109 resultados para intelligence testing
Business intelligencellä tarkoitetaan liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan liittyviä prosesseja ja tekniikoita. Se pitää sisällään tiedon keräämiseen, tallentamiseen, analysointiin ja jakamiseen käytettyt tuotteet, tekniikat ja prosessit, joiden tavoitteena on auttaa yrityksen työntekijöitä liiketoimintaan liittyvässä päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia uuden yritysryhmän laajuisen BI-tietojärjestelmän suunnitteluun ja käyttöönotoon liittyviä seikkoja ja luoda valmiudet BI-tietojärjestelmän kehitys- ja käyttöönottoprojektin kohdeyrityksessä, jonka toimiala on kansainvälinen terveydenhoitoalan tukkuliiketoiminta. Uuden BI-järjestelmän halutaan tukeva yritysryhmän yritysten välistä integraatiota ja tehostavan tiedonhakuun ja analysointiin liittyviä prosesseja. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena, joka kattaa kohdeyrityksen IT-arkkitehtuurin, tietosisällön, prosessit ja organisaation raportoinnin kannalta. Lisäksi työssä suoritettiin ohjelmistovertailu kahden markkinoilla toimivan merkittävän ohjelmistotalon BI-tuotteiden välillä. Työssä havaittiin, että BI-projekti on laaja-alainen ja suuri hanke, joka ulottuu läpi koko organisaation. BI-ohjelmiston tehokas hyödyntäminen asettaa vaatimuksia erityisesti taustajärjestelmien tiedon huolelliseen mallintamiseen liittyen. Työssä saatiin pilotoinnin kautta käytännön kokemuksia uudesta järjestelmästä ja sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista kohdeyrityksessä.
During recent years, mobile phone markets have changed significantly. Asian markets have become vital for the manufacturers with their millions of end users and multiple major mobile network operators. This has resulted in software development as global companies have research and development sites running in multiple locations, including Asia. The reasons behind this are not only in reducing labor costs but also in capitalizing on the local knowledge and knowhow. A ramp-up site has multiple effects in the software development and software release activities. This thesis focuses on representing the importance of software testing as part of software development process and highlighting issues that need to be considered during ramp-up activities. In addition this work tries to emphasize the importance of communication between parties and information gathering prior to setting up the ramp-up site. The output of this thesis was successful software testing site ramp-up within the set time limits. The quality of software testing work was assured and the ramp-up -project requirements were achieved.
Software testing is one of the essential parts in software engineering process. The objective of the study was to describe software testing tools and the corresponding use. The thesis contains examples of software testing tools usage. The study was conducted as a literature study, with focus on current software testing practices and quality assurance standards. In the paper a tool classifier was employed, and testing tools presented in study were classified according to it. We found that it is difficult to distinguish current available tools by certain testing activities as many of them contain functionality that exceeds scopes of a single testing type.
The main purpose of this study was to analyze how stress tests are used in risk management in the Finnish banking and insurance sectors. In order to enhance understanding of the topic, stress testing was explored in the context of corporate governance and regulato-ry implications of Basel II and Solvency II on stress testing were examined. In addition, the effects of the global financial crisis on stress testing were mapped and the differences in stress testing practices between the banking and insurance sector were discussed. The research method was qualitative case study and it was conducted by interviewing risk managers from ten institutions and a representative from FIN-FSA. Findings pointed out that stress testing practices vary significantly between different institutions. Interesting observations were made in terms of stress testing practices in the banking and insurance sectors. The increasing importance and use of stress tests were recognized as a result of the financial crisis. Stress testing was even considered more like art than science given the amount of challenges it involves. In general, improvements in stress tests were suggested, with an emphasis on stress concentration between different types of risks.
