27 resultados para Bou i Vilanova, Albert -- Interviews

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Business On-Demand solutions are widely used by SMEs in the world today. When I started working in SAP, SAP had just launched its first version mobile solutions for Business On-Demand solutions. SAP ByDesign mobile solution is great, but I believe we could do something even better on mobile phones. My job is focusing on mobile application development. Therefore, I have lots of thoughts about how we could make the mobile solutions better serve desktop solutions and how to distinguish the mobile solutions. Finally I decide to have a further research into this area. The purpose of this thesis is trying to find out how to improve the mobile solutions for Business On-Demand, find out its benefit and limits, and distinguish SaaS mobile solutions from desktop ones. In order to conduct this research, I had some online literature search to find out the Business On-Demand market and major players in this area. I compare the materials from public internet with the ones that are used internally in SAP. I had some interviews with SAP solution manager and SAP‟s potential customers. I finally made some pro-posals for mobile SaaS solutions which I believe will make the solutions better present and much helpful to the customers.


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Toisen jäte on toisen raaka-aine – Kierrätys ja uudelleenvalmistus taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena Väitöskirjatutkimus tarkastelee kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta sekä siihen perustuvaa kierrätysliiketoimintaa taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena. Tässä kestävyys tarkoittaa jätekysymysten ratkaisemista tavalla, joka mahdollistaa kestävän kehityksen periaatteiden mukaisen yhteiskunnan kehittymisen. Jätteisiin liittyvät taloudelliset ja ekolo- giset kysymykset ovat merkittävä yhteiskunnallinen haaste. Tämä luo tarpeen tutkimukselle, jonka lähtökohtana on jätekysymysten moniulotteinen tarkas- telu ja yksittäisen yrityksen toiminnan suhteuttaminen osaksi laajempaa kokonaisuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa jätteen hyödyntämistä materiaalina lähestytään sekä empiirisesti yrityksen näkökulmasta että teoreettisesti systeemiajattelun tarjoamasta laajemmasta perspektiivistä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmär- tää kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta liiketoimintamahdollisuutena, niiden merkitystä yrityksessä, alueella ja kierrätystaloudessa sekä näiden vuorovai- kutteista suhdetta taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen kestävyyteen nähden. Tutki- muskysymys on tärkeä, koska siihen vastaamalla syvennetään ymmärrystä yrityksissä tapahtuvan kierrätyksen ja uudelleenvalmistuksen merkityksestä kestävämmän yhteiskunnan rakentumisessa. Tutkimuksen teoriaperusta pohjautuu teollisen ekologian kirjallisuuteen ja ekoteollisen kehityksen tutkimukseen. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyden tarkastelu rakentuu tutkimuksessa teollisen ekologian ja ekoteollisen kehityk- sen lähtökohtana olevaan win-win-ajatteluun, jonka mukaan hyvä ympäristö- suorituskyky ja hyvä taloudellinen suorituskyky voivat vahvistaa toisiaan. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan teoreettisessa tarkastelussa keskeisiä elementtejä ovat kierrätystalouden malli, teollisen ekologian alueelliset systeemit, ekoteolliset verkostot ja yrityksen rooli teollista ekologiaa soveltavana toimijana. Tutki- muksen keskeisenä kontribuutiona on yritysnäkökulman integroiminen aiem- paa vahvemmin osaksi teollisen ekologian diskursseja. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen kannattavuuteen ja sen myötä kestävyyteen liittyviä kysymyksiä on lähestytty tekemällä yritys- haastatteluja ja hyödyntämällä valmista haastatteluaineistoa. Tutkimusta varten haastattelin 10 kierrätysliiketoimintaa harjoittavaa yritystä vuosina 2007 ja 2008. Tämän lisäksi tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty Turun ammatti- korkeakoulun ja Turku Science Parkin toteuttamassa RESU-hankkeessa (Kierrätysliiketoiminta ja resurssitehokkuus Varsinais-Suomen vahvuudeksi – RESU) vuosina 2013 ja 2014 kerättyä aineistoa. Hankkeessa haastateltiin yhteensä 25 jätemateriaalia hyödyntävää ja/tai tuottavaa yritystä. Aineistojen analysointimenetelmänä on sisällönanalyysi. Analyysin tulok- sena muodostettiin yhteensä viisi pääteemaa ja 12 alateemaa. Teemat kuvaavat kierrätysliiketoimintaa aiempaa moniulotteisemmin ja näin syventävät ymmär- rystä ilmiön merkityksestä kestävämmän yhteiskunnan rakentumisessa. Teolli- sen ekologian alaan kuuluvat kvalitatiiviset tutkimukset ovat melko harvinai- sia, joten tämän väitöstutkimuksen ilmeisenä vahvuutena on laadullisen tutkimusmenetelmän hyödyntäminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan todeta, että kierrätystalouden kehittymistä edistävä kierrätysliiketoiminta on monimuotoista ja sisältää erilaisia liiketoi- mintamahdollisuuksia sekä arvoketjuja. Paikallistuntemus ja keskeinen sijainti jätemateriaalien tuottajien suhteen on tärkeä kriteeri kierrätysliiketoiminnassa, mutta jätemateriaaleja myös kuljetetaan pitkiä matkoja. Paikallisia tai alueelli- sia jätevirtoja hyödyntävä kierrätysliiketoiminta voi tukea alueellista kestä- vyyttä, mutta toisinaan myös keskitetty hyödyntäminen voi olla kestävä vaih- toehto. Yhteistyöverkostot ovat tärkeitä jätemateriaalin laadun ja saatavuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kierrätysliiketoimintaa harjoittavat yritykset ovat samalla sekä kierrätystalouden käytännön toimeenpanijoita että uuden toimintakulttuurin luojia. