39 resultados para Physician prescription behaviour
Keyhole welding, meaning that the laser beam forms a vapour cavity inside the steel, is one of the two types of laser welding processes and currently it is used in few industrial applications. Modern high power solid state lasers are becoming more used generally, but not all process fundamentals and phenomena of the process are well known and understanding of these helps to improve quality of final products. This study concentrates on the process fundamentals and the behaviour of the keyhole welding process by the means of real time high speed x-ray videography. One of the problem areas in laser welding has been mixing of the filler wire into the weld; the phenomena are explained and also one possible solution for this problem is presented in this study. The argument of this thesis is that the keyhole laser welding process has three keyhole modes that behave differently. These modes are trap, cylinder and kaleidoscope. Two of these have sub-modes, in which the keyhole behaves similarly but the molten pool changes behaviour and geometry of the resulting weld is different. X-ray videography was used to visualize the actual keyhole side view profile during the welding process. Several methods were applied to analyse and compile high speed x-ray video data to achieve a clearer image of the keyhole side view. Averaging was used to measure the keyhole side view outline, which was used to reconstruct a 3D-model of the actual keyhole. This 3D-model was taken as basis for calculation of the vapour volume inside of the keyhole for each laser parameter combination and joint geometry. Four different joint geometries were tested, partial penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint and full penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint. The comparison was performed with selected pairs and also compared all combinations together.
Human activity recognition in everyday environments is a critical, but challenging task in Ambient Intelligence applications to achieve proper Ambient Assisted Living, and key challenges still remain to be dealt with to realize robust methods. One of the major limitations of the Ambient Intelligence systems today is the lack of semantic models of those activities on the environment, so that the system can recognize the speci c activity being performed by the user(s) and act accordingly. In this context, this thesis addresses the general problem of knowledge representation in Smart Spaces. The main objective is to develop knowledge-based models, equipped with semantics to learn, infer and monitor human behaviours in Smart Spaces. Moreover, it is easy to recognize that some aspects of this problem have a high degree of uncertainty, and therefore, the developed models must be equipped with mechanisms to manage this type of information. A fuzzy ontology and a semantic hybrid system are presented to allow modelling and recognition of a set of complex real-life scenarios where vagueness and uncertainty are inherent to the human nature of the users that perform it. The handling of uncertain, incomplete and vague data (i.e., missing sensor readings and activity execution variations, since human behaviour is non-deterministic) is approached for the rst time through a fuzzy ontology validated on real-time settings within a hybrid data-driven and knowledgebased architecture. The semantics of activities, sub-activities and real-time object interaction are taken into consideration. The proposed framework consists of two main modules: the low-level sub-activity recognizer and the high-level activity recognizer. The rst module detects sub-activities (i.e., actions or basic activities) that take input data directly from a depth sensor (Kinect). The main contribution of this thesis tackles the second component of the hybrid system, which lays on top of the previous one, in a superior level of abstraction, and acquires the input data from the rst module's output, and executes ontological inference to provide users, activities and their in uence in the environment, with semantics. This component is thus knowledge-based, and a fuzzy ontology was designed to model the high-level activities. Since activity recognition requires context-awareness and the ability to discriminate among activities in di erent environments, the semantic framework allows for modelling common-sense knowledge in the form of a rule-based system that supports expressions close to natural language in the form of fuzzy linguistic labels. The framework advantages have been evaluated with a challenging and new public dataset, CAD-120, achieving an accuracy of 90.1% and 91.1% respectively for low and high-level activities. This entails an improvement over both, entirely data-driven approaches, and merely ontology-based approaches. As an added value, for the system to be su ciently simple and exible to be managed by non-expert users, and thus, facilitate the transfer of research to industry, a development framework composed by a programming toolbox, a hybrid crisp and fuzzy architecture, and graphical models to represent and con gure human behaviour in Smart Spaces, were developed in order to provide the framework with more usability in the nal application. As a result, human behaviour recognition can help assisting people with special needs such as in healthcare, independent elderly living, in remote rehabilitation monitoring, industrial process guideline control, and many other cases. This thesis shows use cases in these areas.
At present, one of the main concerns of green network is to minimize the power consumption of network infrastructure. Surveys show that, the highest amount of power is consumed by the network devices during its runtime. However to control this power consumption it is important to know which factors has highest impact on this matter. This paper is focused on the measurement and modeling the power consumption of an Ethernet switch during its runtime considering various types of input parameters with all possible combinations. For the experiment, three input parameters are chosen. They are bandwidth, link load and number of connections. The output to be measured is the power consumption of the Ethernet switch. Due to the uncertain power consuming pattern of the Ethernet switch a fully-comprehensive experimental evaluation would require an unfeasible and cumbersome experimental phase. Because of that, design of experiment (DoE) method has been applied to obtain adequate information on the effects of each input parameters on the power consumption. The whole work consists of three parts. In the first part a test bed is planned with input parameters and the power consumption of the switch is measured. The second part is about generating a mathematical model with the help of design of experiment tools. This model can be used for measuring precise power consumption in different scenario and also pinpoint the parameters with higher influence in power consumption. And in the last part, the mathematical model is evaluated by comparing with the experimental values.
