74 resultados para temperature requirements
The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.
This study was done for ABB Ltd. Motors and Generators business unit in Helsinki. In this study, global data movement in large businesses is examined from a product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) point-of-view. The purpose of this study was to understand and map out how a large global business handles its data in a multiple site structure and how it can be applied in practice. This was done by doing an empirical interview study on five different global businesses with design locations in multiple countries. Their master data management (MDM) solutions were inspected and analyzed to understand which solution would best benefit a large global architecture with many design locations. One working solution is a transactional hub which negates the effects of multisite transfers and reduces lead times. Also, the requirements and limitations of the current MDM architecture were analyzed and possible reform ideas given.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn taustalla on yhteistyö suomalaisen kynttilävalmistajan kanssa. Kynttilävalmistajan lämpökynttilöissään käyttämän raaka-aineen hinnan noustessa, on valmistaja kiinnostunut käyttämään edullisempia raaka-aineita. Palamisen kriteerit saavuttavan kynttilän valmistaminen markkinoilla olevista uusista raaka-aineista on havaittu olevan haastavaa, ja vaatii edelleen kehitystyötä. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi kynttilänvalmistusta yleisesti, RAL-laatustandardin asettamat kriteerit lämpökynttilälle, palamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettyjen analyysimenetelmien periaatteet. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin erilaisten kynttiläraaka-aineiden koostumusta ja ominaisuuksia sekä sydänlankojen rakennetta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten sydänlangan sisältämien säikeiden määrä, eri raaka-aineiden seossuhteiden muutos sekä jäähdytyslämpötilan muutos vaikuttavat lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin. Työssä myös selvitettiin muutaman markkinoilla olevan kynttilän raaka-ainekoostumus. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että vaadittavan liekin korkeuden saavuttamiseksi viskositeetti on yksi raaka-aineen tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa tarvitaan paksumpi sydänlanka. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa liekin korkeus ei aina pienene, koska liekin korkeuteen vaikuttaa myös langalle tehty kemiallinen käsittely. Mitä korkeampi kynttilän liekki on, sitä suurempi on raaka-aineen kulutus eli palovuo ja tällöin liekin korkeus vaikuttaa myös kynttilän paloaikaan. Kokeissa havaittiin, että liekin korkeuden ollessa vakio, palovuo oli korkein steariinilla. Steariinin jälkeen tulivat palmuvaha ja parafiini. Tällöin parafiinia tarvittiin vähemmän vastaavan paloajan saavuttamiseksi. Nopean jäähdytyksen havaittiin vaikuttavan palmuvahan palovuohon alentavasti, vaikka jäähdytystavalla ei ollut vaikutusta liekin korkeuteen.
Innovative gas cooled reactors, such as the pebble bed reactor (PBR) and the gas cooled fast reactor (GFR) offer higher efficiency and new application areas for nuclear energy. Numerical methods were applied and developed to analyse the specific features of these reactor types with fully three dimensional calculation models. In the first part of this thesis, discrete element method (DEM) was used for a physically realistic modelling of the packing of fuel pebbles in PBR geometries and methods were developed for utilising the DEM results in subsequent reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics calculations. In the second part, the flow and heat transfer for a single gas cooled fuel rod of a GFR were investigated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. An in-house DEM implementation was validated and used for packing simulations, in which the effect of several parameters on the resulting average packing density was investigated. The restitution coefficient was found out to have the most significant effect. The results can be utilised in further work to obtain a pebble bed with a specific packing density. The packing structures of selected pebble beds were also analysed in detail and local variations in the packing density were observed, which should be taken into account especially in the reactor core thermal-hydraulic analyses. Two open source DEM codes were used to produce stochastic pebble bed configurations to add realism and improve the accuracy of criticality calculations performed with the Monte Carlo reactor physics code Serpent. Russian ASTRA criticality experiments were calculated. Pebble beds corresponding to the experimental specifications within measurement uncertainties were produced in DEM simulations and successfully exported into the subsequent reactor physics analysis. With the developed approach, two typical issues in Monte Carlo reactor physics calculations of pebble bed geometries were avoided. A novel method was developed and implemented as a MATLAB code to calculate porosities in the cells of a CFD calculation mesh constructed over a pebble bed obtained from DEM simulations. The code was further developed to distribute power and temperature data accurately between discrete based reactor physics and continuum based thermal-hydraulics models to enable coupled reactor core calculations. The developed method was also found useful for analysing sphere packings in general. CFD calculations were performed to investigate the pressure losses and heat transfer in three dimensional air cooled smooth and rib roughened rod geometries, housed inside a hexagonal flow channel representing a sub-channel of a single fuel rod of a GFR. The CFD geometry represented the test section of the L-STAR experimental facility at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the calculation results were compared to the corresponding experimental results. Knowledge was gained of the adequacy of various turbulence models and of the modelling requirements and issues related to the specific application. The obtained pressure loss results were in a relatively good agreement with the experimental data. Heat transfer in the smooth rod geometry was somewhat under predicted, which can partly be explained by unaccounted heat losses and uncertainties. In the rib roughened geometry heat transfer was severely under predicted by the used realisable k − epsilon turbulence model. An additional calculation with a v2 − f turbulence model showed significant improvement in the heat transfer results, which is most likely due to the better performance of the model in separated flow problems. Further investigations are suggested before using CFD to make conclusions of the heat transfer performance of rib roughened GFR fuel rod geometries. It is suggested that the viewpoints of numerical modelling are included in the planning of experiments to ease the challenging model construction and simulations and to avoid introducing additional sources of uncertainties. To facilitate the use of advanced calculation approaches, multi-physical aspects in experiments should also be considered and documented in a reasonable detail.