49 resultados para Timber elements joints


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of price and advertising on brand equity. The dimensionality of brand equity is thoroughly examined, and the effect price, price deals, perceived advertising spending and advertising appeal have on the dimensions of brand equity are analyzed using multiple regression analysis as well as other supporting analyses. Price and advertising are found to be of great importance to brand equity. Arguably the most influential finding is the strong positive effect low prices – an integral brand element – have on the case company brand equity, even though a negative effect was hypothesized based on prior research. The results also support separating advertising appeal from perceived advertising spending, as well as linking service quality as part of the overall perceived quality in the context of service-intensive firms.


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Den viktigaste råvaran i papperstillverkning är pappersmassa. Massan innehåller (ved)fibrer men också finmaterial och andra typers (ved)celler, så som kärlceller. Hur dessa komponenter beter sig under arkformationen i pappersmaskinen eller hur de bidrar till egenskaperna hos det färdiga pappret avgörs till stor del av massakomponenternas ytkemiska sammansättning, fysiska struktur och mängden joniserbara grupper på ytan. I denna avhandling studerades ytegenskaperna hos fraktionerade kemiska massor och returfibermassor med avancerade analystekniker. Rester av avfärgningskemikalier identifierades på både returfibrer och på kärlceller. Dessa kan påverka arkformationen och arkstyrkan på returfiberpapper. Kärlcellernas cellväggsstruktur visade sig skilja sig från fibrernas. Resultaten kan främja utvecklingen av returfiberprosessen och användningen av kärlcellsrika lövvedsmassor.


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The thesis is related to the topic of image-based characterization of fibers in pulp suspension during the papermaking process. Papermaking industry is focusing on process control optimization and automatization, which makes it possible to manufacture highquality products in a resource-efficient way. Being a part of the process control, pulp suspension analysis allows to predict and modify properties of the end product. This work is a part of the tree species identification task and focuses on analysis of fiber parameters in the pulp suspension at the wet stage of paper production. The existing machine vision methods for pulp characterization were investigated, and a method exploiting direction sensitive filtering, non-maximum suppression, hysteresis thresholding, tensor voting, and curve extraction from tensor maps was developed. Application of the method to the microscopic grayscale pulp images made it possible to detect curves corresponding to fibers in the pulp image and to compute their morphological characteristics. Performance of the method was evaluated based on the manually produced ground truth data. An accuracy of fiber characteristics estimation, including length, width, and curvature, for the acacia pulp images was found to be 84, 85, and 60% correspondingly.


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Growing demand for stainless steel construction materials has increased the popularity of substitutive materials for austenitic stainless steels. The lean duplex grades have taken their place in building of structures exposed to corrosive environments. Since the duplex grades are relatively new materials, the current codes and norms do not fully cover the newest duplex grades. The joints tested in this thesis were designed and studied according to Eurocode 3, even though all the materials are not yet accepted to the standards. The main objective in this thesis was to determine the differences of the used materials in behaviour under loading at low temperatures. Tests in which the deformation and strength properties of the joints were determined were done at the temperature of -46°C, which is the requirement of temperature for structures designed according to Norsok standards. Results show that replacing the austenitic grade with the lean duplex grade is acceptable.


