85 resultados para PSTM field


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In this master’s thesis, possibilities to utilize Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in health care applications are examined. NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables the exchange of data between devices. Main components in NFC are tag, which contains data, a NFC reader device, which can be for instance embedded to mobile phone and also act as a tag, and an antennae in both tag and reader. In this work NFC technology is discussed and its utilization in health care information systems that are in use or in trial. Utilization of information technology in health care field is examined superficially. In this thesis, a system utilizing NFC is designed and its requirements and architecture presented. NFC is used in identification of care worker. When care worker arrives at the house of a patient, she brings the NFC-enabled mobile phone near NFC tag. This sends information to the application server. This information contains the time of arrival and patient and location identifier. When care worker leaves the place, she repeats the procedure. Information gathered can be used in reporting and real time tracking.


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The main idea of this diploma work is to study electric field distribution on the micro level. For this purpose a silicon edgeless detector was chosen as the object of investigation and scanning electron microscope as an investigation tool. Silicon edgeless detector is an important part of installation for studying proton-proton interactions in TOTEM experiment at Large Hadron Collider. For measurement of electric field distribution inside scanning electron microscope a voltage contrast method was applied.


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In this Thesis the interaction of an electromagnetic field and matter is studied from various aspects in the general framework of cold atoms. Our subjects cover a wide spectrum of phenomena ranging from semiclassical few-level models to fully quantum mechanical interaction with structured reservoirs leading to non-Markovian open quantum system dynamics. Within closed quantum systems, we propose a selective method to manipulate the motional state of atoms in a time-dependent double-well potential and interpret the method in terms of adiabatic processes. Also, we derive a simple wave-packet model, based on distributions of generalized eigenstates, explaining the finite visibility of interference in overlapping continuous-wave atom lasers. In the context of open quantum systems, we develop an unraveling of non-Markovian dynamics in terms of piecewise deterministic quantum jump processes confined in the Hilbert space of the reduced system - the non-Markovian quantum jump method. As examples, we apply it for simple 2- and 3-level systems interacting with a structured reservoir. Also, in the context of ion-cavity QED we study the entanglement generation based on collective Dicke modes in experimentally realistic conditions including photonic losses and an atomic spontaneous decay.


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Direct torque control (DTC) is a new control method for rotating field electrical machines. DTC controls directly the motor stator flux linkage with the stator voltage, and no stator current controllers are used. With the DTC method very good torque dynamics can be achieved. Until now, DTC has been applied to asynchronous motor drives. The purpose of this work is to analyse the applicability of DTC to electrically excited synchronous motor drives. Compared with asynchronous motor drives, electrically excited synchronous motor drives require an additional control for the rotor field current. The field current control is called excitation control in this study. The dependence of the static and dynamic performance of DTC synchronous motor drives on the excitation control has been analysed and a straightforward excitation control method has been developed and tested. In the field weakening range the stator flux linkage modulus must be reduced in order to keep the electro motive force of the synchronous motor smaller than the stator voltage and in order to maintain a sufficient voltage reserve. The dynamic performance of the DTC synchronous motor drive depends on the stator flux linkage modulus. Another important factor for the dynamic performance in the field weakening range is the excitation control. The field weakening analysis considers both dependencies. A modified excitation control method, which maximises the dynamic performance in the field weakening range, has been developed. In synchronous motor drives the load angle must be kept in a stabile working area in order to avoid loss of synchronism. The traditional vector control methods allow to adjust the load angle of the synchronous motor directly by the stator current control. In the DTC synchronous motor drive the load angle is not a directly controllable variable, but it is formed freely according to the motor’s electromagnetic state and load. The load angle can be limited indirectly by limiting the torque reference. This method is however parameter sensitive and requires a safety margin between the theoretical torque maximum and the actual torque limit. The DTC modulation principle allows however a direct load angle adjustment without any current control. In this work a direct load angle control method has been developed. The method keeps the drive stabile and allows the maximal utilisation of the drive without a safety margin in the torque limitation.


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As it is known, the major problem of membrane filtration is fouling of membrane during the filtration process. There are a lot of methods to prevent or reduce fouling. One very little studied method is applying of magnetic field in membrane filtration. Magnetic field has such advantages as bulk, contact free, nondestructive impact on the sample, thus it can be combined with different types of processes. In addition, the use of magnetic fields has given positive results in various areas of science and life. So, the present thesis is devoted to the research of influence of magnetic field on performances of nanofiltration. In the literature part of the thesis a short description of membrane process and mechanism of reorientation of nanoparticals in magnetic field is presented. The utilization of magnetic field in different spheres of life, in general, and membrane area, in particular, is represented. In the experimental part the influence of magnetic field created by two permanent magnets on filtration of two solutions (citric acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate) was investigated. Factors, which affect on the impact of magnetic field was estimated. The effect of magnetic field was evaluated by measuring a change of pure water permeability after the filtration of model solution. This work demonstrated that direction of magnetic field and the type of molecules of filtered solution has significant effect to the efficiency of nanofiltration. Utilization of magnetic field might increase retention of membrane and flux through membrane and reduce fouling.


