44 resultados para CT images subject-specific design
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The aim of this study was to simulate blood flow in thoracic human aorta and understand the role of flow dynamics in the initialization and localization of atherosclerotic plaque in human thoracic aorta. The blood flow dynamics in idealized and realistic models of human thoracic aorta were numerically simulated in three idealized and two realistic thoracic aorta models. The idealized models of thoracic aorta were reconstructed with measurements available from literature, and the realistic models of thoracic aorta were constructed by image processing Computed Tomographic (CT) images. The CT images were made available by South Karelia Central Hospital in Lappeenranta. The reconstruction of thoracic aorta consisted of operations, such as contrast adjustment, image segmentations, and 3D surface rendering. Additional design operations were performed to make the aorta model compatible for the numerical method based computer code. The image processing and design operations were performed with specialized medical image processing software. Pulsatile pressure and velocity boundary conditions were deployed as inlet boundary conditions. The blood flow was assumed homogeneous and incompressible. The blood was assumed to be a Newtonian fluid. The simulations with idealized models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Element Method based computer code, while the simulations with realistic models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Volume Method based computer code. Simulations were carried out for four cardiac cycles. The distribution of flow, pressure and Wall Shear Stress (WSS) observed during the fourth cardiac cycle were extensively analyzed. The aim of carrying out the simulations with idealized model was to get an estimate of flow dynamics in a realistic aorta model. The motive behind the choice of three aorta models with distinct features was to understand the dependence of flow dynamics on aorta anatomy. Highly disturbed and nonuniform distribution of velocity and WSS was observed in aortic arch, near brachiocephalic, left common artery, and left subclavian artery. On the other hand, the WSS profiles at the roots of branches show significant differences with geometry variation of aorta and branches. The comparison of instantaneous WSS profiles revealed that the model with straight branching arteries had relatively lower WSS compared to that in the aorta model with curved branches. In addition to this, significant differences were observed in the spatial and temporal profiles of WSS, flow, and pressure. The study with idealized model was extended to study blood flow in thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. One of the idealized aorta models was modified along with the boundary conditions to mimic the thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. The results of simulations with realistic models extracted from CT scans demonstrated more realistic flow dynamics than that in the idealized models. During systole, the velocity in ascending aorta was skewed towards the outer wall of aortic arch. The flow develops secondary flow patterns as it moves downstream towards aortic arch. Unlike idealized models, the distribution of flow was nonplanar and heavily guided by the artery anatomy. Flow cavitation was observed in the aorta model which was imaged giving longer branches. This could not be properly observed in the model with imaging containing a shorter length for aortic branches. The flow circulation was also observed in the inner wall of the aortic arch. However, during the diastole, the flow profiles were almost flat and regular due the acceleration of flow at the inlet. The flow profiles were weakly turbulent during the flow reversal. The complex flow patterns caused a non-uniform distribution of WSS. High WSS was distributed at the junction of branches and aortic arch. Low WSS was distributed at the proximal part of the junction, while intermedium WSS was distributed in the distal part of the junction. The pulsatile nature of the inflow caused oscillating WSS at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Based on the WSS distribution in the realistic model, one of the aorta models was altered to induce artificial atherosclerotic plaque at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Atherosclerotic plaque causing 50% blockage of lumen was introduced in brachiocephalic artery, common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, and aortic arch. The aim of this part of the study was first to study the effect of stenosis on flow and WSS distribution, understand the effect of shape of atherosclerotic plaque on flow and WSS distribution, and finally to investigate the effect of lumen blockage severity on flow and WSS distributions. The results revealed that the distribution of WSS is significantly affected by plaque with mere 50% stenosis. The asymmetric shape of stenosis causes higher WSS in branching arteries than in the cases with symmetric plaque. The flow dynamics within thoracic aorta models has been extensively studied and reported here. The effects of pressure and arterial anatomy on the flow dynamic were investigated. The distribution of complex flow and WSS is correlated with the localization of atherosclerosis. With the available results we can conclude that the thoracic aorta, with complex anatomy is the most vulnerable artery for the localization and development of atherosclerosis. The flow dynamics and arterial anatomy play a role in the localization of atherosclerosis. The patient specific image based models can be used to diagnose the locations in the aorta vulnerable to the development of arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis.
