72 resultados para Rolling mill rolls - Centrifugal casting


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Tarve tälle työlle on noussut sanomapalvelinsoveluksissa (servers) esiintyvistä ongelmista. Sanomapalvelinsovelluksia käytetään lähettämään ja vastaanottamaan sanomia paperiteollisuuden myynnin ja jakelun järjestelmässä maantieteellisesti erillään olevista paperiteollisuuden tehtaista. Sanomapalvelinsovelusten kunnollinen toimivuus on tärkeää koko järjestelmän toimivuuden kannalta, koska nämä palvelimet käsittelevät päivittäin tuhansia sanomia, jotka sisältävät merkityksellistä järjestelmätietoa. Tässä työssä on tutkittu mahdollisia toteutustekniikoita ja näihin tutkimuksiin pohjautuen toteutettu työkalut sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaukseen ja valvontaan. Sovellus-arkkituuritekniikoita tutkittaessa tutkimus rajattiin 3-tasoarkkitehtuuritekniikkaan, erityisesti TUXEDOTM -järjestelmätekniikkaan, koska toteutettavaa sovellusta käytetään hajautetussa sovellusympäristössä. Sovellusasiakkaan (client) toteutusta varten tutkittiin ja vertailtiin XML-tekniikkaa ja Microsoft Visual C++ -tekniikkaa käytettynä Tieto-Enatorin Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ -luokkakirjaston kanssa. XML-tekniikoita sekä Visual C++ ja Phobos-luokkakirjasto –tekniikkaa tutkittiin niiltä osin, mitä tarvittiin sanomamerkkijonojen katseluun. XML-tietokantatekniikoita tutkittiin mahdollisena vaihtoehtona tietokanta ja sovelluspalvelintekniikalle. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomien sisällön oikeellisuuden valvontaan. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli analysoida olemassaolevaa sanomavirheiden valvontasovellusta ja kehittää sitä eteenpäin. Diplomityön tuloksena toteutettiin sovellus sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen ja valvontaan. Tutkituista asiakassovelustekniikoista valittiin toteutus-tekniikaksi MS Visual C++ käytettynä Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ luokkakirjaston kanssa tekniikan tunnettavuuden vuoksi. 3-taso TUXEDOTM-tekniikka valittiin sovelluksen arkkitehtuuriksi. Lisäksi löydettiin parannuksia olemassa oleviin sanoma-virheiden valvontatoimintoihin. Tutkitut toteutustekniikat ovat yleisiä ja niitä voidaan käyttää, kun toteutetaan samanlaisia sovelluksia samanlaisiin sovellusympäristöihin.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia lämpötilan, paineen, pH:n ja katalyytin vaikutusta paperitehtaan TMP-konsentroidun prosessiveden märkähapetuksessa. Teoriaosio sisältää katsauksen sellu- ja paperiteollisuuteen, jätevesien käsittelyyn, nanosuodatuksen ja märkähapetusprosessin toimintaperiaatteet ja sovellukset hybriditeknologialle nanosuodatus-märkähapetuksessa. Empiirinen osa koostuu märkähapetuskokeista eri lämpötiloissa, paineissa, pH:ssa ja eri katalyyseillä. Työssä tutkittiin näiden vaikutusta kemialliseen hapenkulutukseen (COD), Biologiseen hapenkulutukseen (BOD), Välittömästi saatavana olevan biologisen hapenkulutukseen (IABOD), ligniiniin, täysin orgaanisen hiileen (TOC) ja rasvaliukoisten uuteaineiden (LWEs) pitoisuuteen. Tuloksina kokeellisesta työstä saatiin korkeimmat COD:n alenemat ja BOD/COD (biohajoavuus) suurimmilla lämpötilaolosuhteilla (COD:n alenema 70 % ja BOD/COD 97 % 200 °C:ssa ja hapen 10 bar osapaineella). Tutkimuksessa, jossa selvitettiin hapen osapaineen vaikutusta saatiin tuloksena, että hapen osapaineen kasvu parantaa orgaanisen kuormituksen poistoa: COD poisto oli olosuhteilla130°C, 5bar 5 %, olosuhteilla 130 °C, 15bar 15 %, olosuhteilla 170 °C, 5bar 20 % ja olosuhteilla 170 °C, 15bar 50 %. Lähes täydellinen LWEs –poisto saavutettiin 150 °C ja 10bar olosuhteilla, vaikka tässä lämpötilassa ei saavutettu korkeata orgaanisen kuormituksen poistoa. Emäksinen pH vaikutti suosivan hapettavia reaktioita, koska korkein COD:n poisto saavutettiin näissä olosuhteilla; kuitenkin alkalisen väliaineen tehokkuudelle löydettiin tärkeä lämpötilariippuvuus.


