59 resultados para research capacity building
Tämän diplomityötutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda markkinaälyyn (MI) erikoistunut funktio suurelle, globaalisti toimivalle B2B-yritykselle. Tämän päivän muut-tuvilla markkinoilla, teollisuusyrityksen on oltava markkinalähtöinen selviytyäkseen. Markkinatiedon tehokas hyödyntäminen ei pelkästään luo tietoa markkinoista, vaan tuottaa kilpailukykyistä tietoa ja toimii strategisen päätöksenteon tukena pitkällä aikavälillä. Tämä tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen toimintatutkimus, joka sisältää kirjallisuuskat-sauksen, yritystapaustutkimuksen sekä syväanalyysin yrityksen MI-ympäristöstä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus pitää sisällään teoriaa liittyen markkinaälyyn useassa eri kon-tekstissa, asiakassuhteeseen, sekä prosessinmallintamiseen. Empiiriseen osaa seuraa tutkimusmenetelmäkappale, joka sisältää kaksivaiheisen tutkimuksen mukaan lu-kien 20 päällikkötason haastattelua sekä yhden laaja-alaisen työryhmätapaamisen. Työn tuloksena syntyy kolmivaiheinen tiekartta, jonka tarkoitus on toimia pohjana uuden MI-funktion rakentamiselle Case-yrityksessä. Tuloksen mukaan MI-funktio tulisi sijoittaa yrityksen asiakasrajapintaan sekä tukea yksiköiden välistä integraa-tiota. Markkinaälyn jakaminen yrityksen sisällä vaatii käytäntöjen, tarpeiden ja ta-voitteiden systemaattista viestintää eri organisaatiotasoille, jotta yritys voi edelleen saada asiakkaalta tarpeeseen vastaavaa tietoa. Viestintä yrityksen ja asiakkaan välil-lä on oltava molemminpuolista, jotta tulokset voisivat parantaa asiakassuhdetta. Kun asiakassuhde paranee, yritys voi oppia asiakkaalta arvokasta tietoa, markkinaälyä.
The objective of this research is to observe the state of customer value management in Outotec Oyj, determine the key development areas and develop a phase model with which to guide the development of a customer value based sales tool. The study was conducted with a constructive research approach with the focus of identifying a problem and developing a solution for the problem. As a basis for the study, the current literature involving customer value assessment and solution and customer value selling was studied. The data was collected by conducting 16 interviews in two rounds within the company and it was analyzed by coding openly. First, seven important development areas were identified, out of which the most critical were “Customer value mindset inside the company” and “Coordination of customer value management activities”. Utilizing these seven areas three functionality requirements, “Preparation”, “Outotec’s value creation and communication” and “Documentation” and three development requirements for a customer value sales tool were identified. The study concluded with the formulation of a phase model for building a customer value based sales tool. The model included five steps that were defined as 1) Enable customer value utilization, 2) Connect with the customer, 3) Create customer value, 4) Define tool to facilitate value selling and 5) Develop sales tool. Further practical activities were also recommended as a guide for executing the phase model.
Renewable energy investments play a key role in energy transition. While studies have suggested that social acceptance may form a barrier for renewable energy investments, the ways in which companies perceive and attempt to gain the acceptance have received little attention. This study aims to fill the gap by exploring how large electric utilities justify their strategic investments in their press releases and how do the justifications differ between renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The study bases on legitimacy theory and aims at contributing to the research on legitimation in institutional change. As its research method, the study employs an inductive mixed method content analysis. The study has two parts: a qualitative content analysis that explores and identifies the themes and legitimation strategies of the press releases and a quantitative computer-aided analysis that compares renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The sample of the study consists of 396 press releases representing the strategic energy investments of 34 electric utilities from the list of the world’s 250 largest and financially most successful energy companies. The data is collected from the period of 2010–2014. The study reveals that most important justifications for strategic energy investments are fit with the strategy and environmental and social benefits. Justifications address especially the expectations of market. Investments into non-renewable energy are justified more and they use more arguments addressing the proprieties and performance of power plants whereas renewable energy investments are legitimized by references to past actions and commonly accepted morals and norms. The findings support the notion that validity-addressing and propriety-addressing legitimation strategies are used differently in stable and unstable institutional settings.
