158 resultados para Mobile platforms


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kuvata suunnitelma, jossa alun perin WWW-ympäristöön kehitettyä palvelua muokataan siten, että palvelu skaalautuu mahdollisimman hyvin tulevaisuuden laajennuksiin. Selainpohjaisten palveluiden lisäksi esimerkiksi mobiili-palvelut ja erilaiset työpöytäsovellusintegraatiot ovat kasvattaneet suosiotaan. Samoin eri palveluiden välisestä yhteistoiminnasta on kasvanut merkittävä osa Internet-palveluiden loppukäyttäjilleen tarjoamaa palvelukokonaisuutta. Esimerkkejä WWW-palveluiden integroinneista päätelaitteille ovat hakukoneiden ja pikaviestimien mobiili-versiot, ja palveluiden yhteistoiminnasta erilaisten uutispalveluiden ja sosiaalisten palveluiden, kuten Facebook, väliset yhteisölinkitykset. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään aluksi Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehitystä sekä tutustutaan tarkemmin palveluiden monikanavaisuuteen. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi loppukäyttäjien saatavilla olevia päätelaitteita verkkoyhteyksineen ja WWW-palveluiden suunnittelumalleja. Suunnittelun lähtökohtana oli se, että erilaisten päätelaitteiden, päätelaitteiden ohjelmistojen ja käytössä olevien verkkoyhteyksien muodostamien palvelualustojen liittäminen palveluun olisi mahdollisimman yksinkertaista. Ja tukea uusien palvelualustojen käyttäjien ja sisällön sovittamista olemassa olevaan palveluun. Työn lopputuloksena on suunnitelma, joka pohjautuu välikerroksen rakentamiseen uusien palvelualustojen ja vanhan palvelun väliin. Palveluun tarjotaan välikerroksen kautta personoitu rajapinta luotetuille asiakkaille sekä kaikille avoin julkinen rajapinta. Välikerros suunniteltiin yksinkertaisella REST-arkkitehtuurityylillä, mikä mahdollistaa palvelun tarjonnan turvallisesti ja tehokkaasti. Tähän välikerrokseen lisätään käyttäjän- ja sisällönhallinnan komponentteja pitämään huolen palvelun eheydestä. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa, että oikealla arkkitehtuurilla suunniteltu monikerroksinen väliohjelmisto tarjoaa tehokkaan tavan integroida ja hallinnoida uusia alustoja.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of a graphical application on a mobile device to teleoperate a mobile robot. The department of information technology in Lappeenranta University conducts research in robotics, and the main motivation was to extend the available teleoperation applications for mobile devices. The challenge was to port existing robot software library onto an embedded device platform, then develop a suitable user interface application that provides sufficient functionality to perform teleoperation tasks over a wireless communication network. This thesis involved investigating previous teleoperation applications and conducted similar experiments to test and evaluate the designed application for functional activity and measure performance on a mobile device which have been identified and achieved. The implemented solution offered good results for navigation purposes particularly for teleoperating a visible robot and suggests solutions for exploration when no environment map for the operator is present.


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Browsing the web has become one of the most important features in high end mobile phones and in the future more and more people will be using mobile phone for web browsing. Large touchscreens improve browsing experience but many web sites are designed to be used with a mouse. A touchscreen differs substantially from a mouse as a pointing device and therefore mouse emulation logic is required in the browsers to make more web sites usable. This Master's thesis lists the most significant cases where the differences of a mouse and a touchscreen affect web browsing. Five touchscreen mobile phones and their web browsers were evaluated to find out if and how these cases are handled in them. Also as a part of this thesis, a simple QtWebKit based mobile web browser with advanced mouse emulation model was implemented, aiming to solve all the problematic cases. The conclusion of this work is that it is feasible to emulate a mouse with a touchscreen and thus deliver good user experience in mobile web browsing. However, current highend touchscreen mobile phones have relatively underdeveloped mouse emulations in their web browsers and there is a lot to improve.


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This thesis discusses the design and implementation of a real-time musical pair improvisation scenario for mobile devices. In the scenario transferring musical information over a network connection was required. The suitability of available wireless communication technologies was evaluated and communication was analyzed and designed on multiple layers of TCP/IP protocol stack. Also an application layer protocol was designed and implemented for the scenario. The implementation was integrated into a mobile musical software for children using available software components and libraries although the used platform lead to hardware and software constraints. Software limitations were taken into account in design. The results show that real-time musical improvisation can be implemented with wireless communication and mobile technology. The results also show that link layer had the most significant effect on real-time communication in the scenario.