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan esittää johtopäätös, että kierrä- tysliiketoiminta on taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kannattava liiketoimintamah- dollisuus. Win-win-ratkaisut eivät kuitenkaan takaa kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyttä. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyden arvioiminen edellyttää laajaa perspektiiviä ja toiminnan vaikutusten suhteuttamista mittakaavaan, ajalliseen ulottuvuuteen, interventioon ja sosiaalisiin kysymyksiin. Teolliseen ekologiaan perustuva kierrätysliiketoiminta luo mahdollisuuksia edistää kestävyyttä, joten tällä perusteella kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta voidaan pitää kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena. Avainsanat: kierrätysliiketoiminta, kierrätys, uudelleenvalmistus, systeemiajattelu, teollinen ekologia, ekoteollinen kehitys, kierrätystalous, win-win-ajattelu, kestävyys One company's waste is another's raw material –Recycling and remanufacturing as an economically and environmentally sustainable business opportunity The thesis investigates whether product recycling and remanufacturing can serve as a business opportunity that is economically and ecologically sustaina- ble. In this effort, my idea is to contribute to solving the waste issue in a manner that makes it possible to strive toward sustainable societal develop- ment. The economic and ecological questions associated with waste flows are a significant challenge. The complexity of the issue requires a multidimen- sional approach in which the operation of an individual company is viewed in the context of the larger societal system. In this thesis waste utilization as a resource with value is considered both from an empirical perspective on the firm as well as from a more general viewpoint offered by systems analysis. The objective of the thesis is to under- stand recycling and remanufacturing as a business opportunity. The thesis considers the meaning of recycling and remanufacturing for a single company, for the region the company is located and for the recycling economy. The objective of this study is important for it enhances the understanding of the product recycling and remanufacturing processes that take place within busi- ness organizations and how these processes affect societal sustainable development. The theoretical basis arises from industrial ecology and from the literature on eco-industrial development. The business-economic win-win situation and this vision serve as the basic position from which recycling business is inves- tigated in the thesis. In the theoretical discussion, key elements are recycling economy model, regional and local industrial ecosystems, eco-industrial networks and the role of a company as an actor that applies industrial ecology in practice. The main contribution of this study lies in integrating the company perspective more strongly into the industrial ecology discourses. The recycling business has been studied by conducting interviews in companies and by secondary analysis of an existing interview material. During 2007 and 2008 I made 10 interviews in companies that are active in recycling business. In addition, I used interview material gathered for the project “Recycling business and resource efficiency as the strength of Southwest Finland” (RESU) by Turku University of Applied Sciences and Turku Science Park during the period 2013–2014. This data covers altogether 25 businesses that either utilize and/or produce waste materials. The data has been analyzed using the content analysis method. This process led to the development of 5 main themes and 12 sub-themes. These themes describe the recycling business multi-dimensionally and thus understanding of the phenomenon and its role in building a sustainable society are substantially deepened in this research. In the field of industrial ecology qualitative studies are relatively rare and therefore the qualitative research approach is an evident strength of the thesis. The results show that the recycling business activity supporting recycling economy has diverse dimensions including various business opportunities and diverse value chains. The results show that for waste producers it is important to know the local situational factors and to have a central geographical location. Waste materials are, however, transported over long distances as well. The study indicates that local waste flow utilization can support regional sustainability, while occasionally a more centralized utilization can be sustain- able. Collaboration networks are important to secure the quality and availabil- ity of utilizable waste materials. The thesis demonstrates that the companies practicing recycling business serve simultaneously as actors that implement recycling economy and enhance a new operation culture within the business community. The overall conclusion of the thesis argues that recycling business is a business opportunity that can support both an economically and environmen- tally viable business operation. However, win-win solutions do not secure the sustainability of recycling business. The sustainability evaluation of recycling business requires a holistic systems perspective. The actions undertaken need to be considered with changing spatial and temporal system boundaries, societal intervention and placed in the context of relevant societal issues. Industrial ecology -based recycling business creates opportunities for sustain- ability and thus recycling and remanufacturing present an opportunity for sustainable business. Keywords: Recycling business; Recycling; Remanufacturing, Systems thinking; Industrial ecology; Eco-industrial development; Recycling Economy; Win-Win thinking; Sustainability


