6 resultados para Balls populars-Alacant-Gravat
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The properties and cosmological importance of a class of non-topological solitons, Q-balls, are studied. Aspects of Q-ball solutions and Q-ball cosmology discussed in the literature are reviewed. Q-balls are particularly considered in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with supersymmetry broken by a hidden sector mechanism mediated by either gravity or gauge interactions. Q-ball profiles, charge-energy relations and evaporation rates for realistic Q-ball profiles are calculated for general polynomial potentials and for the gravity mediated scenario. In all of the cases, the evaporation rates are found to increase with decreasing charge. Q-ball collisions are studied by numerical means in the two supersymmetry breaking scenarios. It is noted that the collision processes can be divided into three types: fusion, charge transfer and elastic scattering. Cross-sections are calculated for the different types of processes in the different scenarios. The formation of Q-balls from the fragmentation of the Aflieck-Dine -condensate is studied by numerical and analytical means. The charge distribution is found to depend strongly on the initial energy-charge ratio of the condensate. The final state is typically noted to consist of Q- and anti-Q-balls in a state of maximum entropy. By studying the relaxation of excited Q-balls the rate at which excess energy can be emitted is calculated in the gravity mediated scenario. The Q-ball is also found to withstand excess energy well without significant charge loss. The possible cosmological consequences of these Q-ball properties are discussed.
The active magnetic bearings have recently been intensively developed because of noncontact support having several advantages compared to conventional bearings. Due to improved materials, strategies of control, and electrical components, the performance and reliability of the active magnetic bearings are improving. However, additional bearings, retainer bearings, still have a vital role in the applications of the active magnetic bearings. The most crucial moment when the retainer bearings are needed is when the rotor drops from the active magnetic bearings on the retainer bearings due to component or power failure. Without appropriate knowledge of the retainer bearings, there is a chance that an active magnetic bearing supported rotor system will be fatal in a drop-down situation. This study introduces a detailed simulation model of a rotor system in order to describe a rotor drop-down situation on the retainer bearings. The introduced simulation model couples a finite element model with component mode synthesis and detailed bearing models. In this study, electrical components and electromechanical forces are not in the focus. The research looks at the theoretical background of the finite element method with component mode synthesis that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The retainer bearings are described by using two ball bearing models, which include damping and stiffness properties, oil film, inertia of rolling elements and friction between races and rolling elements. Thefirst bearing model assumes that the cage of the bearing is ideal and that the cage holds the balls in their predefined positions precisely. The second bearing model is an extension of the first model and describes the behavior of the cageless bearing. In the bearing model, each ball is described by using two degrees of freedom. The models introduced in this study are verified with a corresponding actual structure. By using verified bearing models, the effects of the parameters of the rotor system onits dynamics during emergency stops are examined. As shown in this study, the misalignment of the retainer bearings has a significant influence on the behavior of the rotor system in a drop-down situation. In this study, a stability map of the rotor system as a function of rotational speed of the rotor and the misalignment of the retainer bearings is presented. In addition, the effects of parameters of the simulation procedure and the rotor system on the dynamics of system are studied.
The dynamical properties ofshaken granular materials are important in many industrial applications where the shaking is used to mix, segregate and transport them. In this work asystematic, large scale simulation study has been performed to investigate the rheology of dense granular media, in the presence of gas, in a three dimensional vertical cylinder filled with glass balls. The base wall of the cylinder is subjected to sinusoidal oscillation in the vertical direction. The viscoelastic behavior of glass balls during a collision, have been studied experimentally using a modified Newton's Cradle device. By analyzing the results of the measurements, using numerical model based on finite element method, the viscous damping coefficient was determinedfor the glass balls. To obtain detailed information about the interparticle interactions in a shaker, a simplified model for collision between particles of a granular material was proposed. In order to simulate the flow of surrounding gas, a formulation of the equations for fluid flow in a porous medium including particle forces was proposed. These equations are solved with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique using a subgrid-model originally proposed for compressible turbulent flows. For a pentagonal prism-shaped container under vertical vibrations, the results show that oscillon type structures were formed. Oscillons are highly localized particle-like excitations of the granular layer. This self-sustaining state was named by analogy with its closest large-scale analogy, the soliton, which was first documented by J.S. Russell in 1834. The results which has been reportedbyBordbar and Zamankhan(2005b)also show that slightly revised fluctuation-dissipation theorem might apply to shaken sand, which appears to be asystem far from equilibrium and could exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations in quantities such as density and local particle velocity. In this light, hydrodynamic type continuum equations were presented for describing the deformation and flow of dense gas-particle mixtures. The constitutive equation used for the stress tensor provides an effective viscosity with a liquid-like character at low shear rates and a gaseous-like behavior at high shear rates. The numerical solutions were obtained for the aforementioned hydrodynamic equations for predicting the flow dynamics ofdense mixture of gas and particles in vertical cylindrical containers. For a heptagonal prism shaped container under vertical vibrations, the model results were found to predict bubbling behavior analogous to those observed experimentally. This bubbling behavior may be explained by the unusual gas pressure distribution found in the bed. In addition, oscillon type structures were found to be formed using a vertically vibrated, pentagonal prism shaped container in agreement with computer simulation results. These observations suggest that the pressure distribution plays a key rolein deformation and flow of dense mixtures of gas and particles under vertical vibrations. The present models provide greater insight toward the explanation of poorly understood hydrodynamic phenomena in the field of granular flows and dense gas-particle mixtures. The models can be generalized to investigate the granular material-container wall interactions which would be an issue of high interests in the industrial applications. By following this approach ideal processing conditions and powder transport can be created in industrial systems.
