730 resultados para naisen asema - Venäjä - 1990-luku


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka tilintarkastajista tilintarkastuslautakunnalle tehdyt kantelut ovat muuttuneet vuosien 1990–2000 ja 2001–2006 aikana. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ovatko kansainvälistymisen aiheuttamat muutokset tilintarkastusta säätelevissä laeissa johtaneet kanteluiden määrälliseen tai laadulliseen muutokseen. Teoreettinen osa tarkastelee tilintarkastusta lainsäädännöllisesti sekä TILA:n tehtäviä tilintarkastusta valvovana elimenä. Empiirinen osa tutkii TILA:lle tehtyjen kanteluiden ratkaisuselosteita vuosien 1990–2000 ja 2001–2006 välillä. Kanteluita tutkitaan sekä määrällisesti että laadullisesti. Tulokset osoittavat että kanteluiden määrässä on tapahtunut muutos; vuosina 2001–2006 kanteluiden määrä on selvästi laskenut. Kanteluiden laadussa, kun sillä käsitetään kanteluiden syy sekä epäilyksen alainen toiminta, ei ole tapahtunut muutosta mutta sanktioiden jakaantumisessa eri toiminnan mukaan puolestaan on tapahtunut muutosta.


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Kartoituksessa mukana kasvatustieteen kaikki Tamcat-tietokantaan luetteloidut kokoelmat yliopiston kirjastossa; aihealueen hankintavastuu on Humanistis-kasvatustieteellisen osaston toimipaikoilla (Humanika ja Hämeenlinnan yksikkö). Kokoelmat kartoitettiin lukuunottamatta kurssikirjoja. Hämeenlinnan yksikössä on laajat kasvatustieteen ja didaktiikan monogratiakokoelmat (16060 nimekettä). Humanikan kokoelmassa (23120) painopistealueina ylin opetus (7108 nimekettä), opetussuunnitelmat ja didaktiikka (3523 nimekettä). Aikuiskasvatuksella (1689 nimekettä) historiallisesti tärkeä asema yliopistossa. Kokoelman pääkielet ovat suomi 46,6% ja englanti 34,8%. Julkaisuvuoden moodi molemmissa kokoelmissa 1980-1989 (29,5 %). Kokoelmasta 61 % julkaistu 1989 tai sitä ennen. Humanikan kokoelmasta oli 6.11.06 lainassa 14 % ja Hämeenlinnan yksikössä n. 10 %. Humanikan kokoelman nimekkeitä lainattu keskimäärin 2,16 kertaa (1991 jälkeen); Hämeenlinnan 1,57 kertaa. Hämeenlinnan yksikössä lainassa olevista didaktiikan kirjoista on 48 % v. 2000 jälkeen painettuja, vastaava luku Humanikassa on 37%. Humanikassa n. 550 nimekettä (pain. ennen v. 1960) on vain korttiluettelossa. Kokoelma sisältää kirjoja ja kausijulkaisuja, painopisten on painetussa aineistossa. Kokoelmaan hankitaan aineistoa kokoelmien kehittämisohjelman mukaisesti tutkimustasolla ja elektronista aineistoa priorisoiden. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan tehtävänä on tutkia elinikäistä oppimista ja koulutusta ja tarjota siihen pohjautuvaa ylintä opetusta. Opetusalat: aikuiskasvatus (Suomen vanhin professuuri), kasvatustiede, varhaiskasvatus, aineenopettajankoulutus ja luokanopettajankoulutus. Laitokset: Kasvatustieteiden laitos, Tampereen yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos Tampereella ja Hämeenlinnassa. Hämeenlinnassa on kasvatustieteiden laitokseen kuuluva Ammattikasvatuksen tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus, joka tuottaa myös tutkintoja.Tiedekunnan tutkinnot tohtorin, lisensiaatin ja maisterin tutkintojen lisäksi lastentarhanopettajan tutkinto. Opiskelijamäärä v. 2005 oli 1507 ( 9.5% kaikista); opettajamäärä 62 (3,4%).Tampereen opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Varhaiskasvatuksen yksikkö pitää yllä omaa laitoskirjastoa.


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Academic Career Paths. The early career phases of generalists in the fields of humanities, social science and education in the 1980’s and 1990’s This doctoral thesis analyses how generalist graduates of master’s degree have attached to the labour market in two different time periods, and how their career paths in the first eight years following graduation have shaped up. The thesis also analyses the channels of employment through which the generalists have got employed in their early career path. By generalists I am referring to graduates of studies in academic fields which have not qualified the person in a specific profession but rather offered a more general readiness for working life. I address two groups of generalist master’s degree graduates of The University of Turku; one including graduates of the year 1985 and the other consisting of graduates of 1995. All subjects have graduated in the field of humanities, social studies or education. 71 respondents from the group of 1985 and 80 respondents from the group of 1995 answered a survey, which provided the data for the thesis. I interpret the data through the theoretical approaches of changing working life, model of normal employment, transitional labour markets, linear life path, overlapping life courses, hidden labour market and social capital. The conclusion of the thesis is that societal era is connected with employment and career paths of academic generalists. Between the two groups there were differences especially in attachment to labor market, in forms of employment (permanent full-time job vs. temporary job) and in employment channels. Compared to the situation the 1985 group had been in after their graduation, the 1995 group - after getting their degree - became more often unemployed and/or employed in duties below their level of education. Their mobility was also greater and their contracts were often temporary, whereas the graduates of 1985 had been employed in more permanent positions. I demonstrate that the career paths of generalists can be categorized in five career types: steady state, transitory, linear, unsteady and diverging career. Graduates of 1985 have been treading on more stable paths than the latter group. The channels of employment they used were roughly equally divided between formal (e.g. newspaper advertisement and employment office) and informal (e.g. personal contacts and unprompted search for work) channels, whereas amongst the 1995 group employment happened through more varied channels and mostly through informal channels. Regardless of their year of graduation the generalists’ careers had begun to evolve already while they were still in the university and had started working at the same time. The thesis displays how the model of normal employment has weakened and career paths have become unsteady as a consequence of temporary positions. What is also evident in employment when turning from the 1980’s towards the succeeding decade is the rise of significance of the hidden labour market and social capital.


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The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.


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Pariisi. RER-juna liikkuu asemalta toiselle, taustalla puheensorinaa.


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Artikkelissa esitellään aikuisten lukemaan opettamisen lähestymistapa REFLECT, jota sovelletaan lähinnä kehitysmaissa.


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