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This Master’s thesis examines the feasibility of eBusiness in developing countries by looking at the current mobile banking solutions. The research involved reviewing literature that was relevant to the research questions. It was discovered that the Wizzit and M-PESA are the current solutions to mobile banking. Furthermore, it was found out that the Wizzit and M-PESA were either transformational or additive. Additive mobile banking is the use of mobile phones as a channel to provide services to existing customers within financial institutions. Transformational mobile banking extends financial services to the unbanked. The results of the thesis are M-PESA works with only Safaricom while on the other hand Wizzit has compatibility with any mobile operator. The other result is that both M-PESA and Wizzit are transformational mobile banking technologies at the sametime Wizzit is an Additive mobile banking technology. Wizzit can provide financial services to both the unbanked and existing bank customers. It can be said the merits of Wizzit outweigh those of M-PESA which makes Wizzit better.


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The dissertation seeks to explore how to improve users‘ adoption of mobile learning in current education systems. Considering the difference between basic and tertiary education in China, the research consists of two separate but interrelated parts, which focus on the use of mobile learning in basic and tertiary education contexts, respectively. In the dissertation, two adoption frameworks are developed based on previous studies. The frameworks are then evaluated using different technologies. Concerning mobile learning use in basic education settings, case study methodology is utilized. A leading provider of mobile learning services and products in China, Noah Ltd., is investigated. Multiple sources of evidence are collected to test the framework. Regarding mobile learning adoption in tertiary education contexts, survey research methodology is utilized. Based on 209 useful responses, the framework is evaluated using structural equation modelling technology. Four proposed determinants of intention to use are evaluated, which are perceived ease of use, perceived near-term usefulness, perceived ong-term usefulness and personal innovativeness. The dissertation provides a number of new insights for both researchers and practitioners. In particular, the dissertation specifies a practical solution to deal with the disruptive effects of mobile learning in basic education, which keeps the use of mobile learning away from the schools across such as European countries. A list of new and innovative mobile learning technologies is systematically introduced as well. Further, the research identifies several key factors driving mobile learning adoption in tertiary education settings. In theory, the dissertation suggests that since the technology acceptance model is initiated in work-oriented innovations by testing employees, it is not necessarily the best model for studying educational innovations. The results also suggest that perceived longterm usefulness for educational systems should be as important as perceived usefulness for utilitarian systems, and perceived enjoyment for hedonic systems. A classification based on the nature of systems purpose (utilitarian, hedonic or educational) would contribute to a better understanding of the essence of IT innovation adoption.


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Along with the increasing in demand of mobile computing, Push Notification (PN) is widely used in mobile phones and other devices. PN allows the developer to send messages to the end users even when the client application is not running at the moment. This solves the problem produced by non-supported multi-tasking feature as well as saving battery life. Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS) is one solution to use PNs in Windows Phones. The thesis gives the developers an idea of how to use PNs by introducing MPNS, comparing MPNS with other Push Notification Services, usage of different PN types analysis, and PN simulation system implementation.


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In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.


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The forthcoming media revolution of exchanging paper documents to digital media in construction engineering requires new tools to be developed. The basis of this bachelor’s thesis was to explore the preliminary possibilities of exporting imagery from a Building Information Modelling –software to a mobile phone on a construction yard. This was done by producing a Web Service which uses the design software’s Application Programming Interface to interact with a structures model in order to produce the requested imagery. While mobile phones were found lacking as client devices, because of limited processing power and small displays, the implementation showed that the Tekla Structures API can be used to automatically produce various types of imagery. Web Services can be used to transfer this data to the client. Before further development the needs of the contractor, benefits for the building master and inspector and the full potential of the BIM-software need to be mapped out with surveys.


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The purpose of this paper is to gather enough evidence to speculate the future of Nokia, Rim and Apple. The thesis goes over the history, current events and business model of each company. This paper includes differences between the companies and co-operation and rivalry, such as patent infringement cases. The study is limited to smartphones and their future. The result of this study is that Apple will continue its steady increase in market share, while Nokia will first decrease and after the launch of the Windows Phone it will rise again. RIM‟s result has not been as good as in past years and it has lost market share. The decrease of share price may lead to acquisition by a company interested in RIM technology.