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Työssä tutkittiin uuden ShortFlowÔ-konseptin eri osa-alueiden toimivuutta paperikoneen lyhytkierrossa. Prosessin sekoituspumppuna perinteinen keskipakopumppu korvataan potkuri-pumpulla, joten työssä selvitettiin uudentyyppisen pumpun kavitointirajat, säädettävyys ja sen soveltuminen suunniteltuun tehtävään ja toiminta-alueeseen. Prosessiin kuuluu myös uudentyyppinen viirakaivo, josta selvitettiin sen kyky poistaa ilmaa ja virtauskäyttäytyminen kaivossa. Hienopaperikoneen osalta kartoitettiin prosessiin liittyviä riskejä ja ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessin kannattavuutta investointina. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on käsitelty lyhytkiertoa eri osa-alueittain. Aluksi on lyhytkierron yleisempi tarkastelu, jossa on selvitetty lajittelua, ilmanpoistoa ja pumppauksia. Erityisempää huomiota on kiinnitetty ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessiin liittyviin erityispiirteisiin joita ovat sakeamassalajittelu, täyteaineet paperitehtaalla, hylky ja virtausten sekoittuminen. Sekoituspumpun osalta on käsitelty myös kavitointia hieman tarkemmin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa suunniteltiin prosessin koelaitteisto, joka myös koeajettiin. Potkuripumpun koeajossa määritettiin potkuripumpun toiminta-alue ja säädettävyys. Pumpun todettiin sekoittavan ja ilman vaikutus potkuripumpun ominaisuuksiin todettiin merkityksettömäksi pumpun toiminta-alueella. Viirakaivon koeajossa selvisi, että viirakaivo poistaa ilmaa suunnittelualueella ja kaivolle löytyi muoto, jossa virtauskäyttäytyminen viirakaivossa eri laskeutumisnopeuksilla on mahdollisimman häiriötöntä. Hienopaperikoneen osalta riskien kartoituksessa selvisi, ettei täyteaine aiheuta ongelmia ja että päällystelaattaa sisältävä hylky on lajiteltava ennen lyhytkiertoa. ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessi oli edullisin sekä käyttö- että investointikustannuksiltaan.


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Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.


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The objective of the research was to study the influence of temperature, oxygen pressure, catalysts loading and initial COD concentration of debarking wastewater on the pollutants during the catalytic oxidation. More importantly, how the addition of catalyst affects the wet oxidation process. The whole work was divided into two main sections, theoretical and experimental parts. The theoretical part reviews the pulp and paper industry from wood processing to paper production as well as operations that generate wastes. Treatment methods applicable for industrial pulp and paper mill effluents were also discussed. Wet oxidation and catalytic wet oxidation processes including mechanism, reactions, kinetics and industrial applications were previewed. In the experimental part, catalytic wet oxidation process were studied at 120-180°C, 0-10 bar oxygen pressure, 0-1 g/L catalyst concentration and 1000-3000 mg/L initial COD concentration. Responses, such as Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total organic carbon (TOC), colour, lignin/tannin, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and pH were measured. In the experiment, the best conditions occurred at 180°C, 10 bar, l g/L catalyst concentration and 3000mg/L initial COD. At these conditions; 74% COD, 97% lignin/tannin, 54% TOC, 90% colour were removed from the wastewater. pH was greatly reduced from 7 to 4.6. Lignin/tannin was removed most. Lignin/tannin showed linear dependency with colour during oxidation. Temperature made the most impact in reducing contaminants in debarked wastewater.


