em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Visual art practice has generally been described as a lonely affair, thinking about what an artist has experienced in the outside world. This study is an inquiry into a visual art practice of another kind: the relational one. The research purpose is twofold. The first purpose is to shed light on a visual artist’s conceptions of art, education and scholarship. The second purpose is to by reasoning on imagination and a rhizomatic formation interpret the relations created between art, multimodality and literacy learning as an aesthetic approach to education. By inquiry into a specific collaborated long-term art practice, the study conveys how the meaning making elements of an arts based learning practice gradually transform an artist’s and a teacher’s concepts of art education to an aesthetic approach to education. In the art practice examined the typical Finnish rye bread and a poem have represented a cultural theme that has been elaborated through art conventions. The poem and the rye bread have in the art practice been articulated as cultural representations of as well as symbolic projections on the Swedishspeaking minority culture in Finland. The study connects art informed inquiry to a hermeneutic research rationale where the research reasoning is generated through a rhizomatic alliance between empiric data and theories. The reasoning is constructed as an interpretation pattern that expands throughout the study. The study arguments that the rhizome as an aesthetic formation can be appropriate to refer to when articulating arts based meaning making and when creating arts based educational strategies, dialogues, aesthetic learning and multimodal literacy in education. The study investigates an aesthetic approach to research in education, which means that the art practice surveyed is interpreted through articulation appropriate to poetic aspects of art, education and research.


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Denna vårdvetenskapliga studie har sökarljuset riktat mot lyssnande som något fundamentalt för människan. Studiens syfte är att utifrån forskarens traditionstillhörighet och en klart uttalad teorikärna, värdegrund, ontologisk grund samt en hermeneutisk ansats avtäcka nytt inseende om vad lyssnande är samt vad som är vårdande i lyssnande. Studiens avsikt är att bringa ontologisk klarhet, klargöra lyssnandets plats inom vårdvetenskaplig teoribildning samt bidra med bilder av det vårdande med relevans för klinisk praxis. Det hermeneutiska arbetssättet är en ständig rörelse mellan det enskilda och gemensamma. Den vårdvetenskapliga traditionens grundläggande ordning utgör siktet för kunskapssökandet samtidigt som det är gentemot den caritativa vårdteorin som nytt inseende ur historiska källor reflekteras för att lysa upp och synliggöra det evidenta och ursprungliga om lyssnande. Begreppsutredningen av lyssna som begrepp ger förståelse för begreppets historiska ursprung och dess starka band med begreppen lyss, lystra, lyda, följa, iaktta, se samt lust, begär, böjelse och glädje. Läsning och begrundan av filosoferna Bubers, Lévinas och författaren Dostojevskijs livsverk avtäcker vittnesbörd och stillbilder som tolkas för att synliggöra tolkningsantaganden om lyssnandets väsen och gestaltning. Jag har läst och begrundat texterna med öppenhet, lyhördhet och en kvardröjande hållning för att låta dem beröra, tilltala mig och framträda som något nytt. Ur de enskilda texterna avtäcks mönster av en gemensam inre ordning och en gemensam stillbild och tolkningsantaganden om lyssnande formas. När den gemensamma inre ordningen får sammanstråla med studiens vårdvetenskapliga grund synliggörs en urbild och teser om lyssnande samt det vårdande i lyssnande. Avtäckandet visar att lyssnande är en grundhållning till livet självt. Människan lyssnar till sitt innersta väsen för att tillägna sig en inre grundordning samt hörsamma sin tillhörighet i en mera allomfattande gemenskap till den skapande, den andre och det oändliga. I ljuset av kärlekens kraft och bejakandet av mänskligt lidande kan ensamhet och gemenskap sluta förbund med varandra i en mellanverklighet som bär oändlighetens och evighetens kännetecken, och som får toner av det heliga och eviga att ljuda i allt och alla i en närvaro här och nu. Lyssnande är en väsenshandling som uttalas genom en vårdande hållning att tjäna, offra och bära ansvar för den andre med medmänsklig barmhärtighet och medmänskligt medlidande. Band till den andre knyts genom den egna sårbarheten och genom att med ödmjukhet, äkthet och gästfrihet bjuda in och välkomna den andre i sin annanhet. Den vårdande gemenskapen skapar en rörelse som bär på en livsbringande kraft genom vilken människan uppnår frihet att varda, finna näring och försoning.


