now embracing all market participants including generation and retail companies, transmission network providers, and market managers. Based on the needs of the market, a variety of approaches forecasting day-ahead electricity prices have been proposed over the last decades. However, most of the existing approaches are reasonably effective for normal range prices but disregard price spike events, which are caused by a number of complex factors and occur during periods of market stress. In the early research, price spikes were truncated before application of the forecasting model to reduce the influence of such observations on the estimation of the model parameters; otherwise, a very large forecast error would be generated on price spike occasions. Electricity price spikes, however, are significant for energy market participants to stay competitive in a market. Accurate price spike forecasting is important for generation companies to strategically bid into the market and to optimally manage their assets; for retailer companies, since they cannot pass the spikes onto final customers, and finally, for market managers to provide better management and planning for the energy market. This doctoral thesis aims at deriving a methodology able to accurately predict not only the day-ahead electricity prices within the normal range but also the price spikes. The Finnish day-ahead energy market of Nord Pool Spot is selected as the case market, and its structure is studied in detail. It is almost universally agreed in the forecasting literature that no single method is best in every situation. Since the real-world problems are often complex in nature, no single model is able to capture different patterns equally well. Therefore, a hybrid methodology that enhances the modeling capabilities appears to be a possibly productive strategy for practical use when electricity prices are predicted. The price forecasting methodology is proposed through a hybrid model applied to the price forecasting in the Finnish day-ahead energy market. The iterative search procedure employed within the methodology is developed to tune the model parameters and select the optimal input set of the explanatory variables. The numerical studies show that the proposed methodology has more accurate behavior than all other examined methods most recently applied to case studies of energy markets in different countries. The obtained results can be considered as providing extensive and useful information for participants of the day-ahead energy market, who have limited and uncertain information for price prediction to set up an optimal short-term operation portfolio. Although the focus of this work is primarily on the Finnish price area of Nord Pool Spot, given the result of this work, it is very likely that the same methodology will give good results when forecasting the prices on energy markets of other countries.
The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.
This study is done to examine waste power plant’s optimal processing chain and it is important to consider from several points of view on why one option is better than the other. This is to insure that the right decision is made. Incineration of waste has devel-oped to be one decent option for waste disposal. There are several legislation matters and technical options to consider when starting up a waste power plant. From the tech-niques pretreatment, burner and flue gas cleaning are the biggest ones to consider. The treatment of incineration residues is important since it can be very harmful for the envi-ronment. The actual energy production from waste is not highly efficient and there are several harmful compounds emitted. Recycling of waste before incineration is not very typical and there are not many recycling options for materials that cannot be easily re-cycled to same product. Life cycle assessment is a good option for studying the envi-ronmental effect of the system. It has four phases that are part of the iterative study process. In this study the case environment is a waste power plant. The modeling of the plant is done with GaBi 6 software and the scope is from gate-to-grave. There are three different scenarios, from which the first and second are compared to each other to reach conclusions. Zero scenario is part of the study to demonstrate situation without the power plant. The power plant in this study is recycling some materials in scenario one and in scenario two even more materials and utilize the bottom ash more ways than one. The model has the substitutive processes for the materials when they are not recycled in the plant. The global warming potential results show that scenario one is the best option. The variable costs that have been considered tell the same result. The conclusion is that the waste power plant should not recycle more and utilize bottom ash in a number of ways. The area is not ready for that kind of utilization and production from recycled materials.
Recent developments in power electronics technology have made it possible to develop competitive and reliable low-voltage DC (LVDC) distribution networks. Further, islanded microgrids—isolated small-scale localized distribution networks— have been proposed to reliably supply power using distributed generations. However, islanded operations face many issues such as power quality, voltage regulation, network stability, and protection. In this thesis, an energy management system (EMS) that ensures efficient energy and power balancing and voltage regulation has been proposed for an LVDC island network utilizing solar panels for electricity production and lead-acid batteries for energy storage. The EMS uses the master/slave method with robust communication infrastructure to control the production, storage, and loads. The logical basis for the EMS operations has been established by proposing functionalities of the network components as well as by defining appropriate operation modes that encompass all situations. During loss-of-powersupply periods, load prioritizations and disconnections are employed to maintain the power supply to at least some loads. The proposed EMS ensures optimal energy balance in the network. A sizing method based on discrete-event simulations has also been proposed to obtain reliable capacities of the photovoltaic array and battery. In addition, an algorithm to determine the number of hours of electric power supply that can be guaranteed to the customers at any given location has been developed. The successful performances of all the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated by simulations.