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Bumblebees are a very essential group of pollinating insects, but their populations have declined drastically during the past decades. We need to understand why their numbers are decreasing and what can be done to reverse this trend. Climate change-related phenomena, such as changes in the overwintering temperatures and spring conditions, are among the most prominent threats to bumblebees. Queens have a special role in the lifecycle of bumblebees because they overwinter and start new colonies the next year. Their successful performance: survival, overwintering ability, longevity, immune competence, and nest establishing capability in spring, is highly important for bumblebee populations. However, the effects of climate change on bumblebee queen performance remain unknown. The main objective of this thesis was to assess how temperature affects the performance of bumblebee queens during and after overwintering. The effects of warm temperature predicted by climate change scenarios on queen survival and stress-tolerance were studied by a four-month artificial diapause of bumblebee queens at two temperatures (9°C and 1.8°C). Bumblebee colonies were also reared in a laboratory and factors affecting colony characteristics were examined. In addition, queen performance during spring was studied in a starvation experiment using two temperatures (15°C as normal; 24°C as warmer than average) and queens collected from nature right after their emergence. My research revealed how temperature affects queen performance, and queen size was found to be an important factor determining the direction of some of these effects. We found a 0.4g weight threshold for bumblebee queens to be able to survive overwintering. In addition, during mild winters, larger queens have a higher chance than smaller ones to survive through winter and also to cope with immunological stresses after overwintering. During cold conditions, which are normal in the current climatic situation, this advantage disappears. In the spring starvation experiment, the starved queens survived approximately eight days longer in 15°C than in 24°C, which means that starvation risk rises significantly with increasing spring temperature, in a situation where food is scarce due to for example frost damage or asynchrony between bumblebees and their important food plants. These results could mean that in the future climate, larger queens are better able to survive the winter, initiate their nests and start rearing their offspring. This may be problematic, because I also detected two alternative strategies of colony development that differ between large and small queens; larger queens start to lay eggs earlier at nest initiation, their colonies mature later, they produce more workers, and they have a more strongly male biased sex allocation compared with smaller queens. If larger queens have a greater change of producing offspring after a mild winter, this could lead to a significant decline in the total production of new queens at a population level. Thus, it seems that queen size could act as one mechanism regulating the population level outcomes in different temperatures. The new information presented in my thesis reinforces that basic research, monitoring, and local species conservation of bumblebees both in Finland and globally must be increased to ensure that this highly important pollinator group survives in the face of climate change.
Työn tavoitteena oli sinkityslinjan pesuosan toiminnan optimointi. Teoriakatsauksen ja haastattelututkimusten avulla työssä selvitettiin, mitkä tekijät pesuosalla tai teräsnauhan pesua edeltävissä prosessivaiheissa vaikuttavat pesutehoon alentavasti. Pesuosan ajoparametrien muutoskokeiden avulla määritettiin kunkin pesuparametrin suhteellinen vaikutus pesutulokseen sekä pesuosan optimaaliset ajoparametrit. Vaikutuksia arvioitiin pinnanpuhtauden ja pesuvesien laboratorioanalyysien sekä prosessidatan avulla. Jätevesianalyysien ja prosessidatan avulla arvioitiin lisäksi pesuosan muutosten vaikutusta pesusta syntyviä jätevesiä käsittelevän jätevesilaitoksen toimintaan. Laitetestauksen avulla työssä kartoitettiin, mikä menetelmä pinnanpuhtauden määrittämiseen soveltuu pesuosalle parhaiten. Kustannusarvioinnilla selvitettiin, millä toimin pesuosan toimintavarmuutta on edullisinta ylläpitää. Työn tulosten pohjalta lämpötilalla todettiin olevan pesutuloksen kannalta merkittävin vaikutus. Sen sijaan kemikaaliannostelun merkitys oli vähäinen. Vesien säännöllisen uudistamisen todettiin olevan olennainen pesuvesien ylläpitokeino nykyisessä pesutilanteessa. Se todettiin lisäksi ennakoivana toimenpiteenä kannattavammaksi kuin pesuosan täystyhjäykset ongelmatilanteissa. Teippitestein määritettävälle pinnanpuhtaudelle katsottiin sopivaksi vaihteluväliksi 40–75 %. Työssä todettiin, että pesua edeltävän kylmävalssin valssiöljyn vaihto sekä valssilla tuotetun teräsnauhan pinnanpuhtaus vaikuttavat merkittävästi pesuosan toimintakykyyn ja pesuosan pyörittämisestä aiheutuviin kustannuksiin. Toimenpiteet pesuosalla vaikuttavat lisäksi jätevesilaitoksen käsittelyvaatimuksiin, joskin myös tasaavat sen toimintaa. Työssä ehdotettiin ratkaisukeinoja pesuosan toimintavarmuuden varmistamiseksi jatkossa, sekä tarjottiin työkaluja, joiden avulla tulevissa investointipäätöksissä voidaan ottaa huomioon myös pesuosan toiminnan edellytykset.