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Putkipalkkiliitosten käyttäminen offshore-teollisuuden rakennusten tukirakenteissa on erittäin yleistä. Liitosten valmistaminen on hankalaa ja hidasta. Hyvin usein tukirakenteiden putkipalkkiliitokset joudutaan hitsaamaan manuaalisesti tukirakenteen suuren koon vuoksi. Tukirakenteen uudella valmistustavalla, jossa rakenne kootaan pienemmistä osista, voidaan putkipalkkiliitosten valmistaminen ja hitsaaminen automatisoida. Robottihitsausasema sekä sen käyttöliittymä ja ohjelmisto todettiin toimivaksi ratkaisuksi putkipalkkiliitosten hitsaamiseen. Automaatiosuunnitteluun liittyy monia eri vaiheita, joiden huolellinen läpikäynti takaa todenmukaisemman konseptiratkaisun. Konseptiratkaisu kehittyy samalla, kun laitteistoja ja layoutia muokataan valmiimmiksi. Automaatiosuunnittelun aikana pyritään löytämään oikea taso automaatiolle. Valittu automaation taso vaikuttaa tuotannon tuottavuuteen, läpimenoaikaan ja joustavuuteen. Automaation määrällä vaikutetaan myös ihmisen tekemän työn määrään ja työnkuvaan. Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin Pemamek Oy:lle hitsausautomaatioratkaisuja putkimaisille kappaleille. Putkiston osia valmistavan tehtaan hitsaus- ja tuotantoautomaation konseptiratkaisua tarkasteltiin esimerkkitapauksen muodossa, jolla kuvattiin, kuinka automaatiojärjestelmä voidaan suunnitella konseptitasolle. Toinen hitsausautomaatioratkaisu, joka tässä työssä kehitettiin, on robottihitsausasema käyttöliittymineen putkipalkkiliitoksen hitsaamiseen.


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The absolute nodal coordinate formulation was originally developed for the analysis of structures undergoing large rotations and deformations. This dissertation proposes several enhancements to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation based finite beam and plate elements. The main scientific contribution of this thesis relies on the development of elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation that do not suffer from commonly known numerical locking phenomena. These elements can be used in the future in a number of practical applications, for example, analysis of biomechanical soft tissues. This study presents several higher-order Euler–Bernoulli beam elements, a simple method to alleviate Poisson’s and transverse shear locking in gradient deficient plate elements, and a nearly locking free gradient deficient plate element. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation based gradient deficient plate elements developed in this dissertation describe most of the common numerical locking phenomena encountered in the formulation of a continuum mechanics based description of elastic energy. Thus, with these fairly straightforwardly formulated elements that are comprised only of the position and transverse direction gradient degrees of freedom, the pathologies and remedies for the numerical locking phenomena are presented in a clear and understandable manner. The analysis of the Euler–Bernoulli beam elements developed in this study show that the choice of higher gradient degrees of freedom as nodal degrees of freedom leads to a smoother strain field. This improves the rate of convergence.


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The objectives of this work were synthesizing an EDTA-β-CD adsorbent and investigating its adsorption potential and applications in preconcentration of REEs from aqueous phase. The adsorption capacity of EDTA-β-CD was investigated. The adsorption studies were performed by batch techniques both in one- and multi-component systems. The effects of pH, contact time and initial concentration were evaluated. The analytical detection methods and characterization methods were presented. EDTA-β-CD adsorbent was synthesized successfully with high EDTA coverage. The maximum REEs uptake was 0.310 mmol g-1 for La(III), 0.337 mmol g-1 for Ce(III) and 0.353 mmol g-1 for Eu(III), respectively. The kinetics of REEs onto EDTA-β-CD fitted well to pseudo-second-order model and the adsorption rate was affected by intra-particle diffusion. The experimental data of one component studies fitted to Langmuir isotherm model indicating the homogeneous surface of the adsorbent. The extended Sips model was applicable for the isotherm studies in three-component system. The electrostatic interaction, chelation and complexation were all involved in the adsorption mechanism. The preconcentration of RE ions and regeneration of EDTA-β-CD were successful. Overall, EDTA-β-CD is an effective adsorbent in adsorption and preconcentration of REEs.


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The importance of package design as a marketing tool is growing as the competition in retail environment increases. However, there is a lack of studies on how each element of package design affects consumer decisions in different countries. The objective of this thesis is to study the role of package design to Japanese consumers. The research was conducted through an experiment with a sample of 37 Japanese female participants. They were divided into two groups and were given different tasks: one group had to choose a chocolate for themselves, and the other for a group of friends. The participants were presented with 15 different Finnish chocolate boxes to choose from. The qualitative data was gathered through observation and semi-structured interviews. In addition, data from questionnaires was quantified and all the data was triangulated. The empirical results suggest that visual elements strongly affect the decision making of Japanese consumers. Image was the most important element which acted as both, a visual and an informational aspect in the experiment. Informational elements on the other hand have little effect, especially when the context is written in a foreign language. However, informational elements affected participants who were choosing chocolates for a group of friends. A unique finding was the importance of kawaii (cuteness) to Japanese consumers.


