978 resultados para Aalto, Raija-Liisa
No 2/2008, sivu 8.
Solitoni on tunnettu ilmiönä jo 1800-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien. Se on eräänlainen muotonsa säilyttävä ja vakionopeudella etenevä aalto. 1800-luvun loppupuolella esitettiin osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälön kuvaamaan tällaista matalassa ja kapeassa kanavassa esiintynyttä solitoniaaltoa. Tätä Kortewegin ja de Vries’n mukaan nimettyä osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöä tutkivat numeerisesti ensimmäistä kertaa Zabusky ja Kruskal vuonna 1965. Osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden ratkaisuun tarvitsee usein käyttää numeerisia menetelmiä. Tämän työn alkupuoli käsittelee yleisesti tarvittavia matemaattisia menetelmiä sekä KdV-yhtälön analyyttistä tarkastelua. Loppupuolella tutkitaan KdV-yhtälön mallintamista tietokoneen avulla. Zabuskyn ja Kruskalin käyttämien menetelmien lisäksi kokeillaan montaa muutakin tapaa KdV-yhtälön mallintamiseen. Näistä menetelmistä vertaillaan laskentatehokkuutta sekä menetelmän tarkkuutta. Zabuskyn ja Kruskalin käyttämä paikkadiskretointi todettiin mallinnuksissa tarkimmaksi, mutta ei kuitenkaan mallinnusaikaa tarkastellen tehokkaimmaksi. Aikaintegroinneista Runge-Kutta-menetelmät todettiin parhaiksi. Menetelmien vertailun lisäksi niistä parhaiksi havaittuja sovellettiin muutaman erikoistapauksen, kuten kolmen aallon törmäyksen, mallintamiseen.
The purpose of this study was to define the customer profitability of the case company as well as to specify the factors that explain customer profitability. The study was made with a quantitative research method. The research hypotheses were formulated mainly on the grounds of previous research, and were tested with statistical research methods. The research results showed that customer profitability is not equally distributed among the customers of the case company, and the majority of its customers is profitable. The interpreters for absolute customer profitability were sales volume and the customer’s location region. The interpreters for relative customer profitability were the customer’s location region and the product segment into which a customer can be classified on the basis of the products that were sold to this customer.
Voimakas meren aalto. Lasia menee rikki.
Systems suppliers are focal actors in mechanical engineering supply chains, in between general contractors and component suppliers. This research concentrates on the systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, as a competitive advantage that the systems supplier gains from independence from the competitive forces of the market. The aim is to study the roles that power, dependence relations, social capital, and interorganizational learning have on the competitive flexibility. Research on this particular theme is scarce thus far. The research method applied here is the inductive multiple case study. Interviews from four case companies were used as main source of the qualitative data. The literature review presents previous literature on subcontracting, supply chain flexibility, supply chain relationships, social capital and interorganizational learning. The result of this study are seven propositions and consequently a model on the effects that the dominance of sales of few customers, power of competitors, significance of the manufactured system in the end product, professionalism in procurement and the significance of brand products in the business have on the competitive flexibility. These relationships are moderated by either social capital or interorganizational learning. The main results obtained from this study revolve around social capital and interorganizational learning, which have beneficial effects on systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, by moderating the effects of other constructs of the model. Further research on this topic should include quantitative research to provide the extent to which the results can be reliably generalized. Also each construct of the model gives possible focus for more thorough research.
The identifiability of the parameters of a heat exchanger model without phase change was studied in this Master’s thesis using synthetically made data. A fast, two-step Markov chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC) was tested with a couple of case studies and a heat exchanger model. The two-step MCMC-method worked well and decreased the computation time compared to the traditional MCMC-method. The effect of measurement accuracy of certain control variables to the identifiability of parameters was also studied. The accuracy used did not seem to have a remarkable effect to the identifiability of parameters. The use of the posterior distribution of parameters in different heat exchanger geometries was studied. It would be computationally most efficient to use the same posterior distribution among different geometries in the optimisation of heat exchanger networks. According to the results, this was possible in the case when the frontal surface areas were the same among different geometries. In the other cases the same posterior distribution can be used for optimisation too, but that will give a wider predictive distribution as a result. For condensing surface heat exchangers the numerical stability of the simulation model was studied. As a result, a stable algorithm was developed.
Soitinnus: viulu, piano
Soitinnus: piano, orkesteri.
Soitinnus: lauluääni (S), huilu, orkesteri.
Digitoitu 29. 12. 2008