Työssä tutkittiin palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden soveltuvuutta lämpökynttilän valmistukseen steariinin ja parafiinin kanssa. Palmupohjaiset raaka-aineet ovat halvempia kuin steariini ja parafiini, joten raaka-aineen korvaaminen palmupohjaisilla raaka-aineilla voisi tuoda säästöä kynttilänvalmistajalle. Lisäksi niillä voidaan vaikuttaa lämpökynttilän ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin lämpökynttilän raaka-aineista steariini, parafiini ja palmusteariini. Osassa selitettiin RAL-laatustandardin Quality Mark Candles vaatimukset lämpökynttilälle sekä valuastialle ja keskusteltiin valulämpötilan, jäähdytyksen, viskositeetin ja haaroittuneiden yhdisteiden lukumäärän vaikutuksesta lämpökynttilän koostumukseen. Kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin lämpökynttilöitä steariinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seoksista palmuraaka-aineiden määrillä 10, 20 ja 30 m- %:a. Parafiinin ja palmusteariinin sekä palmun mid-fraktion seokset valmistettiin palmuraaka-aineiden osuuksilla 10, 20, 40 ja 50 m- %:a ja myös palmusteariinin soft-fraktiolla kokeiltiin seosta 50 m- %:lla. Steariinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seokset eivät toimineet ainakaan käytetyillä sydänlangoilla. Liekinkorkeudet olivat alhaisia eivätkä visuaaliset vaatimukset täyttyneet. Parafiinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seoksista valmistetut kynttilät paloivat ideaalisesti palmuraaka-aineiden osuuksilla 35 – 50 m- %:a. Tulosten perusteella fraktion valinnalla ei näyttänyt olevan merkitystä, mutta palmusteariini on ominaisuuksiensa puolesta kynttilänvalmistukseen soveltuvin. Liekinkorkeus ja palovuo laskivat lineaarisesti palmuraaka-aineen osuuden kasvaessa parafiinikynttilässä.
Electromagnetic and thermal design of a multilevel converter with high power density and reliability
Electric energy demand has been growing constantly as the global population increases. To avoid electric energy shortage, renewable energy sources and energy conservation are emphasized all over the world. The role of power electronics in energy saving and development of renewable energy systems is significant. Power electronics is applied in wind, solar, fuel cell, and micro turbine energy systems for the energy conversion and control. The use of power electronics introduces an energy saving potential in such applications as motors, lighting, home appliances, and consumer electronics. Despite the advantages of power converters, their penetration into the market requires that they have a set of characteristics such as high reliability and power density, cost effectiveness, and low weight, which are dictated by the emerging applications. In association with the increasing requirements, the design of the power converter is becoming more complicated, and thus, a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling of the converter is required. In this doctoral dissertation, methods and models are developed for the design of a multilevel power converter and the analysis of the related electromagnetic, thermal, and reliability issues. The focus is on the design of the main circuit. The electromagnetic model of the laminated busbar system and the IGBT modules is established with the aim of minimizing the stray inductance of the commutation loops that degrade the converter power capability. The circular busbar system is proposed to achieve equal current sharing among parallel-connected devices and implemented in the non-destructive test set-up. In addition to the electromagnetic model, a thermal model of the laminated busbar system is developed based on a lumped parameter thermal model. The temperature and temperature-dependent power losses of the busbars are estimated by the proposed algorithm. The Joule losses produced by non-sinusoidal currents flowing through the busbars in the converter are estimated taking into account the skin and proximity effects, which have a strong influence on the AC resistance of the busbars. The lifetime estimation algorithm was implemented to investigate the influence of the cooling solution on the reliability of the IGBT modules. As efficient cooling solutions have a low thermal inertia, they cause excessive temperature cycling of the IGBTs. Thus, a reliability analysis is required when selecting the cooling solutions for a particular application. The control of the cooling solution based on the use of a heat flux sensor is proposed to reduce the amplitude of the temperature cycles. The developed methods and models are verified experimentally by a laboratory prototype.
The standard squirrel-cage induction machine has nearly reached its maximum efficiency. In order to further increase the energy efficiency of electrical machines, the use of permanent magnets in combination with the robust design and the line start capability of the induction machine is extensively investigated. Many experimental designs have been suggested in literature, but recently, these line-start permanent-magnet machines (LSPMMs) have become off-the-shelf products available in a power range up to 7.5 kW. The permanent magnet flux density is a function of the operating temperature. Consequently, the temperature will affect almost every electrical quantity of the machine, including current, torque, and efficiency. In this paper, the efficiency of an off-the-shelf 4-kW three-phase LSPMM is evaluated as a function of the temperature by both finite-element modeling and by practical measurements. In order to obtain stator, rotor, and permanent magnet temperatures, lumped thermal modeling is used.