51 resultados para Markkinoilletulon esteet


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The objective of this Master’s Thesis is to find individuals’ inducements that assist innovation adoption in the framework of sustainable food system. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the reasons why individuals adopt sustainable approaches, and furthermore, to see by what means the transition to the more sustainable food system could be accelerated. The study’s focal point is on the micro level, even if the wider purpose is to accelerate the holistic change of food system in the near future. The study consists of a literature review and a qualitative research, which is actualized with semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that individuals adopt innovations based on their strong intrinsic motivation. The main inducements were environment-related and health-related aspects, and individual’s deep connection to the countryside. The effect of social circle and doing good actions with the consuming behavior were also highlighted. Strongest barriers to innovation adoption seem to be price sensitivity, lack of easiness, and lack of interest in food. The findings indicate also that the most significant means that could ease the individuals’ decision to adopt an innovation are health-related aspects, educating and learning, environmental aspects, and decreasing the prices. Although the theoretical part of the study highlights the effect of positive reinforcement, the empirical part neglects it.


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Työssä pyritään suunnittelemaan kevyempi versio jo olemassa olevasta puuntaimien istutuslaitteesta. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä teoria osuudessa käydään läpi mekatronisen koneen suunnittelussa huomioitavia seikkoja ja järjestelmällistä tuotekehitysprosessia yleisesti. Toisessa osassa esitellään nykyisten istutuslaitteiden kehityshistoriaa ja nykyisin koneellisessa metsänistutuksessa käytössä olevia laitteita. Loppuratkaisujen aikaan saamisessa pyritään QFD-menetelmää käyttämällä saamaan aikaan kevyen istutuskoneen vaatimusprofiili ja profiilissa ilmi tulleiden vaatimusten ja toiveiden pohjalta kehitettiin ratkaisuja joilla perinteistä koneellista istutus toimintaa voidaan uudistaa. Materiaalinvalinnan avulla optimoitiin kevyttä istutuskonetta pyrkimällä löytämään ympäristöystävälliset materiaalit jotka ovat tuotteen elinkaarta kokonaisuutena ajatellen parhaat mahdolliset. Työssä saatiin aikaan malli jolla on mahdollista jatkokehittelyn jälkeen ja kunnolla tuotteistettuna edistää koneellisen metsänistutuksen yleistymistä. Työn aikana huomattiin, että suurimmat esteet metsän istutuksen koneellistumiselle ovat nykyisten koneiden korkeat hankinta- ja käyttökustannukset sekä koneiden käyttämisen vaatima ammattitaito. Kustannuksia alentamalla ja käyttökynnystä madaltamalla voi edistää koneellisen metsänistutuksen yleistymistä tehostamisen rinnalla.


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This master’s thesis has examined how Entrepreneurial, Customer and Knowledge Management Orientations are needed in the use of Big data technology by small retail firms in their Customer Knowledge Management. A vision of the ability of small retailers to move to the Big data era is based on empirical evidence of owner-managers’ attitudes and the firms’ processes. Abductive content analysis was used as a research strategy and the qualitative data was collected through theme interviews of owner-managers of 11 small-size retail firms. The biggest obstacles to the use of Big data by small retail firms are: a lack of information about the new technology; a lack of Knowledge Management Orientation; and, a lack of proactive dimension in Entrepreneurial and Customer Orientations. A strong reactive customer-led orientation, and the ability of the owner-manager to system thinking will support Customer Knowledge Management development. The low stage of technology-use is preventing utilization of customer information. Co-operation between firms or with educational organizations may significantly enhance the use of Big data –technology by small retail firms.