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Lähikenttä- ja kaukokenttämikroskopian yhdistäminen: Uusi korkearesoluutioinen menetelmä nanokuvantamiseen. Osteoporoosi on sairaus, jossa luun uudistumisprosessi ei ole enää tasapainossa. Uuden luun muodostuminen on hitaampaa johtuen osteoblastien laskeneesta aktiivisuudesta. Yksi keino estää osteoporoosin syntyä on estää osteoklastien sitoutuminen luun pinnalle, jolloin ne eivät aloita luun syömisprosessia. Tämän Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on luoda uusi työkalu osteoklastien sitoutumisen tutkimiseen samanaikaisesti fluoresenssi- ja atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Tätä tarkoitusta varten yhdistettiin atomivoimamikroskooppi sekä STED mikroskooppi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisesti molempien mikroskooppitekniikoiden teoriat. Kokeellisessa osiossa esitetään käytetyt metodit ja alustavat tulokset uudella systeemillä. Lisäksi keskustellaan lyhyesti kuvan analysoinnista ImageJohjelmalla. Konfokaalisen fluoresenssimikroskoopin ja atomivoimamikroskoopin yhdistelmä on keksitty jo aikaisemmin, mutta tavallisen konfokaalimikroskoopin erottelukyvyn raja on noin 200 nanometriä johtuen valon diffraktioluonteesta. Yksityiskohdat eivät erotu, jos ne ovat pienempiä kuin puolet käytettävästä aallonpituudesta. STED mikroskooppi mahdollistaa fluoresenssikuvien taltioimisen solunsisäisistä prosesseista 50 nanometrin lateraalisella erotuskyvyllä ja atomivoimamikroskooppi antaa topografista tietoa näytteestä nanometrien erotuskyvyllä. Biologisia näytteitä kuvannettaessa atomivoimamikroskoopin erotuskyky kuitenkin huononee ja yleensä saavutetaan 30-50 nanometrin erotuskyky. Kuvien kerrostaminen vaatii vertauspisteitä ja tätä varten käytettiin atomivoimamikroskoopin kärjen tunnistamista ja referenssipartikkeleita. Kuva-analysointi suoritettiin ImageJ-kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla. Tuloksista nähdään, että referenssipartikkelit ovat hyviä, mutta niiden sijoittaminen tarkasti tietylle kohdealueelle on hankalaa nanoskaalassa. Tästä johtuen kärjen havaitseminen fluoresenssikuvassa on parempi metodi. Atomivoimamikroskoopin kärki voidaan päällystää fluoresoivalla aineella, mutta tämä lisää kärjen aiheuttamaa konvoluutiota mittausdataan. Myös valon takaisinsirontaa kärjestä voidaan tutkia, jolloin konvoluutio ei lisäänny. Ensimmäisten kuvien kerrostamisessa käytettiin hyväksi fluoresoivalla aineella päällystettyä kärkeä ja lopputuloksessa oli vain 50 nanometrin yhteensopimattomuus fluoresenssi- ja topografiakuvan kanssa. STED mikroskoopin avulla nähdään leimattujen proteiinien tarkat sijainnit tiettynä ajankohtana elävän solun sisällä. Samaan aikaan pystytään kuvantamaan solun fyysisiä muotoja tai mitata adheesiovoimia atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Lisäksi voidaan käyttää funktinalisoitua kärkeä, jolla voidaan laukaista signalointitapahtumia solun ja soluväliaineen välillä. Sitoutuminen soluväliaineeseen voidaan rekisteröidä samoin kuin adheesiomediaattorien sijainnit sitoutumisalueella. Nämä dynaamiset havainnot tuottavat uutta informaatiota solun signaloinnista, kun osteoklasti kiinnittyy luun pintaan. Tämä teknologia tarjoaa uuden näkökulman monimutkaisiin signalointiprosesseihin nanoskaalassa ja tulee ratkaisemaan lukemattoman määrän biologisia ongelmia.


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The main focus of this thesis is to define the field weakening point of permanent magnet synchronous machine with embedded magnets in traction applications. Along with the thesis a modelling program is made to help the designer to define the field weakening point in practical applications. The thesis utilizes the equations based on the current angle. These equations can be derived from the vector diagram of permanent magnet synchronous machine. The design parameters of the machine are: The maximum rotational speed, saliency ratio, maximum induced voltage and characteristic current. The main result of the thesis is finding out the rated rotational speed, from which the field weakening starts. The action of the machine is estimated at a wide speed range and the changes of machine parameters are examined.


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Lectio praecursoria University of Helsinki 5.2.2011.


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The main goal of the present Master’s Thesis project was to create a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based system for the control of single-electron transistors or other cryoelectronic devices. The FPGA and similar technologies are studied in the present work. The fixed and programmable logic are compared with each other. The main features and limitations of the hardware used in the project are investigated. The hardware and software connections of the device to the computer are shown in detail. The software development techniques for FPGA-based design are described. The steps of design for programmable logic are considered. Furthermore, the results of filters implemented in the software are illustrated.