80 resultados para Electric motor drives
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda työkalu kestomagneettikoneiden roottoreiden väsymisen analysointia varten. Työkalu toteutettiin siten, että siihen voidaan liittää oikeasta koneesta mitattu kuormitusdata, sekä tarvittavat materiaalitiedot. Kuormitusdata muunnetaan työkalussa jännityshistoriaksi käyttämällä elementtimenetelmän avulla laskettavaa skaalauskerrointa. Kestoiän laskemiseen analyysityökalu käyttää jännitykseen perustuvaa menetelmää sekä rainflowmenetelmää ja Palmgren-Minerin kumulatiivista vauriosääntöä. Lisäksi työkalu tekee tutkittavalle tapaukselle Smithin väsymislujuuspiirroksen. Edellä mainittujen menetelmien lisäksi työn teoriaosassa esiteltiin väsymisanalyysimenetelmistä myös paikalliseen venymään perustuva menetelmä sekä murtumismekaniikka. Nämä menetelmät jäivät monimutkaisuutensa vuoksi toteuttamatta työkalussa. Väsymisanalyysityökalulla laskettiin kestoiät kahdelle esimerkkitapaukselle. Kummassakin tapauksessa saatiin tulokseksi ääretön kestoikä, mutta aksiaalivuokoneen roottorin dynaaminen varmuus oli pieni. Vaikka tulokset vaikuttavat järkeviltä, ne olisi vielä hyvä verifioida esimerkiksi kaupallisen ohjelmiston avulla täyden varmuuden saamiseksi.
The potential for enhancing the energy efficiency of industrial pumping processes is estimated to be in some cases up to 50 %. One way to define further this potential is to implement techniques in accordance to definition of best available techniques in pumping applications. These techniques are divided into three main categories: Design, control method & maintenance and distribution system. In the theory part of this thesis first the definition of best available techniques (BAT) and its applicability on pumping processes is issued. Next, the theory around pumping with different pump types is handled, the main stress being in centrifugal pumps. Other components needed in a pumping process are dealt by presenting different control methods, use of an electric motor, variable speed drive and the distribution system. Last part of the theory is about industrial pumping processes from water distribution, sewage water and power plant applications, some of which are used further on in the empirical part as example cases. For the empirical part of this study four case studies on typical pumping processes from older Master’s these were selected. Firstly the original results were analyzed by studying the distribution of energy consumption between different system components and using the definition of BAT in pumping, possible ways to improve energy efficiency were evaluated. The goal in this study was that by the achieved results it would be possible to identify the characteristic energy consumption of these and similar pumping processes. Through this data it would then be easier to focus energy efficiency actions where they might be the most applicable, both technically and economically.
Energiapuun tuotannossa puu on hienonnettava kuljettimille ja kattilaan sopivaan kokoon. Tämä tehdään Suomessa yleensä joko metsätien varressa välivarastolla, keskitetyssä terminaalissa tai voimalaitoksella. Puu hienonnetaan joko terävillä terillä hakettamalla tai tylpemmillä työkaluilla murskaamalla. Hakkeessa on vähemmän käsittelyä haittaavia pitkiä tikkuja ja sen valmistamiseen tarvittava energia on hiukan pienempi kuin murskaimilla. Viimeksi mainitulla on merkitystä lähinnä karsittua puuta haketettaessa. Murskain puolestaan sallii enemmän epäpuhtauksia raaka-aineessa, joten esimerkiksi kantoja käsitellään vain murskaimilla. Tässä tarkastellaan erityisesti pienpuun haketuksen ja murskauksen kustannuksia. Pienpuuta saadaan nuoren metsän kunnostuksista ja ensiharvennuksista. Se voi olla joko karsimatonta kokopuuta tai karsittua rankaa. Kokonaiskustannukset pienpuun haketukselle tai murskaukselle ovat tämän tutkimuksen mukaan välivarastolla noin 3,4 euroa/MWh ja terminaalilla tai voimalaitoksella noin 2 euroa/MWh. Pääomakustannukset ovat pienpuulla tavallisesti 1-1,2 euroa/MWh, keskitetyllä terminaalilla toimittaessa noin kolmanneksen vähemmän, jos pääomalle asetetaan 10% tuottovaatimus. Työvoimakustannukset ovat 30-80 snt/MWh varaston ja laitteen koosta riippuen, käyttöenergia dieselmoottoria käytettäessä noin 50 snt/MWh, sähkömoottorilla noin 30 snt/MWh. Muut kulut, mm. huolto, ovat yhteensä 40-80 snt/MWh. Energiapuun hankinnan kokonaiskustannuksista raaka-aineen hienontamisen osuus on 10-30% puutavaran lajista ja käytetystä työmenetelmästä riippuen. Terminaaleilla ja voimalaitoksilla toimittaessa on usein kiinnitettävä huomiota melun- ja pölyntorjuntaan. Muun muassa näistä syistä saattaa kiinteä, sähkökäyttöinen murska olla sopiva sellaisiin kohteisiin, joissa käsiteltävät määrät ovat suuria ja toiminta pysyvää. Melun ja pölyn kunnollinen torjunta vaatii suuria rakenteita, joita on vaikea yhdistää liikuteltaviin laitteisiin.
Työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella sähkömoottoriprototyyppi, joka soveltuu hybridiajoneuvon ajomoottoriksi. Mekaniikkasuunnittelu toteutettiin samanaikaisesti sähkösuunnittelun kanssa ja siinä käytettiin yleisesti käytössä olevaa järjestelmällistä tuotesuunnittelua. Järjestelmällinen tuotesuunnittelu soveltuu laajoihin suunnitteluprojekteihin, sillä sen avulla suunnitteluprosessi on jaoteltu useampiin pieniin askeliin. Työssä esitetään sähkömoottorin yleistä toimintaperiaatetta sekä niitä sähköteknisiä erityispiirteitä, joita mekaniikkasuunnittelussa tulee ottaa huomioon. Työn tuloksissa käytiin yksityiskohtaisesti läpi roottorin suunnittelu. Muille komponenteille käytettiin samaa järjestelmällistä tuotesuunnittelua mutta niitä ei esitetä yksityiskohtaisesti tässä työssä. Kokonaisuudessaan sähkömoottorista saatiin suunniteltua ratkaisuehdotus, joka täyttää halutut vaatimukset. Lisäksi työssä kerättiin kattava lista standardeista, jotka tukevat sähkömoottorin suunnittelua. Järjestelmällisen tuotesuunnittelun todettiin soveltuvan sähkömoottorin suunnitteluun hyvin ja saatua ratkaisuehdotusta voidaan pitää toimivana. Moottori suunnitelmasta valmistetaan ensimmäinen prototyyppi keväällä 2012. Prototyyppiä voidaan kehittää suunnittelemalla siitä paremmin sarjatuotantoon soveltuva malli esimerkiksi vähentämällä koneistettavien osien määrää ja korvaamalla ne valukappaleilla.
Frequency converters are widely used in the industry to enable better controllability and efficiency of variable speed AC motor drives. Despite these advantages, certain challenges concerning the inverter and motor interfacing have been present for decades. As insulated gate bipolar transistors entered the market, the inverter output voltage transition rate significantly increased compared with their predecessors. Inverters operate based on pulse width modulation of the output voltage, and the steep voltage edge fed by the inverter produces a motor terminal overvoltage. The overvoltage causes extra stress to the motor insulation, which may lead to a prematuremotor failure. The overvoltage is not generated by the inverter alone, but also by the sum effect of the motor cable length and the impedance mismatch between the cable and the motor. Many solutions have been shown to limit the overvoltage, and the mainstream products focus on passive filters. This doctoral thesis studies an alternative methodology for motor overvoltage reduction. The focus is on minimization of the passive filter dimensions, physical and electrical, or better yet, on operation without any filter. This is achieved by additional inverter control and modulation. The studied methods are implemented on different inverter topologies, varying in nominal voltage and current.For two-level inverters, the studied method is termed active du/dt. It consists of a small output LC filter, which is controlled by an independent modulator. The overvoltage is limited by a reduced voltage transition rate. For multilevel inverters, an overvoltage mitigation method operating without a passive filter, called edge modulation, is implemented. The method uses the capability of the inverter to produce two switching operations in the same direction to cancel the oscillating voltages of opposite phases. For parallel inverters, two methods are studied. They are both intended for two-level inverters, but the first uses individual motor cables from each inverter while the other topology applies output inductors. The overvoltage is reduced by interleaving the switching operations to produce a similar oscillation accumulation as with the edge modulation. The implementation of these methods is discussed in detail, and the necessary modifications to the control system of the inverter are presented. Each method is experimentally verified by operating industrial frequency converters with the modified control. All the methods are found feasible, and they provide sufficient overvoltage protection. The limitations and challenges brought about by the methods are discussed.
