37 resultados para Salt marsh plants


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The iron ore pelletizing process consumes high amounts of energy, including nonrenewable sources, such as natural gas. Due to fossil fuels scarcity and increasing concerns regarding sustainability and global warming, at least partial substitution by renewable energy seems inevitable. Gasification projects are being successfully developed in Northern Europe, and large-scale circulating fluidized bed biomass gasifiers have been commissioned in e.g. Finland. As Brazil has abundant biomass resources, biomass gasification is a promising technology in the near future. Biomasses can be converted into product gas through gasification. This work compares different technologies, e.g. air, oxygen and steam gasification, focusing on the use of the product gas in the indurating machine. The use of biosynthetic natural gas is also evaluated. Main parameters utilized to assess the suitability of product gas were adiabatic flame temperature and volumetric flow rate. It was found that low energy content product gas could be utilized in the traveling grate, but it would require burner’s to be changed. On the other hand, bio-SGN could be utilized without any adaptions. Economical assessment showed that all gasification plants are feasible for sizes greater than 60 MW. Bio-SNG production is still more expensive than natural gas in any case.


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In this report, information is published concerning Russian water and wastewater treatment plants. The information is based on a questionnaire sent to 70 water and wastewater treatment plants in 2012-2013. The questionnaire was prepared by the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre (IAWTC) and Lahti Development Company (LADEC). The questions dealt with an assessment of the present state, the need for changes, renovation, investments, and how to improve the efficiency of the operation by training and investments. A significant need to renew the old pipelines, constructions, and processes was clearly evident. The aggregated answers can be utilized in Russia as internal benchmarking in order to arrange training and plant visits, which were requested in many of the answers. Sharing this open report with the respondents can aid networking and awareness of HELCOM requirements which relate to waste water treatment plants discharging their waste water directly or indirectly into the Baltic Sea. The aim of this report is to provide information for Finnish small and medium size companies (SMEs) as regards possible water related exportation to different parts of Russia.


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Living organisms manage their resources in well evolutionary-preserved manner to grow and reproduce. Plants are no exceptions, beginning from their seed stage they have to perceive environmental conditions to avoid germination at wrong time or rough soil. Under favourable conditions, plants invest photosynthetic end products in cell and organ growth to provide best possible conditions for generation of offspring. Under natural conditions, however, plants are exposed to a multitude of environmental stress factors, including high light and insufficient light, drought and flooding, various bacteria and viruses, herbivores, and other plants that compete for nutrients and light. To survive under environmental challenges, plants have evolved signaling mechanisms that recognise environmental changes and perform fine-tuned actions that maintain cellular homeostasis. Controlled phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins plays an important role in maintaining balanced flow of information within cells. In this study, I examined the role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) on plant growth and acclimation under optimal and stressful conditions. To this aim, I studied gene expression profiles, proteomes and protein interactions, and their impacts on plant health and survival, taking advantage of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the mutant approach. Special emphasis was made on two highly similar PP2A-B regulatory subunits, B’γ and B’ζ. Promoters of B’γ and B’ζ were found to be similarly active in the developing tissues of the plant. In mature leaves, however, the promoter of B’γ was active in patches in leaf periphery, while the activity of B’ζ promoter was evident in leaf edges. The partially overlapping expression patterns, together with computational models of B’γ and B’ζ within trimeric PP2A holoenzymes suggested that B’γ and B’ζ may competitively bind into similar PP2A trimmers and thus influence each other’s actions. Arabidopsis thaliana pp2a-b’γ and pp2a-b’γζ double mutants showed dwarfish phenotypes, indicating that B’γ and B’ζ are needed for appropriate growth regulation under favorable conditions. However, while pp2a-b’γ displayed constitutive immune responses and appearance of premature yellowings on leaves, the pp2a-b’γζ double mutant supressed these yellowings. More detailed analysis of defense responses revealed that B’γ and B’ζ mediate counteracting effects on salicylic acid dependent defense signalling. Associated with this, B’γ and B’ζ were both found to interact in vivo with CALCIUM DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE 1 (CPK1), a crucial element of salicylic acid signalling pathway against pathogens in plants. In addition, B’γ was shown to modulate cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism by controlling the abundance of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1A and 1D in mitochondria. PP2A B’γ and B’ζ subunits turned out to play crucial roles in the optimization of plant choices during their development. Taken together, PP2A allows fluent responses to environmental changes, maintenance of plant homeostasis, and grant survivability with minimised cost of redirection of resources from growth to defence.