Liberalization of electricity markets has resulted in a competed Nordic electricity market, in which electricity retailers play a key role as electricity suppliers, market intermediaries, and service providers. Although these roles may remain unchanged in the near future, the retailers’ operation may change fundamentally as a result of the emerging smart grid environment. Especially the increasing amount of distributed energy resources (DER), and improving opportunities for their control, are reshaping the operating environment of the retailers. This requires that the retailers’ operation models are developed to match the operating environment, in which the active use of DER plays a major role. Electricity retailers have a clientele, and they operate actively in the electricity markets, which makes them a natural market party to offer new services for end-users aiming at an efficient and market-based use of DER. From the retailer’s point of view, the active use of DER can provide means to adapt the operation to meet the challenges posed by the smart grid environment, and to pursue the ultimate objective of the retailer, which is to maximize the profit of operation. This doctoral dissertation introduces a methodology for the comprehensive use of DER in an electricity retailer’s short-term profit optimization that covers operation in a variety of marketplaces including day-ahead, intra-day, and reserve markets. The analysis results provide data of the key profit-making opportunities and the risks associated with different types of DER use. Therefore, the methodology may serve as an efficient tool for an experienced operator in the planning of the optimal market-based DER use. The key contributions of this doctoral dissertation lie in the analysis and development of the model that allows the retailer to benefit from profit-making opportunities brought by the use of DER in different marketplaces, but also to manage the major risks involved in the active use of DER. In addition, the dissertation introduces an analysis of the economic potential of DER control actions in different marketplaces including the day-ahead Elspot market, balancing power market, and the hourly market of Frequency Containment Reserve for Disturbances (FCR-D).
The present world energy production is heavily relying on the combustion of solid fuels like coals, peat, biomass, municipal solid waste, whereas the share of renewable fuels is anticipated to increase in the future to mitigate climate change. In Finland, peat and wood are widely used for energy production. In any case, the combustion of solid fuels results in generation of several types of thermal conversion residues, such as bottom ash, fly ash, and boiler slag. The predominant residue type is determined by the incineration technology applied, while its composition is primarily relevant to the composition of fuels combusted. An extensive research has been conducted on technical suitability of ash for multiple recycling methods. Most of attention was drawn to the recycling of the coal combustion residues, as coal is the primary solid fuel consumed globally. The recycling methods of coal residues include utilization in a cement industry, in concrete manufacturing, and mine backfilling, to name few. Biomass combustion residues were also studied to some extent with forest fertilization, road construction, and road stabilization being the predominant utilization options. Lastly, residues form municipal solid waste incineration attracted more attention recently following the growing number of waste incineration plants globally. The recycling methods of waste incineration residues are the most limited due to its hazardous nature and varying composition, and include, among others, landfill construction, road construction, mine backfilling. In the study, environmental and economic aspects of multiple recycling options of thermal conversion residues generated within a case-study area were studied. The case-study area was South-East Finland. The environmental analysis was performed using an internationally recognized methodology — life cycle assessment. Economic assessment was conducted applying a widely used methodology — cost-benefit analysis. Finally, the results of the analyses were combined to enable easier comparison of the recycling methods. The recycling methods included the use of ash in forest fertilization, road construction, road stabilization, and landfill construction. Ash landfilling was set as a baseline scenario. Quantitative data about the amounts of ash generated and its composition was obtained from companies, their environmental reports, technical reports and other previously published literature. Overall, the amount of ash in the case-study area was 101 700 t. However, the data about 58 400 t of fly ash and 35 100 t of bottom ash and boiler slag were included in the study due to lack of data about leaching of heavy metals in some cases. The recycling methods were modelled according to the scientific studies published previously. Overall, the results of the study indicated that ash utilization for fertilization and neutralization of 17 600 ha of forest was the most economically beneficial method, which resulted in the net present value increase by 58% compared to ash landfilling. Regarding the environmental impact, the use of ash in the construction of 11 km of roads was the most attractive method with decreased environmental impact of 13% compared to ash landfilling. The least preferred method was the use of ash for landfill construction since it only enabled 11% increase of net present value, while inducing additional 1% of negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a following recycling route was proposed in the study. Where possible and legally acceptable, recycle fly and bottom ash for forest fertilization, which has strictest requirements out of all studied methods. If the quality of fly ash is not suitable for forest fertilization, then it should be utilized, first, in paved road construction, second, in road stabilization. Bottom ash not suitable for forest fertilization, as well as boiler slag, should be used in landfill construction. Landfilling should only be practiced when recycling by either of the methods is not possible due to legal requirements or there is not enough demand on the market. Current demand on ash and possible changes in the future were assessed in the study. Currently, the area of forest fertilized in the case-study are is only 451 ha, whereas about 17 600 ha of forest could be fertilized with ash generated in the region. Provided that the average forest fertilizing values in Finland are higher and the area treated with fellings is about 40 000 ha, the amount of ash utilized in forest fertilization could be increased. Regarding road construction, no new projects launched by the Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in the case-study area were identified. A potential application can be found in the construction of private roads. However, no centralized data about such projects is available. The use of ash in stabilization of forest roads is not expected to increased in the future with a current downwards trend in the length of forest roads built. Finally, the use of ash in landfill construction is not a promising option due to the reducing number of landfills in operation in Finland.