156 resultados para strategy based organization
This case study examined how productivity and renewal are combined in a production organization operating in process industry through the antecedents of organizational ambidexterity; structure, culture, and management. The empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews, observations and case organization documents. The findings suggest that the case organization structurally separates exploitation and exploration to separate units. However, it was found that the units focusing on exploration also devote resources to exploitation. External networks, such as customers, suppliers, and other factories seemed to play a role in the exploration activities, as well as in learning activities, which were connected to renewal. Productivity was seen as a natural part of a production organization and pursued at manufacturing units. Process management techniques appeared to be spread across the organization and having positive impact on exploitation and negative impact on exploration. The managerial culture and management’s capability to communicate goals, vision and strategy was found to be unsatisfactory. This thesis contributes to the new research paradigm of organizational ambidexterity by providing unique results on how the antecedents of organizational ambidexterity are accomplished in a production organization. Furthermore, the thesis extends the previous research of organizational renewal capability by connecting it to the ambidexterity theory.
The present study examines the repertory of liturgical chant known as St. Petersburg Court Chant which emerged within the Imperial Court of St. Petersburg, Russia, and appeared in print in a number of revisions during the course of the 19th century, eventually to spread throughout the Russian Empire and even abroad. The study seeks answers to questions on the essence and composition of Court Chant, its history and liturgical background, and most importantly, its musical relationship to other repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. The research questions emerge from previous literary accounts of Court Chant (summarized in the Introduction), which have tended to be inaccurate and generally not based on critical research. The study is divided into eight main chapters. Chapter 1 provides a survey of the history of Eastern Slavic chant and the Imperial Court Chapel of St. Petersburg until 1917, with special emphasis on the history of singing traditional chant in polyphony, the status of the Court Chapel as a government authority, and its endeavours in publishing church music. Chapter 2 deals with the liturgical background of Eastern chant, the chant genres, and main repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. Chapter 3 concentrates on chant sources: it introduces the musical notations utilised, after which a typology of chant books is presented. The discussion continues with a survey of the sources of Court Chant and their content, the specimens selected for closer analysis, the comparative materials from other repertories, and ends with a commentary on some chant sources that have been excluded. The comparative sources include a specimen from around the beginning of the 12th century, a few manuscripts from the 17th century, and printed and manuscript chant books from the early 18th to early 20th century, covering the geographical area that delimits to the western Ukraine, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Solovetsky Monastery. Chapter 4 presents the approach and methods used in the subsequent analytical comparisons. After a survey of the pitch organization of Eastern Slavic chant, the customary harmonization strategy of traditional chant polyphony is examined, according to which a method for meaningful analysis of the harmony is proposed. The method is based on the observation that the harmonic framework of chant polyphony derives from the standard pitch collection of monodic chant known as the Church Gamut, specific pitches of which form eight harmonic regions that behave like the usual tonalities of major and harmonic minor. Because of the considerable quantity of comparative chant forms, computer-assisted statistical methods are applied to the analysis of chant melodies. The primary chant forms and their respective comparative forms have been pre-processed into reduced chant prototypes and divided into redactions. The analyses are carried out by measuring the formal dissimilarities of the primary chant forms of the Court Chant repertory against each comparative form, and also by measuring the reciprocal dissimilarities of all chant versions in a redaction, the results of which are subjected to agglomerative hierarchical clustering in order to find out how the chant forms relate to each other. The dissimilarities are determined by applying a metric