Tämän tutkielman aiheena on ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaku, kun käytettävissä on ainoastaan verkkolähteitä. Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu, mistä ja miten ammattikääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä kääntäessään lähtötekstiä englannista suomeen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osoittaa, että tiedonhakutaidot ja lähdekriittisyys ovat käännöskompetensseja, joita tulisi sekä ylläpitää että opettaa osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin empiirisesti käyttämällä kolmea metodia. Käännösprosessi ja sen aikana tapahtunut tiedonhaku tallennettiin käyttäen Camtasia-näyttövideointiohjelmaa ja Translog-II -näppäilyntallennusohjelmaa. Lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistuneet kääntäjät täyttivät kaksi kyselyä, joista ensimmäinen sisälsi taustatietokysymyksiä ja toinen itse prosessiin liittyviä retrospektiivisiä kysymyksiä. Kyselyt toteutettiin Webropol-kyselytyökalulla. Aineistoa kerättiin yhteensä viidestä koetilanteesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin lähemmin kolmen ammattikääntäjän tiedon-hakutoimintoja erottelemalla käännösprosesseista ne tauot, joiden aikana kääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä. Käytettyjen verkkolähteiden osalta tutkimuksessa saatiin vastaavia tuloksia kuin aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa: eniten käytettyjä olivat Google, Wikipedia sekä erilaiset verkkosanakirjat. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin paljastui, että ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaun toimintamallit vaihtelevat riippuen niin kääntäjän erikoisalasta kuin hänen tiedonhakutaitojensa tasosta. Joutuessaan työskentelemään tutun työympäristönsä ja oman erikoisalansa ulkopuolella turvautuu myös osa ammattikääntäjistä alkeellisimpiin tiedonhakutekniikoihin, joita käännöstieteen opiskelijoiden on havaittu yleisesti käyttävän. Tulokset paljastivat myös, että tiedonhaku voi viedä jopa 70 prosenttia koko käännösprosessiin kuluvasta ajasta riippuen kääntäjän aiemmasta lähtötekstin aihepiiriin liittyvästä tietopohjasta ja tiedonhaun tehokkuudesta. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että myös ammattikääntäjien tulisi kehittää tiedonhakutaitojaan pitääkseen käännösprosessinsa tehokkaana. Lisäksi kääntäjien pitäisi muistaa arvioida kriittisesti käyttämiään tietolähteitä: lähdekritiikki on tarpeen erityisesti verkkolähteitä käytettäessä. Tästä syystä tiedonhakutaitoja ja lähdekriittisyyttä tulisikin opettaa ja harjoitella jo osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Kääntäjien ei myöskään pidä jättää tiedonhakua pelkkien verkkolähteiden varaan, vaan jatkossakin käyttää hyväkseen niin painettuja tietolähteitä kuin myös henkilölähteitä.
The aim of this thesis was to examine how aquatic organisms, such as fish, behave in an altered environmental condition. Many species of fish use vision as their primary tool to gain information about their surrounding environment. The visual conditions of aquatic habitats are often altered as a result of anthropogenic disturbance, such as eutrophication that initiates algal turbidity. In general, turbidity reduces the visibility and can be hypothesized to have an influence on the behaviour of fish. I used the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model species and conducted four studies in the laboratory to test how algal turbidity affects its behaviour. In this thesis, two major behavioural aspects are discussed. The first is antipredator behaviour. In study I, the combined effects of turbidity and shoot density on habitat choice (shelter vs open) behaviour was tested on a group of sticklebacks (20 fish) in the presence and absence of piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis). In study II, I examined the behavioural responses of feeding sticklebacks when they were exposed to the sudden appearance of an avian predator (the silhouette of a common tern, Sterna hirundo). The study was done in turbid and clear water using three different groups sizes (1, 3 and 6 fish). The second aspect is foraging behaviour. Study III & IV focused on the effects of algal turbidity on the foraging performance of sticklebacks. In study III, I conducted two separate experiments to examine the effects of turbidity on prey consumption and prey choice of sticklebacks. In this experiment turbidity levels and the proportion of large and small prey (Daphnia spp.) were manipulated. In study IV, I studied whether a group of six sticklebacks can distribute themselves according to food input at two feeding stations in a way that provided each fish with the same amount of food in clear and turbid water. I also observed whether the fish can follow changes in resource distribution between the foraging patches. My results indicate an overall influence of algal turbidity on the antipredator and foraging behaviour of sticklebacks. In the presence of a potential predator, the use of the sheltered habitat was more pronounced at higher turbidity. Besides this, sticklebacks reduced their activity levels with predator presence at higher turbidity and shoot density levels, suggesting a possible antipredator adaptation to avoid a predator. When exposed to a sudden appearance of an avian predator, sticklebacks showed a weaker antipredator response in turbid water, which suggests that turbidity degrades the risk assessment capabilities of sticklebacks. I found an effect of group size but not turbidity in the proportion of sticklebacks that fled to the shelter area, which indicates that