1000 resultados para laaja-alainen pedagoginen kelpoisuus


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Avhandlingens syfte är att hävda den kvinnliga bildningsromanens existens och betydelse som genre. Romanurvalet består av sex romaner som avviker från de normativa romansluten för en kvinnlig huvudperson, äktenskap eller död, och är skrivna under tiden från 1860-talet fram till andra världskriget. Min strävan är att uppmärksamma romaner som i Finlands svenska litteratur ifrågasätter rådande representationer av kvinnlighet och erbjuder alternativa visioner, men som kan ha nedtystats eller tolkats med andra betoningar. I ljuset av Luce Irigarays feministiska filosofi analyserar jag Fredrika Runebergs Sigrid Liljeholm (1862), Alexandra Gripenbergs I tätnande led (1886), Anna Åkessons Gertrud Wiede (1909), Sigrid Backmans Vindspel (1913), Hagar Olssons Chitambo (1933) och Anna Bondestams Fröken Elna Johansson (1939) som kvinnliga bildningsromaner. Den kvinnliga bildningsromanens uppkomst sammanföll med samhälleliga krav på kvinnors medborgerliga rättigheter under den andra hälften av 1800-talet. Ändå utgör genren inget språkrör för kvinnors juridiska emancipation. Den utforskar den kvinnliga subjektspositionen och hur denna skiljer sig dels från konventionell kvinnlighet, dels från den till synes neutrala, universella/manliga subjektspositionen. Kulturellt sett är detta djärvt, eftersom genren således inte bara ifrågasätter samtidens traditionella representationer av kvinnlighet, utan även skapar kvinnlighet(er) bortom idealiserade normer. Kvinnlighet representeras som (1) förkroppsligad andlighet, (2) medvetenhet (3) konstruktiv vrede, (4) erotisk lust och (5) sammanhållning och vänskap mellan kvinnor. Kännetecknande för genren är att den kvinnliga bildningsresan byggs upp från ett utgångsläge av internaliserade patriarkala strukturer. Under handlingens gång utvecklar den kvinnliga huvudpersonen motstånd mot sina upplevelser av kvinnlighet som något värdelöst och av sig själv som psykologiskt hemlös i det omgivande samhället. Avslutningsvis uppfattas den omgivande världen inte längre som statisk, utan som föränderlig och därför meningsfull för en kvinna som samhällelig aktör. Den kvinnliga bildningsromanen utmynnar varken i huvudpersonens äktenskap eller död, utan i hennes tilltro till meningsfull förändring. Genren skapar således ett tredje möjligt romanslut för en kvinnlig huvudperson. ”Hem-ut-hem” formeln för den klassiska bildningsromanens handling ersätts i den kvinnliga bildningsromanen med ”hemlöshet-ut-hem-hemlöshet-ut-hem-och-så-vidare” – en öppen formel, där rätten till kvinnlig subjektstillblivelse och meningsfull förändring blir sitt eget mål.


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Avhandlingen handlar om den berömda tyska svartkonstnären och magikern Faust (eller Faustus). Faust gällde - och gäller - som en människa som aldrig nöjde sig med den vetskap som han själv hade kunnat nå. Han beslöt att söka efter en lösning för sitt missnöje hos djävulen i stället, gjorde alltså en pakt med denne för att kunna erfara sådant som egentligen bara Gud kunde veta. Djävulspakten är en av de viktigaste och väsentligaste beståndsdelarna i Faust-traditionen, men just den har också kunnat tolkas på särskild många olika sätt under de senaste århundradena: Vad hände t.ex. med en som gjorde en pakt med djävulen under renässanstiden, hur går det med en sådan människa i vår tid? Kan man överhuvudtaget göra en konkret pakt med en "djävul" i vår inte mera så "strängt-kristliga" tid? Avhandlingen använder djävulspakten och dess moralisk värdering i olika tyska Faust-verk som en röd tråd genom den europeiska litteratur- och kulturhistorian. Därutöver fogas de hittills mycket obekanta finska och svenska Faust-bearbetningarna genom denna röda tråd till den långa tyska Faust-traditionen. Avsikten är att genom ett sådant perspektiv skapa en enhetlig men dock mångsidig traditionskedja för Faust-legenden i Tyskland och i Norden, samt därigenom bevisa att legenden om Faust är fortfarande aktuell: de moraliska frågorna som en djävulspakt väckte på 1600-talet består ännu i dag men har förvandlats i form och följder.


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I avhandlingen undersöks den ryska maktutövningen under stora ofredens civilförvaltningsskede (1717-1721). Var ockupanterna villiga att axla rollen som "god överhet" eller pågick förtrycket oförminskat som under den föregående militära styrelseperioden? Hierarkins och förvaltningens uppbyggnad liksom interaktionen inom den politiska kulturen undersöks. Tjänstemännens förutsättningar att sköta sina uppdrag och deras uppträdande granskas. Slutligen görs en jämförelse med andra ockupationer för att fastställa hur allmängiltiga förhållandena var i Finland under den ryska civilförvaltningsperioden 1717-1721.