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Tässä työssä tarkastellaan radiaalikompressorin puristusprosessiin liittyvä peruslaskenta. Ilmankosteuden vaikutukset laskentaan huomioidaan ja kompressorin tunnuskenttä esitellään tässä työssä. Esimerkkinä lasketaan pisteitä kompressorin tunnuskentästä.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi- ja hakkuujätteen hydrolyysiprosessien integroimista sellutehtaaseen bioetanolin tuottamiseksi. Tällaisesta ns. biojalostamosta luotiin WinGEMS-simulointiohjelmalla simulointimalli, jonka avulla tutkittiin bioetanoliprosessin vaikutusta sellutehtaan massa- ja energiataseisiin sekä alustavaa biojalostamon kannattavuutta. Simuloinnissa tarkasteltiin kolmea eri tapausta, joissa mäntysellun tuotannon ajateltiin olevan 1000 tonnia päivässä ja hakkuujätettä käytettävän 10 % tarvittavan kuitupuun määrästä: 1) Puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi ja hakkuujätteen hydrolyysi etanolin tuottamiseksi 2) Puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi, hakkuujäte kuorikattilaan poltettavaksi 3) Ei esihydrolyysiä, hakkuujäte kuorikattilaan poltettavaksi Verrattuna tapaukseen 3, puun kulutus kasvaa 16 % esihydrolysoitaessa puuhake ennen keittoa tapauksissa 1 ja 2. Kasvaneella puun kulutuksella tuotetaan tapauksessa 1 149 tonnia etanolia ja 240 MWh enemmän ylimääräsähköä päivässä. Tapauksessa 2 tuotetaan 68 tonnia etanolia ja 460 MWh enemmän ylimääräsähköä päivässä. Tämä tuottaisi vuotuista lisäkassavirtaa 18,8 miljoonaa euroa tapauksessa 1 ja 9,4 miljoonaa euroa tapauksessa 2. Hydrolyysin tuoteliuoksen, hydrolysaatin, haihduttaminen sekä hydrolyysiprosessien orgaanisten jäännöstuotteiden haihduttaminen ja polttaminen kasvattavat haihduttamon ja soodakattilan kuormitusta. Verrattuna tapaukseen 3, tapauksissa 1 ja 2 haihduttamon vaiheiden määrä on kasvatettava viidestä seitsemään ja tarvittavat lämmönsiirtopinta-alat lähes kaksinkertaistettava. Soodakattilan kuormitus kasvaa 39 % tapauksessa 1 ja 26 % tapauksessa 2.


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Fine powders of minerals are used commonly in the paper and paint industry, and for ceramics. Research for utilizing of different waste materials in these applications is environmentally important. In this work, the ultrafine grinding of two waste gypsum materials, namely FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurisation) gypsum and phosphogypsum from a phosphoric acid plant, with the attrition bead mill and with the jet mill has been studied. The ' objective of this research was to test the suitability of the attrition bead mill and of the jet mill to produce gypsum powders with a particle size of a few microns. The grinding conditions were optimised by studying the influences of different operational grinding parameters on the grinding rate and on the energy consumption of the process in order to achieve a product fineness such as that required in the paper industry with as low energy consumption as possible. Based on experimental results, the most influential parameters in the attrition grinding were found to be the bead size, the stirrer type, and the stirring speed. The best conditions, based on the product fineness and specific energy consumption of grinding, for the attrition grinding process is to grind the material with small grinding beads and a high rotational speed of the stirrer. Also, by using some suitable grinding additive, a finer product is achieved with a lower energy consumption. In jet mill grinding the most influential parameters were the feed rate, the volumetric flow rate of the grinding air, and the height of the internal classification tube. The optimised condition for the jet is to grind with a small feed rate and with a large rate of volumetric flow rate of grinding air when the inside tube is low. The finer product with a larger rate of production was achieved with the attrition bead mill than with the jet mill, thus the attrition grinding is better for the ultrafine grinding of gypsum than the jet grinding. Finally the suitability of the population balance model for simulation of grinding processes has been studied with different S , B , and C functions. A new S function for the modelling of an attrition mill and a new C function for the modelling of a jet mill were developed. The suitability of the selected models with the developed grinding functions was tested by curve fitting the particle size distributions of the grinding products and then comparing the fitted size distributions to the measured particle sizes. According to the simulation results, the models are suitable for the estimation and simulation of the studied grinding processes.