dissimilarity function that is based on the Levenshtein Distance. Chapter 5 provides the melodic and harmonic analyses of generic chants (chants used for multiple texts of different lengths), i.e., chants for stichera samoglasny and troparia, Chapter 6 of pseudo-generic chants (chants that are used for multiple texts but with certain restrictions), i.e., chants for heirmoi, prokeimena, and three other hymns, and Chapter 7 of non-generic chants, covering nine chants that in the Court repertory are not shared by multiple texts. The results are summarized and evaluated in Chapter 8. Accordingly, it can be established that, contrary to previous conceptions, melodically, Court Chant is in effect a full part of the wider Eastern Slavic chant tradition. Even if it is somewhat detached from the chant versions of the Synodal square-note chant books and the local tradition of Moscow, it is particularly close to chant forms of East Ukraine and some vernacular repertories from Russia. Respectively, the harmonization strategies of Court Chant do not show significant individuality in comparison with those of the available polyphonic comparative sources, the main difference being the part-writing, which generally conforms to western common practice standard, whereas the deviations from this tend to be more significant in other analysed repertories of polyphonic chant. Thus, insofar as the subsequent prevalence of Court Chant is not based on its forceful dissemination by authorities (as suggested in previous literature but for which little tangible evidence could be found in Chapter 1), in the present author’s interpretation, Court Chant attained its dominance principally because musically it was considered sufficiently traditional, and as a chant body supported by the government, was conveniently available in print in serviceable harmonizations.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on määritellä miten organisoidaan hankintoja eri tuote- ja palveluryhmissä julkisessa tutkimusorganisaatiossa. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan millaisia hankintastrategioita voidaan hyödyntää, millaisia ominaispiirteitä liittyy tuotteisiin, palveluihin ja julkiseen hankintaan. Tavoitteena on analysoida case-organisaation toimintamalleja valituissa hankintaryhmissä ja luoda malli hankintojen analysoinnille ostoportfolion avulla. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus, joka sisältää lyhyen kvantitatiivisen osuuden. Empiirinen aineisto perustuu toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä ja haastatteluista saatuihin tietoihin. Valittujen hankintaryhmien analysointi on toteutettu aiemman tutkimuksen ja case-organisaation ominaispiirteiden pohjalta luodulla ostoportfoliomallilla. Tärkeimpänä tuloksena on, että ostoportfolion hankintastrategioita voidaan hyödyntää myös julkisella sektorilla, mutta strategiat tulee aina räätälöidä organisaation tarpeisiin soveltuviksi. Tulosten mukaan tuotteiden ja palveluiden ominaispiirteet vaikuttavat hankintastrategioihin ja toimintamalleihin. Tutkimuksen mukaan ostoportfolion hankintastrategioiden suosituksissa tulisi huomioida nykyistä paremmin myös palveluhankintojen piirteet.
Tässä tutkielmassa perehdyttiin julkisen tutkimuksen kaupallistamiseen tutkimusorganisaatio VTT:n tapauksen kautta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka julkista tutkimusta voidaan yleensä kaupallistaa, mitkä ovat kaupallistamisprosessin vaiheet, haasteet sekä kriittiset onnistumistekijät. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja se toteutettiin henkilöhaastatteluina, joita täydennettiin kirjallisilla lähteillä. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että VTT:llä julkisrahoitteisen tutkimuksen tuloksia kaupallistetaan lisensoimalla, toimeksianto- eli sopimustutkimuksen kautta, spin-off toimilla, allianssien ja erilaisten palvelujen, kuten valmistus-, testaus-, ja analyysipalvelujen kautta. VTT:n näkökulmasta katsottuna merkittävin kaupallistamiskanava on sopimus- eli toimeksiantotutkimus, jota seuraavat lisensointi sekä spin-off toiminta. Kaupallistamistavan valinta riippuu lukuisista tekijöistä, kuten organisaation kaupallistamisstrategiasta, innovaatiotyypistä, teknologian kypsyydestä, tiedon luonteesta, toimialojen ja markkinoiden ominaisuuksista, innovaation hyödynnettävyydestä ja suojauksesta, arvonmuodostuspotentiaalista kuin yksittäisten henkilöiden motivaatiostakin.Valinta onkin tehtävä tapauskohtaisesti. Julkisesta tutkimuksesta lähtöisin olevien teknologioiden tie markkinoille voi olla haastava, sillä teknologiat ovat kehitetty ei-kaupallisessa ympäristössä. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että kriittisimmiksi koetut kaupallistamisen onnistumistekijät liittyivät organisaatioon, teknologiaan, markkina- ja asiakastarpeeseen, aineettoman omaisuuden suojaukseen sekä markkinoille menon nopeuteen.