Kemira Chemicals Oy:n Joutsenon kloori-alkalitehtaalla valmistetaan elektrolyysin avulla lipeää, suolahappoa, natriumhypokloriittia ja vetyä. Tämän työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa kloori-alkalitehtaan tuotantokapasiteetin kasvatuksen yhteydessä esiin tulevat pullonkaulat, lähitulevaisuuden kunnossapitotarpeet sekä parhaat käytettävissä olevat teknologiavaihtoehdot kloori-alkalitehtaan osa-alueille, joihin tuotantokapasiteetin kasvatuspaineet kohdistuvat: elektrolyysi, lipeän haihdutus ja suolahappopolttimet. Pullonkaulojen kartoittaminen toteutettiin rakentamalla taulukkolaskentamalli kloori-alkalitehtaan prosesseista. Mallin avulla simuloitiin elektrolyysin kloorin tuotantoa, jota kasvatettiin asteittain 54 kt:sta/a aina 100 kt:iin/a asti ja tutkittiin prosessien käyttäytymistä. Tarkastelun pohjalta havaittiin, että kloorin tuotantoa kasvattaessa, tulee lisätä myös tuotantokapasiteettia suolahapon valmistukseen, elektrolyysiin, demineralisoidun veden valmistukseen ja lipeän haihdutuslaitokseen sekä suolahapon ja lipeän varastointikapasiteetteihin. Vaihtoehtoiset teknologiat määritettiin kirjallisuudesta ja laitetoimittajien esitteistä. Lähivuosien kunnossapitotarpeet kartoitettiin haastattelemalla tehtaan henkilökuntaa. Työstä eskaloitui useita jatkotutkimuskohteita, joita ovat bipolaari-teknologian soveltuvuus Joutsenon kloori-alkalitehtaalle, uusien HCl-polttimien esisuunnittelu, höyryn käytön tehostaminen nykyisessä lipeän haihdutuslaitoksessa sekä uusien haihdutusteknologioiden soveltuvuus Joutsenon kloori-alkalitehtaalle, höyry- ja jäähdytysverkostojen kartoitukset sekä demineralisoidun veden valmistuskapasiteetin kasvattaminen.
This study discusses the significance of having service as a business logic, and more specifically, how value co-creation can be seen as an enhancing phenomenon to business-to-business relationships in traditional business sector. The purpose of this study is to investigate how value cocreation can enhance a business-to-business relationship in the heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC) industry of building services engineering, through three sub-objectives: to identify what is value in the industry, how value is co-created in the industry, and what is value in a business-to-business relationship in the industry. The theoretical part this study consists of academic knowledge and literature related to the concepts of value, value co-creation and business-to-business relationships. In order to research value co-creation and business-to-business relationships in HVAC industry of building services engineering both, metaphorical and conceptual thinking of service dominant (S-D) logic and more managerial approach of service logic (SL), contributed to the theoretical part of the study. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on seven semi-structured interviews, which constituted the holistic, qualitative single case study method chosen for the research. The data was collected in September 2014 from CEOs, managers and owners representing six building services engineering firms. The interviews were analysed with the help of transcriptions, role-ordered matrices and thematic networks. The findings of this study indicate that value in HVAC industry consists of client expertise and supplier expertise. The result of applying client expertise and supplier expertise to the business-to- business relationship is characterized as value-in-reputation, when continuity, interaction, learning and rapport of the business relationship are ensured. As a result, value co-creation in the industry consists of mutual and separate elements, which the client and the supplier apply in the process, in addition to proactive interaction. The findings of this study, together with the final framework, enhance the understanding of the connection existing between value co-creation and business-to-business relationship. The findings suggest that value in the HVAC industry is characterized by both value-in-use and value-inreputation. Value-in-reputation enhances the formation of value-in-use, and consequently, value cocreation enhances the business-to-business relationship. This study thus contributes to the existing knowledge on the concepts of value and value co-creation in business-to-business relationships.
Smart home implementation in residential buildings promises to optimize energy usage and save significant amount of energy simply due to a better understanding of user's energy usage profile. Apart from the energy optimisation prospects of this technology, it also aims to guarantee occupants significant amount of comfort and remote control over home appliances both at home locations and at remote places. However, smart home investment just like any other kind of investment requires an adequate measurement and justification of the economic gains it could proffer before its realization. These economic gains could differ for different occupants due to their inherent behaviours and tendencies. Thus it is pertinent to investigate the various behaviours and tendencies of occupants in different domain of interests and to measure the value of the energy savings accrued by smart home implementations in these domains of interest in order to justify such economic gains. This thesis investigates two domains of interests (the rented apartment and owned apartment) for primarily two behavioural tendencies (Finland and Germany) obtained from observation and corroborated by conducted interviews to measure the payback time and Return on Investment (ROI) of their smart home implementations. Also, similar measures are obtained for identified Australian use case. The research finding reveals that building automation for the Finnish behavioural tendencies seems to proffers a better ROI and payback time for smart home implementations.