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The aim of this research was to structure a conceptual model of hope and hopelessness based on dictionary definitions, and to verify this model on the basis of the experiences of the severely depressive and non-depressive elderly. This research has produced a substantive theory of hope and hopelessness which is based on the experiences of the depressive and non-depressive elderly, and on the concept analysis of hope and hopelessness based on English dictionary definitions. The patients who participated in the research were 65 years old and older men and women (n=22) who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of major depression, and another group: the non-depressive elderly (n=21), who were recruited from the pensioners’ clubs. The data were collected in interviews using the Clinical Assessment Tool, developed by Farran, Salloway and Clark (1990) and Farran, Wilken and Popovich (1992), and it produced 553 pages of written text, which were analysed using the ATLAS/ti programme. ATLAS/ti is a tool for analysing qualitative data and is based on Grounded Theory. The medical and nursing records of the depressive elderly completed source triangulation. The concept analysis of hope and hopelessness was made on the basis of the definitions of English dictionaries (n=103), using semantic analysis and the ATLAS/ti programme. The most important hope-promoting factors were human relations, health and managing in everyday living. Autonomy, self-determination and feeling of security were highly appreciated among the elderly. Hopelessness, on the other hand, was most often associated with the same factors: human relations, health and everyday living. Especially, losses of significant others were experienced as strongly hope-diminishing. Old age had brought freedom from duties concerning others, but now, when you finally had an opportunity to enjoy yourself, you could not accomplish anything; you were clasped in the arms of total inability, depression had come. The most obvious difference in the life course of the depressive and nondepressive elderly was the abundance of traumatic experiences in the childhood and youth of the depressive elderly. The continuous circulation of fearful thoughts was almost touchable, and suicidality was described in connection with these thoughts. You were afraid to be awake and also to go to sleep. Managing day by day was the goal. The research produced the Basic Social Process (BSP) of hope: achieving - maintaining - losing, which expresses a continuous balancing between Being without and Being with. The importance of the object of hope was combined with the amount of hope and disappointment. The process of approaching defined the realisation of hope and the process of withdrawal that of losing. Joy and security versus grief and insecurity defined the Being with and Being without. Two core categories were found. The first one “If only I could�? reflects lack of energy, lack of knowledge, lack of courage and lack of ability. The other one “There is always a loophole�? reflects deliberate tracing of possibilities and the belief in finding solutions, and managing.


