8 resultados para Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Background: The function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can be evaluated with heart rate variability (HRV). Decreased HRV is associated with aging, the male sex, increased heart rate, and overall increased cardiometabolic risk. It has been hypothesized that early atherosclerotic vascular changes and ANS function are related. Aims: The aims were to assess reference values on HRV in young adults, and examine associations with HRV and cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS) and to study relations between HRV and ultrasonographically measured vascular properties. Participants and methods: The present thesis is part of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. The thesis is based on the follow-up study in 2001, when the study individuals were 24-39 years of age. HRV data were available on 1 956 individuals. Results: HRV was inversely associated with age and heart rate (for all p<0.001). Highfrequency HRV (HF) was higher, and low-frequency HRV (LF) lower in women than men (p<0.0001 for both). MetS was associated with 11% decreased HF and 12% increased LF/HF-ratio in women, and 8% decreased HF and 4% increased LF/HF-ratio in men. Carotid artery distensibility was independently associated with HF and total HRV (for both p<0.05). Conclusions: The reference values in young adults were generated. Decreased HRV was associated with age, the male sex and increased heart rate. Women had higher HF and lower LF variability than men. MetS was related to decrease in HRV. The observed associations between carotid elasticity and HRV, supports the hypothesis that reduction in carotid elasticity may lead to decrease in autonomic cardiac control.


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Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä iäkkäässä väestössä. Erityisen yleistä käyttö on pitkäaikaisessa laitoshoidossa asuvilla iäkkäillä. Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon, ja useat hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkeaineryhmät on tunnistettu murtumien riskitekijöiksi. Aikaisemmin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön yhteyksiä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa havaittiin, että usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkeaineen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli hyvin yleistä Porin kaupunginsairaalan viidellä pitkäaikaisen laitoshoidon osastolla (n = 154) vuosien 2004 ja 2005 vaihteessa. Kolmasosa tutkituista käytti säännöllisesti kolmea tai useampaa hermostoon vaikuttavaa lääkettä samanaikaisesti. Kun huomioitiin myös tarvittaessa otettavat lääkkeet, vastaava luku oli 53 %. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös viitteitä lääkkeiden epäasianmukaisesta käytöstä, kun potilaiden käyttämiä lääkkeitä verrattiin heidän kognitiiviseen ja fyysiseen suorituskyynsä sekä asetettuihin diagnooseihin. Liedon kunnassa 1990-luvulla toteutettuun väestöpohjaiseen Liedon Iäkkäät -seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 1177 lietolaista 65 vuotta täyttänyttä. Lääkitystietoja sekä seuranta-aikana tapahtuneita murtumia analysoimalla havaittiin, että kahden tai useamman bentsodiatsepiinin sekä kahden tai useamman psykoosilääkkeen käyttö oli yhteydessä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä miehillä. Opioidin ja psykoosilääkkeen yhteiskäyttö sekä opioidin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö oli yhteydessä iäkkäiden miesten murtuman riskiin. Naisilla vastaavia tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä ei havaittu. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen uusin osa-aineisto perustui Porissa vuosina 2009–2010 toteutetun Satauni-tutkimuksen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin 89 potilaan aineistossa, että hallittu, yhden kuukauden aikana lääkärin ja hoitajan tuella toteutettu bentsodiatsepiinivieroitus paransi merkitsevästi 55 vuotta täyttäneiden naisten käden puristusvoimaa kuuden kuukauden seuranta-aikana. Vastaavaa yhteyttä ei havaittu miehillä. Bentsodiatsepiinivieroituksella ei ollut yhteyttä osallistujien tasapainotestin tulosten paranemiseen kuuden kuukauden seurantaaikana. Murtumilla on vakavia seurauksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisesti iäkkäässä väestössä. Murtumien ehkäisy on hyvin tärkeää. Siinä tulee kiinnittää huomiota potilaan käyttämään lääkitykseen ja arvioida erityisesti usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön tarpeellisuutta.


