8 resultados para Drying of tropical fruits

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli saada perustietoa tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen erilaisilla paperipinnoilla inkjet tulostuksessa. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa erilaisista musteista, joita käytetään yleisimmissä inkjet tulostustekniikoissa, miten paperit vaikuttavat musteen kuivumiseen ja minkälaisia menetelmiä on olemassa musteen kuivumistekijöiden määrittämiseen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli varmistaa, voidaanko inkjetmusteiden absorptioajan määrittämiseen käytettävää DIGAT-laitetta käyttää määrittämään ja ennustamaan erilaisten musteiden kuivumista erilaisilla paperipinnoilla sekä etsiä korrelaatioita musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien sekä inkjet tulostuksen laadun välillä. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin erilaisia inkjet tulostusmenetelmiä, niissä käytettäviä musteita ja musteiden koostumuksia. Tutkittiin myös paperin ja musteen välisiä vuorovaikutuksia sekä inkjet tulostuksen laatua. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin musteenabsorboitumista paperiin DIGAT-laitteen avulla. kuudella eri musteella. Paperinäytteistä määritettiin teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia sekä ominaisuuksia, jotka liittyvät inkjet tulostuksen laatuun. Inkjet tulostuksen laatua tarkasteltiin tulostamalla testikuva kolmella eri tulostimella, jotka olivat Canon Bubble Jet i950, HP DeskJet Cxi970 ja Epson Stylus C46. Havaittiin, että DIGAT-laite ei sovellu määrittämään musteen absorptioaikoja kiiltäville näytteille.Tässä tutkimuksessa näyte, jonka kiilto oli 65 %, oli liian kiiltävä mitattavaksi DIGAT-laitteella. Lisäksi absorptiomäärityksissä havaittiin, että erilaiset musteet asettuvat erilailla paperin pintaan ja että pigmenttipohjaisella musteella asettumisaika oli kaikista pisin. Musteiden absorptioajat olivat nopeimpia erikoisinkjetpaperilla ja hitaimpia päällystetyillä, tiiviillä papereilla. Musteen absorptioajan ja teknisten paperiominaisuuksien ja inkjet tulostuksen laadun välisiä korrelaatioita oli vaikea havaita. Voidaan sanoa, että tulokset olivat muste- ja printterikohtaisia. Havaittiin vain muutamia teknisiä paperiominaisuuksia, jotka korreloivat hyvin musteen absorboitumisen kanssa. Nämäolivat Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka- sekä kalsiumkarbonaattipitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio. Myöskään inkjet tulostuksen laadun ja musteen absorption välisiä korrelaatioita ei löytynyt kuin muutama; densiteetti, mottling sekä bleeding. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta DIGAT-laitteen soveltuvan hyvin kuvaamaan inkjet tulostuksen laatuominaisuuksista densiteettia, mottlingia sekä bleedingiä. DIGAT-laitetta voidaan siis käyttää avuksi ennustettaessa kuivumisaikaa ja sen vaikutusta edellä mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin. Läpipainatusominaisuuksia DIGAT-laitteen avulla ei voida tutkia, sillä ne ovat enemmän riippuvaisia paperin neliömassasta, paksuudesta ja huokoisuudesta kuinmusteen absorptioajasta. Teknisistä paperiominaisuuksista Gurley-Hill huokoisuus, paperin tuhka-sekä CaCO3-pitoisuus ja K&N värinabsorptio kuvaavat hyvin musteen imeytymisaikaa paperiin, kun taas ominaisuudet Cobb, HST ja polaari- sekädispersiokomponentit eivät kuvaa. Näyttää siltä, että testikuva, joka on tällä hetkellä käytössä UPM Tutkimus-keskuksessa, ei sovellu suurtehotulostuksen laadun tarkkailuun. Testikuva toimii hyvin pöytätulostimilla ja perinteisillä kopiopapereilla ja inkjetpapereilla, jotka on tarkoitettu tulostettaviksi hitaasti. Tulostusnopeuden ja musteen kuivumisnopeuden välisiä ilmiöitä seei tuo esille, joten se ei sovellu kuvaamaan suurtehotulostusta.


