158 resultados para Smart Vending Machine, Automation, Programmable Logic Controllers, Creativity, Innovation


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The purpose of this study was to improve PM7’s basis weight CD profile in Stora Enso’s Berghuizer mill and to search mechanical defects which affect to the formation of the basis weight CD profile. In the theoretical part PM7’s structure was presented and the formation of the basis weight and caliper CD profiles was examined as well as disturbances which are affecting to the formation. The function of the control system was scrutinised for the side of CD profiles as well as the formation of the measured CD profiles. Tuning of the control system was examined through the response model and filtering. Specification of the response model and filtering was explained and how to determine 2sigma statistical number. In the end of the theoretical part ATPA hardware and a new profile browser were introduced. In the experimental part focus was in the beginning to search and remove mechanical defects which are affecting to CD profiles. The next step was to verify the reliability of the online measurements, to study the stability of the basis weight CD profile and to find out so called fingerprint, a basis weight CD profile which is unique for each paper machine. New response model and filtering value for basis weight CD profile was determined by bump tests. After a follow up period the affect of the new response model and filtering was analysed.


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Growing recognition of the electricity grid modernization to enable new electricity generation and consumption schemes has found articulation in the vision of the Smart Grid platform. The essence of this vision is an autonomous network with two-way electricity power flows and extensive real-time information between the generation nodes, various electricity-dependent appliances and all points in-between. Three major components of the Smart Grids are distributed intelligence, communication technologies, and automated control systems. The aim of this thesis is to recognize the challenges that Smart Grids are facing, while extinguishing the main driving factors for their introduction. The scope of the thesis also covers possible place of electricity Aggregator Company in the current and future electricity markets. Basic functions of an aggregator and possible revenue sources along with demand response feasibility calculations are reviewed within this thesis.


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Suurlujuusteräskonstruktioiden suunnittelu eroaa perinteisten rakenneterästen vastaavasta lukuisten lisähuomiota vaativien ilmiöiden ja seikkojen osalta, jotka kytkeytyvät toisiinsa rakenteen valmistettavuuden ja toiminnallisuuden kautta. Lujuuden sallima vapaampi suunnittelu esimerkiksi ohuempine materiaalivahvuuksineen ja näennäisesti vapaampine elementtigeometrioineen kumuloituu suurlujuusteräsmateriaalin kautta vaativampana työstettävyytenä. Tämä heijastuu suunnittelijalle materiaalin pienen murtovenymän ja käytettävissä olevat laitteistoresurssien kautta. Suurlujuusterästen muovaaminen vaatii perinteisiin rakenneteräksiin nähden suurempaa voimankäyttöä, mutta pieni murtovenymä rajoittaa saavutettavissa olevia muotoja. Materiaalivahvuuksien muuttuessa vaatii hitsausliitosten suunnittelu esimerkiksi railomuotojen uudelleensuunnittelua, sekä lämmöntuonnin aiheuttamien muutosten tarkempaa huomioimista. Näiden yhteensovittaminen ohjaa suunnittelijan poikkeuksetta hakemaan ratkaisuja erilaisista hitsausaineista ja -prosesseista. Suuren lujuuden ja pienen murtovenymän suurlujuusteräselementtien mekaanisten ominaisuuksien ja erilaisen elementtigeometrian yhdistelmänä kumuloituva rakennetekninen käyttäytyminen eroaa selvästi perinteisistä teräslaaduista. Yksittäisten elementtien suhteen korostuvat esimerkiksi stabiliteettiomiinaisuudet, sekä kokonaisten rakenteiden suhteen liitosratkaisujen vaikutus koko konstruktion toimintaan. Onnistuneella suurlujuusteräsuunnittelulla saavutettuja etuja ovat käyttökohteesta riippuen esimerkiksi kymmenien prosenttien massa- ja kustannussäästöjen kautta kumuloituvat konstruktion toiminnalliset edut. Suuren lujuuden terästen materiaaliteknisten erityispiirteiden suhteen ei kuitenkaan ole tarjolla perinteisiä rakenneteräksiä vastaavaa määrää yhteisesti sovittuja standardoituja suunnitteluohjeita. Tämän johdosta korostuu suunnittelijan kyky hahmottaa teräsmateriaalin lujuusluokan taakse piiloutuvat ilmiöt, sekä materiaalitekniset erityispiirteet ja niiden kytkeytyminen toisiinsa valmistettavuuden ja toiminnallisuuden kautta.