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JNK1 is a MAP-kinase that has proven a significant player in the central nervous system. It regulates brain development and the maintenance of dendrites and axons. Several novel phosphorylation targets of JNK1 were identified in a screen performed in the Coffey lab. These proteins were mainly involved in the regulation of neuronal cytoskeleton, influencing the dynamics and stability of microtubules and actin. These structural proteins form the dynamic backbone for the elaborate architecture of the dendritic tree of a neuron. The initiation and branching of the dendrites requires a dynamic interplay between the cytoskeletal building blocks. Both microtubules and actin are decorated by associated proteins which regulate their dynamics. The dendrite-specific, high molecular weight microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2) is an abundant protein in the brain, the binding of which stabilizes microtubules and influences their bundling. Its expression in non-neuronal cells induces the formation of neurite-like processes from the cell body, and its function is highly regulated by phosphorylation. JNK1 was shown to phosphorylate the proline-rich domain of MAP2 in vivo in a previous study performed in the group. Here we verify three threonine residues (T1619, T1622 and T1625) as JNK1 targets, the phosphorylation of which increases the binding of MAP2 to microtubules. This binding stabilizes the microtubules and increases process formation in non-neuronal cells. Phosphorylation-site mutants were engineered in the lab. The non-phosphorylatable mutant of MAP2 (MAP2- T1619A, T1622A, T1625A) in these residues fails to bind microtubules, while the pseudo-phosphorylated form, MAP2- T1619D, T1622D, Thr1625D, efficiently binds and induces process formation even without the presence of active JNK1. Ectopic expression of the MAP2- T1619D, T1622D, Thr1625D in vivo in mouse brain led to a striking increase in the branching of cortical layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons, compared to MAP2-WT. The dendritic complexity defines the receptive field of a neuron and dictates the output to the postsynaptic cells. Previous studies in the group indicated altered dendrite architecture of the pyramidal neurons in the Jnk1-/- mouse motor cortex. Here, we used Lucifer Yellow loading and Sholl analysis of neurons in order to study the dendritic branching in more detail. We report a striking, opposing effect in the absence of Jnk1 in the cortical layers 2/3 and 5 of the primary motor cortex. The basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons close to the pial surface at L2/3 show a reduced complexity. In contrast, the L5 neurons, which receive massive input from the L2/3 neurons, show greatly increased branching. Another novel substrate identified for JNK1 was MARCKSL1, a protein that regulates actin dynamics. It is highly expressed in neurons, but also in various cancer tissues. Three phosphorylation target residues for JNK1 were identified, and it was demonstrated that their phosphorylation reduces actin turnover and retards migration of these cells. Actin is the main cytoskeletal component in dendritic spines, the site of most excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons. The density and gross morphology of the Lucifer Yellow filled dendrites were characterized and we show reduced density and altered morphology of spines in the motor cortex and in the hippocampal area CA3. The dynamic dendritic spines are widely considered to function as the cellular correlate during learning. We used a Morris water maze to test spatial memory. Here, the wild-type mice outperformed the knock-out mice during the acquisition phase of the experiment indicating impaired special memory. The L5 pyramidal neurons of the motor cortex project to the spinal cord and regulate the movement of distinct muscle groups. Thus the altered dendrite morphology in the motor cortex was expected to have an effect on the input-output balance in the signaling from the cortex to the lower motor circuits. A battery of behavioral tests were conducted for the wild-type and Jnk1-/- mice, and the knock-outs performed poorly compared to wild-type mice in tests assessing balance and fine motor movements. This study expands our knowledge of JNK1 as an important regulator of the dendritic fields of neurons and their manifestations in behavior.


