44 resultados para Partners and partnerships


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The purpose of this study is to provide a project aimed on solving the problem of advancement of innovations for Russian Post company that is the main actor on the Russian postal service market. This project is constructed through gathering and scrutinizing two essential informational packages, with first being precise information about Russian Post business processes and structure in order to find out the weak spots and hindering forces, and the second being benchmarking analysis of product and service portfolio of company's peers in Europe and Australia in order to evaluate existing experience and gather additional sources that can facilitate the advancement of innovations. These informational packages are studied and sent through the matrix analysis that must highlight customer and technical requirements which emphasize the innovativeness and problem-solving purpose of the project and lay stress on the assuring characteristics that must to be met in order to advance the project. The project itself is aimed on providing Russian Post company with several solutions, both managerial and engineering, which are aimed on easing problem-solving processes and lay the foundation for continuous innovation and value increase for Russian Post company, its partners and its customers. Project's payback period is been calculated as well.


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Pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille eli pk-yrityksille on olemassa useita kasvustrategioita. Nämä kasvustrategiat tähtäävät joko liiketoiminnan laajentamiseen, nykyisten resurssien hyödyntämiseen, uusien resurssien luotaamiseen tai liiketoiminnan supistamiseen. Valitsemaansa kasvustrategiaa noudattamalla yritys pyrkii pääsemään kasvutavoitteisiinsa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tieteellisen kirjallisuuden pohjalta arvioida kasvustrategioita ja valita niistä pienelle it-alalla toimivalle case-yritykselle sopivin. Sopivimmaksi havaitun kasvustrategian pohjalta case-yritykselle laaditaan räätälöity kasvustrategia. Kasvustrategian laatimiseen käytetään tieteellisen kirjallisuuden lisäksi empiirisenä menetelmänä tapaustutkimusta. Tapaustutkimus tehdään teemahaastatteluina kymmenelle yritykselle, joilla on liike-elämästä saatuja kokemuksia case-yritykselle valitusta kasvustrategiasta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena case-yritykselle sopivin kasvustrategia on verkostokasvustrategia. Verkostokasvustrategiaa noudattamalla case-yritys keskittyy omaan ydinosaamiseensa ja sen kehittämiseen ja hankkii tarvitsemansa muun osaamisen verkostokumppaneilta. Verkostoitumisen hyötyinä case-yritykselle on muun muassa pieni omien työntekijöiden tarve, tietotaidon saaminen, kilpailukyvyn paraneminen, markkinoinnin tehostuminen ja uusille markkinoille pääsyn helpottuminen. Verkostoitumisen haasteina case-yritykselle on sen sijaan muun muassa pienen yrityksen uskottavuusongelma, sopivien verkostokumppaneiden löytäminen ja epäluotettavat verkostokumppanit. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä verkostoitumisesta saatavien hyötyjen nähdään kuitenkin olevan riskejä suuremmat case-yritykselle.


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Management of customer co-development means involving customers in the development of new products and services, and coordinating the process. In business-tobusiness markets, customer co-development enables the development of innovations that better match customer needs and strengthens customer relationships. However, close collaboration with customers can hamper the innovativeness of new products and lead to overly customized solutions. Therefore, the management of co-development is crucial to its success. Yet the existing research on management of co-development has mainly focused on selecting the right collaboration partners, and the field lacks understanding on how to manage the tensions inherent in customer co-development. The purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding on the management of the codevelopment. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first comprises the literature review and conclusions for the whole study, and the second presents four publications. From the methodological perspective, the research papers follow exploratory qualitative research design. The empirical data comprise interviews with 60 persons, representing 25 different organizations, and a group of 11 end users. The study conceptualizes management of customer co-development in three dimensions 1) relational co-development processes, 2) co-development challenges and paradoxes, and 3) internal customer involvement processes. The findings contribute to the customersupplier relationship, innovation, and marketing management literatures by providing a framework on supplier-customer co-development, addressing co-development paradoxes and their management processes, and suggesting practices for customer involvement. For practitioners, the findings provide tools to manage the challenges related to codevelopment with customers.


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A rapidly changing business environment has necessitated most small and medium sized enterprises with international ambitions to reconsider their sources of competitive advantage. To survive in the face of a changing business environment, firms should utilize their dynamic organizational capabilities as well as their internationalization capabilities. Firms develop a competitive advantage if they can exploit their unique organizational competences in a new or foreign market and also if they can acquire new capabilities as a result of engaging in foreign markets. The acquired capabilities from foreign locations enhance the existing capability portfolio of a firm with a desire to internationalize. The study combined the research streams of SME organizational dynamic capability and internationalization capability to build a complete picture on the existing knowledge. An intensive case study was used for empirically testing the theoretical framework of the study and compared with the literature on various organizational capability factors and internationalization capabilities. Sormay Oy was selected because it is a successful medium sized company operating in Finland in the manufacturing industry which has a high international profile. In addition, it has sufficient rate of growth in sales that warrants it to engage internationally in matters such as, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships. The key findings of the study suggests that, medium sized manufacturing firms have a set of core competences arising from their organizational capabilities which were identified to be employee know how and relationship with stakeholders which aid the firm in its quest for attaining competitive advantage, ensuring production flexibility and gaining benefits present in a network. In addition, internationalization capabilities were identified under both the RAT test and CAT test whereby the primary findings suggests that, firms that outperform their competitors produce products that meet specific customer and country requirements, foresee the pitfalls of imitation brought about by the foreign local companies and members of a particular network through joint ventures, acquisitions or partnerships as well as those firms that are capable to acquire new capabilities in the foreign markets and successfully use these acquired capabilities to enhance or renew their capability portfolio for their competitive advantage. Additional significant findings under internationalization capabilities were discovered whereby, Sormay Oy was able to develop a new market space for its products despite the difficult institutional environment present in Russia.