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The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.


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Helsingfors : G. W. Edlund 1895


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The computer is a useful tool in the teaching of upper secondary school physics, and should not have a subordinate role in students' learning process. However, computers and computer-based tools are often not available when they could serve their purpose best in the ongoing teaching. Another problem is the fact that commercially available tools are not usable in the way the teacher wants. The aim of this thesis was to try out a novel teaching scenario in a complicated subject in physics, electrodynamics. The didactic engineering of the thesis consisted of developing a computer-based simulation and training material, implementing the tool in physics teaching and investigating its effectiveness in the learning process. The design-based research method, didactic engineering (Artigue, 1994), which is based on the theoryof didactical situations (Brousseau, 1997), was used as a frame of reference for the design of this type of teaching product. In designing the simulation tool a general spreadsheet program was used. The design was based on parallel, dynamic representations of the physics behind the function of an AC series circuit in both graphical and numerical form. The tool, which was furnished with possibilities to control the representations in an interactive way, was hypothesized to activate the students and promote the effectiveness of their learning. An effect variable was constructed in order to measure the students' and teachers' conceptions of learning effectiveness. The empirical study was twofold. Twelve physics students, who attended a course in electrodynamics in an upper secondary school, participated in a class experiment with the computer-based tool implemented in three modes of didactical situations: practice, concept introduction and assessment. The main goal of the didactical situations was to have students solve problems and study the function of AC series circuits, taking responsibility for theirown learning process. In the teacher study eighteen Swedish speaking physics teachers evaluated the didactic potential of the computer-based tool and the accompanying paper-based material without using them in their physics teaching. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The result of the studies showed that both the group of students and the teachers had generally positive conceptions of learning effectiveness. The students' conceptions were more positive in the practice situation than in the concept introduction situation, a setting that was more explorative. However, it turned out that the students' conceptions were also positive in the more complex assessment situation. This had not been hypothesized. A deeper analysis of data from observations and interviews showed that one of the students in each pair was more active than the other, taking more initiative and more responsibilityfor the student-student and student-computer interaction. These active studentshad strong, positive conceptions of learning effectiveness in each of the threedidactical situations. The group of less active students had a weak but positive conception in the first iv two situations, but a negative conception in the assessment situation, thus corroborating the hypothesis ad hoc. The teacher study revealed that computers were seldom used in physics teaching and that computer programs were in short supply. The use of a computer was considered time-consuming. As long as physics teaching with computer-based tools has to take place in special computer rooms, the use of such tools will remain limited. The affordance is enhanced when the physical dimensions as well as the performance of the computer are optimised. As a consequence, the computer then becomes a real learning tool for each pair of students, smoothly integrated into the ongoing teaching in the same space where teaching normally takes place. With more interactive support from the teacher, the computer-based parallel, dynamic representations will be efficient in promoting the learning process of the students with focus on qualitative reasoning - an often neglected part of the learning process of the students in upper secondary school physics.