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Kyvystä tuottaa innovaatioita on jatkossa muodostumassa yhä tärkeämpi kilpailuetu organisaatioille. Tämä edellyttää muutoksia organisaation rakenteissa, johtamisessa, työtehtävissä ja henkilöstön osaamisessa. Tulevaisuuden ammatillinen oppilaitos on rakenteellisten ja rahoituksel-listen muutosten edessä toimiva asiantuntijaorganisaatio, jossa keskeistä on innovointi ja perinteisten toimintatapojen kyseenalaistaminen. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jonka kohdeyrityksenä on Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä keinoilla ja toimintatavoilla innovointi mahdollistetaan ja henkilöstöä kannustetaan innovatiivisuuteen, mitkä ovat henkilöstön innovatiivisuuden esteet, miten innovaatiotoimintaa voidaan mitata ja mikä rooli WinNovalla voi olla osana satakuntalaista innovaatiojärjestelmää. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin opettajien, projektipäälliköiden, koulutuspäälliköiden ja johdon edustajien teemahaastattelulla. Aineisto teemoiteltiin ja analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin sisällönanalyysia, jota ovat ohjanneet aikaisemmat ammatillisen koulutuksen innovaatioihin ja innovatiivisuuteen keskittyvät tutkimukset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat WinNovan innovaatioiden tarvelähtöisyyden ja työelämälle tuottaman lisäarvon. Innovaatiotoiminnan resursointi, systemaattinen johtaminen ja henkilöstön osaamisen hyödyntäminen luovat edellytykset winnovalaiselle innovatiivisuudelle. Innovaatioprosessi on interaktiivinen, avoin ja nopeasyklinen, mutta integroituminen koko henk-löstön toimintaan on vielä puutteellista. Innovaatiotoiminnan tavoiteasetanta, seuranta ja mittaaminen esimerkiksi innovaatiostrategian kautta on suositeltavaa jatkossa. WinNova on kehittämismyönteinen organisaatio, jossa on selkeästi havaittavissa innovatiivisen oppimisyhteisön ja menestyvän tulevaisuuden ammatillisen oppilaitoksen piirteitä. WinNova on nostanut profiiliaan aluekehittäjänä, mutta tasa-arvoiseen rooliin muiden toimijoiden kanssa on vielä matkaa.


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The aim of this study was to explore adherence to treatment among people with psychotic disorders through the development of user-centered mobile technology (mHealth) intervention. More specifically, this study investigates treatment adherence as well as mHealth intervention and the factors related to its possible usability. The data were collected from 2010 to 2013. First, patients’ and professionals’ perceptions of adherence management and restrictive factors of adherence were described (n = 61). Second, objectives and methods of the intervention were defined based on focus group interviews and previously used methods. Third, views of patients and professionals about barriers and requirements of the intervention were described (n = 61). Fourth, mHealth intervention was evaluated based on a literature review (n = 2) and patients preferences regarding the intervention (n = 562). Adherence management required support in everyday activities, social networks and maintaining a positive outlook. The factors restricting adherence were related to illness, behavior and the environment. The objective of the intervention was to support the intention to follow the treatment guidelines and recommendations with mHealth technology. The barriers and requirements for the use of the mHealth were related to technology, organizational issues and the users themselves. During the course of the intervention, 33 (6%) out of 562 participants wanted to edit the content, timing or amount of the mHealth tool, and 23 (4%) quit the intervention or study before its conclusion. According to the review, mHealth interventions were ineffective in promoting adherence. Prior to the intervention, participants perceived that adherence could be supported, and the use of mHealth as a part of treatment was seen as an acceptable and efficient method for doing so. In conclusion, the use of mHealth may be feasible among people with psychotic disorders. However, clear evidence for its effectiveness in regards to adherence is still currently inconclusive.


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The aim of this thesis was to observe possibilities to enhance the development of manufacturing costs savings and competitiveness related to the compact KONE Renova Slim elevator door. Compact slim doors are especially designed for EMEA markets. EMEA market area is characterized by highly competitive pricing and lead times which are manifested as pressures to decrease manufacturing costs and lead times of the compact elevator door. The new elevator safety code EN81-20 coming live during the spring 2016 will also have a negative impact on the cost and competitiveness development making the situation more acute. As a sheet metal product the KONE Renova slim is highly variable. Manufacturing methods utilized in the production are common and robust methods. Due to the low volumes, high variability and tight lead times the manufacturing of the doors is facing difficulties. Manufacturing of the doors is outsourced to two individual suppliers Stera and Wittur. This thesis was implemented in collaboration with Stera. KONE and Stera pursue a long term and close partnership where the benefits reached by the collaboration are shared equally. Despite the aims, the collaboration between companies is not totally visible and various barriers are hampering the development towards more efficient ways of working. Based on the empirical studies related to this thesis, an efficient standardized (A+) process was developed for the main variations of the compact elevator door. Using the standardized process KONE is able to order the most important AMDS door variations from Stera with increased quality, lower manufacturing costs and manufacturing lead time compared to the current situation. In addition to all the benefits, the standardized (A+) process also includes risks in practice. KONE and the door supplier need to consider these practical risks together before decisions are made.