sticklebacks are able to communicate among group members at the experimental turbidity levels. I found an overall negative effect of turbidity on food intake. Both turbidity and changes in the proportion of prey sizes played a significant role in a stickleback’s prey selection. At lower turbidity levels (clear <1 and 5 NTU) sticklebacks showed preferences for large prey, whereas in more turbid conditions and when the proportion of large to small prey increased sticklebacks became increasingly random in their prey selection. Finally, my results showed that groups of sticklebacks disperse themselves between feeding stations according to the reward ratios following the predictions of the ideal free distribution theory. However, they took a significantly longer time to reach the equilibrium distribution in turbid water than in clear water. In addition, they showed a slower response to changes in resource distribution in a turbid environment. These findings suggest that turbidity interferes with the information transfer among group foragers. It is important to understand that aquatic animals are often exposed to a degraded environment. The findings of this thesis suggest that algal turbidity negatively affects their behavioural performance. The results also shed light on the underlying behavioural strategies of sticklebacks in turbid conditions that might help them adapt to an altered environmental situation and increase their survival. In conclusion, I hold that although algal turbidity has detrimental effects on the antipredator and foraging behaviour of sticklebacks, their behavioural adjustment might help them adapt to a changing environment.
The study examines customers’ perceptions of purchasing prescription medicine from online pharmacies. The main purpose is to find determinants affecting the adoption of online pharmacies, and to consider the role of usability in the adoption process. The theoretical part of the paper provides the overlook on adoption constructs and their relations. In addition, usability factors used in prior studies are presented, as well as how they have been connected to IS adoption research. The specialties of Finnish pharmacy business and the requirements set to online pharmacies are also discussed. The empirical part of the study is conducted with the qualitative approach. Four respondents were interviewed and observed while they tried online pharmacies. The data gathered indicates respondents’ initial beliefs toward the service, perceptions of the usability, and the changes in the perceptions and beliefs after using online pharmacies. The results indicate that usability factors and adoption determinants are interrelated. Usability influences perceived ease of use, which affects both perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. Regulations restrict the design of online pharmacies, which has affect on the both the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and thus the whole adoption process.
Background: Physical inactivity and positive energy balance pose a risk to health. They increase the risk of obesity and associated non-communicable diseases. Recently, also sedentary behaviour has been associated with obesity and non-communicable diseases. Nevertheless, it has been unclear which type of sedentary behaviour is the most harmful. It is also unknown whether the relationship of sedentary behaviour with obesity is truly independent of other factors, for example physical activity and diet. Longitudinal data are limited, and the direction of causality and the mechanism of action are still unknown. Aims: The aim of this study was 1) to identify the type of sedentary behaviour having the strongest association with obesity, 2) to explore the causal relationship of sedentary behaviour and weight increase, and 3) to additionally, investigate the relationship of sedentary behaviour with fatty liver. These were studied in cross-sectional and/or longitudinal settings using data from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Special emphasis was put on the evaluation of a wide range of other lifestyle factors and risks for obesity and fatty liver. Subjects: 2,060 subjects (aged 33-50 years in 2011, of which 55 % were female) from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study participating in follow-ups in 2001, 2007, and 2011. Measures: Self-reported time spent in various types of sedentary behaviour (I), or TV viewing time (I-III). Measured body weight, height and waist circumference (I-III), and genetic variants for high BMI (I). Fasting plasma concentrations of gamma-glutamyltransferase enzyme and triglyceride, calculated Fatty Liver Index (based on gamma-glutamyltransferase and triglyceride concentration, BMI and waist circumference), and the amount of intrahepatic fat measured with ultrasound (III). Self-reported leisure-time physical activity and active commuting, occupational physical activity, energy intake, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, socioeconomic status, and sleep duration as possible confounders were considered (I-III). Results: TV viewing is the sedentary behaviour type that has the strongest association with obesity. Sedentary behaviour (TV viewing) precedes weight increase, and not the other way around. Sedentary behaviour (TV viewing) is associated with increased risk of fatty liver. Conclusions: Sedentary behaviour (especially high TV viewing time) is associated with increased risks of obesity and fatty liver. Intervention studies are needed to assess whether reduction of TV time would prevent obesity and fatty liver.