54 resultados para potassium current


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Fuel cells are a promising alternative for clean and efficient energy production. A fuel cell is probably the most demanding of all distributed generation power sources. It resembles a solar cell in many ways, but sets strict limits to current ripple, common mode voltages and load variations. The typically low output voltage from the fuel cell stack needs to be boosted to a higher voltage level for grid interfacing. Due to the high electrical efficiency of the fuel cell, there is a need for high efficiency power converters, and in the case of low voltage, high current and galvanic isolation, the implementation of such converters is not a trivial task. This thesis presents galvanically isolated DC-DC converter topologies that have favorable characteristics for fuel cell usage and reviews the topologies from the viewpoint of electrical efficiency and cost efficiency. The focus is on evaluating the design issues when considering a single converter module having large current stresses. The dominating loss mechanism in low voltage, high current applications is conduction losses. In the case of MOSFETs, the conduction losses can be efficiently reduced by paralleling, but in the case of diodes, the effectiveness of paralleling depends strongly on the semiconductor material, diode parameters and output configuration. The transformer winding losses can be a major source of losses if the windings are not optimized according to the topology and the operating conditions. Transformer prototyping can be expensive and time consuming, and thus it is preferable to utilize various calculation methods during the design process in order to evaluate the performance of the transformer. This thesis reviews calculation methods for solid wire, litz wire and copper foil winding losses, and in order to evaluate the applicability of the methods, the calculations are compared against measurements and FEM simulations. By selecting a proper calculation method for each winding type, the winding losses can be predicted quite accurately before actually constructing the transformer. The transformer leakage inductance, the amount of which can also be calculated with reasonable accuracy, has a significant impact on the semiconductor switching losses. Therefore, the leakage inductance effects should also be taken into account when considering the overall efficiency of the converter. It is demonstrated in this thesis that although there are some distinctive differences in the loss distributions between the converter topologies, the differences in the overall efficiency can remain within a range of a few percentage points. However, the optimization effort required in order to achieve the high efficiencies is quite different in each topology. In the presence of practical constraints such as manufacturing complexity or cost, the question of topology selection can become crucial.


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The aim of this report is to describe the current status of the waste-to-energy chain in the province of Northern Savonia in Finland. This work is part of the Baltic Sea Region Programme project Remowe-Regional Mobilizing of Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Production (2009-2012). Partnering regions across Baltic Sea countries have parallelly investigated the current status, bottle-necks and needs for development in their regions. Information about the current status is crucial for the further work within the Remowe project, e.g. in investigating the possible future status in target regions. Ultimate result from the Northern Savonia point of view will be a regional model which utilizes all available information and facilitates decision-making concerning energy utilization of waste. The report contains information on among others: - waste management system (sources, amounts, infrastructure) - energy system (use, supply, infrastructure) - administrative structure and legislation - actors and stakeholders in the waste-to-energy field, including interest and development ideas The current status of the regions will be compared in a separate Remowe report, with the focus on finding best practices that could be transferred among the regions. In this report, the current status has been defined as 2006-2009. In 2009, the municipal waste amount per capita was 479 kg/inhabitant in Finland. Industrial waste amounted 3550 kg/inhabitant, respectively. The potential bioenergy from biodegradable waste amounts 1 MWh/inhabitant in Northern Savonia. This figure includes animal manure, crops that would be suitable for energy use, sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants and separately collected biowaste. A key strategy influencing also to Remowe work is the waste plan for Eastern Finland. Currently there operate two digestion plants in Northern Savonia: Lehtoniemi municipal sewage treatment sludge digestion plant of Kuopion Vesi and the farm-scale research biogas plant of Agrifood Research Finland in Maaninka. Moreover, landfill gas is collected to energy use from Heinälamminrinne waste management centre and Silmäsuo closed landfill site, both belonging to Jätekukko Oy. Currently there is no thermal utilization of waste in Northern Savonia region. However, Jätekukko Oy is pretreating mixed waste and delivering refuse derived fuel (RDF) to Southern Finland to combustion. There is a strong willingness among seven regional waste management companies in Eastern Finland to build a waste incineration plant to Riikinneva waste management centre near city of Varkaus. The plant would use circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler. This would been a clear boost in waste-to-energy utilization in Northern Savonia and in many surrounding regions.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013