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I det lilla sammanhanget synliggörs de stora frågorna om både pedagogik, kultur och struktur och om samverkan mellan dem. Studiet av de minsta enheterna i den finländska utbildningen ger kunskap om det viktiga i pedagogiska relationer och i skolgemenskaper, men synliggör också samhällsskeendets inbyggda konflikter om mål och värderingar. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om de små skolornas pedagogiska, kulturella och strukturella innebörd och betingelser. Genom djupintervjuer med 12 finlandssvenska lärare i byskolor med färre än 30 elever, analys av skolindragningsdebatt och utbildningspolitiska styrdokument, samt genom teoretiskt förankrade reflektioner skapas en förståelse av såväl lärares arbete och pedagogiska tänkande som skolans funktion i samhället. Avhandlingen byggs upp enligt ett hermeneutiskt och narrativt tänkande. I studien framkommer att byskollärares pedagogiska tänkande syftar till det enskilda barnets optimala och balanserade helhetsutveckling i en gemenskap, där det är centralt att finna den pedagogiska balansen och möjligheten inom kontinuum mellan bl.a. elevbemyndigande och beledsagande. De pedagogiska intentionerna bär syftet att ge rötter och vingar, samhörighet och frihet. I lärarnas beskrivningar uttrycks en sammanvävning mellan deras pedagogiska intentioner och de kontextuella möjligheterna att realisera dessa. Byskollärarna är bärare av en pedagogisk professionalitet som utvecklas i relation till arbetets betingelser. Det praktiska yrkeskunnandet innefattar en balansgång mellan å ena sidan systematik och organisering och å andra sidan flexibilitet och frihet. Att samma lärare handhar eleverna en lång tid är en pedagogisk möjlighet och utmaning. I lärarnas berättelser aktualiseras vad balansgången i en god pedagogisk relation innebär. Både lärare och elever fostras in i en särskild skolkultur och undervisningskultur, i en växelverkan. Yrkeskulturen präglas av olika former av samverkan, både med skolans hela personal som ett teamarbete och med lokalsamhället. Lärarna uttrycker god arbetstrivsel, men friheten och ansvaret i arbetet kan vara både stimulerande och betungande. I en metaanalys skapas teoretiska modeller för vad arbete i närhetens och litenhetens spänningsfält kan innebära och hur det kan påverka lärares professionella utveckling och ork. Den lilla byskolan relaterad till en större samhällskontext öppnar för frågor om vad kvalitet innebär och vilka värderingar som är riktgivande inom utbildningsplanering. Kampen för kontinuiteten i byskolans berättelse tolkas som en kamp för det lokala rummet, för gemenskap, existens, framtid, likvärdighet och trygghet. Kampen för byskolan är ett försvar av både lokal livskvalitet och pedagogisk kvalitet för den enskilde eleven. I det övergripande kulturella sammanhanget synliggörs motsättningar. Det verkar finnas en inbyggd konflikt i utbildningsplaneringens föresatser att samtidigt uppnå jämlikhet, kostnadseffektivitet och kvalitet. En teoretisk modell synliggör hur pedagogik, kultur och struktur samverkar inom utbildning/byskola och påverkar lärares och elevers handlingsutrymme.


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The home is an important societal arena for upbringing and learning. A child can experience a feeling of participation in the household he or she belongs to very early in life. In this manner, the home environment constitutes an essential foundation for instruction in the subject of Home Economics. At school, Home Economics pupils should fulfill the intentions that school curriculum has for the subject, that is to say develop the knowledge, skills, and values that allow pupils to be able to take responsibility for their health, finances, comfort, and safety in their close environment. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the study aims to examine what knowledge and attitudes children and teenagers have acquired from their home environment, close environment, as well as school. Secondly, the study aims to evaluate the effects of instruction in Home Economics, at the 7th grade level, as regards diet and health, consumption and private finances, as well as household and the environment. The study’s methodological foundation focuses on pupils’ understanding of the surrounding world. A phenomenographical approach to the research phenomenon basis itself on the supposition that knowledge is fixed in human beings’ consciousness and experiences. Furthermore, the study stresses individual variations in conjunction with the experienced phenomenon. The empirical portion of the study is based on semistructured interviews of 30 pupils divided into two reference groups. The pupils were interviewed before instruction in the subject of Home Economics started and upon completing instruction. The interview data was analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the “multistage model”. The study results show that upbringing in the home environment is determinative as pertains to understanding of the socio-cultural household environment. Mealtime traditions, for example, are deeply ingrained but nonetheless influenced by lifestyle changes. The study shows that a didactic challenge exists to draw attention to the consequences of poor mealtime habits and stress for everyone raising or educating children and teenagers. Despite good knowledge of what a healthy diet is, the majority of pupils choose fast-food and junk-food when they eat out to save time and money. Studies of pupils’ preparedness for consumption show that a purposeful upbringing in the home in combination with relevant instruction in Home Economics, results in knowledgeable consumers. This study also shows that upbringing in the home environment and instruction in Home Economics requires an intense and conscious focus on the consequences of a household not run in accordance with nature, where the household lifestyle is nonsustainable. Pupils’ understanding is often based on the disregarding of the survival perspective for a comfort perspective. Parents and Home Economics teachers should be able to bring up and teach children and teenagers in a manner that allows children and teenagers to take responsibility for their health, private finances, as well as comfort and safety in the close environment. The method is conscious nurturing and instruction.