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Drying is a major step in the manufacturing process in pharmaceutical industries, and the selection of dryer and operating conditions are sometimes a bottleneck. In spite of difficulties, the bottlenecks are taken care of with utmost care due to good manufacturing practices (GMP) and industries' image in the global market. The purpose of this work is to research the use of existing knowledge for the selection of dryer and its operating conditions for drying of pharmaceutical materials with the help of methods like case-based reasoning and decision trees to reduce time and expenditure for research. The work consisted of two major parts as follows: Literature survey on the theories of spray dying, case-based reasoning and decision trees; working part includes data acquisition and testing of the models based on existing and upgraded data. Testing resulted in a combination of two models, case-based reasoning and decision trees, leading to more specific results when compared to conventional methods.


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Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere (Asia, Europe and North America). It has been used as a medicinal material and food for hundreds of years both in Europe and in China. Clinical investigations and other research suggest that extracts of hawthorn fruits and leaves have multiple health effects including hypolipidaemic, anti-atherosclerotic, hypotensive, cardioprotective and blood vessel relaxing activities. Hawthorn fruit extracts have also displayed antioxidant and radical scavenging activities. Emblic leafflower fruit (Phyllanthus emblica) is widely used in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine. It has been found to have anti-cancer, hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic activities as well as cardioprotective effects and antioxidant activity. The fruit is currently used as a functional food targeted at obese people in China. Phenolic compounds, procyanidins (PCs), flavonols and C-glycosyl flavones in hawthorn and hydrolysable tannins in emblic leafflower fruits are considered among the major bioactive compounds in these berries. Moreover, hawthorn and emblic leafflower fruits are rich in vitamin C, triterpenoids, fruit acids, sugar alcohols and some other components with beneficial effects on the health of human beings. The aim of the thesis work was to characterise the major phenolic compounds in hawthorn fruits and leaves and emblic leafflower fruits as well as other components contributing to the nutritional profile and sensory properties of hawthorn fruits. Differences in the content and compositional profile of the major phenolic compounds, sugars, acids and sugar alcohols within various origins and species of hawthorn were also investigated. Acids, sugars and sugar alcohols in the fruits of different origins/cultivars belonging to three species (C. pinnatifida, C. brettschneideri and C. scabrifolia) of hawthorn were analysed by gas chromatography (GC-FID) and mass spectrometry (Publication I). Citric acid, quinic acid, malic acid, fructose, glucose, sorbitol and myo-inositol were found in all the subspecies. Sucrose was present only in C. scabrifolia and three cultivars of C. pinnatifida var. major. Forty-two phenolic compounds were identified/tentatively identified in fruits of C. pinnatifida var. major by polyamide column chromatography combined with high-performance liquid chromatograph-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) (Publication II). Ideain, chlorogenic acid, procyanidin (PC) B2, (-)-epicatechin, hyperoside and isoquercitrin were the major phenolic components identified. In addition, 35 phenolic compounds were tentatively identified based on UV and mass spectra. Eleven major phenolic compounds (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, chlorogenic acid, ideain, (-)-epicatechin, two PC dimers, three PC trimers and a PC dimer-hexoside) were quantified in the fruits of 22 cultivars/origins of three species of Chinese hawthorn by HPLC-ESI-MS with single ion recording function (SIR) (Publication III). The fruits of the hawthorn cultivars/origins investigated fell into two groups, one rich in sugars and flavonols, the other rich in acids and procyanidins. Based on the compositional features, different biological activities and sensory properties may be expected between cultivars/origins of the two groups. The results suggest that the contents of phenolic compounds, acids, sugars and sugar alcohols may be used as chemotaxonomic information distinguishing the hawthorn species from each other. Phenolic compounds in fruits and leaves of C. grayana and their changes during fruit ripening/harvesting were investigated using HPLC-UV-ESI-MS (Publication IV). (-)-Epicatechin, PC B2 and C1, hyperoside and a quercetin-pentoside were the major phenolic compounds in both fruits and leaves. Three C-glycosyl flavones (a luteolin-C-hexoside, a methyl luteolin-C-hexoside and an apigenin-C-hexoside) were present in leaves in abundance, but only at trace levels in fruits. Ideain and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were found in fruits only. Additionally, eleven phenolic compounds were identified/tentatively identified in both leaves and fruits (three B-type PC trimers, two B-type PC tetramers, a quercetin-rhamnosylhexoside, a quercetin-pentoside, a methoxykaempferol-methylpentosylhexoside, a quercetin-hexoside acetate, a methoxykaempferol-pentoside, chlorogenic acid and an unknown hydroxycinnamic acid derivative). The total content of phenolic compounds reached the highest level by the end of August in fruits and by the end of September in leaves. The compositional profiles of phenolic compounds in fruits and leaves of C. grayana were different from those of C. pinnatifida, C. brettschneideri, C. scabrifolia, C. pinnatifida. var. major, C. monogyna, C. laevigata and C. pentagyna. Phenolic compounds in emblic leafflower fruits were characterised by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography combined with HPLC-ESI-MS (Publication V). A mucic acid gallate, three isomers of mucic acid lactone gallate, a galloylglucose, gallic acid, a digalloylglucose, putranjivain A, a galloyl-HHDP-glucose, elaeocarpusin and chebulagic acid represented the major phenolic compounds in fruits of emblic leafflower. In conclusion, results of this study significantly increase the current knowledge on the key bioactive and nutritional components of hawthorn and emblic leafflower fruits. These results provide important information for research on the mechanism responsible for the health benefits of these fruits.