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Nanofiltration performance was studied with effluents from the pulp and paper industry and with model substances. The effect of filtration conditions and membrane properties on nanofiltration flux, retention, and fouling was investigated. Generally, the aim was to determine the parameters that influence nanofiltration efficiency and study how to carry out nanofiltration without fouling by controlling these parameters. The retentions of the nanofiltration membranes studied were considerably higher than those of tight ultrafiltration membranes, and the permeate fluxes obtained were approximately the same as those of tight ultrafiltration membranes. Generally, about 80% retentions of total carbon and conductivity were obtained during the nanofiltration experiments. Depending on the membrane and the filtration conditions, the retentions of monovalent ions (chloride) were between 80 and 95% in the nanofiltrations. An increase in pH improved retentions considerably and also the flux to some degree. An increase in pressure improved retention, whereas an increase in temperature decreased retention if the membrane retained the solute by the solution diffusion mechanism. In this study, more open membranes fouled more than tighter membranes due to higher concentration polarization and plugging of the membrane material. More irreversible fouling was measured for hydrophobic membranes. Electrostatic repulsion between the membrane and the components in the solution reduced fouling but did not completely prevent it with the hydrophobic membranes. Nanofiltration could be carried out without fouling, at least with the laboratory scale apparatus used here when the flux was below the critical flux. Model substances had a strong form of the critical flux, but the effluents had only a weak form of the critical flux. With the effluents, some fouling always occurred immediately when the filtration was started. However, if the flux was below the critical flux, further fouling was not observed. The flow velocity and pH were probably the most important parameters, along with the membrane properties, that influenced the critical flux. Precleaning of the membranes had only a small effect on the critical flux and retentions, but it improved the permeability of the membranes significantly.


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An improved defoamer dosage procedure and a more efficient dosing point to the approach system were studied in this thesis. Their influence on paper machine wet end operations was investigated. The improved defoamer dosing procedure was examined at UMP-Kymmene Tervasaari PM8. Air content and its controlling methods at the paper machine were studied in the literature survey. Also the influence of dissolved gases and entrained air in the papermaking furnish were introduced. Feeding methods – a TrumpJet chemical mixer and traditional feeding devices – were reviewed. The defoamer’s functioning methods were studied. The influence of the use of defoamers was estimated based on the main selected wet end operations. In the experimental part, defoamer mixing with a traditional feeding method and two improved mixing stages were compared based on the air content profiles in PM8’s approach system. The reference dosage procedure was PM8’s old dosing system. The first dosage procedure in the comparison involved two TrumpJet chemical mixers installed on the bottom wire trays. The second element of comparison involved the improvement brought by a third TrumpJet chemical mixer installed on the top wire tray. This second comparison of the efficient defoamer feeding concept was made at a higher production speed of PM8. The air content control situation was also studied at the higher production speed. In addition the connection between the defoamer and air content was observed and a mill-scale system was studied. The economical benefits of the new dosing procedure were also reviewed. Air content profiles of short circulation were measured in the reference situation and the two comparison points of the study. These air content measurements proved the main gas load is introduced to PM8's paper furnish from the white water tray. Thick stock air content was not essential when the air volume flow was considered. The improved defoamer dosing procedure made lower dosage amounts possible. Compared with the traditional feeding system, the new defoamer feeding concept made only few direct improvements to the wet end operations and the produced paper itself. The lower defoamer need was noticed to have a positive influence on hydrophobic sizing and paper defects. The surfaces of the white water tanks and the operation of pumps were assessed based on the density variations of the suspension. The temperature in the white water silo was stated to have a significant influence on the air content measured in the first centrifugal cleaning stage.