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Engraved illustrations are based on the original oil paintings of several Finnish artists: A. v. Becker, A. Edelfelt, R. W. Ekman, W. Holmberg, K. E. Jansson, O. Kleineh, J. Knutson, B. Lindholm, H. Munsterhjelm och B. Reinhold.


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The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.


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The theme of this thesis is the learning process that occurs when teachers become professional voice users. The aim is to explore what it (really) means to become a professional voice user in a teaching profession; thereby developing an understanding of how future education in this field can be arranged so as to both effectively prevent vocal problems and to develop oral didactical competence among teachers. The ambition is to describe, interpret, and understand the learning process through a combination of emic and ethic research perspectives. The theoretical frame of reference reflects the cross disciplinary character of the thesis. Voice problems are common among both student teachers and inservice teachers and adversely affect professional competence, identity and quality of life. Additionally, vocal problems are proven to have a negative impact on pupils´ learning. The individual elements of learning are explored in the light of experiential learning theory and transformative learning theory. The social elements of learning are explored in relation to the theory of situated learning. In addition, theories of teacher professionalisation in terms of competence and identity are outlined. The empirical study has a longitudinal and multi method character. It is anchored in a phenomenological hermeneutical tradition, more specifically in narrative inquiry. The point of departure is the learning experiences of ten student teachers, who attended a ten week long course on voice production as part of their teacher training at Åbo Akademi University, in the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003. Four interviews in the form of conversations were conducted with each participant. These were crystallised with a process diary, a Swedish Voice Handicap Index, a voice observation, and a video observation. A fifth interview was conducted with each participant five years post teacher training, in the spring of 2008. Participant observation was also conducted throughout the course. The research materials have been analysed and interpreted narratively using a phenomenological hermeneutical method. The results are presented descriptively as individual narratives, which are reflected in logopedic research materials. Learning is here understood as emergent awareness. This is followed by a meta narrative concerning learning as experiences in the four dimensions body, thought, feeling, and relation. Finally, interpretation is expressed with respect to the theory of relational education. Learning is here understood as a movement in the field between the actual and the possible voice. It is also viewed as fundamentally rooted in inter-human relationships, in moments of presence and coexistence. As a tentative answer to the call for an existential space for learning in order to be a professional voice user, I suggest the concept of a learning refuge as a locus for a learning process built on trust, mutuality and openness.