In the network era, creative achievements like innovations are more and more often created in interaction among different actors. The complexity of today‘s problems transcends the individual human mind, requiring not only individual but also collective creativity. In collective creativity, it is impossible to trace the source of new ideas to an individual. Instead, creative activity emerges from the collaboration and contribution of many individuals, thereby blurring the contribution of specific individuals in creating ideas. Collective creativity is often associated with diversity of knowledge, skills, experiences and perspectives. Collaboration between diverse actors thus triggers creativity and gives possibilities for collective creativity. This dissertation investigates collective creativity in the context of practice-based innovation. Practice-based innovation processes are triggered by problem setting in a practical context and conducted in non-linear processes utilising scientific and practical knowledge production and creation in cross-disciplinary innovation networks. In these networks diversity or distances between innovation actors are essential. Innovation potential may be found in exploiting different kinds of distances. This dissertation presents different kinds of distances, such as cognitive, functional and organisational which could be considered as sources of creativity and thus innovation. However, formation and functioning of these kinds of innovation networks can be problematic. Distances between innovating actors may be so great that a special interpretation function is needed – that is, brokerage. This dissertation defines factors that enhance collective creativity in practice-based innovation and especially in the fuzzy front end phase of innovation processes. The first objective of this dissertation is to study individual and collective creativity at the employee level and identify those factors that support individual and collective creativity in the organisation. The second objective is to study how organisations use external knowledge to support collective creativity in their innovation processes in open multi-actor innovation. The third objective is to define how brokerage functions create possibilities for collective creativity especially in the context of practice-based innovation. The research objectives have been studied through five substudies using a case-study strategy. Each substudy highlights various aspects of creativity and collective creativity. The empirical data consist of materials from innovation projects arranged in the Lahti region, Finland, or materials from the development of innovation methods in the Lahti region. The Lahti region has been chosen as the research context because the innovation policy of the region emphasises especially the promotion of practice-based innovations. The results of this dissertation indicate that all possibilities of collective creativity are not utilised in internal operations of organisations. The dissertation introduces several factors that could support collective creativity in organisations. However, creativity as a social construct is understood and experienced differently in different organisations, and these differences should be taken into account when supporting creativity in organisations. The increasing complexity of most potential innovations requires collaborative creative efforts that often exceed the boundaries of the organisation and call for the involvement of external expertise. In practice-based innovation different distances are considered as sources of creativity. This dissertation gives practical implications on how it is possible to exploit different kinds of distances knowingly. It underlines especially the importance of brokerage functions in open, practice-based innovation in order to create possibilities for collective creativity. As a contribution of this dissertation, a model of brokerage functions in practice-based innovation is formulated. According to the model, the results and success of brokerage functions are based on the context of brokerage as well as the roles, tasks, skills and capabilities of brokers. The brokerage functions in practice-based innovation are also possible to divide into social and cognitive brokerage.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja ymmärtää, millaisella johtamisstrategiamallilla yritys voi saavuttaa menestystä globaalissa toimintaympäristössä. Johtamisstrategia-termi sisältää sekä kilpailu- että konsernistrategian ja käsittää organisaation kilpailustrategian muotoilun ja sen implementoinnin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin olemassa olevaan tekstiaineistoon perustuvaa tulkitsevaa käsitetutkimusta, jolle on ominaista, ettei tutkija ole vuorovaikutuksessa aineiston tuottajan kanssa. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli kaksi globaaliin toimintaympäristöön soveltuvaa strategisen suunnittelun teosta. Aineiston laadullisella analyysillä tuotettiin vastaukset tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tulkintateoriana käytettiin yrityksen välittäjäteoriaa, joka on talous- ja johtamistieteistä integroitu lähestymistapa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena laadittiin globaaliin toimintaympäristöön soveltuva johtamisstrategiamalli, minkä avulla yritysten strateginen johto ja avustavat asiantuntijat voivat muotoilla omien yritystensä tarpeisiin soveltuvan yksilöllisen strategian, jolla menestyä. Uutta mallissa oli globaaliin muutokseen sopeutumisen tarkastelu integroimalla sekä talous- että johtamistieteiden näkökulmia kilpailustrategiaan huomioiden sekä markkinoiden ulkoiset mahdollisuudet että organisationaaliset resurssit ja pätevyydet.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää organisaatiokulttuurin merkitystä organisaation uudistumiskykyyn. Lisäksi selvitetään, mitkä uudistumiskykyä tukevat tai estävät organisaatiokulttuurin piirteet toteutuvat Kouvolan kaupungin aikuissosiaalipalveluissa. Tutkimus toteutetaan laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena huomioiden organisaatiossa vuonna 2010 tehty organisaation uudistumiskyvyn kyselytutkimus. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytetään puolistrukturoituja yksilöhaastatteluita, joissa haastateltavina ovat organisaation harkinnanvaraisesti valitsemat haastateltavat. Aineiston kerääminen ja analysointi toteutetaan teorialähtöisesti. Kohdeorganisaation vahvuudeksi voidaan nähdä hyvin tunnistettu strategia sekä siihen liittyvät päämäärät ja arvot, mikä antaa organisaatiolle mahdollisuuden toteuttaa strategian mahdollistamia organisaatiokulttuurin uudistumista edistäviä piirteitä. Vahvuutena voidaan pitää myös asiakaslähtöisyyden sisäistämistä toimintaa ohjaavana arvona sekä vahvaa sitoutumista omaan työhön. Organisaatiokulttuuria pidetään vielä hahmottumattomana, mikä vaatii sekä kulttuurin että identiteetin vahvistamista. Uudistumiskykyä tukeva organisaatiokulttuuri näkyy hyvänä ja avoimena yhteistyönä ja vuorovaikutuksena sekä organisaation sisällä että yhteistyökumppanien kanssa. Kehittämiskohteeksi Kouvolassa nouseekin yhteistyön parantaminen ja tehostaminen ylittämällä palvelualue- ja toimialarajoja sekä pyrkimällä poliittisen ja virkamiesjohdon entistä yhtenäisempään näkemykseen toimintaa tukevista innovatiivisista ratkaisuista. Kannustamisen ja palkitsemisen kohdistamisella uudistumista edistävään toimintaan voidaan saada aikaan uskallusta ja halua ideoida sekä innovoida.
The objective of this study and paper was to find out how the strategic change management readiness in organizations can be evaluated. Based on theory and prior CMP model, the framework of strategic change management and issues related to it was constructed. Additionally a synthesis of the most important phases and interventions in strategic change process and project was created. These phases were starting point, planning, implementation and evaluation and securing phases. Qualitative approach was utilized in the empirical part of the study due to the need for in-depth information about the topics surveyed through semi-structured interview. There were 18 responders from the top management of large Finnish companies. In this study interventions, strengths and weaknesses during the various phases of strategic change projects were revealed. Additionally the interviewees’ opinion on the importance of each of the interventions in strategic change project success was asked. According to this study, the most important phases recognized through researching theoretical literature, prior CMP model and empirical information in starting point phase were analysis of current and desired state and need for change accompanied with guiding coalition formulation. In planning phase the most important interventions were project organization formulation, action plan creation, analysis of prior and current strategic change projects and organizational structure analysis. In the change project implementation phase the interventions of importance were launch, quick wins, sense of urgency creation, change resistance management and change communications. In the final evaluation and securing phase project evaluation was the most important intervention. Based on the results a tool for creating change management readiness profile was created.
A strategy process was completed in the ESF project “Promotion of Work-related Immigration”, which was implemented at Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia, and an immigration strategy was drawn up for Northern Ostrobothnia on the basis of the process. Information was collected about the situation in Northern Ostrobothnia from the point of view of immigration and the future availability of labour. The intention was to use the information as background material for the strategy. Employers’ need for support in recruiting foreign labour was investigated with a broad inquiry, to which 1000 respondents replied. The strategy process was carried out together with an outside consultant (Net Effect Oy) by arranging three workshops and a seminar where the workshop results were summarised. A large number of companies, authorities, municipalities, associations, project actors and immigrants engaged in immigration issues participated in the workshops. The draft strategy is based on their experiences about immigration and on statistical data, background inquiries and surveys. To ensure the accuracy of the draft strategy, comments were requested from several parties and received from 64 organisations. The core of the immigration strategy consists of an initial analysis, values, a vision and priorities. The strategy is composed of three priorities. The key aim of the priority Internationalisation and Supporting Diversity is to support diversity in schools, workplaces and people’s everyday lives e.g. through attitude development and by promoting internationalisation in companies and education institutions. The aim of the priority Supporting Entrepreneurship and Recruiting Foreign Labour is to promote entrepreneurship among immigrants and the recruitment of foreign labour and to develop the forecasting of educational needs. The priority Developing Integration Services, Regional Cooperation and Networks, in turn, seeks to develop the service structure and policies of immigrant integration and to increase cooperation and exchange of information between regional actors engaged in integration issues. The aim is to use the strategy as a guideline document for immigration issues in Northern Ostrobothnia. The strategy is used to coordinate the existing organisations and operations dealing with immigration issues. In addition, it contains a future-oriented focus and underlines the management of new immigration projects and operations. The main party responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Immigration Committee. In addition, responsible parties have been assigned to each measure. The implementation of the immigration strategy will be monitored annually on the basis of indicators.