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It has been shown in organizational settings that trust is a crucial factor in different kinds of outcomes, and consequently, building employee trust in the employer is a goal for all kinds of organizations. Although it is recognized that trust in organizations operates on multiple levels, at present there is no clear consensus on the concept of trust within the organization. One can have trust in particular people (i.e. interpersonal trust) or in organized systems (i.e. impersonal trust). Until recently organizational trust has been treated mainly as an interpersonal phenomenon. However, the interpersonal approach is limited. Scholars studying organizational trust have thus far focused only on specific dimensions of impersonal trust, and none have taken a comprehensive approach. The first objective in this study was to develop a construct and a scale encompassing the impersonal element of organizational trust. The second objective was to examine the effects of various HRM practices on the impersonal dimensions of organizational trust. Moreover, although the “black box” model of HRM is widely studied, there have been only a few attempts to unlock the box. Previous studies on the HRM-performance link refer to trust, and this work contributes to the literature in considering trust an impersonal issue in the relationship between HRM, trust, and performance. The third objective was thus to clarify the role of impersonal trust in the relationship between HRM and performance. The study is divided into two parts comprising the Introduction and four separate publications. Each publication addresses a distinct sub-question, whereas the Introduction discusses the overall results in the light of the individual sub-questions. The study makes two major contributions to the research on trust. Firstly, it offers a framework describing the construct of impersonal trust, which to date has not been clearly articulated in the research on organizational trust. Secondly, a comprehensive, psychometrically sound, operationally valid scale for measuring impersonal trust was developed. In addition, the study makes an empirical contribution to the research on strategic HRM. First, it shows that HRM practices affect impersonal trust and the contribution is to consider the HRM-trust link in terms of impersonal organizational trust. It is shown that each of the six HRM practices in focus is connected to impersonal trust. A further contribution lies in unlocking the black box. The study explores the impersonal element of organizational trust and its mediating role between HRM practices and performance. The result is the identification of the path by which HRM contributes to performance through the mediator of impersonal trust. It is shown that the effect on performance of HRM designed specifically to enhance employees’ impersonal trust in the organization is positive.


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Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.


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Tutkimusongelmana tutkimuksessani on törkeys veropetoksissa ja keskeisenä tavoitteenani on selvittää niitä edellytyksiä, jotka on asetettu rikoslain 29 luvun 2 §:ssä mainitun rikoksen tekomuodon tunnusmerkistön täyttymisen edellytykseksi. Veropetossäännös on ollut rikoslaissa jo vuodesta 1889, mutta veropetoksen törkeästä muodosta on säännös ollut vasta vuodesta 1972. Veropetoksen tekomuotoja ovat väärän tiedon antaminen, tiedon salaaminen, verotusta varten säädetyn velvollisuuden laiminlyönti eli passiivinen veropetos ja muu petollisuus. Veropetos katsotaan törkeäksi, jos veropetoksessa on tavoiteltu huomattavaa taloudellista hyötyä, rikos on tehty erityisen suunnitelmallisesti ja veropetos on kokonaisuutena arvostellen ollut törkeä. Tutkimukseni on talousoikeudellinen, joka sijoittuu vero- ja rikosoikeuden alalle. Tutkielman tutkimusote on oikeusdogmaattinen, jolloin tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään lainopillista menetelmää. Tutkimusainesto, jonka avulla tutkimusongelmaan etsitään vastausta, koostuu oikeuskirjallisuudesta, lainsäädännöstä, lainvalmisteluaineistosta sekä oikeuskäytännöstä, tarkemmin Korkeimman oikeuden oikeustapauksista 2000-2011 väliseltä ajalta.