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In this dissertation the main aim was to study the usability of aspen wood in the mechanical wood processes, especially the factors that affect the usability of aspen wood, which is dried at different temperature levels. The problematic of varying temperatures from level to another seem to have significant effects on distortions. According to the studies conducted, many practical solutions for drying of aspen timber can be made. European aspen sawn timber should be dried in relatively narrow widths, short lengths, edged and sawn pith free. The results achieved give an interesting view for the distortions of aspen wood between HT drying and heat treatment. The most significant result is that cupping seems to decrease when increasing temperature level from HT drying to heat treatment phase. The difference is significant. Other very obvious result is that bow and crook are increasing between these two temperature levels, bow significantly. Also the modelling gives a good background for this result since cupping is reduced by higher temperatures. It can also be assumed that these distortions can be affected for example by sorting out the timber used to different moisture levels before drying. This could be a very simple solution for practical purposes. From practical point of view, it was also noted during the drying tests performed that the discoloration seem to be no problem for aspen boards dried in temperatures under 150 °C. Altogether, this dissertation covers many interesting points of view of factors affecting distortions of wood in different temperature stages. Aspen as species in use of mechanical wood industries seems to be a species suitable for component production. According to the results, the best yield from aspen timber can be achieved in industry that can utilize relatively short components of sawn wood. Results achieved give a significant indication about the factors affecting distortions of wood at different temperature stages of drying, especially considering European aspen.


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Various strength properties of paper are measured to tell how well it resists breaks in a paper machine or in printing presses. The most often measured properties are dry tensile strength and dry tear strength. However, in many situations where paper breaks, it is not dry. For example, in web breaks after the wet pressing the dry matter content can be around 45%. Thus, wet-web strength is often a more critical paper property than dry strength. Both wet and dry strength properties of the samples were measured with a L&W tensile tester. Originally this device was not designed for the measurement of the wet web tensile strength, thus a new procedure to handle the wet samples was developed. The method was tested with Pine Kraft (never dried). The effect of different strength additives on the wet-web and dry paper tensile strength was studied. The polymers used in this experiment were aqueous solution of a cationic polyamidoamine-epichlorohydrin resin (PAE), cationic hydrophilised polyisocyanate and cationic polyvinylamine (PVAm). From all three used chemicals only Cationic PAE considerably increased the wet web strength. However it was noticed that at constant solids content all chemicals decreased the wet web tensile strength. So, since all chemicals enhanced solid content it can be concluded that they work as drainage aids, not as wet web strength additives. From all chemicals only PVAm increased the dry strength and two other chemicals even decreased the strength. As chemicals were used in strong diluted forms and were injected into the pulp slurry, not on the surface of the papersheets, changes in samples densities did not happen. Also it has to be noted that all these chemicals are mainly used to improve the wet strength after the drying of the web.


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The along-scan radiometric gradient causes severe interpretation problems in Landsat images of tropical forests. It creates a decreasing trend in pixel values with the column number of the image. In practical applications it has been corrected assuming the trend to be linear within structurally similar forests. This has improved the relation between floristic and remote sensing information, but just in some cases. I use 3 Landsat images and 105 floristic inventories to test the assumption of linearity, and to examine how the gradient and linear corrections affect the relation between floristic and Landsat data. Results suggest the gradient to be linear in infrared bands. Also, the relation between floristic and Landsat data could be conditioned by the distribution of the sampling sites and the direction in which images are mosaicked. Additionally, there seems to be a conjunction between the radiometric gradient and a natural east-west vegetation gradient common in Western Amazonia. This conjunction might have enhanced artificially correlations between field and remotely-sensed information in previous studies. Linear corrections may remove such artificial enhancement, but along with true and relevant spectral information about floristic patterns, because they can´t separate the radiometric gradient from a natural one.