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Tausta: Polyneuropatia (PNP) on ääreishermoston sairaus, joka aiheuttaa laaja-alaisia, yleensä symmetrisiä vaurioita ääreishermostossa. PNP:aan johtavia syitä on satoja. Tavoitteet: Löytää parhaat neurofysiologiset menetelmät uremian, myelooman hoidossa käytettävän talidomidin sekä Fabryn taudin aiheuttaman PNP:n diagnosoimiseksi. Fabryn taudissa tutkin lisäksi ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia neuropatologisia löydöksiä iholta otetusta koepalasta. Tutkimuksissa kartoitettiin lisäksi PNP:n aiheuttamien subjektiivisten oireiden korrelaatio neurofysiologisten ja neuropatologisten löydösten kanssa. Munuaisten vajaatoimintaa sairastavilla potilailla tavoitteena oli tutkia dialyysihoidon tehon vaikutusta autonomisen hermoston toimintaan sekä yhden dialyysikerran vaikutusta neurofysiologisiin löydöksiin. Aineisto ja menetelmät: I: Tutkittiin 21 uremiapotilaan sensoristen ja motoristen hermojen vasteet, värinä- sekä lämpötuntokynnykset ennen ja jälkeen hemodialyysin. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin PNP oireita kysyvillä kaavakkeella. II:12 talidomidi hoitoa saavaa myeloomapotilasta, tutkimuksen menetelmät olivat samat kuin tutkimuksessa I. III: 12 Fabryn tautia sairastavaa potilasta, edellä mainittujen neurofysiologisten tutkimusten lisäksi potilailta otettiin ihobiopsia säären alueelta. Ihobiopsiasta laskettiin ohuiden hermosyiden määrä koepalan värjäyksen jälkeen. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin kyselykaavakkeella. Sydämen sykevaihtelu tutkittiin levossa taajuustason analyysillä. IV: 32 uremiapotilaan autonomisen hermoston toimintaa tutkittiin sydämen sykevaihtelun aikatason analysillä, paksujen myelinoituneiden säikeiden toimintaa tutkittiin perifeeristen sensoristen hermojen mittauksilla toistetusti noin 2.9 vuoden aikana. Tulokset: Ureemisen PNP:n diagnostiikassa herkimmät tutkimukset ovat F-aaltojen parametrit alaraajojen motorisista hermoista, värinätuntokynnys alaraajoista sekä suralishermon amplitudi. Positiiviset PNP oireet uremiassa korreloivat värinätunto-kynnyksen sekä sensoristen hermojen neurografialöydösten kanssa. Neurofysiologisten tutkimusten ajankohdalla dialyysiajankohtaan nähden ei ole merkitystä. Talidomidi-PNP on pääasiassa sensorinen, mutta motoriset syyt ovat lievästi vaurioituneet. Talidomidi PNP:ssa subjektiiviset oireet korreloivat huonosti neurofysiologisten löydösten kanssa. Fabryn taudissa naisilla on oletettua enemmän ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia oireita ja löydöksiä. Paksujen säikeiden löydöksiä ei tullut esiin. Ohutsäieneuropatian diagnostiikassa ihobiopsia ja kvantitatiiviset tuntokynnysmittaustestit täydentävät toisiaan. Tehokas dialyysi parantaa autonomisen hermoston toimintaa uremiapotilailla. Päätelmät: Erityyppisten polyneuropatioiden diagnostiikassa pitää etukäteen valita PNP tyypille oikeat tutkimusmenetelmät raskaiden tutkimuspatterien vähentämiseksi sekä diagnostiikan parantamiseksi. PNP:n aiheuttamat oireet ja kliiniset löydökset pitää aina tutkia, mutta yksin ne eivät ole herkkiä PNP:n diagnostiikassa.