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Modern sophisticated telecommunication devices require even more and more comprehensive testing to ensure quality. The test case amount to ensure well enough coverage of testing has increased rapidly and this increased demand cannot be fulfilled anymore only by using manual testing. Also new agile development models require execution of all test cases with every iteration. This has lead manufactures to use test automation more than ever to achieve adequate testing coverage and quality. This thesis is separated into three parts. Evolution of cellular networks is presented at the beginning of the first part. Also software testing, test automation and the influence of development model for testing are examined in the first part. The second part describes a process which was used to implement test automation scheme for functional testing of LTE core network MME element. In implementation of the test automation scheme agile development models and Robot Framework test automation tool were used. In the third part two alternative models are presented for integrating this test automation scheme as part of a continuous integration process. As a result, the test automation scheme for functional testing was implemented. Almost all new functional level testing test cases can now be automated with this scheme. In addition, two models for integrating this scheme to be part of a wider continuous integration pipe were introduced. Also shift from usage of a traditional waterfall model to a new agile development based model in testing stated to be successful.


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The topic of this thesis is the simulation of a combination of several control and data assimilation methods, meant to be used for controlling the quality of paper in a paper machine. Paper making is a very complex process and the information obtained from the web is sparse. A paper web scanner can only measure a zig zag path on the web. An assimilation method is needed to process estimates for Machine Direction (MD) and Cross Direction (CD) profiles of the web. Quality control is based on these measurements. There is an increasing need for intelligent methods to assist in data assimilation. The target of this thesis is to study how such intelligent assimilation methods are affecting paper web quality. This work is based on a paper web simulator, which has been developed in the TEKES funded MASI NoTes project. The simulator is a valuable tool in comparing different assimilation methods. The thesis contains the comparison of four different assimilation methods. These data assimilation methods are a first order Bayesian model estimator, an ARMA model based on a higher order Bayesian estimator, a Fourier transform based Kalman filter estimator and a simple block estimator. The last one can be considered to be close to current operational methods. From these methods Bayesian, ARMA and Kalman all seem to have advantages over the commercial one. The Kalman and ARMA estimators seems to be best in overall performance.


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Sähkökäytön suunnittelussa säätöä voidaan testata useassa tapauksessa reaaliaikasimulaattorilla todellisen laitteiston sijaan. Monet reaaliaikasimulaatioiden perustana käytetyt algoritmit soveltuvat täysinohjatulle invertterisillalle. Eräissä sovelluksissa halutaan kuitenkin käyttää puoliksiohjattua siltaa. Puoliksiohjattulla sillalla mallin kausaalisuus voi kääntyä, mitä perinteiset reaaliaikasimulaattorit eivät pysty simuloimaan Tässä työssä oli tavoitteena kehittää reaaliaikasimulaattori puoliksiohjatulle kestomagneettitahtikonekäytölle. Emulaattoriin mallinnettiin todellisen käytön kestomagneettitahtikone ja invertterisilta. Simulaattori toteutettiin digitaaliselle signaaliprosessorille (DSP) ja mittauksiin liittyvät oheislaitteet mallinnettiin FPGA-piirille. Emulaattoriin liitettiin erillinen säätäjä, jota käytettiin myös todellisen sähkökäytön säätämiseen. Emulaattorilla ja todellisella käytöllä tehtyjä mittauksia verrattiin ja emuloimalla saadut tulokset vastasivat melko hyvin todellisesta käytöstä mitattuja.


