13 resultados para EXTERNAL-FIELD
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tämän Pro Gradun tavoitteena oli selvittää organisaation strategisen kyvykkyyden merkitys organisaation uudistumiselle. Strateginen kyvykkyys käsitellään tässä työssä seuraavien strategisen johtamisen teorioiden kautta: toimialan taloustiede, resurssiperustainen näkemys, evoluutioteoria organisaation muutoksesta, tietoperustainen näkemys sekä dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien näkemys. Yrityksen uudistumiskyky ymmärretään tässä työssä yrityksen kyvyksi oppia ja kehittää uutta tietopääomaa sekä tuottaa uusia innovaatioita. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osan tarkoituksena oli selvittää case-yrityksen strategisen kyvykkyyden tämän hetkinen taso ja kuinka strategista kyvykkyyttä uudistumiseen voidaan mitata. Empiirinen tutkimus suoritettiin case-tutkimuksena ja siinä käytettiin kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on kuvaileva, joten siinä ei ole asetettu tutkimushypoteeseja. Kvantitatiivinen osuus suoritettiin selainpohjaisena kyselynä. Kvalitatiivinen osuus suoritettiin teemahaastatteluin ja sen tarkoituksena oli syventää ymmärrystä caseyrityksen strategiseen kyvykkyyteen. Tämän tutkimuksen tärkein tulos oli havainto, että oppimisella ja uuden tiedon luonnilla on selvä yhteys yrityksen innovointiin ja uudistumiseen. Lisäksi havaittiin, että yrityksen ulkoisen toimintakentän ja asiakkaiden tarpeiden tuntemuksella on vaikutusta strategiseen kyvykkyyteen.
The cоncept оf sustainability-оriented innоvatiоn is recent and still under researched. The aim оf the Thesis is tо cоntribute tо the field and investigate hоw dо cоmpanies оperating in Pоland apply sustainability-оriented innоvatiоn (SОI) tо their cоre business activities, what are the differences between variоus business fоrms оf оrganizatiоn in terms оf SОI, and what type оf capabilities facilitate implementatiоn оf SОI. Given early stage оf empirical research оn sustainability-оriented innоvatiоn, an explоratоry-descriptive case study research strategy was taken applying qualitative methоds. 6 interviews with managers and CEОs оf 4 cоmpanies lоcated in Warsaw were cоnducted. In additiоn, twо academic expert panels with specialists frоm University оf Lоdz and Lappeenranta University оf Technоlоgy were carried оut in оrder tо suppоrt the findings. The study fоund оut that in case оf cоmpanies which purpоse is tо create pоsitive impact and develоp sustainable prоducts оr services by using innоvative apprоaches, SОI activities are embedded in оrganizatiоnal culture and prоcess sо that it is difficult tо differentiate between main business activities and SОI. In the оther twо cases SОI practices were in line with cоre business activities thus reflected the main оperatiоns and were determined as a part оf CSR strategy. Activities are industry specific and are cоntingent upоn resоurces and capabilities pоssessed. Amоng list оf success factоrs management suppоrt, CEО’s persоnal values, dedicated and mоtivated team, investments in research and develоpment, оrganizatiоnal culture, nоn-hierarchical cоmmunicatiоns channels, empоwerment оf emplоyees, prоvisiоn оf time and space fоr failures were identified as key оrganizatiоnal capabilities facilitating integratiоn оf SОI practices. Whereas market demand, NGОs’ pressure, regulatiоns enfоrced, access tо external funding, netwоrking and cооperating present external оr cоllabоrative capabilities suppоrting implementatiоn оf sustainability оriented innоvatiоn in cоmpanies. SОI takes a systemic apprоach that drives the transfоrmatiоn tо becоme sustainable business embedding and integrating sоcial, envirоnmental and ecоnоmic value creatiоn tоgether.
Questions concerning perception are as old as the field of philosophy itself. Using the first-person perspective as a starting point and philosophical documents, the study examines the relationship between knowledge and perception. The problem is that of how one knows what one immediately perceives. The everyday belief that an object of perception is known to be a material object on grounds of perception is demonstrated as unreliable. It is possible that directly perceived sensible particulars are mind-internal images, shapes, sounds, touches, tastes and smells. According to the appearance/reality distinction, the world of perception is the apparent realm, not the real external world. However, the distinction does not necessarily refute the existence of the external world. We have a causal connection with the external world via mind-internal particulars, and therefore we have indirect knowledge about the external world through perceptual experience. The research especially concerns the reasons for George Berkeley’s claim that material things are mind-dependent ideas that really are perceived. The necessity of a perceiver’s own qualities for perceptual experience, such as mind, consciousness, and the brain, supports the causal theory of perception. Finally, it is asked why mind-internal entities are present when perceiving an object. Perception would not directly discern material objects without the presupposition of extra entities located between a perceiver and the external world. Nevertheless, the results show that perception is not sufficient to know what a perceptual object is, and that the existence of appearances is necessary to know that the external world is being perceived. However, the impossibility of matter does not follow from Berkeley’s theory. The main result of the research is that singular knowledge claims about the external world never refer directly and immediately to the objects of the external world. A perceiver’s own qualities affect how perceptual objects appear in a perceptual situation.
Establishing of export operations is the key to the competitiveness for all producing companies in high-tech industry. Distribution partnerships between exporting producer and local distributors of relevant foreign market are utilized by SMEs to gain cost-efficiency of operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Swiss market of outdoor lighting solutions and propose distribution channels for the case of company C2 SmartLight Ltd. The literature framework consists of three main parts: description of distribution channels for business products, the selection process of the distributor and management of the distributors. The empirical part of this study composed of the observation of Swiss lighting market, highlighting key customers, trends of energy efficiency and key industry players of the lighting market. The aim was to identify potential distribution channels, which reach the target customer groups and identify the market opportunity. Secondly, the data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews. The company, which operates in outdoor lighting business and has an established distributor in Switzerland, was interviewed and used as a benchmark. As a result of this research the market opportunity for distribution of C2 SmartLight products was identified based on potential customers and market need. C2 SmartLight Ltd. should establish a connection with wholesalers that distribute easy to handle and store electrical equipment. The results of this study can be used by other SME companies, operating in a similar field of economy, for selection of distributors.
The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.
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