3 resultados para Dissimilar welding

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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In shipbuilding industry welding of primer coated and tack welded steel products cause different issues. Primer coated steel products are commonly used at shipyards to ensure corrosion free storage of products in outdoor conditions. However usage of primer can cause imperfections to welds. To prevent porosity primed steel products are usually welded with tubular welding wires. Tack welds cause commonly interferences in mechanized welding when over welded, which increases costs related to welding due to increased need of preparing and repairing. The aim of this study is to research possibilities of advanced solid wire MAG-welding processes to deal with these two previously mentioned problems. This study concentrates to examine possibilities of MAG-welding, pulse MAG-welding, double pulse MAG-welding, RapidArc and ForceArc processes. Large amount of experiments were made to find out the produced porosity and the ability to over weld tack welds with each process in different circumstances. In welding of primed steel products porosity is caused mainly by hydrogen, CO, CO2, nitrous gases and zinc fumes. It was found in experiments that porosity of MAG-welding can be greatly decreased by using pulse MAG-welding instead. Also reduction of welding speed, usage of air gap and usage of solid wire product with higher amount of alloying elements reduces porosity. Researched advanced MAG-welding processes did not have an improvement into over welding of tack welds. With studied throat thicknesses and welding positions conventional MAG-welding managed better over welding of tack welds than the four studied advanced MAG-welding processes. Studied solid wire MAG-welding processes would be best suited at shipyard for mechanized welding in welding position PB. In welding positions PD and PG tubular welding wires are clearly more productive.


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This thesis is made in cooperation with Wärtsilä and Sandvik. The main purpose of the thesis is to clarify the best suitable American standards for European standards used in Wärtsilä’s investigation checklist and to make wide and easily readable tables for Wärtsilä and their subcontractors. One of the most important issues is to make clear if the compared American standards are demanding enough for Wärtsilä’s needs. The research is done by comparing EN standards mentioned in Wärtsilä’s investigation checklist to corresponding ASME, AWS, ASNT and ASTM standards. The research shows that there is visible lack of requirements in American standards compared to European ones. Some areas of American standards are more demanding than European standards but in larger scale EN standards are much wider and more demanding than American standards. Because of these reasons, usage of European standards should be recommended for Wärtsilä’s subcontractors to ensure the quality and reliability of production.


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On arvioitu, että koko maailmaa kattava energiantarve nousee 1,2 % vuosinopeudella. Asiaa ei kaunista se tosiasia, että valtaosa tänä päivänä tuotetusta energiasta (85 %) on lähtöisin fossiilisista polttoaineista. Päästöjen on arvioitu lisääntyvän 2005 – 2030 välisenä aikana noin 30 %, vaikka uusiutuvaa energiaa käytettäisiin ja prosessien hyötysuhteet paranisivat. Vuonna 2015 voimaan tuleva rikkidirektiivi on pakottanut asiantuntijat löytämään korvaavan energialähteen, joka vähentäisi päästöjen määrää, ja jota esiintyisi suurissa määrissä. Nesteytetty maakaasu, LNG, toteuttaa edellä mainitut ehdot. Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään LNG-teollisuuden arvoketjuun Suomessa sekä muualla maailmassa. Työssä pääpainona on selvittää ruostumattoman teräksen käyttömahdollisuuksia nykyisessä LNG-teollisuuden arvoketjussa sekä selvittää sen uusia sovelluskohteita LNG-alalla tulevaisuudessa. Diplomityössä on tehty laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus LNG:n arvoketjuun ja uuden EN 1.4420 ruostumattoman teräksen soveltuvuuteen kryogeenisissä lämpötiloissa. Työn aikana on myös tehty useita haastatteluja LNG-teollisuudessa toimivien henkilöiden kanssa. Menetelmäkokeita ja koehitsauksia on suoritettu näiden haastattelujen perusteella.