Tämä kandityön aihe liittyy LUT Energialla lukuvuonna 2012 – 2013 käynnissä olevaan tutkimukseen, jossa tutkitaan sähkömoottorin laakerivirtojen syntyä. Tätä tutkimusta varten tarvittiin sähkömoottorin etäohjausjärjestelmä, jonka avulla tutkimuksessa käytettävän sähkömoottorin käyttäytymistä voitaisiin tutkia erilaisien käyttöprofiileiden funktiona. Tässä kandityössä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan edellä kuvattu järjestelmä. Toteutuksessa hyödynnetään nykyaikaista automaatiotekniikkaa, joka yhdessä Ethernet-lähiverkkotekniikan kanssa mahdollistaa etäohjauksen. Valmiin etäohjausjärjestelmän avulla käyttäjä pystyy sekä käynnistämään että sammuttamaan sähkömoottorin, ja määrittämään käyttöprofiilin ON- ja OFF-tilojen ajalliset kestot sekä käyntinopeudet.
Työn tavoitteena oli mallintaa maastotyökoneen ajomoottorin hybridisointiin soveltuvan napavaihteiston dynamiikka. Työ tehtiin osana Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimusprojektia, jonka tarkoituksena oli ajomoottorin ja integroidun napavaihteiston kaupallistaminen maastotyökoneisiin. Maastotyökoneena simulointimallissa käytettiin tyypillistä maataloustraktoria, johon kytkettiin vielä peräkärry. Traktorin renkaiden napaan oli kytketty ajomoottorina toimiva sähkömoottori, jonka sisään simuloitu napavaihteisto oli integroitu. Napavaihteiston dynamiikan mallintamiseen käytettiin monikappaledynamiikan simulointiohjelmistoa (Adams). Ohjelmalle määritettiin napavaihteiston komponenttien parametrit, joista voitiin simuloida vaihteiston dynaaminen käyttäytyminen. Simuloidusta mallista saatiin kytkimiin kohdistuvat voimat kytkentätilanteessa sekä sähkömoottorin väännön suunnanvaihtotilanteessa eri akselin pituuksilla, eri kytkinten nopeuseroilla, eri traktorin painoilla ja eri kuormilla ajettaessa. Mallissa simuloitiin myös sähkömoottorin käyttäytyminen vaihteenvaihtotilanteessa eri pyörimisnopeuden säätimen kertoimilla. Työssä huomattiin, että akselin mitoituksella voitiin vaikuttaa vaihteistossa ilmeneviin voimiin kytkimen kytkentähetkellä. Myös kytkimen hammastuksessa olevalla hammasvälyksellä voitiin vaikuttaa kytkimiin kohdistuviin voimiin suunnanvaihtotilanteissa. Vaihteistoon kohdistuvista voimista voidaan jatkossa suunnitella kytkimen ja akselin profiili, jotta vaihteisto kestää siihen kohdistuvat voimat.
Työssä tarkasteltiin sähköisiä tarkastusmenetelmiä oikosulkumoottorin ennaltaehkäisevälle kunnonvalvonnalle sekä näiden menetelmien toimivuutta eri vikojen havaitsemiseen. Työ to-teutettiin Porvoon Energian Tolkkisten voimalaitoksella ja se toimii samalla tarkastusohjeena työssä esitetyille tarkastusmenetelmille. Käytetyillä tarkastusmenetelmillä kyettiin havaitse-maan osa vioista ja niitä voidaan käyttää osana ennaltaehkäisevää kunnonvalvontaa. Kaikkia vikoja ei kuitenkaan työssä esitetyillä menetelmillä voitu havaita.