Bone strain plays a major role as the activation signal for the bone (re)modeling process, which is vital for keeping bones healthy. Maintaining high bone mineral density reduces the chances of fracture in the event of an accident. Numerous studies have shown that bones can be strengthened with physical exercise. Several hypotheses have asserted that a stronger osteogenic (bone producing) effect results from dynamic exercise than from static exercise. These previous studies are based on short-term empirical research, which provide the motivation for justifying the experimental results with a solid mathematical background. The computer simulation techniques utilized in this work allow for non-invasive bone strain estimation during physical activity at any bone site within the human skeleton. All models presented in the study are threedimensional and actuated by muscle models to replicate the real conditions accurately. The objective of this work is to determine and present loading-induced bone strain values resulting from physical activity. It includes a comparison of strain resulting from four different gym exercises (knee flexion, knee extension, leg press, and squat) and walking, with the results reported for walking and jogging obtained from in-vivo measurements described in the literature. The objective is realized primarily by carrying out flexible multibody dynamics computer simulations. The dissertation combines the knowledge of finite element analysis and multibody simulations with experimental data and information available from medical field literature. Measured subject-specific motion data was coupled with forward dynamics simulation to provide natural skeletal movement. Bone geometries were defined using a reverse engineering approach based on medical imaging techniques. Both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were utilized to explore modeling differences. The predicted tibia bone strains during walking show good agreement with invivo studies found in the literature. Strain measurements were not available for gym exercises; therefore, the strain results could not be validated. However, the values seem reasonable when compared to available walking and running invivo strain measurements. The results can be used for exercise equipment design aimed at strengthening the bones as well as the muscles during workout. Clinical applications in post fracture recovery exercising programs could also be the target. In addition, the methodology introduced in this study, can be applied to investigate the effect of weightlessness on astronauts, who often suffer bone loss after long time spent in the outer space.
Blood flow in human aorta is an unsteady and complex phenomenon. The complex patterns are related to the geometrical features like curvature, bends, and branching and pulsatile nature of flow from left ventricle of heart. The aim of this work was to understand the effect of aorta geometry on the flow dynamics. To achieve this, 3D realistic and idealized models of descending aorta were reconstructed from Computed Tomography (CT) images of a female patient. The geometries were reconstructed using medical image processing code. The blood flow in aorta was assumed to be laminar and incompressible and the blood was assumed to be Newtonian fluid. A time dependent pulsatile and parabolic boundary condition was deployed at inlet. Steady and unsteady blood flow simulations were performed in real and idealized geometries of descending aorta using a Finite Volume Method (FVM) code. Analysis of Wall Shear Stress (WSS) distribution, pressure distribution, and axial velocity profiles were carried out in both geometries at steady and unsteady state conditions. The results obtained in thesis work reveal that the idealization of geometry underestimates the values of WSS especially near the region with sudden change of diameter. However, the resultant pressure and velocity in idealized geometry are close to those in real geometry
Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena on Turun yliopistossa kehitetyn www-pohjaisen ViLLE-oppimisjärjestelmän funktionaalisen käyttöliittymätestauksen automatisointityö. Tutkimusta varten olen kerännyt kattavasti aineistoa aihetta käsittelevästä yleisestä kirjallisuudesta ja artikkeleista sekä toteutuksen kannalta spesifistä tietoa tarjoavista Internet-lähteistä. Tutkimuksessa olen tehnyt myös pienehkön määrän testausalan asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osuudessa olen valinnut testaukseen käytettävän testaustyökalun sekä toteuttanut valitulla testaustyökalulla ViLLE-oppimisjärjestelmän testauksen automatisointityön soveltamalla käytäntöön tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa esitettyä tietoa hyvistä käytänteistä funktionaalisen käyttöliittymätestauksen automatisoinnissa. Tutkimuksen toteutuksessa olen käyttänyt kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osuuden pohjalta kerätyn havaintoaineiston perusteella olen selvittänyt vastaukset seuraaviin tutkimuksessa esitettyihin tutkimuskysymyksiin: • Miten käytetty testaustyökalu on valittu ja mitkä olivat valintaan vaikuttaneet tärkeimmät kriteerit? • Miten käytetty testaustyökalu soveltuu ViLLE-oppimisjärjestelmän funktionaalisen käyttöliittymätestauksen automatisointiin? • Millä eri tavoin käytäntöön viety hyvien testiautomaation laatimistapojen mukainen toteutus vaikuttaa nyt laadittuun testiautomaatioon? • Esiintyikö toteutetussa testiautomaatiossa tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kuvattuja funktionaalisen käyttöliittymätestauksen automatisoinnille tyypillisiä ongelmia ja miten ongelmat saatiin ratkaistua? Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat melko selvästi, että ViLLE-oppimisympäristön funktionaalisen käyttöliittymätestauksen automatisointityön toteutukseen valittu Vaadin TestBench -testaustyökalu, joka on valittu tutkimuksen alkuvaiheessa suoritetun evaluoinnin perusteella, soveltuu käyttötarkoitukseensa hyvin. Lisäksi pystyin luotettavasti havainnoimaan, että testiautomaation ylläpidon tarve sekä testien laatimiseen kuluva aika vähenevät merkittävästi, kun testit laaditaan heti alusta lähtien rakenteeltaan modulaariseksi sekä tietyin teknisin keinoin mahdollisimman vähän käyttöliittymän rakennetta huomioonottavaksi. Ongelmia testiautomaation laatimisessa voivat aiheuttaa käytetty työkalu itsessään, testattavan järjestelmän toteutus sekä testien suoritusympäristö. Huolimatta kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella tehdystä varautumisesta tyypillisiin testiautomaation laatimisessa esiintyviin ongelmiin, myös joitakin sellaisia ongelmia esiintyi, joihin en ollut osannut varautua. Mahdollisiin ongelmiin etukäteen varautuminen kuitenkin selvästi auttoi suurimpaan osaan testiautomaation laatimisessa esiintyneistä ongelmista.
Dreaming is a pure form of phenomenality, created by the brain untouched by external stimulation or behavioral activity, yet including a full range of phenomenal contents. Thus, it has been suggested that the dreaming brain could be used as a model system in a biological research program on consciousness (Revonsuo, 2006). In the present thesis, the philosophical view of biological realism is accepted, and thus, dreaming is considered as a natural biological phenomenon, explainable in naturalistic terms. The major theoretical contribution of the present thesis is that it explores dreaming from a multidisciplinary perspective, integrating information from various fields of science, such as dream research, consciousness research, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Further, it places dreaming into a multilevel framework, and investigates the constitutive, etiological, and contextual explanations for dreaming. Currently, the only theory offering a full multilevel explanation for dreaming, that is, a theory including constitutive, etiological, and contextual level explanations, is the Threat Simulation Theory (TST) (Revonsuo, 2000a; 2000b). The empirical significance of the present thesis lies in the tests conducted to test this specific theory put forth to explain the form, content, and biological function of dreaming. The first step in the empirical testing of the TST was to define exact criteria for what is a ‘threatening event’ in dreams, and then to develop a detailed and reliable content analysis scale with which it is possible to empirically explore and quantify threatening events in dreams. The second step was to seek answers to the following questions derived from the TST: How frequent threatening events are in dreams? What kind of qualities these events have? How threatening events in dreams relate to the most recently encoded or the most salient memory traces of threatening events experienced in waking life? What are the effects of exposure to severe waking life threat on dreams? The results reveal that threatening events are relatively frequent in dreams, and that the simulated threats are realistic. The most common threats include aggression, are targeted mainly against the dream self, and include simulations of relevant and appropriate defensive actions. Further, real threat experiences activate the threat simulation system in a unique manner, and dream content is modulated by the activation of long term episodic memory traces with highest negative saliency. To sum up, most of the predictions of the TST tested in this thesis received considerable support. The TST presents a strong argument that explains the specific design of dreams as threat simulations. The TST also offers a plausible explanation for why dreaming would have been selected for: because dreaming interacted with the environment in such a way that enhanced fitness of ancestral humans. By referring to a single threat simulation mechanism it furthermore manages to explain a wide variety of dream content data that already exists in the literature, and to predict the overall statistical patterns of threat content in different samples of dreams. The TST and the empirical tests conducted to test the theory are a prime example of what a multidisciplinary approach to mental phenomena can accomplish. Thus far, dreaming seems to have always resided in the periphery of science, never regarded worth to be studied by the mainstream. Nevertheless, when brought to the spotlight, the study of dreaming can greatly benefit from ideas in diverse branches of science. Vice versa, knowledge learned from the study of dreaming can be applied in various disciplines. The main contribution of the present thesis lies in putting dreaming back where it belongs, that is, into the spotlight in the cross-road of various disciplines.