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The ability of a multinational company to effectively transfer knowledge from one unit to another can create a great source of competitive advantage and is crucial for long-term success. However, in their attempts to disseminate existent knowledge across national boundaries, organizations encounter several obstacles. Especially challenging is the transfer of tacit knowledge, the most valuable kind, as it is embedded in the minds and the behavior of people. The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors and challenges to be considered in intra-organizational knowledge transfer and consequently develop a framework that could be utilized to improve the process. The research is of qualitative nature and it adopts an exploratory approach. The study was further conducted as an intensive single-case study through studying a Finnish multinational company, and the researcher adopted a role as a participant observant in the research setting. Other data collection methods include semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The research findings show that knowledge transfer is currently challenging within the international sales organization of the case company. The majority of knowledge is currently concentrated in the company headquarters, and it is not always systematically distributed to the regional offices abroad. The main factor affecting knowledge transfer seems to be the organizational culture, which does not support or encourage knowledge sharing. The company is struggling in having a common place for information and employees that lack proper social networks have difficulties accessing relevant knowledge. Some recommended improvement suggestions include the institutionalization of knowledge transfer by turning it into an articulated organizational goal, and the implementation of a reward system that includes soft factors, such as teamwork and knowledge sharing behavior. Furthermore, the organizational culture should be more open and supportive in order to reinforce trust. Individuals in regional offices should be given better support by offering them dedicated mentors and increasing the amount of expatriation. Finally, knowledge should actively be codified and stored in commonly shared platforms where it is easily accessible by all employees.


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’Bry sig om’ förekommer flitigt i sammanhang där människor vårdar och tar hand om varandra såväl i det vardagliga naturliga vårdandet som i det professionella vårdandet. ’Bry sig om’ är ett språkligt uttryck i människors vardagsspråk som hör samman med ’små vardagliga saker’ som är av betydelse. ’Bry sig om’ har även tydlig förbindelse med vårda och ansa i Erikssons caritativa vårdteori men har inte tidigare varit föremål för klinisk vårdvetenskaplig forskning vilket är bakgrunden till denna studie. Inom Erikssons caritativa vårdteori utgörs grundordningen av kärnbegreppen caritas, enheten människa, hälsa, lidande och vårdande. I den här avhandlingen är syftet att vidga förståelsen för kärnbegreppet vårdandet genom att utforska innebörden i praxisbegreppet ’bry sig om’. Studien har en hermeneutisk ansats och är en sammanläggningsavhandling med fyra delstudier i form av begreppsanalys och tre empiriska studier. Materialet i begreppsutredningen är etymologisk ordbok och svenska ordböcker. I de empiriska delstudierna består materialet av självbiografisk text skrivet av en patient och händelser som patienter och vårdare varit med om vilket förstås som betydelsefullt material för klinisk vårdvetenskaplig forskning. Den nya förståelsen gestaltas i ett tankemönster där ’bry sig om’ framträder som en inre etisk hållning där människan som är på plats kan finnas till och därmed betyda något för en annan människa. Att betyda något för en annan människa är uttryck för det naturliga omsorgsfulla vårdandet där patienten förnimmer en kärleksfull hållning i vårdarens varsamma kärleksfulla händer och varma röst. ’Bry sig om’, har sin grundval i det naturliga omsorgsfulla vårdandet som konstituerar människan som människa. Det som framkommit i avhandlingen är möjligheten att undersöka praxisbegrepp inom vårdvetenskapen där ’bry sig om’ bidragit till att synliggöra vårdandet och därmed innebörden och meningen i ansandet, lekandet och lärandet på ett nytt och annorlunda sätt ur ett kliniskt vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv.