The objective of this study was research the shared knowledge and the means of sharing with the help of social network analysis. The purpose of this study was to give descriptive information to case-organization about its situational network status in different units. The premise of the study is the success of organizational competences and networks, especially when it comes to the sharing of knowledge. The research was accomplished in a TEKES –projects, Developing Network-Based Services – The Role of Competences and Networks COMNET –projects case-organization. Lappeenranta School of Business and the case-organization started the project in co-operation. The baseline for the study was organizational competencies and organizational networks as success factors, especially from the knowledge sharing’s point of view. The research was based on triangulation, which included pre-interviews, network analyses accomplished by Webropol –e-mail survey and qualitative interviews. The results indicated that regular unit meetings were experienced to be the most important method of knowledge sharing along with e-mailing, intranet and weekly bulletins. The co-operation between units was also experienced to be important when evaluating knowledge sharing and communication. The intrafirm network was experienced tight. Dispersed units and partly unclear means of information sharing were the biggest obstacles for information communication. Knowledge sharing, communication with others and trainings were seen important in the case-organization.
Unsuccessful mergers are unfortunately the rule rather than the exception. Therefore it is necessary to gain an enhanced understanding of mergers and post-merger integrations (PMI) as well as learning more about how mergers and PMIs of information systems (IS) and people can be facilitated. Studies on PMI of IS are scarce and public sector mergers are even less studied. There is nothing however to indicate that public sector mergers are any more successful than those in the private sector. This thesis covers five studies carried out between 2008 and 2011 in two organizations in higher education that merged in January 2010. The most recent study was carried out two years after the new university was established. The longitudinal case-study focused on the administrators and their opinions of the IS, the work situation and the merger in general. These issues were investigated before, during and after the merger. Both surveys and interviews were used to collect data, to which were added documents that both describe and guide the merger process; in this way we aimed at a triangulation of findings. Administrators were chosen as the focus of the study since public organizations are highly dependent on this staff category, forming the backbone of the organization and whose performance is a key success factor for the organization. Reliable and effective IS are also critical for maintaining a functional and effective organization, and this makes administrators highly dependent on their organizations’ IS for the ability to carry out their duties as intended. The case-study has confirmed the administrators’ dependency on IS that work well. A merger is likely to lead to changes in the IS and the routines associated with the administrators’ work. Hence it was especially interesting to study how the administrators viewed the merger and its consequences for IS and the work situation. The overall research objective is to find key issues for successful mergers and PMIs. The first explorative study in 2008 showed that the administrators were confident of their skills and knowledge of IS and had no fear of having to learn new IS due to the merger. Most administrators had an academic background and were not anxious about whether IS training would be given or not. Before the merger the administrators were positive and enthusiastic towards the merger and also to the changes that they expected. The studies carried out before the merger showed that these administrators were very satisfied with the information provided about the merger. This information was disseminated through various channels and even negative information and postponed decisions were quickly distributed. The study conflicts with the theories that have found that resistance to change is inevitable in a merger. Shortly after the merger the (third) study showed disappointment with the fact that fewer changes than expected had been implemented even if the changes that actually were carried out sometimes led to a more problematic work situation. This was seen to be more prominent for routine changes than IS changes. Still the administrators showed a clear willingness to change and to share their knowledge with new colleagues. This knowledge sharing (also tacit) worked well in the merger and the PMI. The majority reported that the most common way to learn to use new ISs and to apply new routines was by asking help from colleagues. They also needed to take responsibility for their own training and development. Five months after the merger (the fourth study) the administrators had become worried about the changes in communication strategy that had been implemented in the new university. This was perceived as being more anonymous. Furthermore, it was harder to get to know what was happening and to contact the new decision makers. The administrators found that decisions, and the authority to make decisions, had been moved to a higher administrative level than they were accustomed to. A directive management style is recommended in mergers in order to achieve a quick transition without distracting from the core business. A merger process may be tiresome and require considerable effort from the participants. In addition, not everyone can make their voice heard during a merger and consensus is not possible in every question. It is important to find out what is best for the new organization instead of simply claiming that the tried and tested methods of doing things should be implemented. A major problem turned out to be the lack of management continuity during the merger process. Especially problematic was the situation in the IS-department with many substitute managers during the whole merger process (even after the merger was carried out). This meant that no one was in charge of IS-issues and the PMI of IS. Moreover, the top managers were appointed very late in the process; in some cases after the merger was carried out. This led to missed opportunities for building trust and management credibility was heavily affected. The administrators felt neglected and that their competences and knowledge no longer counted. This, together with a reduced