14 resultados para AEROBIC GLYCOLYSIS
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Vaahdonestoaineiden haitallinen vaikutus hapen liukenemisnopeuteen biologisen puhdistamon jätevesissä on yleisesti tunnettua. Aineiden eri vaikutusmekanismien takia on silti vaikea etukäteen arvioida, miten ja kuinka paljon aineensiirto muuttuu. Työn tavoitteena oli saada tietoa vaahdonestoaineiden ja muiden pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutuksesta kuplakokoon, kaasun tilavuusosuuteen ja kaasu-neste aineensiirtoon. Työn teoriaosassa on kuvailtu vaahdon muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä eri vaahdonestoaineiden vaikutusmekanismeja sellu- ja paperitehtaan jätevedessä. Edelleen on esitetty useita hapen siirtoa estäviä ja parantavia aineita. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenkymmenenviiden eri pinta-aktiivisen aineen vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen yksivaiheisessa kuplakolonnissa. Kokeet tehtiin kahdella pitoisuudella, kahdella eri kaasunjakolaitteella ja kolmella eri kaasun tyhjäputkinopeudella. Aineensiirtokokeiden rinnalla tutkittiin jätevesien laatu- ja fysikaalisiaominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen sekä testattavien koeaineiden vaikutusta fysikaalisin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeet osoittavat että pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutus hapen aineensiirtoon vaihtelee riippuen kaasunjakolaitteesta ja aineen pitoisuuksista. Testatuista vaahdonestonaineista pienin negatiivinen vaikutus oli aineella AT 35 ja positiivinen vaikutustodettiin olevan vaahdonestoaineiden komponenteilla: P2, S1, F4 ja T9.
Yhä suurempi osa suurkeittiöistä ja ravintoloista käyttää ruuan valmistuksessa valmiiksi prosessoituja kasviksia, jotka hankitaan pääasiassa lähellä sijaitsevista tilakuorimoista. Kuorimoilla syntyy suuria määriä jätettä, enimmäkseen kuorijätteitä, multaa ja jätevettä. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan perunankuorimoiden kuorintamenetelmiä ja kuorintaprosessia, prosessissa syntyviä jätteitä ja niiden käsittelyä sekä ympäristöasioiden hallintamenetel-miä kuorimoilla Suomessa ja muissa EU-maissa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälainen on lainsäädäntö ja minkälaiset ovat kuorimotoimintaa koskevat lupakäytännöt Ruotsissa, Saksassa, Belgiassa ja Iso-Britanniassa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko näissä maissa määritelty, millainen on perunankuorimoille soveltuva paras käyttökelpoinen tekniikka (BAT) erityisesti jätteiden käsittelyssä. Euroopan yhteisön neuvoston direktiivi (96/61/EY) ympäristön pilaantumisen ehkäisemisen ja vähentämisen yhtenäistämiseksi edellyttää perunankuorimoilta toimintaansa ympäristöluvan. Laitosten koko, joilta ympäristölupa vaaditaan, vaihtelee suuresti eri maissa. Myös kuorimoiden jäteveden puhdistusvaatimukset vaihtelevat maittain. Belgi-assa ja Saksassa perunankuorimoilla syntyville jätevesille on asetettu päästöraja-arvot laissa. Kansallinen BAT-ohjeistus vihanneksia ja hedelmiä jatkojalostavalle teollisuudelleon tehty Belgiassa ja Iso-Britanniassa. Sen sijaan Saksassa ja Ruotsissa kansallista ohjeistusta ei ole tehty. Kansallisten BAT-ohjeistusten pohjalta Euroopan yhteisöjen komissio on julkaissut tammikuussa 2006 elintarviketeollisuudelle BAT-vertailuasiakirjan eli BREFin (BAT Referense Document), joissa kuvataan yleisellä tasolla BAT-tekniikoiksi sovitut tekniikat mm. perunan prosessoinnissa. Tässä työssä tuli ilmi, että kokoerot Suomen ja tässä työssä tarkasteltavien maiden kuo-rimoiden välillä ovat suuret. Voidaankin todeta, että tässä työssä tarkastelluissa BAT - ohjeistuksissa