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The present study is made in the context of basic research within the field of caring science. The overall aim is to uncover and make joy visible as an idea in the world of caring. The core of caring has historically always been to alleviate suffering and to serve life and health in a spirit of love and mercy. This study has a comprehensive direction focusing on history of ideas and culminates in a pattern of ideas contenting joy in the world of caring. Knowledge formation is based on creating understanding, wholeness and meaning with regard to the knowledge related to a context. For that a hermeneutical approach is used throughout the study. In order to understand joy more deeply, the original idea, the essence and expression, the concept of 'joy' and the related concepts of 'glad' and 'light' are examined in etymological dictionaries and in Swedish, English and Latin dictionaries. To support the interpretation classical texts containing philosophers’ thoughts about joy are used. Joy as an idea glimpses forth and is presented in the form of seven-fold pattern of ideas. Through the meaning-nuances of synonyms a realization of joy could be discerned and anchored in the heart. The seven-fold pattern form the background and represent a guide for the hermeneutic reading of joy, as it appears in the stories about caring for the years 1900–1933. The historical sources consist of the trade magazine Svensk sjukskötersketidning, books containing stories about caring, archival materials and textbooks on nursing. The result culminates in the seven-fold pattern of ideas contenting what makes joy active as caring. The true heart's pure joy - love, joy is a proof of love. The ardent heart's deep joy - joy of living, joy inspires and generates strength. The bearing heart's radiant joy - generosity, joy is a gift to the other with the promise of help. The inviting heart's sparkling joy – communion, joy invites communion. The elated heart's exhilarated joy - integration, joy enables the human to forget his or her suffering and approach to what he or she wants to be. The atmospheric heart's solemn joy - dignifying, joy creates a mood and an atmosphere where people perceive themselves dignified. The peaceful heart's great joy - rescuing, a joy turns out when the human has received what may be requested of what is good, is eluded from what is evil and is contented with his or her living lot. It is hoped that this basic research will open up for a vision that can contribute to joys further attention in the world of caring and be articulated there.


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This thesis focuses on the development of sustainable industrial architectures for bioenergy based on the metaphors of industrial symbiosis and industrial ecosystems, which imply exchange of material and energy side-flows of various industries in order to improve sustainability of those industries on a system level. The studies on industrial symbiosis have been criticised for staying at the level of incremental changes by striving for cycling waste and by-flows of the industries ‘as is’ and leaving the underlying industry structures intact. Moreover, there has been articulated the need for interdisciplinary research on industrial ecosystems as well as the need to extend the management and business perspectives on industrial ecology. This thesis addresses this call by applying a business ecosystem and business model perspective on industrial symbiosis in order to produce knowledge on how industrial ecosystems can be developed that are sustainable environmentally and economically. A case of biogas business is explored and described in four research papers and an extended summary that form this thesis. Since the aim of the research was to produce a normative model for developing sustainable industrial ecosystems, the methodology applied in this research can be characterised as constructive and collaborative. A constructive research mode was required in order to expand the historical knowledge on industrial symbiosis development and business ecosystem development into the knowledge of what should be done, which is crucial for sustainability and the social change it requires. A collaborative research mode was employed through participating in a series of projects devoted to the development of a biogas-for-traffic industrial ecosystem. The results of the study showed that the development of material flow interconnections within industrial symbiosis is inseparable from larger business ecosystem restructuring. This included a shift in the logic of the biogas and traffic fuel industry and a subsequent development of a business ecosystem that would entail the principles of industrial symbiosis and localised energy production and consumption. Since a company perspective has been taken in this thesis, the role of an ecosystem integrator appeared as a crucial means to achieve the required industry restructuring. This, in turn, required the development of a modular and boundary-spanning business model that had a strong focus on establishing collaboration among ecosystem stakeholders and development of multiple local industrial ecosystems as part of business growth. As a result, the designed business model of the ecosystem integrator acquired the necessary flexibility in order to adjust to local conditions, which is crucial for establishing industrial symbiosis. This thesis presents a normative model for the development of a business model required for creating sustainable industrial ecosystems, which contributes to approaches at the policy-makers’ level, proposed earlier. Therefore, this study addresses the call for more research on the business level of industrial ecosystem formation and the implications for the business models of the involved actors. Moreover, the thesis increases the understanding of system innovation and innovation in business ecosystems by explicating how business model innovation can be the trigger for achieving more sustainable industry structures, such as those relying on industrial symbiosis.