This work concerns the experimental study of rapid granular shear flows in annular Couette geometry. The flow is induced by continuous driving of the horizontal plate at the top of the granular bed in an annulus. The compressive pressure, driving torque, instantaneous bed height and rotational speed of the shearing plate are measured. Moreover, local stress fluctuations are measured in a medium made of steel spheres 2 and 3 mm in diameter. Both monodisperse packing and bidisperse packing are investigated to reveal the influence of size diversity in intermittent features of granular materials. Experiments are conducted in an annulus that can contain up to 15 kg of spherical steel balls. The shearing granular medium takes place via the rotation of the upper plate which compresses the material loaded inside the annulus. Fluctuations of compressive force are locally measured at the bottom of the annulus using a piezoelectric sensor. Rapid shear flow experiments are pursued at different compressive forces and shear rates and the sensitivity of fluctuations are then investigated by different means through monodisperse and bidisperse packings. Another important feature of rapid granular shear flows is the formation of ordered structures upon shearing. It requires a certain range for the amount of granular material (uniform size distribution) loaded in the system in order to obtain stable flows. This is studied more deeply in this thesis. The results of the current work bring some new insights into deformation dynamics and intermittency in rapid granular shear flows. The experimental apparatus is modified in comparison to earlier investigations. The measurements produce data for various quantities continuously sampled from the start of shearing to the end. Static failure and dynamic shearing ofa granular medium is investigated. The results of this work revealed some important features of failure dynamics and structure formation in the system. Furthermore, some computer simulations are performed in a 2D annulus to examine the nature of kinetic energy dissipation. It is found that turbulent flow models can statistically represent rapid granular flows with high accuracy. In addition to academic outcomes and scientific publications our results have a number of technological applications associated with grinding, mining and massive grain storages.
This Ph.D. thesis consists of four original papers. The papers cover several topics from geometric function theory, more specifically, hyperbolic type metrics, conformal invariants, and the distortion properties of quasiconformal mappings. The first paper deals mostly with the quasihyperbolic metric. The main result gives the optimal bilipschitz constant with respect to the quasihyperbolic metric for the M¨obius self-mappings of the unit ball. A quasiinvariance property, sharp in a local sense, of the quasihyperbolic metric under quasiconformal mappings is also proved. The second paper studies some distortion estimates for the class of quasiconformal self-mappings fixing the boundary values of the unit ball or convex domains. The distortion is measured by the hyperbolic metric or hyperbolic type metrics. The results provide explicit, asymptotically sharp inequalities when the maximal dilatation of quasiconformal mappings tends to 1. These explicit estimates involve special functions which have a crucial role in this study. In the third paper, we investigate the notion of the quasihyperbolic volume and find the growth estimates for the quasihyperbolic volume of balls in a domain in terms of the radius. It turns out that in the case of domains with Ahlfors regular boundaries, the rate of growth depends not merely on the radius but also on the metric structure of the boundary. The topic of the fourth paper is complete elliptic integrals and inequalities. We derive some functional inequalities and elementary estimates for these special functions. As applications, some functional inequalities and the growth of the exterior modulus of a rectangle are studied.
Increased rotational speed brings many advantages to an electric motor. One of the benefits is that when the desired power is generated at increased rotational speed, the torque demanded from the rotor decreases linearly, and as a consequence, a motor of smaller size can be used. Using a rotor with high rotational speed in a system with mechanical bearings can, however, create undesirable vibrations, and therefore active magnetic bearings (AMBs) are often considered a good option for the main bearings, as the rotor then has no mechanical contact with other parts of the system but levitates on the magnetic forces. On the other hand, such systems can experience overloading or a sudden shutdown of the electrical system, whereupon the magnetic field becomes extinct, and as a result of rotor delevitation, mechanical contact occurs. To manage such nonstandard operations, AMB-systems require mechanical touchdown bearings with an oversized bore diameter. The need for touchdown bearings seems to be one of the barriers preventing greater adoption of AMB technology, because in the event of an uncontrolled touchdown, failure may occur, for example, in the bearing’s cage or balls, or in the rotor. This dissertation consists of two parts: First, touchdown bearing misalignment in the contact event is studied. It is found that misalignment increases the likelihood of a potentially damaging whirling motion of the rotor. A model for analysis of the stresses occurring in the rotor is proposed. In the studies of misalignment and stresses, a flexible rotor using a finite element approach is applied. Simplified models of cageless and caged bearings are used for the description of touchdown bearings. The results indicate that an increase in misalignment can have a direct influence on the bending and shear stresses occurring in the rotor during the contact event. Thus, it was concluded that analysis of stresses arising in the contact event is essential to guarantee appropriate system dimensioning for possible contact events with misaligned touchdown bearings. One of the conclusions drawn from the first part of the study is that knowledge of the forces affecting the balls and cage of the touchdown bearings can enable a more reliable estimation of the service life of the bearing. Therefore, the second part of the dissertation investigates the forces occurring in the cage and balls of touchdown bearings and introduces two detailed models of touchdown bearings in which all bearing parts are modelled as independent bodies. Two multibody-based two-dimensional models of touchdown bearings are introduced for dynamic analysis of the contact event. All parts of the bearings are modelled with geometrical surfaces, and the bodies interact with each other through elastic contact forces. To assist in identification of the forces affecting the balls and cage in the contact event, the first model describes a touchdown bearing without a cage, and the second model describes a touchdown bearing with a cage. The introduced models are compared with the simplified models used in the first part of the dissertation through parametric study. Damages to the rotor, cage and balls are some of the main reasons for failures of AMB-systems. The stresses in the rotor in the contact event are defined in this work. Furthermore, the forces affecting key bodies of the bearings, cage and balls can be studied using the models of touchdown bearings introduced in this dissertation. Knowledge obtained from the introduced models is valuable since it can enable an optimum structure for a rotor and touchdown bearings to be designed.