This master’s thesis has been done for Drive! –project in which a new electric motor solution for mobile working machines is developed. Generic simulation model will be used as marketing and development tool. It can be used to model a wide variety of different vehicles with and without electric motor and to show customer the difference between traditionally build vehicles and those with new electric motor solution. Customers can also use simulation model to research different solutions for their own vehicles. At the start of the project it was decided that MeVEA software would be used as main simulation program and Simulink will only be used to simulate the operation of electrical components. Development of the generic model started with the research of these two software applications, simulation models which are made with them and how these simulation models can be build faster. Best results were used for building of generic simulation model. Finished generic model can be used to produce new tractor models for real-time simulations in short notice. All information about model is collected to one datasheet which can be easily filled by the user. After datasheet is filled a script will automatically build new simulation model in seconds. At the moment generic model is capable of building simulation models for wide variety of different tractors but it can be easily altered for other vehicle types too which would also benefit greatly from electric drive solution. Those could be for example wheel loaders and harvesters.
Medium-voltage motor drives extend the power rating of AC motor drives in industrial applications. Multilevel converters are gaining an ever-stronger foothold in this field. This doctoral dissertation introduces a new topology to the family of modular multilevel converters: the modular double-cascade converter. The modularity of the converter is enabled by the application of multiwinding mediumfrequency isolation transformers. Owing to the innovative transformer link, the converter presents many advantageous properties at a concept level: modularity, high input and output power quality, small footprint, and wide variety of applications, among others. Further, the research demonstrates that the transformer link also plays a key role in the disadvantages of the topology. An extensive simulation study on the new converter is performed. The focus of the simulation study is on the development of control algorithms and the feasibility of the topology. In particular, the circuit and control concepts used in the grid interface, the coupling configurations of the load inverter, and the transformer link operation are thoroughly investigated. Experimental results provide proof-of-concept results on the operation principle of the converter. This work concludes a research collaboration project on multilevel converters between LUT and Vacon Plc. The project was active from 2009 until 2014.
The non-idealities in a rotor-bearing system may cause undesirable subcritical superharmonic resonances that occur when the rotating speed of the rotor is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. These resonances arise partly from the non-idealities of the bearings. This study introduces a novel simulation approach that can be used to study the superharmonic vibrations of rotor-bearing systems. The superharmonic vibrations of complex rotor-bearing systems can be studied in an accurate manner by combining a detailed rotor and bearing model in a multibody simulation approach. The research looks at the theoretical background of multibody formulations that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The multibody formulations currently in use are suitable for linear deformation analysis only. However, nonlinear formulation may arise in high-speed rotor dynamics applications due to the cenrrifugal stiffening effect. For this reason, finite element formulations that can describe nonlinear deformation are also introduced in this work. The description of the elastic forces in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation is studied and improved. A ball bearing model that includes localized and distributed defects is developed in this study. This bearing model could be used in rotor dynamics or multibody code as an interface elements between the rotor and the supporting structure. The model includes descriptions of the nonlinear Hertzian contact deformation and the elastohydrodynamic fluid film. The simulation approaches and models developed here are applied in the analysis of two example rotor-bearing systems. The first example is an electric motor supported by two ball bearings and the second is a roller test rig that consists of the tube roll of a paper machine supported by a hard-bearing-type balanceing machine. The simulation results are compared to the results available in literature as well as to those obtained by measuring the existing structure. In both practical examples, the comparison shows that the simulation model is capable of predicting the realistic responses of a rotor system. The simulation approaches developed in this work can be used in the analysis of the superharmonic vibrations of general rotor-bearing systems.