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Työn tavoitteena on kehittää ABB:lle palvelutuote, jota voidaan tarjota voimalaitosasiakkaille. Uuden palvelutuotteen tulee vastata ABB:n uuden strategian linjauksiin. Palvelulla tarjotaan asiakkaille 1.1.2015 voimaan tulleen energiatehokkuuslain määrittelemien pakollisten toimenpiteiden suoritusta. Työssä kerätään, käsitellään ja analysoidaan tietoa voimalaitosasiakkaille suunnatun palvelun tuotteistamisprosessin päätöksenteon tueksi. Palvelutuotteen kehittämistä varten tutkitaan ABB:n nykyisiä palvelutuotteita, osaamista ja referenssi projekteja, energiatehokkuuslakia, voimalaitosten energiatehokkuus-potentiaalia ja erilaisia energiakatselmusmalleja. Päätöksenteon tueksi tehdään referenssiprojektina energia-analyysi voimalaitokselle, jossa voimalaitoksesta tehdään ipsePRO simulointiohjelmalla mallinnus. Mallinnuksen ja koeajojen avulla tutkitaan voimalaitoksen minimikuorman optimointia. Markkinatutkimuksessa selvitetään lainsäädännön vaikutusta, nykyistä markkinatilannetta, potentiaalisia asiakkaita, kilpailijoita ja ABB:n mahdollisuuksia toimia alalla SWOT–analyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tehdään päätös tuotteistaa voimalaitoksille palvelutuote, joka sisältää kaikki toimet energiatehokkuuslain asettamien vaatimusten täyttämiseen yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilön, energiakatselmuksen ja kohdekatselmuksien teon osalta. Lisäksi työn aikana Energiavirasto myönsi ABB:lle pätevyyden toimia yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilönä, mikä on edellytyksenä palvelun tarjoamiselle.


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Repowering existing power plants by replacing coal with biomass might offer an interesting option to ease the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and promote a fur-ther expansion of bioenergy in Europe, on account of the potential to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other pollutants (SOx, NOx, etcetera). In addition, a great part of the appeal of repowering projects comes from the opportunity to reuse the vast existing invest-ment and infrastructure associated with coal-based power generation. Even so, only a limited number of experiences with repowering are found. Therefore, efforts are required to produce technical and scientific evidence to determine whether said technology might be considered feasible for its adoption within European conditions. A detailed evaluation of the technical and economic aspects of this technology constitutes a powerful tool for decision makers to define the energy future for Europe. To better illustrate this concept, a case study is analyzed. A Slovakian pulverized coal plant was used as the basis for determining the effects on perfor-mance, operation, maintenance and cost when fuel is shifted to biomass. It was found that biomass fuel properties play a crucial role in plant repowering. Furthermore, results demon-strate that this technology offers renewable energy with low pollutant emissions at the cost of reduced capacity, relatively high levelized cost of electricity and sometimes, a maintenance-intensive operation. Lastly, regardless of the fact that existing equipment can be reutilized for the most part, extensive additions/modifications may be required to ensure a safe operation and an acceptable performance.


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This thesis reviews the role of nuclear and conventional power plants in the future energy system. The review is done by utilizing freely accesible publications in addition to generating load duration and ramping curves for Nordic energy system. As the aim of the future energy system is to reduce GHG-emissions and avoid further global warming, the need for flexible power generation increases with the increased share of intermittent renewables. The goal of this thesis is to offer extensive understanding of possibilities and restrictions that nuclear power and conventional power plants have regarding flexible and sustainable generation. As a conclusion, nuclear power is the only technology that is able to provide large scale GHG-free power output variations with good ramping values. Most of the currently operating plants are able to take part in load following as the requirement to do so is already required to be included in the plant design. Load duration and ramping curves produced prove that nuclear power is able to cover most of the annual generation variation and ramping needs in the Nordic energy system. From the conventional power generation methods, only biomass combustion can be considered GHG-free because biomass is considered carbon neutral. CFB combusted biomass has good load follow capabilities in good ramping and turndown ratios. All the other conventional power generation technologies generate GHG-emissions and therefore the use of these technologies should be reduced.


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The purpose of this master’s thesis is to gain an understanding of passive safety systems’ role in modern nuclear reactors projects and to research the failure modes of passive decay heat removal safety systems which use phenomenon of natural circulation. Another purpose is to identify the main physical principles and phenomena which are used to establish passive safety tools in nuclear power plants. The work describes passive decay heat removal systems used in AES-2006 project and focuses on the behavior of SPOT PG system. The descriptions of the main large-scale research facilities of the passive safety systems of the AES-2006 power plant are also included. The work contains the calculations of the SPOT PG system, which was modeled with thermal-hydraulic system code TRACE. The dimensions of the calculation model are set according to the dimensions of the real SPOT PG system. In these calculations three parameters are investigated as a function of decay heat power: the pressure of the system, the natural circulation mass flow rate around the closed loop, and the level of liquid in the downcomer. The purpose of the calculations is to test the ability of the SPOT PG system to remove the decay heat from the primary side of the nuclear reactor in case of failure of one, two, or three loops out of four. The calculations show that three loops of the SPOT PG system have adequate capacity to provide the necessary level of safety. In conclusion, the work supports the view that passive systems could be widely spread in modern nuclear projects.