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Inhibition of global warming has become one of the major goals for the coming decades. A key strategy is to replace fossil fuels with more sustainable fuels, which has generated growing interest in the use of waste-derived fuels and of biomass fuels. However, from the chemical point of view, biomass is an inhomogeneous fuel, usually with a high concentration of water and considerable amounts of potassium and chlorine, all of which are known to affect the durability of superheater tubes. To slow down or reduce corrosion, power plants using biomass as fuel have been forced to operate at lower steam temperatures as compared to fossil fuel power plants. This reduces power production efficiency: every 10°C rise in the steam temperature results in an approximate increase of 2% in power production efficiency. More efficient ways to prevent corrosion are needed so that power plants using biomass and waste-derived fuels can operate at higher steam temperatures. The aim of this work was to shed more light on the alkali-induced corrosion of superheater steels at elevated temperatures, focusing on potassium chloride, the alkali salt most frequently encountered in biomass combustion, and on potassium carbonate, another potassium salt occasionally found in fly ash. The mechanisms of the reactions between various corrosive compounds and steels were investigated. Based on the results, the potassium-induced accelerated oxidation of chromia protected steels appears to occur in two consecutive stages. In the first, the protective chromium oxide layer is destroyed through a reaction with potassium leading to the formation of intermediates such as potassium chromate (K2CrO4) and depleting the chromium in the protective oxide layer. As the chromium is depleted, chromium from the bulk steel diffuses into the oxide layer to replenish it. In this stage, the ability of the material to withstand corrosion depends on the chromium content (which affects how long it takes the chromium in the oxide layer to be depleted) and on external factors such as temperature (which affects how fast the chromium diffuses into the protective oxide from the bulk steel). For accelerated oxidation to continue, the presence of chloride appears to be essential.


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Nowadays advanced simulation technologies of semiconductor devices occupies an important place in microelectronics production process. Simulation helps to understand devices internal processes physics, detect new effects and find directions for optimization. Computer calculation reduces manufacturing costs and time. Modern simulation suits such as Silcaco TCAD allow simulating not only individual semiconductor structures, but also these structures in the circuit. For that purpose TCAD include MixedMode tool. That tool can simulate circuits using compact circuit models including semiconductor structures with their physical models. In this work, MixedMode is used for simulating transient current technique setup, which include detector and supporting electrical circuit. This technique was developed by RD39 collaboration project for investigation radiation detectors radiation hard properties.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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In this thesis, the main point of interest is the robust control of a DC/DC converter. The use of reactive components in the power conversion gives rise to dynamical effects in DC/DC converters and the dynamical effects of the converter mandates the use of active control. Active control uses measurements from the converter to correct errors present in the converter’s output. The controller needs to be able to perform in the presence of varying component values and different kinds of disturbances in loading and noises in measurements. Such a feature in control design is referred as robustness. This thesis also contains survey of general properties of DC/DC converters and their effects on control design. In this thesis, a linear robust control design method is studied. A robust controller is then designed and applied to the current control of a phase shifted full bridge converter. The experimental results are shown to match simulations.


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Parallel-connected photovoltaic inverters are required in large solar plants where it is not economically or technically reasonable to use a single inverter. Currently, parallel inverters require individual isolating transformers to cut the path for the circulating current. In this doctoral dissertation, the problem is approached by attempting to minimize the generated circulating current. The circulating current is a function of the generated common-mode voltages of the parallel inverters and can be minimized by synchronizing the inverters. The synchronization has previously been achieved by a communication link. However, in photovoltaic systems the inverters may be located far apart from each other. Thus, a control free of communication is desired. It is shown in this doctoral dissertation that the circulating current can also be obtained by a common-mode voltage measurement. A control method based on a short-time switching frequency transition is developed and tested with an actual photovoltaic environment of two parallel inverters connected to two 5 kW solar arrays. Controls based on the measurement of the circulating current and the common-mode voltage are generated and tested. A communication-free method of controlling the circulating current between parallelconnected inverters is developed and verified.


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The most common reason for a low-voltage induction motor breakdown is a bearing failure. Along with the increasing popularity of modern frequency converters, bearing failures have become the most important motor fault type. Conditions in which bearing currents are likely to occur are generated as a side effect of fast du/dt switching transients. Once present, different types of bearing currents can accelerate the mechanical wear of bearings by causing deformation of metal parts in the bearing and degradation of the lubricating oil properties.The bearing current phenomena are well known, and several bearing current measurement and mitigation methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, in order to develop more feasible methods to measure and mitigate bearing currents, better knowledge of the phenomena is required. When mechanical wear is caused by bearing currents, the resulting aging impact has to be monitored and dealt with. Moreover, because of the stepwise aging mechanism, periodically executed condition monitoring measurements have been found ineffective. Thus, there is a need for feasible bearing current measurement methods that can be applied in parallel with the normal operation of series production drive systems. In order to reach the objectives of feasibility and applicability, nonintrusive measurement methods are preferred. In this doctoral dissertation, the characteristics and conditions of bearings that are related to the occurrence of different kinds of bearing currents are studied. Further, the study introduces some nonintrusive radio-frequency-signal-based approaches to detect and measure parameters that are associated with the accelerated bearing wear caused by bearing currents.