ja Euroopan komission BREF-dokumentissa esitetyt BAT-tekniikat etenkin jätevedenpuhdistuksessa eivät suoraan ole sovellettavissa Suomen olosuhteisiin kuorimoidemme pienestä koosta johtuen. Kiinteiden kuorintajätteiden käsittelyssä BAT-tekniikoiksi ulkomailla on määritelty lä-hinnä rehukäyttö, kompostointi ja peltoon levitys. Perunankuorimoiden jäteveden puhdistuksessa BAT-tekniikaksi Belgiassa on määritelty primääripuhdistus ja sekundääripuhdistus aerobisella menetelmällä. Iso-Britanniassapuolestaan BAT-tekniikkaa on primää-ripuhdistus, sekundääripuhdistus aerobisesti tai anaerobisesti ja tertiääripuhdistus, mikäli se on taloudellisesti mahdollista toteuttaa. Kuorijätteiden kompostointi on tällä hetkelläSuomessa melko harvinaista, sillä jätteiden suuri vesipitoisuus ja kylmä ilmastomme vaikeuttavat kompostointia. Kompostointimah-dollisuuksia ja kompostointiprosessin optimointia kuorintajätteille sopivaksi tulisikin tutkia tulevaisuudessa yhtenä jätteiden käsittelyvaihtoehtona. Kuorimoiden jätevesien puhdistuksessa tulevat Suomessa kysymykseen lähinnä yksinkertaiset kiinteistökohtaiset pienpuhdistamot, kuten panospuhdistamot. Pienpuhdistamolaitteistoihin liittyvää tutki-mus-ja kehitystyötä on viime vuosina tehty paljon ja sitä olisi tärkeää jatkaa edelleen, jotta löydettäisiin entistä kustannustehokkaampia ratkaisuja.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten kuluttajien kierrättämästä polyeteenitereftalaatista ( PET ) voi valmistaa tyydyttymättömiä polyesterihartseja. Työssä valmistettiin yleiskäyttöön soveltuva laminointihartsi sekä 'gel coat' -hartsi jota käytetään esim. veneiden pintamaalina. Yleishartsin depolymerointiin käytettiin propyleeniglykolia ja 'gel coat' -hartsin valmistamiseen neopentyyliglykolia. Polykondensaatiovaiheessa reaktioon lisättiin maleiinihappoa ja lopuksi hartsit liuotettiin styreeniin. Kirjallisuusosassa esitetään eri menetelmiä PET:n depolymeroimiseksi. Lisäksi esitetään eri vaihtoehtoja glykolien, happojen, katalyyttien ja vinyylimonomeerien valitsemiseksi tyydyttymättömien polyesterihartsien valmistuksessa. Analyysimenetelmiä nestemäisten ja kovetettujen hartsien tutkimiseen ja vertailuun käydään läpi kuten myös erilaisia sovelluksia polyesterihartsien käyttämiseksi. Kokeellinen osa todisti että PET-pullojäte voidaan prosessoida hartsiksiilman uusia investointeja prosessilaitteistoon. PET:n glykolyysi kesti viidestäseitsemään tuntia ja polykondensaatiovaihe kahdesta ja puolesta viiteen tuntiin. Hartsien molekyylipainot ja mekaanisten testien tulokset olivat vertailukelpoisia kaupallisten hartsien antamien tulosten kanssa. Glykolyysivaiheen momomeeri- ja oligomeeripitoisuudet mitattiin geelipermeaatiokromatografialla, jotta nähtiin miten pitkälle depolymerisaatio oli edennyt. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää uusien hartsireseptin suunnittelussa. Polymeeriketjussa jäljellä olevien C=C kaksoissidosten määrä ja niiden isomeraatioaste maleaattimuodosta fumaraattimuotoon mitattiin 1H-NMR -menetelmällä. Tislevesien koostumus määritettiin kaasukromatografialla, ja tulokset kertoivat katalyytin sisältämän kloorin reagoineen glykolien kanssa, johtaen suureen glykolikulutukseen ja muihin ei-toivottuihin sivureaktioihin. Hartsien sietokykyä auringon valolle mitattiin niiden UV-absorption avulla. Kummastakin hartsista valmistettiin 'gel coat' -maalit jotkalaitettiin sääkoneeseen, joka simuloi auringonpaistetta ja vesisadetta vuorotellen. Näistä 'gel coateista' mitattiin niiden kellastumista. Kummastakin hartsista tehdyt valut asetettiin myös sääkoneeseen ja IR-spektreistä ennen jajälkeen koetta nähtiin että C=O ja C-O esterisidoksia oli hajonnut.