Työssä tarkastellaan hitsauksen tuotekehityksen suunnittelun toteuttamista ja hitsauksen kehittämistä konepajalla. Yritykset tietävät omat valmistustekniset ongelmansa, mutta kehittämisen aloittaminen on monesti hankalaa tai sitä ei edes aloiteta. Pienimmillä yrityksillä ei usein ole mahdollisuuksia eikä osaamista uusien tuotantomenetelmien ja tuotteiden kehittämiseen. Työssä annetaan neuvoja miten alentaa kehittämistyön aloituskynnystä ja auttaa suunnittelutehtävän jäsentelyssä. Tuotteen suunnittelu on vaativa tehtävä, koska siinä lyödään lukkoon tuotteen toimivuus ja suurin osa kustannuksista. Suunnittelijoiden on tiedettävä eri valmistusmenetelmistä ja valmistusystävällisestä suunnittelusta, jotta he voisivat huomioida valmistettavuus- ja kokoonpanonäkökohdat. Hyvässä hitsatussa tuotteessa on mahdollisimman vähän hitsiä, käytetty modulointia ja standardointia sekä käytetty hitsausta korvaavia menetelmiä. Työssä on esitelty valmistusystävälliseen suunnitteluun kehitelty "Design For Welding" -malli, jossa käydään läpi hitsatun rakenteen erityispiirteet suunnittelun kannalta. Valmistusystävällisen suunnittelun tarkoituksena on vähentää tilauskohtaista suunnittelua, hitsausta, hitsauksen jälkeistä käsittelyä ja koneistusta.
Challenges of mass university conceived and experienced by university language centre language teachers The massification of the university involved not only an expansion but also a transition from one period to another, from elite higher education to mass higher education. Massification cannot be viewed as expansion and structural change but it has to be viewed in a context of a number of changes involving universities, state, economy, society and culture as well as science, technology, education and research. In the Finnish academic context, massification is often associated with negative development and it may be used as an excuse for poor teaching. The objective of the present study is to find out how the mass context is manifested in the work of university language centre language teachers. The data were collected by means of semi-structured questionnaires from 32 language teachers working at language centres at the universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku in Finland. Both Finnish and native speakers, 6 male and 26 female teachers, were included. All the teachers in the study had taught more than 10 years. The data were complemented by interviews of four teachers and email data from one teacher. Phenomenographic analysis of the informants’ conceptions enabled a description of their experiences of students at a mass university, conceptions of teaching and learning and of issues related to work health. Some conceptions were consonant with earlier results. The conceptions revealed differences between two teacher groups, teachers of subject-specific language, or language for specific purposes (LSP), and teachers of elementary and advanced language courses (general language teachers). For the first, the conceptions of the investigated teachers provided a picture of the students as a member of a mass university. The students were seen as customers who demanded special services to facilitate their studies or were selective about the contents of the course. The finding that appeared only in the LSP teachers’ data was the unengaged attitude towards language study, which appeared as mere hunt for credits. On the other hand, the students were also seen as language learning individuals, but a clear picture of a truly interested language learner was evident in the data of general language teachers. The teachers’ conceptions of teaching and learning revealed a picture of experienced teachers with a long background of teaching, reflecting experiences from different time periods and influences from their own education and illustrating the increasing problems with organizing individual tutoring due to large, heterogeneous groups. It seemed, however, that in spite of the large student groups, general language teachers were able to support the students’ learning processes and to use learner-centred methods, whereas LSP teachers were frequently compelled to resort to knowledge transmission type of teaching. The conditions of the mass university were clearly manifested in the respondents’ conceptions about work satisfaction: there were a number of factors related to administration, teaching arrangements and the status of the language centres that were likely to add to the teachers’ work stress, whereas traditional characteristics of academic work were viewed as promoting work satisfaction. On the basis of the teachers’ conceptions, it is safe to assume that academic mass context and students’ orientations have an effect on the teacher’s approach to teaching, while there is no unequivocal association between mass university teaching and poor teaching.
In this thesis, simple methods have been sought to lower the teacher’s threshold to start to apply constructive alignment in instruction. From the phases of the instructional process, aspects that can be improved with little effort by the teacher have been identified. Teachers have been interviewed in order to find out what students actually learn in computer science courses. A quantitative analysis of the structured interviews showed that in addition to subject specific skills and knowledge, students learn many other skills that should be mentioned in the learning outcomes of the course. The students’ background, such as their prior knowledge, learning style and culture, affects how they learn in a course. A survey was conducted to map the learning styles of computer science students and to see if their cultural background affected their learning style. A statistical analysis of the data indicated that computer science students are different learners than engineering students in general and that there is a connection between the student’s culture and learning style. In this thesis, a simple self-assessment scale that is based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy has been developed. A statistical analysis of the test results indicates that in general the scale is quite reliable, but single students still slightly overestimate or under-estimate their knowledge levels. For students, being able to follow their own progress is motivating, and for a teacher, self-assessment results give information about how the class is proceeding and what the level of the students’ knowledge is.