The liberalisation of the wholesale electricity markets has been considered an efficient way to organise the markets. In Europe, the target is to liberalise and integrate the common European electricity markets. However, insufficient transmission capacity between the market areas hampers the integration, and therefore, new investments are required. Again, massive transmission capacity investments are not usually easy to carry through. This doctoral dissertation aims at elaborating on critical determinants required to deliver the necessary transmission capacity investments. The Nordic electricity market is used as an illustrative example. This study suggests that changes in the governance structure have affected the delivery of Nordic cross-border investments. In addition, the impacts of not fully delivered investments are studied in this doctoral dissertation. An insufficient transmission network can degrade the market uniformity and may also cause a need to split the market into smaller submarkets. This may have financial impacts on market actors when the targeted efficient sharing of resources is not met and even encourage gaming. The research methods applied in this doctoral dissertation are mainly empirical ranging from a Delphi study to case studies and numerical calculations.
Modern food systems face complex global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcities, population growth, concentration and globalization. It is not possible to forecast how all these challenges will affect food systems, but futures research methods provide possibilities to enable better understanding of possible futures and that way increases futures awareness. In this thesis, the two-round online Delphi method was utilized to research experts’ opinions about the present and the future resilience of the Finnish food system up to 2050. The first round questionnaire was constructed based on the resilience indicators developed for agroecosystems. Sub-systems in the study were primary production (main focus), food industry, retail and consumption. Based on the results from the first round, the future images were constructed for primary production and food industry sub-sections. The second round asked experts’ opinion about the future images’ probability and desirability. In addition, panarchy scenarios were constructed by using the adaptive cycle and panarchy frameworks. Furthermore, a new approach to general resilience indicators was developed combining “categories” of the social ecological systems (structure, behaviors and governance) and general resilience parameters (tightness of feedbacks, modularity, diversity, the amount of change a system can withstand, capacity of learning and self- organizing behavior). The results indicate that there are strengths in the Finnish food system for building resilience. According to experts organic farms and larger farms are perceived as socially self-organized, which can promote innovations and new experimentations for adaptation to changing circumstances. In addition, organic farms are currently seen as the most ecologically self-regulated farms. There are also weaknesses in the Finnish food system restricting resilience building. It is important to reach optimal redundancy, in which efficiency and resilience are in balance. In the whole food system, retail sector will probably face the most dramatic changes in the future, especially, when panarchy scenarios and the future images are reflected. The profitability of farms is and will be a critical cornerstone of the overall resilience in primary production. All in all, the food system experts have very positive views concerning the resilience development of the Finnish food system in the future. Sometimes small and local is beautiful, sometimes large and international is more resilient. However, when probabilities and desirability of the future images were questioned, there were significant deviations. It appears that experts do not always believe desirable futures to materialize.
Modern food systems face complex global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcities, population growth, concentration and globalization. It is not possible to forecast how all these challenges will affect food systems, but futures research methods provide possibilities to enable better understanding of possible futures and that way increases futures awareness. In this thesis, the two-round online Delphi method was utilized to research experts’ opinions about the present and the future resilience of the Finnish food system up to 2050. The first round questionnaire was constructed based on the resilience indicators developed for agroecosystems. Sub-systems in the study were primary production (main focus), food industry, retail and consumption. Based on the results from the first round, the future images were constructed for primary production and food industry sub-sections. The second round asked experts’ opinion about the future images’ probability and desirability. In addition, panarchy scenarios were constructed by using the adaptive cycle and panarchy frameworks. Furthermore, a new approach to general resilience indicators was developed combining “categories” of the social ecological systems (structure, behaviors and governance) and general resilience parameters (tightness of feedbacks, modularity, diversity, the amount of change a system can withstand, capacity of learning and self- organizing behavior). The results indicate that there are strengths in the Finnish food system for building resilience. According to experts organic farms and larger farms are perceived as socially self-organized, which can promote innovations and new experimentations for adaptation to changing circumstances. In addition, organic farms are currently seen as the most ecologically self-regulated farms. There are also weaknesses in the Finnish food system restricting resilience building. It is important to reach optimal redundancy, in which efficiency and resilience are in balance. In the whole food system, retail sector will probably face the most dramatic changes in the future, especially, when panarchy scenarios and the future images are reflected. The profitability of farms is and will be a critical cornerstone of the overall resilience in primary production. All in all, the food system experts have very positive views concerning the resilience development of the Finnish food system in the future. Sometimes small and local is beautiful, sometimes large and international is more resilient. However, when probabilities and desirability of the future images were questioned, there were significant deviations. It appears that experts do not always believe desirable futures to materialize.