Anaerobic treatment as a first biological stage in wastewater treatment is nowadays a well-established technology in recycled paper processing mills using closed water circuits. Today further developed high-rate processes and especially high-tower reactors are also able to handle lower organic loads and become therefore feasible for deinking pulp plant effluents. The interest in the anaerobic method is based on a positive energy balance in form of biogas production and low biomass yield from the process. The anaerobic treatment method was researched and its suitability for the deinking pulp plant effluents was tested experimentally at Stora Enso Maxau mill. In the theory, the deinking pulp process is introduced and the effluents from the deinking process are characterized. The anaerobic treatment is brought up in depth in terms of its use for the deinking effluents, and different kind of reactor types are presented. In addition, other wastewater treatment methods are shortly introduced with the focus on tertiary treatment. Static biodegradability tests were carried out for the wastewaters both anaerobically and aerobically. Based on the results, the deinking effluents can be degraded anaerobically, and inhibition to the methanogenic bacteria was not noticed. In the aerobic static test a good performance of the existing wastewater treatment plant at Maxau mill was proved. Later on pilot trials with sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment were carried out for the deinking effluents. The anaerobic reactor used was a so called internal circulation reactor. The results confirmed that the combination of the anaerobic treatment and the aerobic activated sludge process is a suitable method for deinking wastewaters with a COD reduction as good as with a two stage aerobic method. When combined with the outstanding quality of the produced biogas and the cost savings acquired from the lower sludge production, the anaerobic treatment was found to be an especially favorable treatment method.
Työ on tehty osana ympäristöklusterin tutkimusohjelmaa "Materiaalivirrat ja energiankäyttö metsäteollisuusintegraatissa ja niihin liittyvät toimintastrategiat ympäristövaikutuslähtöisesti". Juha Räsänen on tehnyt metsäteollisuuden sivuainevirroista projektissa perusselvityksen, joka on tämän työn pohjana. Työn tavoitteena on ollut selvittää neljän itäsuomalaisen metsäteollisuusintegraatin tapauksissa vaihtoehtoisten lietteenkäsittelymenetelmien tekninen ja taloudellinen soveltuvuus nykyiseen käsittelyyn verrattuna. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia ja eri laitevalmistajien ja metsäteollisuusintegraattien kokemuksia. Työssä esitettäviä arvioita voidaan hyödyntää myös sektoritasolla. Metsäteollisuuden jätevedenpuhdistamon lietteistä käsiteltävyyden kannalta vaativin on bioliete, jonka osuuden kasvaessa perinteinen mekaaninen puristaminen ja poltto vaikeutuvat useilla tehtailla merkittävästikin nykyään ja lähivuosina. Polton ongelmat ja niistä aiheutuva ajoittainen aumakompostointitarve voivat puoltaa joko sekalietteen termistä tai biotermistä kuivausta ennen polttamista. Toinen tapa ratkaista lieteongelma on käsitellä bio- ja primäärilietteet erikseen. Biolietteen lipeälinjakäsittelyssä liete lingotaan, käsitellään mustalipeällä, haihdutetaan ja poltetaan soodakattilassa. Bioliete voidaan myös mädättää ja käsitellä sen jälkeen perinteisessä mekaanisessa puristuksessa. Kaikki käsitellyt menetelmät ovat teknisesti toteutettavissa, kunhan tietyt prosessireunaehdot täyttyvät. Vaihtoehtoiset käsittelymenetelmät vähentävät lietteen jäteluonnetta, mutta vastaavasti kustannukset lisääntyvät usein merkittävästi. Menetelmien käytöstä aiheutuvat integraatin puhdistamolietteen käsittelyn kokonaiskustannukset laskettiin työn osana olevalla taulukkolaskentasovelluksella laitetoimittajien budjettitarjouksia hyödyntäen. Biolietteen poltto soodakattilassa tarjoaa kustannusten kannalta houkuttelevimman ratkaisun. Työhön sisältyvää laskentamenettelyä voidaan soveltaa periaatteessa minkä tahansa metsäteollisuusintegraatin tapaukseen.
