134 resultados para Media Coverage
The aim of this study is to explore how a new concept appears inscientific discussion and research, how it diffuses to other fields and out of the scientific communities, and how the networks are formed around the concept. Text and terminology take the interest of a reader in the digital environment. Texts create networks where the terminology used is dependent on the ideas, viewsand paradigms of the field. This study is based mainly on bibliographic data. Materials for bibliometric studies have been collected from different databases. The databases are also evaluated and their quality and coverage are discussed. The thesauri of those databases that have been selected for a more in depth study have also been evaluated. The material selected has been used to study how long and in which ways an innovative publication, which can be seen as a milestone in a specific field, influences the research. The concept that has been chosen as a topic for this research is Social Capital, because it has been a popular concept in different scientific fields as well as in everyday speech and the media. It seemed to be a `fashion concept´ that appeared in different situations at the Millennium. The growth and diffusion of social capital publications has been studied. The terms connected with social capital in different fields and different stages of the development have also been analyzed. The methods that have been used in this study are growth and diffusion analysis, content analysis, citation analysis, coword analysis and cocitation analysis. One method that can be used tounderstand and to interpret results of these bibliometric studies is to interview some key persons, who are known to have a gatekeeper position in the diffusion of the concept. Thematic interviews with some Finnish researchers and specialists that have influenced the diffusion of social capital into Finnish scientificand social discussions provide background information. iv The Milestone Publications on social capital have been chosen and studied. They give answers to the question "What is Social Capital?" By comparing citations to Milestone Publications with the growth of all social capital publications in a database, we can drawconclusions about the point at which social capital became generally approved `tacit knowledge´. The contribution of the present study lies foremost in understanding the development of network structures around a new concept that has diffused in scientific communities and also outside them. The network means both networks of researchers, networks of publications and networks of concepts that describe the research field. The emphasis has been on the digital environment and onthe socalled information society that we are now living in, but in this transitional stage, the printed publications are still important and widely used in social sciences and humanities. The network formation is affected by social relations and informal contacts that push new ideas. This study also gives new information about using different research methods, like bibliometric methods supported by interviews and content analyses. It is evident that interpretation of bibliometric maps presupposes qualitative information and understanding of the phenomena under study.
I avhandlingen granskas den debatt som fördes om seriemediet och serieläsandet i Finland från början av 1950-talet till början av 1960-talet. Serietidningen var då ett nytt medium och föranledde en oro beträffande barns läsvanor. ”Seriefrågan” diskuterades i pressen och problematiken engagerade barnskyddsorganisationer och forskare, behandlades i riksdagen och undersöktes av en statlig kommitté. De olika debattuttrycken analyseras i studien. Avhandlingens teoretiska perspektiv är styrningsanalytiskt och bygger på diskussionen om regementalitet (governmentality). I studien granskas hur seriemediet, barndom och regleringen av dessa kom att definieras i behandlingen av det s.k. serieproblemet. Serierna definierades som ett problematiskt medium på ett flertal sätt. De huvudsakliga argumenten mot serierna var dels att de förstörde barns läsförmåga, dels att de budskap som serierna förmedlade till barnen var av fel slag. Enligt kritiken var serierna språkligt fattiga och innehållsmässigt alltför våldsamma. Följaktligen utgjorde serierna ett hot mot barnen. Barnen kom ur detta perspektiv att definieras som inkompetenta medieanvändare och i behov av skydd. I debatten upplyftes olika sätt att lösa och reglera problemet. Man undersökte problematiken och upplyste allmänheten om den, man försökte påverka serieutgivarna och man påkallade censur. Seriedebatten och den verksamhet som debattörerna ägnade sig åt ledde dock inte till synbara resultat, t.ex. ny lagstiftning eller förändringar i seriemarknaden. Ändå dog debatten i början av 1960-talet. Problemet med de serieläsande barnen hanterades m.a.o. genom själva debatten. Samtidigt uteblev mera drastiska former av reglering. Ett övergripande syfte för analysen av den kunskap som skapades i debatten – dess varierande förståelse av seriemedium, barndom och reglering – är att erbjuda infallsvinklar till aktuella diskussioner om och farhågor angående barns mediebruk. Med fokus på bredden hos debattens uttryck och de diskursiva ramarna för problematiseringen av barns serieläsande ger avhandlingen perspektiv på den med jämna mellanrum uppdykande frågeställningen om barns mediebruk.
The objective of this Bachelor's Thesis is to find out the role of social media in the B-to-B marketing environment of the information technology industry and to discover how IT-firms utilize social media as a part of their customer reference marketing. To reach the objectives the concepts of customer reference marketing and social media are determined. Customer reference marketing can be characterized as one of the most practically relevant but academically relatively overlooked ways in which a company can leverage its customers and delivered solutions and use them as references in its marketing activities. We will cover which external and internal functions customer references have, that contribute to the growth and performance of B-to-B firms. We also address the three mechanisms of customer reference marketing which are 'status transfer', 'validation through testimonials' and 'demonstration of experience and prior performance'. The concept of social media stands for social interaction and creation of user-based content which exclusively occurs through Internet. The social media are excellent tools for networking because of the fast and easy access, easy interaction and vast amount of multimedia attributes. The allocation of social media is determined. The case company helps clarify the specific characteristics of social media usage as part of customer-reference-marketing activities. For IT-firms the best channels to utilize social media in their customer reference marketing activities are publishing and distribution services of content and networking services.
Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan yhden aikakauslehden aineettoman pääoman keskeisiä tekijöitä ja niiden dynamiikkaa laadullisilla menetelmillä. Aineisto perustuu haastattelumateriaaliin. Taustan muodostaa tietojohtamisen teoriakirjallisuus, jossa eri tietopääomatekijät jaotellaan suhde-, rakenne ja inhimillisiin tekijöihin. Aikakauslehdet, kuten koko mediatoimiala, ovat vahvassa muutostilanteessa ja aineettoman pääoman tekijöiden kautta ne voivat jatkossakin ylläpitää markkina-asemaansa. Tutkimuksen kohteena on hyvän markkina-aseman omaava aikakauslehti, jonka arvonmuodostusta ja aineettomia tekijöitä ja niiden välistä dynamiikkaa tutkimuksessa analysoidaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tarkasteltavan aikakauslehden arvonmuodostus perustuu vahvaan aineettomien tekijöiden kombinaatioon, vahvaan organisaatiokulttuuriin ja aineettomien tekijöiden väliseen dynamiikkaan, mikä saadaan ulosmitattua printtituotteen muodossa kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Haasteena on näiden pääomatekijöiden hyödyntäminen yhtä tehokkaalla tavalla muuttuvan markkinatilanteen myötä.