FTTH-liityntäverkkoja voivat rakennuttaa ja omistaa perinteisten teleoperaattoreiden lisäksi myös muut toimijat, kuten sähköyhtiöt, valtion- ja kuntien omistamat yhtiöt ja yksityiset osuuskunnat. Markkinatoimijoiden ja eri teknologioiden keskinäinen kilpailu johtaa kuitenkin helposti pieniin liityntätiheyksiin ja hajanaisiin pieniin verkkoihin. Tämä tekee verkkojen kannattavasta rakentamisesta vaikeaa ja palvelujen toteuttamisesta tehotonta. Tilannetta voidaan parantaa tasapuolisella pääsyllä, joka selkeyttää arvoketjun osapuolten rooleja. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kuvata kommunikaatio-operaattorin rooli Suomen telemarkkinaan ja rakentaa sille taloudellisesti kannattava liiketoimintamalli toisen osapuolen toteuttamiin tasapuolisen pääsyn FTTH-verkkoihin. Työ toteutettiin hyödyntäen konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta ja sen lopputuloksena syntyi soveltuva liiketoimintamalli. Kommunikaatio-operaattorin kaksipuolisella alustalla yhdistetään valtakunnallisesti toisiinsa palveluntarjoajat ja alueellisiin liityntäverkkoihin liittyneet loppuasiakkaat. Kommunikaatio-operaattorin liiketoimintamalli mahdollistaa kapasiteetin, palvelunlaadun ja toimintavarmuuden suhteen erilaistetut virtuaaliset tukkutuotteet ja sitä kautta mahdollisuuden uuteen ansaintaan.
An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a financial instrument that tracks some predetermined index. Since their initial establishment in 1993, ETFs have grown in importance in the field of passive investing. The main reason for the growth of the ETF industry is that ETFs combine benefits of stock investing and mutual fund investing. Although ETFs resemble mutual funds in many ways, also many differences occur. In addition, ETFs not only differ from mutual funds but also differ among each other. ETFs can be divided into two categories, i.e. market capitalisation ETFs and fundamental (or strategic) ETFs, and further into subcategories depending on their fundament basis. ETFs are a useful tool for diversification especially for a long-term investor. Although the economic importance of ETFs has risen drastically during the past 25 years, the differences and risk-return characteristics of fundamental ETFs have yet been rather unstudied area. In effect, no previous research on market capitalisation and fundamental ETFs was found during the research process. For its part, this thesis seeks to fill this research gap. The studied data consist of 50 market capitalisation ETFs and 50 fundamental ETFs. The fundaments, on which the indices that the fundamental ETFs track, were not limited nor segregated into subsections. The two types of ETFs were studied at an aggregate level as two different research groups. The dataset ranges from June 2006 to December 2014 with 103 monthly observations. The data was gathered using Bloomberg Terminal. The analysis was conducted as an econometric performance analysis. In addition to other econometric measures, the methods that were used in the performance analysis included modified Value-at-Risk, modified Sharpe ratio and Treynor ratio. The results supported the hypothesis that passive market capitalisation ETFs outperform active fundamental ETFs in terms of risk-adjusted returns, though the difference is rather small. Nevertheless, when taking into account the higher overall trading costs of the fundamental ETFs, the underperformance gap widens. According to the research results, market capitalisation ETFs are a recommendable diversification instrument for a long-term investor. In addition to better risk-adjusted returns, passive ETFs are more transparent and the bases of their underlying indices are simpler than those of fundamental ETFs. ETFs are still a young financial innovation and hence data is scarcely available. On future research, it would be valuable to research the differences in risk-adjusted returns also between the subsections of fundamental ETFs.