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Tässä työssä perehdytään korkeasti kuormitettujen soodakattiloiden tyypillisiin ongelmiin. Ongelmia ovat likaantuminen ja tukkeutuminen sekä liialliset päästöt. Työn teoriaosassa esitetään taustat likaantumiselle ja päästöjen muodostumiselle. Molemmat johtuvat suurelta osin tulipesän huonosta toiminnasta. Soodakattilan ilmajärjestelmä ja mustalipeän ruiskutus vaikuttavat tulipesän toimintaan. Usein tulipesän toimintaa voidaan parantaa ilmajärjestelmän ja lipeänruiskutuksen säätöjä muuttamalla. Suurempi muutos tulipesän toimintaan saadaan uusimalla perinteinen sekundääri-ilmajärjestelmä vertikaali-ilmajärjestelmäksi. Nykyaikainen vertikaali-ilmajärjestelmä sekoittaa savukaasut tehokkaasti ja saa aikaan tasaisemman virtauksen tulipesään. Myös mustalipeän korkea kloori- ja kaliumpitoisuus voivat aiheuttaa lämpöpintojen likaantumista. Oikea nuohointen sijainti on tärkeä tekijä kattilan puhtaana pysymisen kannalta. Työn kokeellisessa osassa selvitetään, kuinka erään eukalyptussellutehtaan korkeasti kuormitetun soodakattilan käytettävyyttä voidaan parantaa ja kapasiteettia nostaa soodakattilan toimintaa virittämällä. Kattilan nykyinen ajomalli ja ongelmat selvitettiin. Tulipesän toimintaa testattiin muuttamalla ilmajakoa primääri-, sekundääri- ja tertiääri-ilman välillä ja muuttamalla sekundääri-ilman syöttöä tulipesään. Testien ja kerätyn tiedon perusteella voitiin päätellä, miten soodakattilaa kannattaa modernisoida kapasiteetin nostamiseksi ja käytettävyyden parantamiseksi. Usein tulipesän toimintaa ja käytettävyyttä voidaan parantaa paljon jo pienilläkin muutostöillä. Kapasiteetin nostaminen vaatii tavallisesti suuremman investoinnin ja pidennetyn vuosihuoltoseisokin.


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Leijukerroslämmönsiirtimien, eli hiekanpalautuspolvessa sijaitsevien tulistimien tukkeutuminen on ollut Kaukaan Voima Oy:n biovoimalaitoksen suunnittelemattomien seisokkien suurin syy vuodesta 2012 lähtien. Tulistimet tukkeutuvat kahdella tavalla. Nopeassa tukkeutumisessa tulistinkammion seinien kuonakerrostumat romahtavat yhtäkkiä tulistimen päälle tukkien sen. Tämä johtaa aina koko laitoksen alasajoon. Hitaassa tukkeutumisessa tulistinputkien pinnalle muodostuu vähitellen kerrostuma sekä tulistinputkien väliin jää suurempia kappaleita, jotka tukkivat tulistinta. Nopea tukkeutuminen johtuu tuhkassa olevien alkali-, eli kalium- ja natriumyhdisteiden synnyttämistä kerrostumista lämmönsiirrinkammion seinille. Hidas tukkeutuminen johtuu osittain myös alkaliyhdisteistä, mutta merkittävämpi aine tulistinputkien pinnalla olevassa kerrostumissa näyttää olevan kalsiumsulfaatti, joka tukkii tulistinta. Palavan aineen pääsy tulistinkammioon ilmanjakoasetuksista ja tulistinkammion rakenteesta johtuen aiheuttaa kerrostumien syntymisen. Kerrostumien syntymiseen johtavat syyt johtuvat monesta tekijästä ja yksiselitteistä aiheuttajaa on vaikea määritellä. Selvin yhteys on lietteen epätasaisessa poltossa ja turpeen käytössä. Nykyisillä lietteenkäsittelylaitteilla lietteen tasainen syöttö on vaikeaa ja se aiheuttaa ongelmia. Turpeen poltto biopolttoaineiden rinnalla pitää tulistimet puhtaampina. Muita todennäköisiä kerrostumia lisääviä syitä ovat puhtaan hiekan vähäinen syöttömäärä ja usean huonomman polttoaineen yhtäaikainen poltto.


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This paper introduces an important source of torque ripple in PMSMs with tooth-coil windings (TC-PMSMs). It is theoretically proven that saturation and cross-saturation phenomena caused by the non-synchronous harmonics of the stator current linkage cause a synchronous inductance variation with a particular periodicity. This, in turn, determines the magnitude of the torque ripple and can also deteriorate the performance of signal-injection-based rotor position estimation algorithms. An improved dq- inductance model is proposed. It can be used in torque ripple reduction control schemes and can enhance the self-sensing capabilities of TC-PMSMs


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Ontology matching is an important task when data from multiple data sources is integrated. Problems of ontology matching have been studied widely in the researchliterature and many different solutions and approaches have been proposed alsoin commercial software tools. In this survey, well-known approaches of ontologymatching, and its subtype schema matching, are reviewed and compared. The aimof this report is to summarize the knowledge about the state-of-the-art solutionsfrom the research literature, discuss how the methods work on different application domains, and analyze pros and cons of different open source and academic tools inthe commercial world.