During the past decades testing has matured from ad-hoc activity into being an integral part of the development process. The benefits of testing are obvious for modern communication systems, which operate in heterogeneous environments amongst devices from various manufacturers. The increased demand for testing also creates demand for tools and technologies that support and automate testing activities. This thesis discusses applicability of visualization techniques in the result analysis part of the testing process. Particularly, the primary focus of this work is visualization of test execution logs produced by a TTCN-3 test system. TTCN-3 is an internationally standardized test specification and implementation language. The TTCN-3 standard suite includes specification of a test logging interface and a graphical presentation format, but no immediate relationship between them. This thesis presents a technique for mapping the log events to the graphical presentation format along with a concrete implementation, which is integrated with the Eclipse Platform and the OpenTTCN Tester toolchain. Results of this work indicate that for majority of the log events, a visual representation may be derived from the TTCN-3 standard suite. The remaining events were analysed and three categories relevant in either log analysis or implementation of the visualization tool were identified: events indicating insertion of something into the incoming queue of a port, events indicating a mismatch and events describing the control flow during the execution. Applicability of the results is limited into the domain of TTCN-3, but the developed mapping and the implementation may be utilized with any TTCN-3 tool that is able to produce the execution log in the standardized XML format.
Nowadays software testing and quality assurance have a great value in software development process. Software testing does not mean a concrete discipline, it is the process of validation and verification that starts from the idea of future product and finishes at the end of product’s maintenance. The importance of software testing methods and tools that can be applied on different testing phases is highly stressed in industry. The initial objectives for this thesis were to provide a sufficient literature review on different testing phases and for each of the phases define the method that can be effectively used for improving software’s quality. Software testing phases, chosen for study are: unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, system testing, acceptance testing and usability testing. The research showed that there are many software testing methods that can be applied at different phases and in the most of the cases the choice of the method should be done depending on software type and its specification. In the thesis the problem, concerned to each of the phases was identified; the method that can help in eliminating this problem was suggested and particularly described.
In the Russian Wholesale Market, electricity and capacity are traded separately. Capacity is a special good, the sale of which obliges suppliers to keep their generating equipment ready to produce the quantity of electricity indicated by the System Operator. The purpose of the formation of capacity trading was the maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted delivery of electricity in the wholesale market. The price of capacity reflects constant investments in construction, modernization and maintenance of power plants. So, the capacity sale creates favorable conditions to attract investments in the energy sector because it guarantees the investor that his investments will be returned.
The problem of software (SW) defaults is becoming more and more topical because of increasing amount of the SW and its complication. The majority of these defaults are founded during the test part that consumes about 40-50% of the development efforts. Test automation allows reducing the cost of this process and increasing testing effectiveness. In the middle of 1980 the first tools for automated testing appeared and the automated process was implemented in different kinds of SW testing. In short time, it became obviously, automated testing can cause many problems such as increasing product cost, decreasing reliability and even project fail. This thesis describes automated testing process, its concept, lists main problems, and gives an algorithm for automated test tools selection. Also this work presents an overview of the main automated test tools for embedded systems.
Työn tavoitteena on tutkia Business Intelligence -ohjelmistojen käyttöä päätöksenteon tukena. Lisäksi tutkitaan näiden ohjelmistojen merkitystä yrityksille. Työssä tarkastellaan myös mahdollisia tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Työ on kirjallisuustyö, joka pohjautuu lähdeaineistoon. Työn tuloksena on huomattu, kuinka tärkeitä Business Intelligence -ohjelmistot ovat yritysten päätöksenteossa. Suuren tietomäärän vuoksi on tärkeää, että yrityksellä on työkalu, jonka avulla kaikki merkityksellinen tieto saadaan välitettyä päätöksentekijöille. Business Intelligence -ohjelmistot tuottavat monenlaisia analyyseja, joiden avulla voidaan tehdä onnistuneita päätöksiä. Mitä tarkempia analyyseja tehdään, sitä enemmän voidaan myös saavuttaa kilpailuetua. Business Intelligence -ohjelmistojen avulla yrityksillä on mahdollisuus saavuttaa monia erilaisia hyötyjä. Hyötyjen mittaaminen on kuitenkin haastavaa, koska osa hyödyistä on aineettomia. Hyötyjen ja liikearvon mittaamiseen on kehitetty mittareita, joiden avulla on tarkoitus pystyä perustelemaan Business Intelligence -ohjelmistoihin investointia. Tulevaisuudessa Business Intelligence -ohjelmistojen merkitys yrityksille kasvaa. Yritysten muuttuvia tarpeita varten kehitetään uudenlaisia Business Intelligence -sovelluksia. Teknologia ja ohjelmistojen innovatiivinen käyttö muokkaavat BI-ohjelmistoja tehokkaammiksi. Jatkuva uusien sovellusten kehittäminen luo myös haasteita ennen niiden laajempaa käyttöönottoa.