33 resultados para Technological centre


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Our goal is to get better understanding of different kind of dependencies behind the high-level capability areas. The models are suitable for investigating present state capabilities or future developments of capabilities in the context of technology forecasting. Three levels are necessary for a model describing effects of technologies on military capabilities. These levels are capability areas, systems and technologies. The contribution of this paper is to present one possible model for interdependencies between technologies. Modelling interdependencies between technologies is the last building block in constructing a quantitative model for technological forecasting including necessary levels of abstraction. This study supplements our previous research and as a result we present a model for the whole process of capability modelling. As in our earlier studies, capability is defined as the probability of a successful task or operation or proper functioning of a system. In order to obtain numerical data to demonstrate our model, we conducted a questionnaire to a group of defence technology researchers where interdependencies between seven representative technologies were inquired. Because of a small number of participants in questionnaires and general uncertainties concerning subjective evaluations, only rough conclusions can be made from the numerical results


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The context of financial services has been characterised by changes in the regulatory, technological and societal landscape. Consumers are increasingly interested in mobile payments, crowdfunding and microfinance services, either for themselves or because collaborative consumption is viewed as a more sustainable. Retail branches are re-organised to further meet the expectations of customers, start-ups focusing on technology for financial services (i.e. Fintech) are ever growing and financial services companies reinforce their own innovation practices (e.g. creation of innovation labs or venture capital investment funds). The innovation ecosystem around financial services companies represents the many actors with whom they can co-create and co-produce innovative new services for their customers (or for themselves). The innovation process is no longer a closed internal effort but needs to include external actors from the innovation ecosystem. This topic is especially interesting in a small and open economy where the financial centre takes a prominent place in the economy. The research question is therefore “How does the innovation ecosystem influence the innovation process within financial services companies?”. The influence of the innovation ecosystem on the innovation process within financial service companies mainly comes from its social capital and value creation efforts. However learning to work and exchange in an innovation ecosystem is also expected to influence the innovation process in place. Realizing the potential of the innovation ecosystem requires sufficient capabilities to manage new information coming from the innovation ecosystem. The professional associations provide the necessary coordination among actors in the innovation ecosystem to co-create and appropriate value, while fostering co-evolution within the innovation ecosystem.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kahden oppilaitoksen, Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun ja Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopiston merenkulkualan koulutusten, välisiä yhteistyöongelmia. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan täydennyskoulutus- ja simulaattorikeskusyhteistyön ongelmia. Yhteistyössä oli todettu olevan ongelmia, ja tutkimuksella selvitettiin ongelmat ja luotiin toimenpide-ehdotuksia ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoiduin haastatteluin, johon haastateltiin yhteensä 22 henkilöä molemmista oppilaitoksista. Tutkimuksen runko luotiin teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaisesti organisaatioiden välisen yhteistyön elementeistä. Haastattelujen analysoinnissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen perusteella löydettiin useita ongelmia yhteistyössä. Kolme keskeisintä ongelmaa olivat henkilösuhteissa esiintynyt luottamuspula ja henkilökemiat, johtamisen puute sekä roolien ja työtehtävien epäselvyys. Työtä ongelmien korjaamiseksi tulee olemaan, mutta ne ovat ratkaistavissa luomalla tarkemmat suuntaviivat yhteistyölle ja lisäämällä vuorovaikutusta kokoontumisten avulla. Molemmilla oppilaitoksilla oli tulevaisuuteen tähtäävä näkemys yhteistyön lisäämisestä ja kehittämisestä.