7 resultados para Carboxyl-terminal Fragment

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Elektroniset finanssipalvelut, erityisesti Internetin kautta käytettynä, on kasvava alue. Elektronisten finanssipalveluiden tarjoajan tulee pystyä tarjoamaan laaja käytettävyys kaikkien kanavien kautta. Laajan käytettävyyden avulla asiakas voi valita haluamansa kanavan haluamanaan aikana. Palveluntarjoajalla tulee olla joustava arkkitehtuuri pystyäkseen tukemaan asiakkaiden muuttuvia vaatimuksia. Joustavalla arkkitehtuurilla päätelaitteeseen mukautuminen on mahdollista ja näin palveluntarjoaja pystyy tarjoamaan tuen monille eri päätelaitteille ja teknologioille helposti ja nopeasti. Diplomityö keskittyy tutkimaan mahdollisuutta monen kanavan tukeen ja päätelaitteeseen mukautumista Nordean tulevassa finanssiportaaliratkaisussa. Tämä pitäisi olla mahdollista uuden arkkitehtuurin kanssa, jonka TietoEnator on toteuttanut yhteistyössä Nordean kanssa. Sivujen rakenteen uudelleenjärjestelyillä saatiin hyviä tuloksia. Nykyisestä arkkitehtuurissa löydettiin myös puutteita ja jäljelle jäi avoimia kysymyksiä, jotka kirjattiin ylös. On selvästi nähtävissä, että tehokas päätelaitteeseen mukautuminen ja tuki monelle kanavalle tuo hyötyjä sekä pankille että asiakkaalle.


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Positioning techniques enable the positioning of mobile transportation vehicles. Location information can be used in transport planning as well as in vehicles. Information can also be transferred between vehicles and transport planning. For example, pickup and delivery information and route instructions can be exchanged wirelessly. In this thesis, techniques suitable for positioning vehicles are studied, as well as techniques enabling wireless connectivity of the vehicles to the transport planning system. A prototype based on one positioning and connectivity technique is implemented. As a result, a system capable of positioning vehicles is created. The vehicles can be located almost in real-time. The accuracy in positioning is sufficient to visualise the locations on a good quality 1:20000 city map.


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Digitoitu 21. 8. 2008.


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Soitinnus: piano.


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Skeletal tissue is constantly remodeled in a process where osteoclasts resorb old bone and osteoblasts form new bone. Balance in bone remodeling is related to age, gender and genetic factors, but also many skeletal diseases, such as osteoporosis and cancer-induced bone metastasis, cause imbalance in bone turnover and lead to decreased bone mass and increased fracture risk. Biochemical markers of bone turnover are surrogates for bone metabolism and may be used as indicators of the balance between bone resorption and formation. They are released during the remodeling process and can be conveniently and reliably measured from blood or urine by immunoassays. Most commonly used bone formation markers include N-terminal propeptides of type I collagen (PINP) and osteocalcin, whereas tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (TRACP 5b) and C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX) are common resorption markers. Of these, PINP has been, until recently, the only marker not commercially available for preclinical use. To date, widespread use of bone markers is still limited due to their unclear biological significance, variability, and insufficient evidence of their prognostic value to reflect long term changes. In this study, the feasibility of bone markers as predictors of drug efficacy in preclinical osteoporosis models was elucidated. A non-radioactive PINP immunoassay for preclinical use was characterized and validated. The levels of PINP, N-terminal mid-fragment of osteocalcin, TRACP 5b and CTX were studied in preclinical osteoporosis models and the results were compared with the results obtained by traditional analysis methods such as histology, densitometry and microscopy. Changes in all bone markers at early timepoints correlated strongly with the changes observed in bone mass and bone quality parameters at the end of the study. TRACP 5b correlated strongly with the osteoclast number and CTX correlated with the osteoclast activity in both in vitro and in vivo studies. The concept “resorption index” was applied to the relation of CTX/TRACP 5b to describe the mean osteoclast activity. The index showed more substantial changes than either of the markers alone in the preclinical osteoporosis models used in this study. PINP was strongly associated with bone formation whereas osteocalcin was associated with both bone formation and resorption. These results provide novel insight into the feasibility of PINP, osteocalcin, TRACP 5b and CTX as predictors of drug efficacy in preclinical osteoporosis models. The results support clinical findings which indicate that short-term changes of these markers reflect long-term responses in bone mass and quality. Furthermore, this information may be useful when considering cost-efficient and clinically predictive drug screening and development assays for mining new drug candidates for skeletal diseases.