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To create a more inclusive school, an increase in multidisciplinary cooperation is needed. One possible form of collaboration could encompass the special education teacher taking on the role of a consultant for other teachers in need of support in working with heterogeneous groups of pupils. Previous research shows that special education teachers see the role as consultant as diffuse and complex. The overarching aim of the present study involves deepening the knowledge on how consultation in a special educational context can be understood and developed based on teachers’ descriptions on this particular form of activity interpreted against various perspectives on consultation. The study is qualitative in nature and rests on a hermeneutic interpretive research tradition in combination with an abductive approach. The theoretical framework consists of two different approaches to consultation: the directive and the non-directive approach. The approaches differ regarding particular emphasis on advice and reflection during the consultation and with respect to who or what should be the focus of the consultation. The two approaches are here studied through various theories such as social learning theory, Bruner's theory of scaffolding, Roger’s humanist psychology, and constructivism. Semi-structured interviews were held with eighteen special education teachers (n=9) and class teachers (n=9) working in the compulsory school. The overall interpretation of the results shows that special education consultation can be understood as three different types of consultation. Consultation as counseling which harmonizes with the directive perspective on consultation is the most prominent type. In the consultation as counseling conversation, the special educational knowledge transfer is central and the focus is placed on the pupil. Although special education knowledge transfer emerges as a unique aspect of special education consultation, there are several inherent challenges in this type of consultation that can be addressed in that teachers also describe two other types of consultation. In the reflective consultation, there is a move away from the pupil focus and toward a focus on the class teacher and the use of reflection. The reflective consultation harmonizes with the non-directive approach to consultation. This type of consultation does not as of yet have a prominent place in the Finland-Swedish school context and at this stage it is not seen as a legitimate type of consultation according to the teachers’ descriptions. Despite this, certain aspects of the reflective conversation could be given more space in the development of consultation within special educational contexts. The co-operative consultation is characterized by the teachers acting as teammates and using professional exchange as a strategy for consultation. Both teachers' knowledge is seen as central, and rather than the special education teacher acting as the expert and moderator, the teachers control the consultation together and jointly move the work along. The co-operative consultation enables the focus to move from the pupil toward the context, which can lead to the development of inclusive practices. The results indicate that this type of consultation holds potential in the development of special educational consultation that takes place between equal colleagues. The co-operative consultation opens up for a third collaborative approach to consultation, where aspects of the directive and non-directive perspective can merge and develop. The thesis concludes with the proposal that special pedagogical consultation can be understood from an integrated perspective. The characteristics of the consultation can vary depending on the type of problem or situation, while co-operative consultation can be seen as the ideal as equal colleagues meet in consultation conversations. In order to develop the co-operative consultation, both teachers are required to have knowledge of consultation as a practice, to be part of a collaborative school climate, and that teachers are provided with enough time to take part in consultations.


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The aim of this work is to develop entrepreneurship in university technology side. The means of SMEs is made in collaboration with the research development and innovation projects. At the same time supporting and enabling the growth of SMEs, the internationalization of higher education and increase student’s employability in SMEs. The aim is to create new startup companies with the help of co-operation both SMEs and universities, especially assist companies find the successor generation of change by improving interaction between the parties. The new growth oriented entrepreneurial business creation with help of SMEs will be seen more business supporting and opening more opportunities. Portfolio Entrepreneurship is a form of the company’s growth, even the size of company does not change so much. Portfolio Entrepreneurship is an alternative for entrepreneurs which do have possibilities to expand, but they do like keep it as family business. Variety can be seen in expansion if the SMEs have common interest to do so. Co-made projects, between SMEs and universities, are seen to be significantly affecting the wellbeing of society as a whole, and eve international level. Co-operation is considered to be also affected the quality of learning and teachers’ professional development. higher education supports the change of the supports to innovation when it is done with SMEs. Research material has been collected by interviewing the experts, who have already distinguished themselves in their field. Problem focused interviews as method gave the ways how the university students and SMEs can proceed and promote on industrial sector.