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Tässä työssä suunniteltiin lappeenrantalaisen Astex Oy:n tilauksesta liikkuvan työkoneen runkorakenne. Työ tehtiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston teräsrakenteiden laboratoriossa. Suunniteltava rakenne kuului linkkuohjattuun, noin 5000 kg painoiseen trukkitraktoriin. Lähtökohtana rakenteen suunnittelulle olivat tilaajan asettamat rakenteen geometriaan ja suorituskykyyn liittyvät reunaehdot ja rajoitteet. Uuden rakenteen suunnittelussa hyödynnettiin myös tilaajatahon kehittelemää vastaavan tyyppistä prototyyppirakennetta. Rakenteen suunnitteluprosessi koostui neljästä eri vaiheesta. Suunniteltavan rakenteen lähtökohtana olleelle prototyyppirakenteelle suoritettiin koneen käytönaikaisia venymäliuskamittauksia rakenteen kuormitushistorian selvittämiseksi. Mittauksista saatujen tulosten perusteella määritettiin kuormitukset uudelle suunniteltavalle rakenteelle. Määritettyjä kuormituksia hyödyntäen ideoitiin, suunniteltiin ja mallinnettiin uusi tilaajan vaatimuksia vastaava rakenne. Uudelle rakenteelle suoritettiin lujuusanalyysit FE-analyysiä hyödyntäen. Uuden rakenteen suunnittelussa kiinnitettiin huomiota rakenteen hyvään valmistettavuuteen ja suunniteltiin rakenneratkaisut tilaajataholle mahdollisimman optimaalisiksi. Suunnittelu- ja mallinnustyö tehtiin Solidworks 2014 ohjelmistolla. Rakenteen lujuustekniset tarkastelut sisälsivät rakennedetaljien analyyttistä mitoitusta ja laskentaa. FE-laskennalla selvitettiin rakenteen ääri- ja väsymiskestävyys. Laskenta sisälsi koko rakenteen globaaleja tarkasteluja, sekä eri kriittisten rakennedetaljien yksityiskohtaisempia analyysejä. FE-laskennan pääpaino oli rakenteen väsymisanalyyseissä, jotka toteutettiin Hot-Spot- ja särönkasvumenetelmillä. Rakenteen FE-analyysien suorittamisessa käytettiin Femap, NxNastran ja Abaqus-ohjelmistoja.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli löytää suunnitteluliiketoiminnan palvelutuotteiden strategisen johdon käyttöön soveltuva menetelmä, tai työkalu, jonka avulla palvelutuotteiden kilpailukykyä ja kehitystarpeita voidaan helposti arvioida. Diplomityö pitää sisällään kolme tutkimuskysymystä. Ensimmäisellä tutkimuskysymyksellä pyritään keräämään tietoa suunnitteluorganisaation taustalla vaikuttavista menestystekijöistä. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla pyrittiin löytämään työkalu, tai menetelmä, palvelutuotteiden strategisen johdon käyttöön, tai sellaisen muodostamisen pohjaksi. Kolmas tutkimuskysymys liittyi suunnittelupalveluiden strategisen johtamisen työkalun muodostamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena tuotettiin suunnitteluorganisaation palvelutuotteiden johtamisen viitekehys. Viitekehyksessä palvelutuotteet lajitellaan havainnolliselle luokittelutaululle, jossa pystykoordinaattina käytetään palvelutuotteen markkinoiden houkuttelevuutta ja vaakakoordinaattina palvelutuotteen vahvuutta organisaatiossa. Tutkimuksessa on esitetty suunnitteluliiketoiminnan strategisen johtamisen onnistumisessa vaikuttavat taustatekijät, markkinoiden houkuttelevuuden keskeisimmät mittarit, sekä suunnittelupalveluiden vahvuutta kuvaavat tekijät.