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Female sexual dysfunctions, including desire, arousal, orgasm and pain problems, have been shown to be highly prevalent among women around the world. The etiology of these dysfunctions is unclear but associations with health, age, psychological problems, and relationship factors have been identified. Genetic effects explain individual variation in orgasm function to some extent but until now quantitative behavior genetic analyses have not been applied to other sexual functions. In addition, behavior genetics can be applied to exploring the cause of any observed comorbidity between the dysfunctions. Discovering more about the etiology of the dysfunctions may further improve the classification systems which are currently under intense debate. The aims of the present thesis were to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Finnish-language version of a commonly used questionnaire for measuring female sexual function, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), in order to investigate prevalence, comorbidity, and classification, and to explore the balance of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology as well as the associations of a number of biopsychosocial factors with female sexual functions. Female sexual functions were studied through survey methods in a population based sample of Finnish twins and their female siblings. There were two waves of data collection. The first data collection targeted 5,000 female twins aged 33–43 years and the second 7,680 female twins aged 18–33 and their over 18–year-old female siblings (n = 3,983). There was no overlap between the data collections. The combined overall response rate for both data collections was 53% (n = 8,868), with a better response rate in the second (57%) compared to the first (45%). In order to measure female sexual function, the FSFI was used. It includes 19 items which measure female sexual function during the previous four weeks in six subdomains; desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain. In line with earlier research in clinical populations, a six factor solution of the Finnish-language version of the FSFI received supported. The internal consistencies of the scales were good to excellent. Some questions about how to avoid overestimating the prevalence of extreme dysfunctions due to women being allocated the score of zero if they had had no sexual activity during the preceding four weeks were raised. The prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions per se ranged from 11% for lubrication dysfunction to 55% for desire dysfunction. The prevalence rates for sexual dysfunction with concomitant sexual distress, in other words, sexual disorders were notably lower ranging from 7% for lubrication disorder to 23% for desire disorder. The comorbidity between the dysfunctions was substantial most notably between arousal and lubrication dysfunction even if these two dysfunctions showed distinct patterns of associations with the other dysfunctions. Genetic influences on individual variation in the six subdomains of FSFI were modest but significant ranging from 3–11% for additive genetic effects and 5–18% for nonadditive genetic effects. The rest of the variation in sexual functions was explained by nonshared environmental influences. A correlated factor model, including additive and nonadditive genetic effects and nonshared environmental effects had the best fit. All in all, every correlation between the genetic factors was significant except between lubrication and pain. All correlations between the nonshared environment factors were significant showing that there is a substantial overlap in genetic and nonshared environmental influences between the dysfunctions. In general, psychological problems, poor satisfaction with the relationship, sexual distress, and poor partner compatibility were associated with more sexual dysfunctions. Age was confounded with relationship length but had over and above relationship length a negative effect on desire and sexual satisfaction and a positive effect on orgasm and pain functions. Alcohol consumption in general was associated with better desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm function. Women pregnant with their first child had fewer pain problems than nulliparous nonpregnant women. Multiparous pregnant women had more orgasm problems compared to multiparous nonpregnant women. Having children was associated with less orgasm and pain problems. The conclusions were that desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain are separate entities that have distinct associations with a number of different biopsychosocial factors. However, there is also considerable comorbidity between the dysfunctions which are explained by overlap in additive genetic, nonadditive genetic and nonshared environmental influences. Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent and are not always associated with sexual distress and this relationship might be moderated by a good relationship and compatibility with partner. Regarding classification, the results supports separate diagnoses for subjective arousal and genital arousal as well as the inclusion of pain under sexual dysfunctions.


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Previous studies on pencil grip have typically dealt with the developmental aspects in young children while handwriting research is mainly concerned with speed and legibility. Studies linking these areas are few. Evaluation of the existing pencil grip studies is hampered by methodological inconsistencies. The operational definitions of pencil grip arerational but tend to be oversimplified while detailed descriptors tend to be impractical due to their multiplicity. The present study introduces a descriptive two-dimensional model for the categorisation of pencil grip suitable for research applications in a classroom setting. The model is used in four empirical studies of children during the first six years of writing instruction. Study 1 describes the pencil grips observed in a large group of pupils in Finland (n = 504). The results indicate that in Finland the majority of grips resemble the traditional dynamic tripod grip. Significant genderrelated differences in pencil grip were observed. Study 2 is a longitudinal exploration of grip stability vs. change (n = 117). Both expected and unexpected changes were observed in about 25 per cent of the children's grips over four years. A new finding emerged using the present model for categorisation: whereas pencil grips would change, either in terms of ease of grip manipulation or grip configuration, no instances were found where a grip would have changed concurrently on both dimensions. Study 3 is a cross-cultural comparison of grips observed in Finland and the USA (n = 793). The distribution of the pencil grips observed in the American pupils was significantly different from those found in Finland. The cross-cultural disparity is most likely related to the differences in the onset of writing instruction. The differences between the boys' and girls' grips in the American group were non-significant.An implication of Studies 2 and 3 is that the initial pencil grip is of foremost importance since pencil grips are largely stable over time. Study 4 connects the pencil grips to assessment of the mechanics of writing (n = 61). It seems that certain previously not recommended pencil grips might nevertheless be includedamong those accepted since they did not appear to hamper either fluency or legibility.