Increased rotational speed brings many advantages to an electric motor. One of the benefits is that when the desired power is generated at increased rotational speed, the torque demanded from the rotor decreases linearly, and as a consequence, a motor of smaller size can be used. Using a rotor with high rotational speed in a system with mechanical bearings can, however, create undesirable vibrations, and therefore active magnetic bearings (AMBs) are often considered a good option for the main bearings, as the rotor then has no mechanical contact with other parts of the system but levitates on the magnetic forces. On the other hand, such systems can experience overloading or a sudden shutdown of the electrical system, whereupon the magnetic field becomes extinct, and as a result of rotor delevitation, mechanical contact occurs. To manage such nonstandard operations, AMB-systems require mechanical touchdown bearings with an oversized bore diameter. The need for touchdown bearings seems to be one of the barriers preventing greater adoption of AMB technology, because in the event of an uncontrolled touchdown, failure may occur, for example, in the bearing’s cage or balls, or in the rotor. This dissertation consists of two parts: First, touchdown bearing misalignment in the contact event is studied. It is found that misalignment increases the likelihood of a potentially damaging whirling motion of the rotor. A model for analysis of the stresses occurring in the rotor is proposed. In the studies of misalignment and stresses, a flexible rotor using a finite element approach is applied. Simplified models of cageless and caged bearings are used for the description of touchdown bearings. The results indicate that an increase in misalignment can have a direct influence on the bending and shear stresses occurring in the rotor during the contact event. Thus, it was concluded that analysis of stresses arising in the contact event is essential to guarantee appropriate system dimensioning for possible contact events with misaligned touchdown bearings. One of the conclusions drawn from the first part of the study is that knowledge of the forces affecting the balls and cage of the touchdown bearings can enable a more reliable estimation of the service life of the bearing. Therefore, the second part of the dissertation investigates the forces occurring in the cage and balls of touchdown bearings and introduces two detailed models of touchdown bearings in which all bearing parts are modelled as independent bodies. Two multibody-based two-dimensional models of touchdown bearings are introduced for dynamic analysis of the contact event. All parts of the bearings are modelled with geometrical surfaces, and the bodies interact with each other through elastic contact forces. To assist in identification of the forces affecting the balls and cage in the contact event, the first model describes a touchdown bearing without a cage, and the second model describes a touchdown bearing with a cage. The introduced models are compared with the simplified models used in the first part of the dissertation through parametric study. Damages to the rotor, cage and balls are some of the main reasons for failures of AMB-systems. The stresses in the rotor in the contact event are defined in this work. Furthermore, the forces affecting key bodies of the bearings, cage and balls can be studied using the models of touchdown bearings introduced in this dissertation. Knowledge obtained from the introduced models is valuable since it can enable an optimum structure for a rotor and touchdown bearings to be designed.
Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana
Electric motors driven by adjustable-frequency converters may produce periodic excitation forces that can cause torque and speed ripple. Interaction with the driven mechanical system may cause undesirable vibrations that affect the system performance and lifetime. Direct drives in sensitive applications, such as elevators or paper machines, emphasize the importance of smooth torque production. This thesis analyses the non-idealities of frequencyconverters that produce speed and torque ripple in electric drives. The origin of low order harmonics in speed and torque is examined. It is shown how different current measurement error types affect the torque. As the application environment, direct torque control (DTC) method is applied to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). A simulation model to analyse the effect of the frequency converter non-idealities on the performance of the electric drives is created. Themodel enables to identify potential problems causing torque vibrations and possibly damaging oscillations in electrically driven machine systems. The model is capable of coupling with separate simulation software of complex mechanical loads. Furthermore, the simulation model of the frequency converter's control algorithm can be applied to control a real frequency converter. A commercial frequencyconverter with standard software, a permanent magnet axial flux synchronous motor and a DC motor as the load are used to detect the effect of current measurement errors on load torque. A method to reduce the speed and torque ripple by compensating the current measurement errors is introduced. The method is based on analysing the amplitude of a selected harmonic component of speed as a function oftime and selecting a suitable compensation alternative for the current error. The speed can be either measured or estimated, so the compensation method is applicable also for speed sensorless drives. The proposed compensation method is tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of commercial frequency converter hardware with self-made software and a prototype PMSM. The speed and torque rippleof the test drive are reduced by applying the compensation method. In addition to the direct torque controlled PMSM drives, the compensation method can also beapplied to other motor types and control methods.
The two central goals of this master's thesis are to serve as a guidebook on the determination of uncertainty in efficiency measurements and to investigate sources of uncertainty in efficiency measurements in the field of electric drives by a literature review, mathematical modeling and experimental means. The influence of individual sources of uncertainty on the total instrumental uncertainty is investigated with the help of mathematical models derived for a balance and a direct air cooled calorimeter. The losses of a frequency converter and an induction motor are measured with the input-output method and a balance calorimeter at 50 and 100 % loads. A software linking features of Matlab and Excel is created to process measurement data, calculate uncertainties and to calculate and visualize results. The uncertainties are combined with both the worst case and the realistic perturbation method and distributions of uncertainty by source are shown based on experimental results. A comparison of the calculated uncertainties suggests that the balance calorimeter determines losses more accurately than the input-output method with a relative RPM uncertainty of 1.46 % compared to 3.78 - 12.74 % respectively with 95 % level of confidence at the 93 % induction motor efficiency or higher. As some principles in uncertainty analysis are open to interpretation the views and decisions of the analyst can have noticeable influence on the uncertainty in the measurement result.