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Western societies have been faced with the fact that overweight, impaired glucose regulation and elevated blood pressure are already prevalent in pediatric populations. This will inevitably mean an increase in later manifestations of cardio-metabolic diseases. The dilemma has been suggested to stem from fetal life and it is surmised that the early nutritional environment plays an important role in the process called programming. The aim of the present study was to characterize early nutritional determinants associating with cardio-metabolic risk factors in fetuses, infants and children. Further, the study was designated to establish whether dietary counseling initiated in early pregnancy can modify this cascade. Healthy mother-child pairs (n=256) participating in a dietary intervention study were followed from early pregnancy to childhood. The intervention included detailed dietary counseling by a nutritionist targeting saturated fat intake in excess of recommendations and fiber consumption below recommendations. Cardio-metabolic programming was studied by characterizing the offspring’s cardio-metabolic risk factors such as over-activation of the autonomic nervous system, elevated blood pressure and adverse metabolic status (e.g. serum high split proinsulin concentration). Fetal cardiac sympathovagal activation was measured during labor. Postnatally, children’s blood pressure was measured at six-month and four-year follow-up visits. Further, infants’ metabolic status was assessed by means of growth and serum biomarkers (32-33 split proinsulin, leptin and adiponectin) at the age of six months. This study proved that fetal cardiac sympathovagal activity was positively associated with maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index indicating adverse cardio-metabolic programming in the offspring. Further, a reduced risk of high split proinsulin in infancy and lower blood pressure in childhood were found in those offspring whose mothers’ weight gain and amount and type of fats in the diet during pregnancy were as recommended. Of note, maternal dietary counseling from early pregnancy onwards could ameliorate the offspring’s metabolic status by reducing the risk of high split proinsulin concentration, although it had no effect on the other cardio-metabolic markers in the offspring. At postnatal period breastfeeding proved to entail benefits in cardio-metabolic programming. Finally, the recommended dietary protein and total fat content in the child’s diet were important nutritional determinants reducing blood pressure at the age of four years. The intrauterine and immediate postnatal period comprise a window of opportunity for interventions aiming to reduce the risk of cardio-metabolic disorders and brings the prospect of achieving health benefits over one generation.


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Alpha2-Adrenoceptors are cell-surface G protein coupled receptors that mediate many of the effects of the catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline. The three human α2-adrenoceptor subtypes are widely expressed in different tissues and organs, and they mediate many different physiological and pharmacological effects in the central and peripheral nervous system and as postsynaptic receptors in target organs. Previous studies have demonstrated that α2-adrenoceptors mediate both vascular constriction and dilatation in humans. Large inter-individual variation has been observed in the vascular responses to α2-adrenoceptor activation in clinical studies. All three receptor subtypes are potential drug targets. It was therefore considered important to further elucidate the details of adrenergic vascular regulation and its genetic variation, since such knowledge may help to improve the development of future cardiovascular drugs and intensive care therapies. Dexmedetomidine is the most selective and potent α2-adrenoceptor agonist currently available for clinical use. When given systemically, dexmedetomidine induces nearly complete sympatholysis already at low concentrations, and postsynaptic effects, such vasoconstriction, can be observed with increasing concentrations. Thus, local infusions of small doses of dexmedetomidine into dorsal hand veins and the application of pharmacological sympathectomy with brachial plexus block provide a means to assess drug-induced peripheral vascular responses without interference from systemic pharmacological effects and autonomic nervous system regulation. Dexmedetomidine was observed to have biphasic effects on haemodynamics, with an initial decrease in blood pressure at low concentrations followed by substantial increases in blood pressure and coronary vascular resistance at high concentrations. Plasma concentrations of dexmedetomidine that significantly exceeded the recommended therapeutic level did not reduce myocardial blood flow below the level that is observed with the usual therapeutic concentrations and did not induce any evident myocardial ischaemia in healthy subjects. Further, it was demonstrated that dexmedetomidine also had significant vasodilatory effects through activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthesis, and thus when the endothelial component of the blood vessel response to dexmedetomidine was inhibited, peripheral vasoconstriction was augmented. Hand vein constriction responses to α2-adrenoceptor activation by dexmedetomidine were only weakly associated with the constriction responses to α1-adrenoceptor activation, pointing to independent cellular regulation by these two adrenoceptor classes. Substantial inter-individual variation was noted in the venous constriction elicited by activation of α2-adrenoceptors by dexmedetomidine. In two study populations from two different continents, a single nucleotide polymorphism in the PRKCB gene was found to be associated with the dorsal hand vein constriction response to dexmedetomidine, suggesting that protein kinase C beta may have an important role in the vascular α2-adrenoceptor signalling pathways activated by dexmedetomidine.