This thesis studies the properties and usability of operators called t-norms, t-conorms, uninorms, as well as many valued implications and equivalences. Into these operators, weights and a generalized mean are embedded for aggregation, and they are used for comparison tasks and for this reason they are referred to as comparison measures. The thesis illustrates how these operators can be weighted with a differential evolution and aggregated with a generalized mean, and the kinds of measures of comparison that can be achieved from this procedure. New operators suitable for comparison measures are suggested. These operators are combination measures based on the use of t-norms and t-conorms, the generalized 3_-uninorm and pseudo equivalence measures based on S-type implications. The empirical part of this thesis demonstrates how these new comparison measures work in the field of classification, for example, in the classification of medical data. The second application area is from the field of sports medicine and it represents an expert system for defining an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. The core of this thesis offers definitions for comparison measures and illustrates that there is no actual difference in the results achieved in comparison tasks, by the use of comparison measures based on distance, versus comparison measures based on many valued logical structures. The approach has been highly practical in this thesis and all usage of the measures has been validated mainly by practical testing. In general, many different types of operators suitable for comparison tasks have been presented in fuzzy logic literature and there has been little or no experimental work with these operators.
The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.
Most metazoans rely on aerobic energy production, which is dependent on adequate oxygen supply. In the case of reduced oxygen supply (hypoxia), the most profound changes in gene expression are mediated by transcription factors named hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF alpha). These proteins are post-translationally regulated by prolyl-4-hydroxylase (PHD) enzymes that are direct “sensors” of cellular oxygen levels. This thesis examines the molecular evolution of metazoan HIF systems. In early metazoans the HIF system emerged from pre-existing PHD oxygen sensors and early bHLH-PAS transcription factors. In invertebrates our analysis revealed an unexpected diversity of PHD genes and HIF alpha sequence characteristics. An early branching vertebrate, the epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) was chosen for sequencing and hypoxia preconditioning studies of HIF alpha and PHD genes. As no quantitative PCR reference genes were available, this thesis includes the first study of reference genes in cartilaginous fish species. Applying multiple statistical analysis we also discoveredthat commonly used reference gene software may perform poorly with some data sets. Novel reference genes allowed accurate measurements of the mRNAlevels of the studied target genes. Cartilaginous fishes have three genomic duplicates of both HIF alpha and PHD genes like mammals and teleost fishes. Combining functional divergence and selection analyses it was possible to describe how sequence changes in both HIF alpha and PHD duplicates may have contributed to the differential oxygen sensitivityof HIF alphas. Additionally, novel teleost HIF-1 alpha sequences were produced and used to reveal the molecular evolution of HIF-1 alpha in this lineage rich with hypoxia tolerant species.
Interest in water treatment by electrochemical methods has grown in recent years. Electrochemical oxidation has been applied particularly successfully to degrade different organic pollutants and disinfect drinking water. This study summarizes the effectiveness of the electrochemical oxidation technique in inactivating different primary biofilm forming paper mill bacteria as well as sulphide and organic material in pulp and paper mill wastewater in laboratory scale batch experiments. Three different electrodes, borondoped diamond (BDD), mixed metal oxide (MMO) and PbO2, were employed as anodes. The impact on inactivation efficiency of parameters such as current density and initial pH or chloride concentration of synthetic paper machine water was studied. The electrochemical behaviour of the electrodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry with MMO, BDD and PbO2 electrodes in synthetic paper mill water as also with MMO and stainless steel electrodes with biocides. Some suggestions on the formation of different oxidants and oxidation mechanisms were also presented during the treatment. Aerobic paper mill bacteria species (Deinococcus geothermalis, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and Meiothermus silvanus) were inactivated effectively (>2 log) at MMO electrodes by current density of 50 mA/cm2 and the time taken three minutes. Increasing current density and initial chloride concentration of paper mill water increased the inactivation rate of Deinococcus geothermalis. The inactivation order of different bacteria species was Meiothermus silvanus > Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis > Deinococcus geothermalis. It was observed that inactivation was mainly due to the electrochemically generated chlorine/hypochlorite from chloride present in the water and also residual disinfection by chlorine/hypochlorite occurred. In real paper mill effluent treatment sulphide oxidation was effective with all the different initial concentrations (almost 100% reduction, current density 42.9 mA/cm2) and also anaerobic bacteria inactivation was observed (almost 90% reduction by chloride concentration of 164 mg/L and current density of 42.9 mA/cm2 in five minutes). Organic material removal was not as effective when comparing with other tested techniques, probably due to the relatively low treatment times. Cyclic voltammograms in synthetic paper mill water with stainless steel electrode showed that H2O2 could be degraded to radicals during the cathodic runs. This emphasises strong potential of combined electrochemical treatment with this biocide in bacteria inactivation in paper mill environments.