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Increase of computational power and emergence of new computer technologies led to popularity of local communications between personal trusted devices. By-turn, it led to emergence of security problems related to user data utilized in such communications. One of the main aspects of the data security assurance is security of software operating on mobile devices. The aim of this work was to analyze security threats to PeerHood, software intended for performing personal communications between mobile devices regardless of underlying network technologies. To reach this goal, risk-based software security testing was performed. The results of the testing showed that the project has several security vulnerabilities. So PeerHood cannot be considered as a secure software. The analysis made in the work is the first step towards the further implementation of PeerHood security mechanisms, as well as taking into account security in the development process of this project.


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Tourism is one of the biggest industry branches with billions of tourists traveling every year around the world. Therefore, solutions providing tourist information have to be up to date with both changes in the industry and the world’s technological progress. The aim of this thesis is to present a design and a prototype of a tourist mobile service which is individual-oriented, cost-free for the end user, and secure. On the information providers’ side, the solution is implemented as a Webbased database. The end users access the information through a Bluetooth application on their mobile devices. The Bluetooth-based solution allows to avoid any costs for the end users, that is tourists. The study shows that, even with small data transfers, the tourists could save significantly when compared to possible roaming charges for data transfer. Also, the proposed mobile service is not intrusive, as it is provided through an application installed by tourists voluntarily on their mobile devices. Through design and implementation this work shows that it is possible to build a system which can be used to provide information services to tourists through mobile phones. The work achieved a successful ongoing synchronization between the client and the server databases. Implementation and usage were limited to smart phones only, as they provide better technological support for the solution having features like maps, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Databases. Moreover, the design of this system shows how Bluetooth technology can be used effectively as a means of communication while minimizing its shortcomings and risks, such as security, by bypassing Bluetooth server service discovery protocol (SDP) and connecting directly to the device. Apart from showing the design and implementation of the end-user costfree mobile information service, the results of this work also highlight the possible business opportunities to the provider of the service.


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In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.


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The present research focuses on the study of how to design message and select media in advertising to generate customer’s purchase intention towards senior mobile phone in China. The message design concentrates mainly on message framing and fear appeals study while the media selection method is only based on direct matching. For exploring the main research question, the study utilized qualitative methodology. The data collection consisted of a pre-interview questionnaire, interviews, and three sets of experiments. The experiments were designed to test the selected 18 participants’ responses toward different emotional appeals and message framings. The findings illustrate participants’ understanding of senior mobile phone and their media usage habits. Moreover, positive message framing and emotional appeals in advertising are more effective. Gender differences in responding to emotional appeals were explored as well.


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Personalised ubiquitous services have rapidly proliferated due technological advancements in sensing, ubiquitous and mobile computing. Evolving societal trends, business and the economic potential of Personal Information (PI) have overlapped the service niches. At the same time, the societal thirst for more personalised services has increased and are met by soliciting deeper and more privacy invasive PI from customers. Consequentially, reinforcing traditional privacy challenges and unearthed new risks that render classical safeguards ine ective. The absence of solutions to criticise personalised ubiquitous services from privacy perspectives, aggravates the situation. This thesis presents a solution permitting users' PI, stored in their mobile terminals to be disclosed to services in privacy preserving manner for personalisation needs. The approach termed, Mobile Electronic Personality Version 2 (ME2.0), is compared to alternative mechanisms. Within ME2.0, PI handling vulnerabilities of ubiquitous services are identi ed and sensitised on their practices and privacy implications. Vulnerability where PI may leak through covert solicits, excessive acquisitions and legitimate data re-purposing to erode users privacy are also considered. In this thesis, the design, components, internal structures, architectures, scenarios and evaluations of ME2.0 are detailed. The design addresses implications and challenges leveraged by mobile terminals. ME2.0 components and internal structures discusses the functions related to how PI pieces are stored and handled by terminals and services. The architecture focusses on di erent components and their exchanges with services. Scenarios where ME2.0 is used are presented from di erent environment views, before evaluating for performance, privacy and usability.