993 resultados para Vakimo, Sinikka: Paljon kokeva, vähän näkyvä
Summary: Salmonella in Finland : overview
The objective of this master’s thesis was to examine how corporate values come true among the white-collar employees in the case organization. It was also studied if values were perceived similarly in the different departments. Impact of organizational position and education on value orientation was tested through hypotheses based on earlier values research. There are only few value scales available for measuring organizational values. The empirical study results indicate that personnel’s perception of organizational values can be measured statistically. When defining the scale it is utmost important to link the questions and claims close to the employees’ daily working environment. In this study, Work ethic appeared as the strongest organizational value reflecting respondents’ commitment to their duties. Related to corporate values, Performance was perceived as the strongest value and Emphasis on people the weakest. Value consensus between the departments varied. According to the previous research organizational position and educational level has an impact on value perceptions. In this study, employees in superior position or with higher education perceived organizational values to come true better than subordinates or employees with lower education. Empirical data (N=229) was collected by a web-based survey questionnaire among white-collar employees in the case organization in April 2008. Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS programme.
Better models are needed for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. If the process is known better, combustion in the furnace can be optimized to produce low emissions. It makes the process to be environmental friendly. Furthermore, if there is a better model of the furnace it can more fully explain what is happening inside the furnace. Using of the model one can quickly and easily analyze how it operates with bio fuels, moist fuels or difficult fuels and improve the operation. Models helps with better estimation of furnace dimensions and result in more accurate understanding of operation. Key component lacking in these models is radiative heat transfer in particle laden gases. If there are no particles than radiative heat transfer can be calculated approximately. There are two problems with current models when used with flow modeling. The first one is a need to account for a particle laden gas and the second one is an absence of a fast algorithm. Fast calculation is needed if radiative heat transfer calculation is done for a large CDF model. Computations slow down if time is required for calculating radiative properties over and over again. This thesis presents a band model for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. Advantage is a quickness of calculation and account of particles in the process.
Väylävirastojen hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessien sovittaminen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään
Tiehallinto ja Ratahallintokeskus (väylävirastot) ovat hankkineet yhteisen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän. Työn tavoitteena on kuvata väylävirastojen hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessit ja selvittää, onko väylävirastoille löydettävissä Sampo-järjestelmään yhtenäiset toimintamallit prosesseille, sekä määrittää virastoille yhteinen sanasto. Lisäksi työn tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia menetelmiä ja malleja on olemassa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönottoprojektin läpiviemiseksi. Teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmiä ja niiden käyttöönottoprosessimalleja sekä prosesseja ja niiden kuvaamista. Empiriaosuuden alussa tarkastellaan toteutus- ja käyttöönottoprojektin etenemistä teoriassa esitetyn mallin mukaisesti. Työssä kuvataan hankkeen ja hankesalkun hallintaprosessien nykytila, tavoitetila sekä järjestelmään sovittaminen. Väylävirastot löysivät yhtenäisen tavoitetilan. Prosessien sovittaminen järjestelmään on vielä kesken. Kesällä 2008 näytti siltä, että väylävirastojen yhtenäiset tavoitetilan prosessit saadaan sovitettua pienillä muutoksilla järjestelmään. Järjestelmä tuo toimintaan paljon muutoksia ja vaikutuksia. Kevään aikana yhtenäisen sanaston tärkeys korostui.
The strength properties of paper coating layer are very important in converting and printing operations. Too great or low strength of the coating can affect several problems in printing. One of the problems caused by the strength of coating is the cracking at the fold. After printing the paper is folded to final form and the pages are stapled together. In folding the paper coating can crack causing aesthetic damage over printed image or in the worst case the centre sheet can fall off in stapling. When folding the paper other side undergoes tensile stresses and the other side compressive stresses. If the difference between these stresses is too high, the coating can crack on the folding. To better predict and prevent cracking at the fold it is good to know the strength properties of coating layer. It has measured earlier the tensile strength of coating layer but not the compressive strength. In this study it was tried to find some way to measure the compressive strength of the coating layer and investigate how different coatings behave in compression. It was used the short span crush test, which is used to measure the in-plane compressive strength of paperboards, to measure the compressive strength of the coating layer. In this method the free span of the specimen is very small which prevent buckling. It was measured the compressive strength of free coating films as well as coated paper. It was also measured the tensile strength and the Bendtsen air permeance of the coating film. The results showed that the shape of pigment has a great effect to the strength of coating. Platy pigment gave much better strength than round or needle-like pigment. On the other hand calcined kaolin, which is also platy but the particles are aggregated, decreased the strength substantially. The difference in the strength can be explained with packing of the particles which is affecting to the porosity and thus to the strength. The platy kaolin packs up much better than others and creates less porous structure. The results also showed that the binder properties have a great effect to the compressive strength of coating layer. The amount of latex and the glass transition temperature, Tg, affect to the strength. As the amount of latex is increasing, the strength of coating is increasing also. Larger amount of latex is binding the pigment particles better together and decreasing the porosity. Compressive strength was increasing when the Tg was increasing because the hard latex gives a stiffer and less elastic film than soft latex.