This thesis provides an analysis of how the nexus between climate change and human rights shapes public policy agendas and alternatives. It draws upon seminal work conducted by John Kingdon, whose landmark publication “Agendas, alternatives, and public policy” described how separate streams of problems, solutions, and politics converge to move an issue onto the public policy agenda toward potential government action. Building on Kingdon’s framework, this research explores how human rights contribute to surfacing the problem of climate change; developing alternative approaches to tackling climate change; and improving the political environment necessary for addressing climate change with sufficient ambition. The study reveals that climate change undermines the realization of human rights and that human rights can be effective tools in building climate resilience. This analysis was developed using a mixed methods approach and drawing upon substantial literature review, the researcher’s own participation in international climate policy design; elite interviews with thought leaders dealing with climate change and human rights; and regular inputs from focus groups comprised of practitioners drawn from the fields of climate change, development and human rights. This is a journal based thesis with a total of six articles submitted for evaluation, published in peer‐reviewed publications, over a five year period. Denna avhandling analyserar hur klimatfrågan och mänskliga rättigheter i samverkan formar den politiska agendan och det politiskt möjliga. Den bygger på banbrytande forskning av John Kingdon, vars publikation “Agendas, alternatives, and public policy” beskriver hur en fråga blir politiskt viktig och lyfts upp på den politiska agendan. Med utgångspunkt i Kingdons ramverk, utforskar avhandlingen hur mänskliga rättigheter bidrar till att blottlägga klimatfrågan som problem; utveckla alternativa metoder för att angripa och hantera klimatfrågan; samt skapa ett politiskt klimat nödvändigt för att på ett ambitiöst sätt kunna angripa klimatfrågan. Studien visar att klimatförändringar undergräver mänskliga rättigheterna men att arbete med mänskliga rättigheter kan vara ett effektivt verktyg för att stå emot och hantera effekterna av klimatförändringar. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av en rad olika metoder vilka inkluderar litteraturstudier, författarens egna observationer under klimatförhandlingar; intervjuer med ledande tänkare inom klimatfrågan och mänskliga rättigheter; samt data insamlad genom fokusgrupper bestående av yrkesverksamma inom klimat, utveckling och mänskliga rättigheter. Avhandlingen är baserad på totalt sex artiklar som publicerats i fackgranskade tidskrifter under en femårsperiod.
The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The amount of air and water pollution it causes puts a burden on the environment. There are companies who have taken the environmental and social aspects into account in the their production and chosen to operate in a green manner. This thesis studies how the phenomenon of green branding is seen from the perspectives of small Finnish textile companies. The theory used in this thesis has to do with green branding and identity building. The theory is used to analyze the results of the empirical findings. The main research question that the thesis aims to answer is how green branding is perceived within the Finnish textile industry. In order to answer the main research question, empirical data was collected from five relevant companies within the Finnish textile industry. The companies interviewed for the study were WST, Saana ja Olli, RCM, R-collection and Tiensivu. The study was conducted as a multiple case based study where multiple experts from green companies were interviewed. The experts were all owners or employees of companies that have a so-called green brand identity. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, where the relevant experts from each company were interviewed either by themselves, in pairs or in groups. The data that was collected for this study was primary data, and the results of the study are mainly based on the experiences and opinions of the experts interviewed. The data collected does not cover the entire green textile industry within Finland, but study does however give a fairly comprehensive view of the phenomenon, as the textile industry in Finland is quite concise. The general findings of the study show that all experts from the companies interviewed agreed that a green brand identity does benefit their company in one way or the other. The findings also show contradictions with the older theory (eg. Charter et al. 1999, Pickett et al. 1995), and perhaps give a more modern view of the thoughts within the industry.
Transmission system operators and distribution system operators are experiencing new challenges in terms of reliability, power quality, and cost efficiency. Although the potential of energy storages to face those challenges is recognized, the economic implications are still obscure, which introduce the risk into the business models. This thesis aims to investigate the technical and economic value indicators of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems (BESS) in grid-scale applications. In order to do that, a comprehensive performance lithium-ion BESS model with degradation effects estimation is developed. The model development process implies literature review on lifetime modelling, use, and modification of previous study progress, building the additional system parts and integrating it into a complete tool. The constructed model is capable of describing the dynamic behavior of the BESS voltage, state of charge, temperature and capacity loss. Five control strategies for BESS unit providing primary frequency regulation are implemented, in addition to the model. The questions related to BESS dimensioning and the end of life (EoL) criterion are addressed. Simulations are performed with one-month real frequency data acquired from Fingrid. The lifetime and cost-benefit analysis of the simulation results allow to compare and determine the preferable control strategy. Finally, the study performs the sensitivity analysis of economic profitability with variable size, EoL and system price. The research reports that BESS can be profitable in certain cases and presents the recommendations.