and altered information flow, led to rumours and distrust. Before the merger the administrators were convinced that their achievements contributed value to their organizations and that they worked effectively. After the merger they were less sure of their value contribution and effectiveness even if these factors were not totally discounted. The fifth study in November 2011 found that the administrators were still satisfied with their IS as they had been throughout the whole study. Furthermore, they believed that the IS department had done a good job despite challenging circumstances. Both the former organizations lacked IS strategies, which badly affected the IS strategizing during the merger and the PMI. IS strategies deal with issues like system ownership; namely who should pay and who is responsible for maintenance and system development, for organizing system training for new IS, and for effectively run IS even during changing circumstances (e.g. more users). A proactive approach is recommended for IS strategizing to work. This is particularly true during a merger and PMI for handling issues about what ISs should be adopted and implemented in the new organization, issues of integration and reengineering of IS-related processes. In the new university an ITstrategy had still not been decided 26 months after the new university was established. The study shows the importance of the decisive management of IS in a merger requiring that IS issues are addressed in the merger process and that IS decisions are made early. Moreover, the new management needs to be appointed early in order to work actively with the IS-strategizing. It is also necessary to build trust and to plan and make decisions about integration of IS and people.
According to many academic researches, the development of marketing capabilities can enhance organizational performance. Similarly, downstream marketing capabilities have an important role in accomplishment the organizational goals. Particularly the downstream marketing capabilities identified in this research are the Marketing Communication, Selling, Marketing implementation, and Market information management. These four capabilities are summarized under the following abilities. First, the ability to manage customers’ opinion regarding the offered value from the organization. Second, the ability of the organization to obtain orders from new and established customers. Third, the ability of aligning and translate the marketing strategy into an operating action plan along with the deployment of the organizational resources. Forth, the continuous process of gathering and managing information about the markets. Moreover, the literature review of this research shed light on the elements that compose the downstream marketing capabilities. Specifically, this research examined the downstream processes and the required information required to control these processes based on the American Productivity and Quality Center’s Process Classification Framework. Furthermore, the literature review examined some of the technological tools that are used in marketing processes, and also some managerial implication regarding the management of the downstream marketing employees. Along with the investigation of downstream marketing capabilities, the literature review investigated the utilization and the benefits of Component Business Model and Process Classification Framework, as they are defined by the organizations that developed them. Besides this initial study, the research presents how the examined organization is using the two frameworks together by cross-referring them. Finally, the research presents the optimal deployment of the collected downstream capabilities elements in the current organizational structure. The optimal deployment has been grounded on the information collected from the literature review but also from internal documentation, provided from the examined organization. By comparing the optimal deployment and the current condition on the organization, the research exhibits some points for improvement, but also some of the projects that are currently in progress inside the organization and eventually will provide solutions to these downsides.
According to several surveys and observations, the percentage of successfully conducted IT projects without over-budgeting and delays in time schedule are extremely low. Many projects also are evaluated as failures in terms of delivered functionality. Nuldén (1996) compares IT projects with bad movies; after watching for 2 hours, one still tries to finish it even though one understands that it is a complete waste of time. The argument for that is 'I've already invested too much time to terminate it now'. The same happens with IT projects: sometimes the company continues wasting money on these projects for a long time, even though there are no expected benefits from these projects. Eventually these projects are terminated anyway, but until this moment, the company spends a lot. The situation described above is a consequence of “escalation of commitment” - project continuation even after a manager receives negative feedback of the project’s success probability. According to Keil and Mähring (2010), even though escalation can occur in any type of project, it is more common among complex technological projects, such as IT projects. Escalation of commitment very often results in runaway projects. In order to avoid it, managers use de-escalation strategies, which allow the resources to be used in more effective. These strategies lead to project termination or turning around, which stops the flow of wasted investments. Numbers of researches explore escalation of commitment phenomena based on experiments and business cases. Moreover, during the last decade several frameworks were proposed for de-escalation strategy. However, there is no evidence of successful implementation of the de-escalation of commitment strategy in the literature. In addition, despite that fact that IT project management methodologies are widely used in the companies, none of them cover the topic of escalation of commitment risks. At the same time, there are no researches proposing the way to implement de-escalation of commitment strategy into the existing project management methodology The research is focused on a single case of large ERP implementation project by the consulting company. Hence, the main deliverables of the study include suggestions of improvement in de-escalation methods and techniques in the project and in the company. Moreover, the way to implement these methods into existing project management methodology and into the company general policies is found.