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Reliable detection of intrapartum fetal acidosis is crucial for preventing morbidity. Hypoxia-related changes of fetal heart rate variability (FHRV) are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Subtle changes in FHRV that cannot be identified by inspection can be detected and quantified by power spectral analysis. Sympathetic activity relates to low-frequency FHRV and parasympathetic activity to both low- and high-frequency FHRV. The aim was to study whether intra partum fetal acidosis can be detected by analyzing spectral powers of FHRV, and whether spectral powers associate with hypoxia-induced changes in the fetal electrocardiogram and with the pH of fetal blood samples taken intrapartum. The FHRV of 817 R-R interval recordings, collected as a part of European multicenter studies, were analyzed. Acidosis was defined as cord pH ≤ 7.05 or scalp pH ≤ 7.20, and metabolic acidosis as cord pH ≤ 7.05 and base deficit ≥ 12 mmol/l. Intrapartum hypoxia increased the spectral powers of FHRV. As fetal acidosis deepened, FHRV decreased: fetuses with significant birth acidosis had, after an initial increase, a drop in spectral powers near delivery, suggesting a breakdown of fetal compensation. Furthermore, a change in excess of 30% of the low-to-high frequency ratio of FHRV was associated with fetal metabolic acidosis. The results suggest that a decrease in the spectral powers of FHRV signals concern for fetal wellbeing. A single measure alone cannot be used to reveal fetal hypoxia since the spectral powers vary widely intra-individually. With technical developments, continuous assessment of intra-individual changes in spectral powers of FHRV might aid in the detection of fetal compromise due to hypoxia.


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Stress is a phenomenon that on some level affects everyone’s lives on a daily basis. The autonomic nervous system controls the varying levels of stress at any given time. The responses of the autonomic nervous system adjust the body to cope with changing external and internal conditions. During high-stress situations the body is forced into a state of heightened alertness, which passes when the stressor is removed. The stressor can be any external or internal event that causes the body to respond. Stress is a very versatile phenomenon that can be both a cause and an indicator of other medical conditions, for example cardiovascular disease. Stress detection can therefore be helpful in identifying these conditions and monitoring the overall emotional state of a person. Electrodermal activity (EDA) is one of the most easily implemented ways to monitor the activity of the autonomic nervous system. EDA describes changes occurring in the various electrical properties of the skin, including skin conductivity and resistance. Increased emotional sweating has been proven to be one possible indication of stress. On the surface of the skin, increased sweating translates to increased skin conductivity, which can be observed through EDA measurements. This makes electrodermal activity a very useful tool in a wide range of applications where it is desirable to observe changes in a person’s stress level. EDA can be recorded by using specialized body sensors placed on specific locations on the body. Most commonly used recording sites are the palms of the hands due to the high sweat gland density on those areas. Measurement is done using at least two electrodes attached to the skin, and recording the electrical conductance between them. This thesis implements a prototype of a wireless EDA measurement system. The feasibility of the prototype is also verified with a small group of test subjects. EDA was recorded from the subjects while they were playing a game of Tetris. The goal was to observe variations in the measured EDA that would indicate changes in the subjects’ stress levels during the game. The analysis of the obtained measurement results confirmed the connection between stress and recorded EDA. During the game, random occurrences of lowered skin resistance were clearly observable, which indicates points in the game where the player felt more anxious. A wireless measurement system has the potential of offering more flexible and comfortable long-term measuring of EDA, and could be utilized in a wide range of applications.