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Experiments were carried out to determine the properties of the welded joints in 8mm thick high-strength steels produced by quenching and tempering and thermomechanical rolling with accelerated cooling (tensile strength 821–835 MPa). The dependence of the strength, elongation, hardness, impact energy and crack opening displacement on the heat input in the range 1.0–0.7 kJ mm21 was determined. The results show that the dependence of the strength of the welded joints decreases and that of the elongation increases. The heat input has only a slight effect on the impact energy and crack opening displacement in the heat-affected zone.


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The aim of this paper is to study the role of verbal, visual and brand elements while meas-uring effectiveness of marketing message. The thesis is written in the context of mobile gaming industry. The object of the study is marketing message. To achieve the aim, the main research question was formulated: How do the elements of marketing message, such as verbal, visual and brand, affect the consumer’s attitude toward the ad, emotional response and attention capture? The theory development chapter lays on three corner stones – analysis of previous litera-ture on marketing message and its elements, namely verbal, visual and brand; overview of literature on attitude formation and particularly attitude toward the ad. In addition, investiga-tion of key points of emotional response and attention capture literature finalizes the chap-ter. The empirical part consists of experiment, conducted with 27 participants. Experiment includes the self-report semantically anchored scale, measuring the attitude toward the ad, as well as autonomic measures – eye tracking (attention capture) and facial expressions (emotional response). The results of the experiment showed that the size of the brand element – the logo – has an effect on the attention capture and the overall attitude toward the ad. The bigger the logo, the more time people spend viewing it, and they realise the message is more educa-tional and factual. The measure related to the visual element – the visual complexity – in-creases the intensity of participant’s facial expression. While the measure of verbal ele-ment – the contrast between text and background colours – leads to a better attitude to-ward the ad. The higher the contrast between text and background, the more known the message appears to the viewer.


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The healthcare sector is currently in the verge of a reform and thus, the medical game research provide an interesting area of research. The aim of this study is to explore the critical elements underpinning the emergence of the medical game ecosystem with three sub-objectives: (1) to seek who are the key actors involved in the medical game ecosystem and identify their needs, (2) to scrutinise what types of resources are required in medical game development and what types of relationships are needed to secure those resources, and (3) to identify the existing institutions (‘the rules of the game’) affecting the emergence of the medical game ecosystem. The theoretical background consists of service ecosystems literature. The empirical study conducted is based on the semi-structured theme interviews of 25 experts in three relevant fields: games and technology, health and funding. The data was analysed through a theoretical framework that was designed based upon service ecosystems literature. The study proposes that the key actors are divided into five groups: medical game companies, customers, funders, regulatory parties and complementors. Their needs are linked to improving patient motivation and enhancing the healthcare processes resulting in lower costs. Several types of resources, especially skills and knowledge, are required to create a medical game. To gain access to those resources, medical game companies need to build complex networks of relationships. Proficiency in managing those value networks is crucial. In addition, the company should take into account the underlying institutions in the healthcare sector affecting the medical game ecosystem. Three crucial institutions were identified: validation, lack of innovation supporting structures in healthcare and the rising consumerisation. Based on the findings, medical games cannot be made in isolation. A developmental trajectory model of the emerging medical game ecosystem was created based on the empirical data. The relevancy of relationships and resources is dependent on the trajectory that the medical game company at that time resides. Furthermore, creating an official and documented database for clinically valdated medical games was proposed to establish the medical game market and ensure an adequate status for the effective medical games. Finally, ecosystems approach provides interesting future opportunities for research on medical game ecosystems.