All aerobic organisms have to deal with the toxicity of oxygen. Oxygen enables more efficient energy production compared to anaerobic respiration or fermentation, but at the same time reactive oxygen species (ROS) are being formed. ROS can also be produced by external factors such as UV-radiation and contamination. ROS can cause damage to biomolecules such as DNA, lipids and proteins and organisms try to keep the damage as small as possible by repairing biomolecules and metabolizing ROS. All ROS are not harmful, because they are used as signaling molecules. To cope against ROS organism have an antioxidant (AOX) system which consists both enzymatic and non-enzymatic AOX defense. Some AOX are produced by the organism itself and some are gained via diet. In this thesis I studied environmentally caused changes in the redox regulation of different wild vertebrate animals to gain knowledge on the temporal, spatial and pollution-derived-effects on the AOX systems. As study species I used barn swallow, ringed seal and the Baltic salmon. For the barn swallow the main interest was the seasonal fluctuation in the redox regulation and its connection to migration and breeding. The more contaminated ringed seals of the Baltic Sea were compared to seals from cleaner Svalbard to investigate whether they suffered from contaminant induced oxidative stress. The regional and temporal variation in redox regulation and regional variation in mRNA and protein expressions of Baltic salmon were studied to gain knowledge if the salmon from different areas are equally stressed. As a comparative aspect the redox responses of these different species were investigated to see which parts of the AOX system are substantial in which species. Certain parts of AOX system were connected to breeding and others to migration in barn swallows, there was also differences in biotransformation between birds caught from Africa and Finland. The Baltic ringed seal did not differ much from the seals from Svalbard, despite the difference in contaminant load. A possible explanation to this could be the enhanced AOX mechanisms against dive-associated oxidative stress in diving air-breathing animals, which also helps to cope with ROS derived from other sourses. The Baltic salmon from Gulf of Finland (GoF) showed higher activities in their AOX defense enzymes and more oxidative damage than fish from other areas. Also on mRNA and proteomic level, stress related metabolic changes were most profound in in the fish from GoF. Mainly my findings on species related differences followed the pattern of mammals showing highest activities and least damage and birds showing lower activities and most damage, fish being intermediate. In general, the glutathione recycling-related enzymes and the ratio of oxidized and reduced glutathione seemed to be the most affected parameters in all of the species.
Avidins (Avds) are homotetrameric or homodimeric glycoproteins with typically less than 130 amino acid residues per monomer. They form a highly stable, non-covalent complex with biotin (vitamin H) with Kd = 10-15 M (for chicken Avd). The best-studied Avds are the chicken Avd from Gallus gallus and streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii, although other Avd studies have also included Avds from various origins, e.g., from frogs, fishes, mushrooms and from many different bacteria. Several engineered Avds have been reported as well, e.g., dual-chain Avds (dcAvds) and single-chain Avds (scAvds), circular permutants with up to four simultaneously modifiable ligand-binding sites. These engineered Avds along with the many native Avds have potential to be used in various nanobiotechnological applications. In this study, we made a structure-based alignment representing all currently available sequences of Avds and studied the evolutionary relationship of Avds using phylogenetic analysis. First, we created an initial multiple sequence alignment of Avds using 42 closely related sequences, guided by the known Avd crystal structures. Next, we searched for non-redundant Avd sequences from various online databases, including National Centre for Biotechnology Information and the Universal Protein Resource; the identified sequences were added to the initial alignment to expand it to a final alignment of 242 Avd sequences. The MEGA software package was used to create distance matrices and a phylogenetic tree. Bootstrap reproducibility of the tree was poor at multiple nodes and may reflect on several possible issues with the data: the sequence length compared is relatively short and, whereas some positions are highly conserved and functional, others can vary without impinging on the structure or the function, so there are few informative sites; it may be that periods of rapid duplication have led to paralogs and that the differences among them are within the error limit of the data; and there may be other yet unknown reasons. Principle component analysis applied to alternative distance data did segregate the major groups, and success is likely due to the multivariate consideration of all the information. Furthermore, based on our extensive alignment and phylogenetic analysis, we expressed two novel Avds, lacavidin from Lactrodectus Hesperus, a western black widow spider, and hoefavidin from Hoeflea phototrophica, an aerobic marine bacterium, the ultimate aim being to determine their X-ray structures. These Avds were selected because of their unique sequences: lacavidin has an N-terminal Avd-like domain but a long C-terminal overhang, whereas hoefavidin was thought to be a dimeric Avd. Both these Avds could be used as novel scaffolds in biotechnological applications.