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In the background of the thematic The Eldest – life is acquiring one finds both previews and myths. Wisdom belongs to these myths. The hermeneutical philosophy refers to thinking as o movement from myth to logos in a dialogical oneness. The research uncovers dimensions in the element wisdom as empowered. The experiences of older are saved for further learning and transformation to younger with reference to vulnerable situations where common regulations are no more usefull. The interest goes to an Eldest. The Eldest in the study is pictorial in accordance to the main literature in the study.The Eldest is etymological, fictive and symbolic: – a man who understands higher matters of life, even Gods holy matters. She will set the fulfillment of others as the highest endowment out of an innermost ethos and an innermost wisdom. The innermost is wisdom. The aim is to discover a meaningful message in life is acquiring. In order to see and to learn from the experiences the study aim to uncover the innermost, an innermost wisdom out of a caritative approach. This innermost is anticipated as a longing for unity and health in dayly matters and in a caring ability for the other. The main overstatement is: What will this most meaningfull and innermost by the Eldest out of a living in factual life mirrored in a caring perspective be? Two questions expired; what will the meaningful message in the acquiring be? What will the innermost wisdom in serving the good be? This message and its innermost wisdom will get an expanded meaning out of a caring sentence: Man who dare – seeing back with gratitude, seeing forward in confidence, seeing aside with love and upward in fate wear that dignity, that holiness and that mercy and empathy which belong to life in its basics. The persons attending the research are situated in two contexts. One group has roots in the Lutheran church and the other in a caring profession. The datamaterial is formed out of the usages from these persons, from the spoken (conversation) and the written word (a guestbook). The usages as particular and common are continually integrated in the leading caring sentence from the beginning of the study to the end. The usages stand by the methodological for the final message and wisdom and at the same they form the operative dimension in the study, the evident and the validity. The overarching methodological approach is in the hermeneutic philosophy in accordance with the abductive logic. The usages out of two research groups are most significant in this deductive, inductive and abductive strategy. The usages from the research groups are confronted with the caring sentence in dialogical spaces, halts. The meaning and the innermost searched for will be pictured through the abductive and hermeneutic interpretation and will stand for an articulation of and a successively expansion of meaning. A twine of horizons out of the entire dissemination, the deductive and the inductive, creates the result, as the final message as the ground for an understanding of an even more embracing meaning in an innermost wisdom. The identified bearing movement in the groups in accordance with the caring sentence goes for something higher, something higher than me, to the wellbeing of the other. A conclusion is made and a thesis is identified. This thesis is out from the usages: What can I do in a creating of this caritative? An antithesis is also identified, is a man able to look outside one own and go to something higher, something greater? The synthesis is articulated as a dialogical movement from something … to something higher. The bridge could be maturation, transcendence, the divine or wisdom. The statement finds its root in the attending groups but a difference is also identified. This higher matter is different. The contexts and their meaningfulness decide. A final statement is: learn to see man and her matters hold in life.


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Researchers have widely recognised and accepted that firm performance is increasingly related to knowledge-based issues. Two separately developed literature streams, intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM), have been established as the key discussions related to knowledge-based competitive advantage of the firm. Intellectual capital has provided evidence on the strategic key intangible resources of the firm, which could be deployed to create competitive advantage. Knowledge management, in turn, has focused on the managerial processes and practices which can be used to leverage IC to create competitive advantage. Despite extensive literature on both issues, some notable research gaps remain to be closed. In effect, one major gap within the knowledge management research is the lack of understanding related to its influence on firm performance, while IC researchers have articulated a need to utilise more finegrained conceptual models to better understand the key strategic value-creating resources of the firm. In this dissertation, IC is regarded as the entire intellectual capacity, knowledge and competences of the firm that can be leveraged to achieve sustained competitive advantage. KM practices are defined as organisational and managerial activities that enable the firm to leverage its IC to create value. The objective of this dissertation is to answer the research question: “What is the relationship between intellectual capital, knowledge management practices and firm performance?” Five publications have addressed the research question using different approaches. The first two publications were systematic literature reviews of the extant empirical IC and KM research, which established the current state of understanding regarding the relationship between IC, KM practices and firm performance. Publications III and IV were empirical research articles that assessed the developed conceptual model related to IC, KM practices and firm performance. Finally, Publication V was among the first research papers to merge IC and KM disciplines in order to find out which configurations could yield organisational benefits in terms of innovation and market performance outcomes.