9 resultados para Church of Scientist Belfast
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The Lutheran Church of El Salvador made a decision, in 1986, to open the ministry to women. How was it possible in the midst of a Latin American macho culture and after having been influenced by the theologically conservative, North American mission work? This research examines the kinds of internal and external factors which led women to leadership and ministry, and the context in which this development occurred. The roles of women have been scrutinised during several time periods. During 1952-1974 the focus was on women as missionary wives and fundadoras (founding mothers). Women’s roles as laywomen grew in 1975-1985. After the outburst of the civil war in 1980, women advanced to lay leaders. The ministry was opened for women and the first deacon pastors were installed in 1986 and the first presbyter pastors were ordained in 1994. In 2009, more women than ever were working in different levels – from laywomen to leaders – in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador. The research shows that the reasons for the development and changes concerning women’s positions and roles lie in the impact of significant individuals, liberation theology, the feminist and women’s movement, civil war and the theology of life.
This study examines the place of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon church) in the Russian Grand Duchy of Finland between the years 1840 and 1900. Attention is put on both the internal workings of the movement and the reactions of society. Theoretical insight is gained through the concepts of social construction and religious economies. Mormon image formation in Finland began by 1840 through newspaper reports on activities abroad and through essays on the faith’s history and doctrine. Mormons are mentioned almost 3,500 times in Finnish newspapers between 1840 and 1900, and at least twelve unique book titles sold in the country were explicitly devoted to discussing Mormonism. Most of the publicity was derived from foreign sources. Discourse analysis of this textual corpus shows a hegemonic discourse that combined themes such as fraud, deception, and theocracy in explaining the Mormon movement. Accompanied by plural marriage, these themes contributed to the construction of a strongly negative image of Mormonism already before the first missionaries arrived in 1875. In a society with a stringently regulated religious economy, this image contributed to a high level of resistance by civil authorities and Lutheran clergy. Twenty-five Mormon missionaries worked in Finland between 1875 and 1900, with a concentrated effort taking place between 1875 and 1889. At least 78 persons converted, mostly in the coastal areas among the Swedish-speaking minority population. Nine percent emigrated to Utah, 36% were excommunicated, others fell into oblivion, while still others clung to their new faith. The work was led from Sweden, with no stable church organization emerging among the isolated pockets of converts. Mormonism’s presence was thus characterized by private or small-group religiosity rather than a vibrant movement. The lack of religious community, conversation, and secondary socialization eventually caused the nineteenth-century manifestation of Finnish Mormonism to die out. Only one group of converts was perpetuated past World War II, after which large-scale proselytizing began.
Summary: The relations between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Church of England during the Archepiscopate of the Mt Revd Aleksi Lehtonen 1945-1951
Helluntailaiset luokkakuvassa. uskontokulttuuri ja yksikön luokka-asema Turun Helluntaiseurakunnassa
Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoin sitä, miten helluntailainen uskontokulttuuri vaikuttaa yksilön valintoihin ja sen kautta siihen, mihin luokka-asemiin seurakuntalaiset ovat päätyneet Turun Helluntaiseurakunnassa. Tutkimus on uskontoantropologinen ja kuuluu uskontotieteen alaan. Siinä yhdistetään sosiologista luokkatutkimusta sekä rationaalisen valinnan ja toiminnan teorioita uskontoantropologisessa viitekehyksessä. Pääasialliseksi aineistoksi keräsin laajan etnografisen aineiston, joka koostuu systemaattisesta havainnoinnista, kyselyistä ja haastatteluista. Lisäksi olen tutkinut seurakunnan ja helluntailaisuutta koskevia arkistoja sekä kirjallisuutta. Tutkimuksen kohde on Turun helluntaiseurakunta, joka muodostaa tutkimusongelman kannalta mielekkään tutkimusasetelman. Tutkimus kertoo olennaista tietoa siitä, miten uskonto vaikuttaa yksilön valintoihin ja hänen yhteiskunnalliseen asemaansa. Tutkimusaineiston pohjalta laadin selittävän mallin kuvaamaan sitä prosessia, miten yksilöt tekevät valintojaan rationaalisina toimijoina eri kulttuurien vaikutuspiireissä. Antropologisena pohjana selitykselle toimii uskonnon rajojen rakentumisen, muuttamisen ja ylittämisen logiikka. Pyhän kategorisoinnin jäsentämä uskontokulttuuri ohjaa yksilöä suosimaan toisia kulttuureja, luokkakulttuureja ja tyylejä sekä vierastamaan toisia. Jos yksilö haluaa tehdä valinnan, joka nähdään arveluttavana, täytyy hänen oikeuttaa se kulttuurinsa sisäisillä symboleilla ja rituaaleilla. Turun Helluntaiseurakunnassa korostuvat auttamisen ja sivistämisen ammatit, kuten lääkäri, sairaanhoitaja ja opettaja. Nämä voidaan edelleen jäljittää seurakunnan opetuksiin sekä seurakuntalaisten käyttämiin diskursseihin ja oletuksiin hyväksytyistä elämäntyyleistä. Lisäksi diskursseissa korostuvat näkemykset ammatista kutsumuksena, koulutuksen itsestäänselvyys sekä asemaan liittyvän radikalismin välttäminen. Seurakunnan uskontokulttuurin keskiluokkaistava vaikutus näkyy ennen kaikkea toisen ja useamman polven helluntailaisissa, jotka sijoittuvat korkeampiin asemiin kuin ulkopuolelta kääntyneet. Seurakunnan uskontokulttuuri vähentää luokkatietoisuuden syntyä ja voi osaltaan ylläpitää yhteiskunnan luokkarakennetta, koska uskonnon ensisijaiset päämäärät eivät kohdistu yhteiskunnan rakenteen muuttamiseen Suomessa. Tutkimuksen mukaan yksilön omat ja häneen kohdistetut oletukset ja arvot, jotka hän kulttuurissa omaksuu, ohjaavat häntä myös kulttuurinsa näkökulmasta suosiollisiin asemiin.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the preaching of Nils Bolander during the years 1940–1950. Nils Bolander (1902–1959) was a Swedish minister, later bishop, in the Church of Sweden. Bolander experienced his breakthrough as a preacher and a poet during the years 1940–1950, when he was a pastor of the Engelbrekt congregation in Stockholm. One characteristic of Bolander’s poetry as well as of his sermons is a rich and poetical language. At the same time he also had a clear agenda with his sermons with regard to their contents. The primary research question of this thesis is: What was Bolander’s purpose with his sermons? In this context, two secondary research questions were asked: 1) In what way does the poetical language support and assist the purpose of the sermons? 2) How is Bolander, as an individual and a preacher, engaged in the language and the contents of the sermons? The research material of this study consists of 152 hand-written sermon manuscripts from church services held by Nils Bolander in Stockholm during the period in question. The method of the study is qualitative research with an abductive approach. Content analysis has formed the primary tool. With regard to the main research question, the purpose of Bolander’s sermons, my study indicated that the purpose was to rouse the listeners from their routine-like faith and push them towards commitment and active service for God. In Bolander’s theology I found strong influences from Pietism but also some traits usually associated with the theological profile of the Oxford Group. Despite these influences, Nils Bolander’s theology is mainly founded on the Lutheran interpretation of faith. With regard to the secondary research questions concerning the poetical language as well as the role of the preacher my study concludes that the language, the individual and the contents were all connected in Bolander’s preaching and formed a whole that spoke to the audience in various ways.