134 resultados para Pohjanmaa, Atte


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Yritykset kiinnittävät yhä enemmän huomiota toimintaansa ja sen tasoon. Viime vuosien aikana on keskitytty laatu- ja ympäristöasioiden lisäksi myös yrityksen työturvallisuuteen. Tähän ovat vaikuttaneet muun muassa kansainvälisten markkinoiden vaatimukset ja asiakkaiden kiinnostus. Tämä työ on osa Wärtsilä Finland Oy:n työterveys- ja työturvallisuusjärjestelmän kehittämisprojektia. Työn tavoitteena oli tunnistaa työterveys- ja työturvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmään liittyvät vaatimukset OHSAS 18001 -spesifikaation mukaisesti. Tarkoituksena oli myös osittain kehittää työterveys- ja työturvallisuusjärjestelmää. Organisaation päämääränä on päästä Nolla tapaturmaa -ohjelman tavoitteeseen. Tämä tapahtuu eri keinoja käyttäen, kuten täyttämällä OHSAS 18001 -vaatimukset. OHSAS -vaatimuksista keskeiseen asemaan tässä työssä nousivat yrityksen riskien arviointi sekä tapaturmien tutkinta ja tilastointi. Riskien arviointi tehtiin pilottitehtaassa OHSAS 18001 -koulutukseen liittyvänä harjoituksena. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan pitää kohtalaisina kun huomioidaan, että kyseessä oli ensimmäinen riskien arviointikerta. Osa riskeistä jäi kuitenkin luultavasti havaitsematta, joten kehitystyötä on jatkettava. Tarkistusta ja kehittämistä vaativia asioita löytyi myös tapaturmien tutkimisen ja tilastoinnin saralta. Työn tuloksista voidaan todeta, että yrityksellä on käytössä joitakin OH&S -menettelyjä, mutta kehitettäviä osa-alueita on havaittavissa. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää, että yritys kehittäisi käyttöönotettua riskien arviointimenetelmää tai etsisi muita mahdollisia tapoja arvioida riskejä. Tätä kautta yrityksen on mahdollista päästä ennaltaehkäisevään työskentelynäkökulmaan ja edetä kohti Nolla tapaturmaa -ohjelman tavoitetta.


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B2B document handling is moving from paper to electronic networks and electronic domain very rapidly. Moving, handling and transforming large electronic business documents requires a lot from the systems handling them. This paper explores new technologies such as SOA, event-driven systems and ESB and a scalable, event-driven enterprise service bus is created to demonstrate these new approaches to message handling. As an end result, we have a small but fully functional messaging system with several different components. This is the first larger Java-project done in-house, so on the side we developed our own set of best practices of Java development, setting up configurations, tools, code repositories and class naming and much more.


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This thesis centers to three firm-hosted online communities which operate in the field of software development. The communities were analyzed by using a particular design framework. This thesis investigates how companies can benefit from firm-hosted online communities and how well the design principles are present in analyzed communities. The framework also gives perspective and indicators which enables the possibility to analyze and compare communities with each other. This thesis also discuss how well a design framework designed for measuring social software fits to measuring online communities of software development.


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This study presents an automatic, computer-aided analytical method called Comparison Structure Analysis (CSA), which can be applied to different dimensions of music. The aim of CSA is first and foremost practical: to produce dynamic and understandable representations of musical properties by evaluating the prevalence of a chosen musical data structure through a musical piece. Such a comparison structure may refer to a mathematical vector, a set, a matrix or another type of data structure and even a combination of data structures. CSA depends on an abstract systematic segmentation that allows for a statistical or mathematical survey of the data. To choose a comparison structure is to tune the apparatus to be sensitive to an exclusive set of musical properties. CSA settles somewhere between traditional music analysis and computer aided music information retrieval (MIR). Theoretically defined musical entities, such as pitch-class sets, set-classes and particular rhythm patterns are detected in compositions using pattern extraction and pattern comparison algorithms that are typical within the field of MIR. In principle, the idea of comparison structure analysis can be applied to any time-series type data and, in the music analytical context, to polyphonic as well as homophonic music. Tonal trends, set-class similarities, invertible counterpoints, voice-leading similarities, short-term modulations, rhythmic similarities and multiparametric changes in musical texture were studied. Since CSA allows for a highly accurate classification of compositions, its methods may be applicable to symbolic music information retrieval as well. The strength of CSA relies especially on the possibility to make comparisons between the observations concerning different musical parameters and to combine it with statistical and perhaps other music analytical methods. The results of CSA are dependent on the competence of the similarity measure. New similarity measures for tonal stability, rhythmic and set-class similarity measurements were proposed. The most advanced results were attained by employing the automated function generation – comparable with the so-called genetic programming – to search for an optimal model for set-class similarity measurements. However, the results of CSA seem to agree strongly, independent of the type of similarity function employed in the analysis.


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The purpose of this study is to study whether a Web CMS can be used to implement and host an online community. The study is divided into two parts. The theoretical part contains the definition of Web CMS and clarifies the relation between an online community and a social software. The first part also defines the parameters, which must be taken account when choosing a Web CMS for hosting an online community. The practical part of the study contains analyses of three Web CMSs, Drupal, Liferay and Plone. All the three Web CMSs were analyzed using the technical and social parameters discovered in the theoretical part of the study. The primary objective is to investigate whether the selected Web CMS can be used to implement and host an online community. If hosting is possible, the secondary objective is to investigate whether the selected Web CMS have an effect to the online community.