Työssä selvitetään kiertolaskennan periaatteita kuplapetikattilassa, esitetään lyhyesti kattilan toimintaperiaate ja paneudutaan alan laskentaohjelmistoihin. Luonnonkierto kattilan vesihöyrypiirissä on seurausta hydrostaattisesta paineesta, joka aiheutuu tiheyserosta nousu- ja laskuputkien välillä. Kiertolaskennassa on huomioitava kaksifaasivirtauksen ominaispiirteet. Höyry ja neste virtaavat putkistossa eri nopeuksilla, jolloin esimerkiksi painehäviön määrityksessä käytetään erilaisia korrelaatioita ja käyrästöjä. Kaksifaasivirtauksen laskennassa tarvitaan kolmea eri taseyhtälöä: energiatasetta, massatasetta ja liikemäärätasetta. Luonnonkiertokattiloissa höyrykierron suunnittelussa on kaksi pääasiallista ehtoa. Ensimmäiseksi tulee varmistaa riittävä kiertoveden massavirta, jotta vältetään höyrystinputkien puhki palaminen. Toiseksi tulee välttää höyrystinputken pinnan lämpötilavaihteluita ja värähtelyitä. Alustavassa luonnonkierron mitoituksessa turvaudutaan kokemusperäiseen tietoon. Myöhemmässä tarkemmassa mitoituksessa käytettäviä ohjelmistoja ovat NOWA sekä kaupalliset PPSD ja Apros. Laskenta lähtee liikkeelle siitä, että lasketaan ensin vesihöyrykierron massavirrat erilaisilla lämpökuormilla ja höyryntuotanto määritellään painehäviöiden perusteella. NOWA- ja PPSD- ohjelmistoilla tehtyjen esimerkkilaskelmien perusteella voidaan sanoa, että tulokset riippuvat käytetystä laskentamallista.
Planar, large area, position sensitive silicon detectors are widely utilized in high energy physics research and in medical, computed tomography (CT). This thesis describes author's research work relating to development of such detector components. The key motivation and objective for the research work has been the development of novel, position sensitive detectors improving the performance of the instruments they are intended for. Silicon strip detectors are the key components of barrel-shaped tracking instruments which are typically the innermost structures of high energy physics experimental stations. Particle colliders such as the former LEP collider or present LHC produce particle collisions and the silicon strip detector based trackers locate the trajectories of particles emanating from such collisions. Medical CT has become a regular part of everyday medical care in all developed countries. CT scanning enables x-ray imaging of all parts of the human body with an outstanding structural resolution and contrast. Brain, chest and abdomen slice images with a resolution of 0.5 mm are possible and latest CT machines are able to image whole human heart between heart beats. The two application areas are presented shortly and the radiation detection properties of planar silicon detectors are discussed. Fabrication methods and preamplifier electronics of the planar detectors are presented. Designs of the developed, large area silicon detectors are presented and measurement results of the key operating parameters are discussed. Static and dynamic performance of the developed silicon strip detectors are shown to be very satisfactory for experimental physics applications. Results relating to the developed, novel CT detector chips are found to be very promising for further development and all key performance goals are met.
The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.
The integrated system of design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) and internet based collaborative design are presented to support product design, manufacturing process, and assembly planning for axial eccentric oil-pump design. The presented system manages and schedules group oriented collaborative activities. The design guidelines of internet based collaborative design & DFMA are expressed. The components and the manufacturing stages of axial eccentric oil-pump are expressed in detail. The file formats of the presented system include the data types of collaborative design of the product, assembly design, assembly planning and assembly system design. Product design and assembly planning can be operated synchronously and intelligently and they are integrated under the condition of internet based collaborative design and DFMA. The technologies of collaborative modelling, collaborative manufacturing, and internet based collaborative assembly for the specific pump construction are developed. A seven-security level is presented to ensure the security of the internet based collaborative design system.