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Centrifugal compressors are widely used for example in refrigeration processes, the oil and gas industry, superchargers, and waste water treatment. In this work, five different vaneless diffusers and six different vaned diffusers are investigated numerically. The vaneless diffusers vary only by their diffuser width, so that four of the geometries have pinch implemented to them. Pinch means a decrease in the diffuser width. Four of the vaned diffusers have the same vane turning angle and a different number of vanes, and two have different vane turning angles. The flow solver used to solve the flow fields is Finflo, which is a Navier-Stokes solver. All the cases are modeled with the Chien's k – έ- turbulence model, and selected cases are modeled also with the k – ώ-SST turbulence model. All five vaneless diffusers and three vaned diffusers are investigated also experimentally. For each construction, the compressor operating map is measured according to relevant standards. In addition to this, the flow fields before and after the diffuser are measured with static and total pressure, flow angle and total temperature measurements. When comparing the computational results to the measured results, it is evident that the k – ώ-SST turbulence model predicts the flow fields better. The simulation results indicate that it is possible to improve the efficiency with the pinch, and according to the numerical results, the two best geometries are the ones with most pinch at the shroud. These geometries have approximately 4 percentage points higher efficiency than the unpinched vaneless diffusers. The hub pinch does not seem to have any major benefits. In general, the pinches make the flow fields before and after the diffuser more uniform. The pinch also seems to improve the impeller efficiency. This is down to two reasons. The major reason is that the pinch decreases the size of slow flow and possible backflow region located near the shroud after the impeller. Secondly, the pinches decrease the flow velocity in the tip clearance, leading to a smaller tip leakage flow and therefore slightly better impeller efficiency. Also some of the vaned diffusers improve the efficiency, the increment being 1...3 percentage points, when compared to the vaneless unpinched geometry. The measurement results confirm that the pinch is beneficial to the performance of the compressor. The flow fields are more uniform with the pinched cases, and the slow flow regions are smaller. The peak efficiency is approximately 2 percentage points and the design point efficiency approximately 4 percentage points higher with the pinched geometries than with the un- pinched geometry. According to the measurements, the two best geometries are the ones with the most pinch at the shroud, the case with the pinch only at the shroud being slightly better of the two. The vaned diffusers also have better efficiency than the vaneless unpinched geometries. However, the pinched cases have even better efficiencies. The vaned diffusers narrow the operating range considerably, whilst the pinch has no significant effect on the operating range.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin massaliimauksen stabiilisuutta kartonkikoneella ja himan sekoituskonseptin muuttamisen vaikutusta liimausasteeseen ja liimausasteen pienimittakaavaiseen vaihteluun konerullan sisällä. Koeajoista saadut tulokset olivat erittäin lupaavia. Koeajoissa annosteltiin hartsia kahdella eri TrumpJet™-installaatiolla. Ensimmäisessä koeajossa hartsi sekoitettiin kaikkiin kolmeen kerrokseen sakean massan syöttölinjaan, ennen pyörrepuhdistuksen vaatimaa laimennusta. Toisessa koeajossa hartsi annosteltiin kolmella TrumpJet-suuttimella kartongin pintakerrokseen konesihdin jälkeen ja muihin kerroksiin perinteisesti sekoitussäiliön. Tuloksista nähtiin, että hartsin syöttö perälaatikon lähestymisvirtaukseen on mahdollista kartongin laadun ja liimausasteen siitä karsimatta. Liimausaste määritettiin Stora Enson spesifisen REP-menetelmän (raw edge penetration) avulla. Koesarjojen välille ei syntynyt merkittäviä eroja reunaimeytymätasoihin, eikä koesarjojen sisäisiin vaihteluihin verrattaessa referensikonerulliin.


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This study presents examination of ways to increase power generation in pulp mills. The main purpose was to identify and verify the best ways of power generation growth. The literature part of this study presented operation of energy pulp mill departments, energy consumption and generation by the recovery and power boilers. The second chapter of this part described the main directions for increase of electricity generation rise of black liquor dry solid content, increase of main steam parameters, flue gas heat recovery technologies, feed water and combustion air preheating. The third chapter of the literature part presented possible technical, environment and corrosion risks appeared from described alternatives. In the experimental part of this study, calculations and results of possible models with alternatives was presented. The possible combinations of alternatives were generated in 44 `models of energy pulp mill. The target of this part was define extra electricity generation after alternatives using and estimate profitability of generated models. The calculations were made by computer programme PROSIM. In the conclusions, the results were estimated on the basis of extra electricity generation and equipment design data of models. The profitability of cases was verified by their payback periods and additional incomes.