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Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään älykkään liikennetelematiikkajärjestelmän määrittelyyn ja toteuttamiseen liittyviä haasteita. Työssä määritellyt konseptit keskittyvät logistiikkakeskuksiin ja parkkihalleihin ja niissä erityisesti puomi- ja porttiympäristöjen hallintaan ja automatisointiin. Työn tavoitteena on tukea kohdeyrityksen päätöksentekoa tuotelinjausten, järjestelemäkomponenttien sekä ohjelmistoympäristöjen valinnan osalta. Diplomityön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kohdeyrityksen operatiivisessa toiminnassa tehtäessä strategisia päätöksiä yrityksen tulevaisuuden tuotteiden suuntaviivoista ja teknologialinjauksista. Työ tarjoaa päätöksenteon tueksi sekä arvokasta tausta-aineistoa että suoria johtopäätöksiä ja suosituksia.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää automaatiolaitteiden elinkaaren hallintaa ottaen huomioon ydinvoimalaitoksessa toimimisen erityispiirteet. Elinkaaren hallinnan tavoitteena on laitoksen korkean turvallisuuden ja käyttökertoimen varmistaminen. Työssä käydään läpi elinkaaren vaiheita käyttäen esimerkkinä turbiinilaitoksen automaation modernisointiprojektia. Diplomityö alkaa katsauksella ydinenergia-alan viranomaisiin, säännöksiin sekä menetelmiin, joilla ydinturvallisuus varmistetaan. Työssä otetaan selvää, millaisissa tehtävissä automaatiolaitteet ja –järjestelmät ydinvoimalaitoksissa toimivat ja millä perusteilla ne kelpoistetaan käyttötarkoitukseensa. Työssä pyritään lisäksi kartoittamaan ydinvoimala-alan tarpeita erilaisilleautomaatiotekniikkaan liittyville palveluille. Esiin nousivat etenkin haasteet ohjelmistoversioiden hallinnassa.


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The aim of this thesis is to describe hybrid drive design problems, the advantages and difficulties related to the drive. A review of possible hybrid constructions, benefits of parallel, series and series-parallel hybrids is done. In the thesis analytical and finite element calculations of permanent magnet synchronous machines with embedded magnets were done. The finite element calculations were done using Cedrat’s Flux 2D software. This machine is planned to be used as a motor-generator in a low power parallel hybrid vehicle. The boundary conditions for the design were found from Lucas-TVS Ltd., India. Design Requirements, briefly: • The system DC voltage level is 120 V, which implies Uphase = 49 V (RMS) in a three phase system. • The power output of 10 kW at base speed 1500 rpm (Torque of 65 Nm) is desired. • The maximum outer diameter should not be more than 250 mm, and the maximum core length should not exceed 40 mm. The main difficulties which the author met were the dimensional restrictions. After having designed and analyzed several possible constructions they were compared and the final design selected. Dimensioned and detailed design is performed. Effects of different parameters, such as the number of poles, number of turns and magnetic geometry are discussed. The best modification offers considerable reduction of volume.


