122 resultados para SDN OpenFlow Internet ONF Cisco HP Google


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TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Teknistaloudellinen tiedekunta Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma Seppo Kuittinen Teollinen Internet uuden liiketoiminnan katalysaattorina Case CGI Diplomityö 2015 78 sivua, 33 kuvaa, 1 taulukko, 1 liite Työn tarkastajat: Professori Timo Pihkala Tutkijatohtori Marita Rautiainen Hakusanat: teollinen internet, IoT, kehittynyt analytiikka, sensorit Keywords: Industrial internet, IoT, advanced analytics, sencors Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia asiakaskyselyn avulla luoko teollinen internet case yritykselle uutta ohjelmisto- tai palveluliiketoimintaa. Case yritys valitsi omasta asiakaskunnastaan 15 kohdeasiakasta, joille kysely lähetettiin. Vastauksista käy ilmi, että asiakaskunnassa on näkemys siitä, mitä teollinen internet on. Nykyisten ratkaisujen ei nähdä ratkaisevan kaikkia teollisen internetin mukanaan tuomia ongelmia. Ongelmaksi koetaan sensoridatan analysointi, jonka ei vielä katsota olevan riittävän kehittynyttä ja luotettavaa. Kyselystä voidaan päätellä, ettei mitään räjähtävää kasvua ole odotettavissa lähiaikoina. Teollinen internet tulee olemaan osa yritysten liiketoimintaa, mutta sen käyttö laajenee pikkuhiljaa.


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Tässä opinnäytetyössä on toteutettu ja arvioitu virtuaalitodellisuuteen soveltuvaa käyttöliittymää. Motivaationa työlle oli Google Cardboardin mahdollistama todentuntuinen virtuaalikokemus älypuhelimen hinnalla. Cardboard-ympäristöön ei kuitenkaan ollut olemassa kattavaa käyttöliittymää ja tämän työn tavoitteena olikin selvittää, onko älypuhelimen kameraa mahdollista käyttää eleohjauksen toteuttamiseen niin että ohjaus on käytettävyydeltään kelvollinen ja se tukee läsnäolon tunteen syntymistä. Asian selvittämiseksi kehitettiin testipeli, jolla eleohjausta verrattiin Cardboardin oletuskäyttöliittymään. Koehenkilöt saavuttivat ehdotetulla käyttöliittymällä testipelissä keskimäärin 45-% korkeampia pistemääriä ja lisäksi he arvioivat sen olleen toimiva ja sen synnyttämän läsnäolon tunteen olleen voimakkaampaa.


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ICT contributed to about 0.83 GtCO2 emissions where the 37% comes from the telecoms infrastructures. At the same time, the increasing cost of energy has been hindering the industry in providing more affordable services for the users. One of the sources of these problems is said to be the rigidity of the current network infrastructures which limits innovations in the network. SDN (Software Defined Network) has emerged as one of the prominent solutions with its idea of abstraction, visibility, and programmability in the network. Nevertheless, there are still significant efforts needed to actually utilize it to create a more energy and environmentally friendly network. In this paper, we suggested and developed a platform for developing ecology-related SDN applications. The main approach we take in realizing this goal is by maximizing the abstractions provided by OpenFlow and to expose RESTful interfaces to modules which enable energy saving in the network. While OpenFlow is made to be the standard for SDN protocol, there are still some mechanisms not defined in its specification such as settings related to Quality of Service (QoS). To solve this, we created REST interfaces for setting of QoS in the switches which can maximize network utilization. We also created a module for minimizing the required network resources in delivering packets across the network. This is achieved by utilizing redundant links when it is needed, but disabling them when the load in the network decreases. The usage of multi paths in a network is also evaluated for its benefit in terms of transfer rate improvement and energy savings. Hopefully, the developed framework can be beneficial for developers in creating applications for supporting environmentally friendly network infrastructures.


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Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are developing rapidly, and therefore there exist several standards of interconnection protocols and platforms. The existence of heterogeneous protocols and platforms has become a critical challenge for IoT system developers. To mitigate this challenge, few alliances and organizations have taken the initiative to build a framework that helps to integrate application silos. Some of these frameworks focus only on a specific domain like home automation. However, the resource constraints in the large proportion of connected devices make it difficult to build an interoperable system using such frameworks. Therefore, a general purpose, lightweight interoperability framework that can be used for a range of devices is required. To tackle the heterogeneous nature, this work introduces an embedded, distributed and lightweight service bus, Lightweight IoT Service bus Architecture (LISA), which fits inside the network stack of a small real-time operating system for constrained nodes. LISA provides a uniform application programming interface for an IoT system on a range of devices with variable resource constraints. It hides platform and protocol variations underneath it, thus facilitating interoperability in IoT implementations. LISA is inspired by the Network on Terminal Architecture, a service centric open architecture by Nokia Research Center. Unlike many other interoperability frameworks, LISA is designed specifically for resource constrained nodes and it provides essential features of a service bus for easy service oriented architecture implementation. The presented architecture utilizes an intermediate computing layer, a Fog layer, between the small nodes and the cloud, thereby facilitating the federation of constrained nodes into subnetworks. As a result of a modular and distributed design, the part of LISA running in the Fog layer handles the heavy lifting to assist the lightweight portion of LISA inside the resource constrained nodes. Furthermore, LISA introduces a new networking paradigm, Node Centric Networking, to route messages across protocol boundaries to facilitate interoperability. This thesis presents a concept implementation of the architecture and creates a foundation for future extension towards a comprehensive interoperability framework for IoT.


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