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My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on the source, some 15 000-20 000 Italian men volunteered in the Waffen-SS), has been hitherto largely unknown to historical research. The available literature on the Italian volunteers, mainly written by military history enthusiast journalists and methodologically weak, concentrates mainly on the combat operations and military organization, and offers a rather stereotypical profile of the volunteers. My dissertation does not aim to reconstruct the military history of the different divisions of the Waffen-SS in which Italian volunteers operated but instead to examine the subjective, private and intimate experience of the volunteers in order to understand the motivations, attitudes, beliefs and cultural and family background, as well as their political ideas. The main objective of my doctoral dissertation is to discover the ideological precepts of the volunteers’ political credo. As the last phase of fascism and its ideology, often defined as the “Germanisation” or “Nazification” of fascism, is still the object of wide academic debate, a better understanding of the volunteers’ ideology also contributes to deepening overall knowledge of the nature of this last phase. The theoretical frame of my dissertation lies in oral history, in particular in the postmodernist approach to oral history, through which I reconstruct the volunteers’ ideology. In-depth interviews with former volunteers are the main primary source, but multiple data collection methods have been adopted. Phone interviews and correspondence with the volunteers have also been considered as primary sources. In addition to interviews and correspondence, family archives consisting of diaries, correspondence with the volunteers’ relatives and photographic material have also been collected and examined. An ethnographic observation of the volunteers’ domestic spaces has been conducted during the in-depth interviews, and photo self-elicitation techniques have been used in cases where the volunteers were willing to share their photographs. An exhaustive portrait of the ideological structure of the volunteers has been obtained, as well as of the cultural and social origins of the values that contributed to the rise and adoption of this ideology. Further, the volunteers’ motivations to enlist have been clearly reconstructed, together with their cultural, political, social and military backgrounds. The results of the research are particularly relevant both for comprehension of the Italian phenomenon of volunteering in the Waffen-SS and for the reconstruction of the ideological dynamics of the last phase of fascism. The volunteers’ political and ideological system, which can be defined as the Italian SS-fascist ideology, disagrees strongly with the vaguely described ideological profile offered by previous studies that describe volunteers as generically “super-fascist”. The research also offers the opportunity for a deeper understanding of the final fascist ideological trajectory, currently defined, not without a certain level of approximation, as the “Germanisation” or “Nazification” of fascist ideology.


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The dissertation ´I knit, therefore I am!´ Learning and identity in informal space has two main purposes. The first purpose being an investigation of how new value attributions and thinking can generate novel and usable knowledge to the field of craftsmanship, and the second purpose being a display of a different and overlooked philosophical and cultural potential in a reflexive mode of expression, which is able to reflect the normative comprehension of craftsmanship. The dissertation focuses on learning and identity in informal spaces of learning and how it is possible to relate such a learning perspective to crafts training in educational establishments. The empirical foundation of this dissertation is ‘craftivism’. In the dissertation activists from the Nordic countries have been interviewed about what they do when they put up their textile graffiti on lamp posts and house walls. Three research problems are presented: 1) What stories do people who work as crafts activists, tell about ways of relating and methods of action when they make crafts? 2) What do these stories tell about learning and identity? 3) How may the research results influence training and education in craftsmanship? These questions are being asked in order to acquire new knowledge in two aspects; first aspect being knowledge about crafts in relation to techniques, tradition and the objects in crafts, and the second aspect being knowledge about learning and identity in informal spaces of learning. The dissertations theoretical foundation is post structural and sociocultural combined with hermeneutical-inspired qualitative interviews. The author’s position and pre-understanding is subject to discussion in relation to the informant; the performing activist, as the background for both of them is craftsmanship. Starting from cultural studies, it is possible to see the activist subject’s conditions of possibilities in the culture, as the activism of the sub-cultural phenomenon’s craft lights up through a performing approach to the individual’s actions. First the research material has been analysed for events of textile graffiti and possible themes in the events, after which the results have been summarised. Next the research material has been analysed for events about learning and identity due to the author’s wish of comprehending the background of and motivational force in activism. The analysis is divided in main perspectives with different dimensions. The results of the analysis show the activist subject’s construction of an individual who actively takes part in a community by e.g. creating joy, changing the world’s perception of sustainability or by feminizing the public space. By taking crafts over the borders (and away from the class room) crafts become contextualized in a novel fashion thus obtaining an independent status. In this fashion the dissertation writes itself into a new method of comprehending and performing traditional craftsmanship techniques.