Molecular oxygen (O2) is a key component in cellular respiration and aerobic life. Through the redox potential of O2, the amount of free energy available to organisms that utilize it is greatly increased. Yet, due to the nature of the O2 electron configuration, it is non-reactive to most organic molecules in the ground state. For O2 to react with most organic compounds it must be activated. By activating O2, oxygenases can catalyze reactions involving oxygen incorporation into organic compounds. The oxygen activation mechanisms employed by many oxygenases to have been studied, and they often include transition metals and selected organic compounds. Despite the diversity of mechanisms for O2 activation explored in this thesis, all of the monooxygenases studied in the experimental part activate O2 through a transient carbanion intermediate. One of these enzymes is the small cofactorless monooxygenase SnoaB. Cofactorless monooxygenases are unusual oxygenases that require neither transition metals nor cofactors to activate oxygen. Based on our biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of this enzyme, the mechanism most likely employed by SnoaB relies on a carbanion intermediate to activate oxygen, which is consistent with the proposed substrate-assisted mechanism for this family of enzymes. From the studies conducted on the two-component system AlnT and AlnH, both the functions of the NADH-dependent flavin reductase, AlnH, and the reduced flavin dependent monooxygenase, AlnT, were confirmed. The unusual regiochemistry proposed for AlnT was also confirmed on the basis of the structure of a reaction product. The mechanism of AlnT, as with other flavin-dependent monooxygenases, is likely to involve a caged radical pair consisting of a superoxide anion and a neutral flavin radical formed from an initial carbanion intermediate. In the studies concerning the engineering of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) dependent 4-O-methylase DnrK and the homologous atypical 10-hydroxylase RdmB, our data suggest that an initial decarboxylation of the substrate is catalyzed by both of these enzymes, which results in the generation of a carbanion intermediate. This intermediate is not essential for the 4-O-methylation reaction, but it is important for the 10-hydroxylation reaction, since it enables substrate-assisted activation of molecular oxygen involving a single electron transfer to O2 from a carbanion intermediate. The only role for SAM in the hydroxylation reaction is likely to be stabilization of the carbanion through the positive charge of the cofactor. Based on the DnrK variant crystal structure and the characterizations of several DnrK variants, the insertion of a single amino acid in DnrK (S297) is sufficient for gaining a hydroxylation function, which is likely caused by carbanion stabilization through active site solvent restriction. Despite large differences in the three-dimensional structures of the oxygenases and the potential for multiple oxygen activation mechanisms, all the enzymes in my studies rely on carbanion intermediates to activate oxygen from either flavins or their substrates. This thesis provides interesting examples of divergent evolution and the prevalence of carbanion intermediates within polyketide biosynthesis. This mechanism appears to be recurrent in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis and may reflect the acidic nature of these compounds, propensity towards hydrogen bonding and their ability to delocalize π-electrons.
The microenvironment within the tumor plays a central role in cellular signaling. Rapidly proliferating cancer cells need building blocks for structures as well as nutrients and oxygen for energy production. In normal tissue, the vasculature effectively transports oxygen, nutrient and waste products, and maintains physiological pH. Within a tumor however, the vasculature is rarely sufficient for the needs of tumor cells. This causes the tumor to suffer from lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and nutrients as well as acidification, as the glycolytic end product lactate is accumulated. Cancer cells harbor mutations enabling survival in the rough microenvironment. One of the best characterized mutations is the inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Inactivation causes constitutive activation of hypoxia-inducible factor HIF which is an important survival factor regulating glycolysis, neovascularization and apoptosis. HIFs are normally regulated by HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs), which in the presence of oxygen target HIF α-subunit to ubiquitination by pVHL and degradation by proteasomes. In my thesis work, I studied the role of PHDs in the survival of carcinoma cells in hypoxia. My work revealed an essential role of PHD1 and PHD3 in cell cycle regulation through two cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) p21 and p27. Depletion of PHD1 or PHD3 caused a cell cycle arrest and subjected the carcinoma cells to stress and impaired the survival.