Over the past decade, organizations worldwide have begun to widely adopt agile software development practices, which offer greater flexibility to frequently changing business requirements, better cost effectiveness due to minimization of waste, faster time-to-market, and closer collaboration between business and IT. At the same time, IT services are continuing to be increasingly outsourced to third parties providing the organizations with the ability to focus on their core capabilities as well as to take advantage of better demand scalability, access to specialized skills, and cost benefits. An output-based pricing model, where the customers pay directly for the functionality that was delivered rather than the effort spent, is quickly becoming a new trend in IT outsourcing allowing to transfer the risk away from the customer while at the same time offering much better incentives for the supplier to optimize processes and improve efficiency, and consequently producing a true win-win outcome. Despite the widespread adoption of both agile practices and output-based outsourcing, there is little formal research available on how the two can be effectively combined in practice. Moreover, little practical guidance exists on how companies can measure the performance of their agile projects, which are being delivered in an output-based outsourced environment. This research attempted to shed light on this issue by developing a practical project monitoring framework which may be readily applied by organizations to monitor the performance of agile projects in an output-based outsourcing context, thus taking advantage of the combined benefits of such an arrangement Modified from action research approach, this research was divided into two cycles, each consisting of the Identification, Analysis, Verification, and Conclusion phases. During Cycle 1, a list of six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was proposed and accepted by the professionals in the studied multinational organization, which formed the core of the proposed framework and answered the first research sub-question of what needs to be measured. In Cycle 2, a more in-depth analysis was provided for each of the suggested Key Performance Indicators including the techniques for capturing, calculating, and evaluating the information provided by each KPI. In the course of Cycle 2, the second research sub-question was answered, clarifying how the data for each KPI needed to be measured, interpreted, and acted upon. Consequently, after two incremental research cycles, the primary research question was answered describing the practical framework that may be used for monitoring the performance of agile IT projects delivered in an output-based outsourcing context. This framework was evaluated by the professionals within the context of the studied organization and received positive feedback across all four evaluation criteria set forth in this research, including the low overhead of data collection, high value of provided information, ease of understandability of the metric dashboard, and high generalizability of the proposed framework.
Companies today are forced to innovate in order to remain within business. Such innovation projects undertaken by the companies are defined in this study as creative ideas which have been managed through “Stage-Gate” innovation process. This process is used to manage innovation projects as they proceed from being newly created to ready for launching/implementing. This has ensured that the companies manage the innovation project right. However, with so many new creative ideas the companies can come up within limited resources, the companies must rely on Innovation Project Portfolio Management (IPPM) to ensure that they are managing only the right innovation projects. Although, there are many tools and techniques available for use within Project Portfolio Management, there is still no consensus on which are the most effective and no standard framework has been established especially for IPPM. Thus, this study proposes a practical framework for which individual innovative organization can follow as a guideline to manage its innovation project portfolio. The study theoretically first addresses the key differences between project portfolio management of innovation projects and other traditional projects - one of which is the stage nature of innovation projects due to their unclear objectives from the beginning compare to clearly established objectives of traditional projects. Secondly, different tools and techniques which can be used are examined based on the three goals of IPPM: (1) Maximizing the Value of Innovation Project Portfolio: Financial Methods, Decision Trees, Scoring Models and Checklists; (2) Balancing Innovation Project Portfolio: Visual Representations; and (3) Aligning Innovation Project Portfolio with Strategy: Bottom-Up (Scoring Models with Strategic Criteria) and Top-Down (Strategic Buckets). Finally, the two approaches in which IPPM can be integrated with Stage-Gate innovation process are discussed: (1) Gates- Dominated; and (2) Portfolio Reviews-Dominated. Practically, this study investigates IPPM of a case organization, and through analysis of the case study results proposes a practical framework for case organization to improve its current management of innovation project portfolio. This framework is then generalized to propose a final practical framework or guideline for which an innovative organization can follow to manage its innovation project portfolio.