Tehoelektoniikkalaitteella tarkoitetaan ohjaus- ja säätöjärjestelmää, jolla sähköä muokataan saatavilla olevasta muodosta haluttuun uuteen muotoon ja samalla hallitaan sähköisen tehon virtausta lähteestä käyttökohteeseen. Tämä siis eroaa signaalielektroniikasta, jossa sähköllä tyypillisesti siirretään tietoa hyödyntäen eri tiloja. Tehoelektroniikkalaitteita vertailtaessa katsotaan yleensä niiden luotettavuutta, kokoa, tehokkuutta, säätötarkkuutta ja tietysti hintaa. Tyypillisiä tehoelektroniikkalaitteita ovat taajuudenmuuttajat, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) -laitteet, hitsauskoneet, induktiokuumentimet sekä erilaiset teholähteet. Perinteisesti näiden laitteiden ohjaus toteutetaan käyttäen mikroprosessoreja, ASIC- (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) tai IC (Intergrated Circuit) -piirejä sekä analogisia säätimiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa on analysoitu FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) -piirien soveltuvuutta tehoelektroniikan ohjaukseen. FPGA-piirien rakenne muodostuu erilaisista loogisista elementeistä ja niiden välisistä yhdysjohdoista.Loogiset elementit ovat porttipiirejä ja kiikkuja. Yhdysjohdot ja loogiset elementit ovat piirissä kiinteitä eikä koostumusta tai lukumäärää voi jälkikäteen muuttaa. Ohjelmoitavuus syntyy elementtien välisistä liitännöistä. Piirissä on lukuisia, jopa miljoonia kytkimiä, joiden asento voidaan asettaa. Siten piirin peruselementeistä voidaan muodostaa lukematon määrä erilaisia toiminnallisia kokonaisuuksia. FPGA-piirejä on pitkään käytetty kommunikointialan tuotteissa ja siksi niiden kehitys on viime vuosina ollut nopeaa. Samalla hinnat ovat pudonneet. Tästä johtuen FPGA-piiristä on tullut kiinnostava vaihtoehto myös tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden ohjaukseen. Väitöstyössä FPGA-piirien käytön soveltuvuutta on tutkittu käyttäen kahta vaativaa ja erilaista käytännön tehoelektroniikkalaitetta: taajuudenmuuttajaa ja hitsauskonetta. Molempiin testikohteisiin rakennettiin alan suomalaisten teollisuusyritysten kanssa soveltuvat prototyypit,joiden ohjauselektroniikka muutettiin FPGA-pohjaiseksi. Lisäksi kehitettiin tätä uutta tekniikkaa hyödyntävät uudentyyppiset ohjausmenetelmät. Prototyyppien toimivuutta verrattiin vastaaviin perinteisillä menetelmillä ohjattuihin kaupallisiin tuotteisiin ja havaittiin FPGA-piirien mahdollistaman rinnakkaisen laskennantuomat edut molempien tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden toimivuudessa. Työssä on myösesitetty uusia menetelmiä ja työkaluja FPGA-pohjaisen säätöjärjestelmän kehitykseen ja testaukseen. Esitetyillä menetelmillä tuotteiden kehitys saadaan mahdollisimman nopeaksi ja tehokkaaksi. Lisäksi työssä on kehitetty FPGA:n sisäinen ohjaus- ja kommunikointiväylärakenne, joka palvelee tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden ohjaussovelluksia. Uusi kommunikointirakenne edistää lisäksi jo tehtyjen osajärjestelmien uudelleen käytettävyyttä tulevissa sovelluksissa ja tuotesukupolvissa.
It is generally accepted that between 70 and 80% of manufacturing costs can be attributed to design. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the designer to estimate manufacturing costs accurately, especially when alternative constructions are compared at the conceptual design phase, because of the lack of cost information and appropriate tools. In general, previous reports concerning optimisation of a welded structure have used the mass of the product as the basis for the cost comparison. However, it can easily be shown using a simple example that the use of product mass as the sole manufacturing cost estimator is unsatisfactory. This study describes a method of formulating welding time models for cost calculation, and presents the results of the models for particular sections, based on typical costs in Finland. This was achieved by collecting information concerning welded products from different companies. The data included 71 different welded assemblies taken from the mechanical engineering and construction industries. The welded assemblies contained in total 1 589 welded parts, 4 257 separate welds, and a total welded length of 3 188 metres. The data were modelled for statistical calculations, and models of welding time were derived by using linear regression analysis. Themodels were tested by using appropriate statistical methods, and were found to be accurate. General welding time models have been developed, valid for welding in Finland, as well as specific, more accurate models for particular companies. The models are presented in such a form that they can be used easily by a designer, enabling the cost calculation to be automated.