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This study presents the information required to describe the machine and device resources in the turret punch press environment which are needed for the development of the analysing method for automated production. The description of product and device resources and their interconnectedness is the starting point for method comparison the development of expenses, production planning and the performance of optimisation. The manufacturing method cannot be optimized unless the variables and their interdependence are known. Sheet metal parts in particular may then become remarkably complex, and their automatic manufacture may be difficult or, with some automatic equipment, even impossible if not know manufacturing properties. This thesis consists of three main elements, which constitute the triangulation. In the first phase of triangulation, the manufacture occuring on a turret punch press is examined in order to find the factors that affect the efficiency of production. In the second phase of triangulation, the manufacturability of products on turret punch presses is examined through a set of laboratory tests. The third phase oftriangulation involves an examination of five industry parts. The main key findings of this study are: all possible efficiency in high automation level machining cannot be achieved unless the raw materials used in production and the dependencies of the machine and tools are well known. Machine-specific manufacturability factors for turret punch presses were not taken into account in the industrial case samples. On the grounds of the performed tests and industrial case samples, the designer of a sheet metal product can directly influence the machining time, material loss, energy consumption and the number of tools required on a turret punch press by making decisions in the way presented in the hypothesis of thisstudy. The sheet metal parts to be produced can be optimised to bemanufactured on a turret punch press when the material to be used and the kinds of machine and tool options available are known. This provides in-depth knowledge of the machine and tool properties machine and tool-specifically. None of the optimisation starting points described here is a separate entity; instead, they are all connected to each other.


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The Switched Reluctance technology is probably best suited for industrial low-speed or zerospeed applications where the power can be small but the torque or the force in linear movement cases might be relatively high. Because of its simple structure the SR-motor is an interesting alternative for low power applications where pneumatic or hydraulic linear drives are to be avoided. This study analyses the basic parts of an LSR-motor which are the two mover poles and one stator pole and which form the “basic pole pair” in linear-movement transversal-flux switchedreluctance motors. The static properties of the basic pole pair are modelled and the basic design rules are derived. The models developed are validated with experiments. A one-sided one-polepair transversal-flux switched-reluctance-linear-motor prototype is demonstrated and its static properties are measured. The modelling of the static properties is performed with FEM-calculations. Two-dimensional models are accurate enough to model the static key features for the basic dimensioning of LSRmotors. Three-dimensional models must be used in order to get the most accurate calculation results of the static traction force production. The developed dimensioning and modelling methods, which could be systematically validated by laboratory measurements, are the most significant contributions of this thesis.


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The aim of the study was to examine problems that small and medium enterprises are facing during the implementation of business process automation projects. Study reveals problems from the point of view of companies who are implementing automation projects and from the point of view of IT-integrators who are specifying in IT solutions for small and medium companies.


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In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.


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The present study deals with innovation diffusion as the central component of innovation process and takes smart meters as a concrete example from the electric power industry. Smart meters are seen as key enablers of the industry-wide shift towards smart grids and are recognized by the European Union as means of reaching its environmental and energy goals. However, the spread of smart meters through the market, especially in Central East Europe (CEE), is not corresponding to the expectations and identified benefits. The current work synthesizes available data for the under-researched geographical region of CEE and clarifies the process of smart meter diffusion and drivers behind it. In addition to innovation theories the methods applied are rate of adoption and thematic analysis. The results prove the large gap between optimal and actual diffusion as well as the lagging position of CEE in comparison to the EU’s market leaders. The smart metering market is driven from bottom-up and the majority of CEE countries have already carried out or started the initial activities. Therefore, in coming years more intensive smart meters deployment will be seen.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön aiheena on web-sovelluksen käyttäjäautomaatio web-makrojen avulla. Työssä esitellään prototyyppitoteutus SaaS-sovellukseen kohdistetusta web-makrojärjestelmästä. Työn teoriaosa esittelee web-automaation ja web-ympäristön keskeisen teknologian. Ratkaisuosa pohjustaa ratkaisuun käytetyn lähestymistavan, esittelee työn prototyyppiratkaisun ja arvioi ratkaisun lopputulosta. Lopputuloksena havaitaan, että prototyyppiratkaisu onnistuu selvittämään makrotoiminnallisuuden toteuttamiseen liittyvät tekniset haasteet. Ratkaisun merkittävimmäksi tekniseksi haasteeksi arvioidaan selainyhteensopivuuden saavutus ja ylläpito. Ratkaisun hyödynnettävyys koko web-sovelluksen mittakaavassa todetaan kuitenkin heikoksi, koska sovelluksen liiketoimintalogiikka rajoittaa makroparadigman käyttöä.