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Kiihtyvä kilpailu yritysten välillä on tuonut yritykset vaikeidenhaasteiden eteen. Tuotteet pitäisi saada markkinoille nopeammin, uusien tuotteiden pitäisi olla parempia kuin vanhojen ja etenkin parempia kuin kilpailijoiden vastaavat tuotteet. Lisäksi tuotteiden suunnittelu-, valmistus- ja muut kustannukset eivät saisi olla suuria. Näiden haasteiden toteuttamisessa yritetään usein käyttää apuna tuotetietoja, niiden hallintaa ja vaihtamista. Andritzin, kuten muidenkin yritysten, on otettava nämä asiat huomioon pärjätäkseen kilpailussa. Tämä työ on tehty Andritzille, joka on maailman johtavia paperin ja sellun valmistukseen tarkoitettujen laitteiden valmistajia ja huoltopalveluiden tarjoajia. Andritz on ottamassa käyttöön ERP-järjestelmän kaikissa toimipisteissään. Sitä halutaan hyödyntää mahdollisimman tehokkaasti, joten myös tuotetiedot halutaan järjestelmään koko elinkaaren ajalta. Osan tuotetiedoista luo Andritzin kumppanit ja alihankkijat, joten myös tietojen vaihto partnereiden välillä halutaan hoitaasiten, että tiedot saadaan suoraan ERP-järjestelmään. Tämän työn tavoitteena onkin löytää ratkaisu, jonka avulla Andritzin ja sen kumppaneiden välinen tietojenvaihto voidaan hoitaa. Tämä diplomityö esittelee tuotetietojen, niiden hallinnan ja vaihtamisen tarkoituksen ja tärkeyden. Työssä esitellään erilaisia ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän toteuttamiseksi. Osa niistä perustuu yleisiin ja toimialakohtaisiin standardeihin. Myös kaksi kaupallista tuotetta esitellään. Tarkasteltavana onseuraavat standardit: PaperIXI, papiNet, X-OSCO, PSK-standardit sekä RosettaNet. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan ERP-järjestelmän toimittajan, SAP:in ratkaisuja tietojenvaihtoon. Näistä vaihtoehdoista parhaimpia tarkastellaan vielä yksityiskohtaisemmin ja lopuksi eri ratkaisuja vertaillaan keskenään, jotta löydettäisiin Andritzin tarpeisiin paras vaihtoehto.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia pienten- ja keskisuurten (PK) ohjelmistoyritysten kansainvälisiä kumppanuuksia. Päätavoitteena oli löytää keinoja kuinka PK-ohjelmistoyritykset voisivat tulla strategisiksi kumppaneksi suurten kansainvälisten yritysten kumppanuusohjelmissa. Lisäksi tutkielmassa oli tavoitteena selvittää kuinka kumppaneiden välistä sitoutumista voitaisiin vahvistaa, jotta PK-ohjelmistoyritykset voisivat saavuttaa todellista lisäarvoa ja kansainvälistä kasvua kumppanuusohjelmien kautta. Tutkielma jakaantuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Teoreettinen osa keskittyy tarkastelemaan korkean teknologian markkinointia ohjelmistoalalla sekä kansainvälisiä kumppanuuksia. Suurten yritystenkumppanuusohjelmia ei ole tutkittu suomalaisten PK-ohjelmistoyritysten näkökulmasta, minkä vuoksi empiirinen tutkimus on perusteltua. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena case-tutkimuksena ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että strategisen kumppanin aseman saavuttaminen on pitkä ja haastava matka PK-yrityksille. Suurten kansainvälisten yritysten kumppanuusohjelmat ovat useimmiten monimutkaisia ja todellisen lisäarvon saavuttaminen kumppanuusohjelman kautta vaatii paljon resursseja PK-yrityksiltä. Jotta PK-yritykset voisivat saavuttaa ja säilyttää strategisen kumppanin aseman kumppanuusohjelmassa, vaatii se aktiivista ja päivittäistä vuorovaikutusta kumppaneiden kesken. Erityisesti tiiviit henkilösuhteet oikeiden avainhenkilöiden kanssa ovat välttämättömyys. Läheiset kontaktit mahdollistavat sen, että PK-yritykset voivat ainakin osittain ohittaa kumppanuusohjelman byrokratian, mikä lisää luottamusta ja sitoutumista kumppanuussuhteessa sekä edistää kansainvälistä kasvua ja menestystä liiketoiminnassa.


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VVALOSADE is a research project of professor Anita Lukka's VALORE research team in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The VALOSADE includes the ELO technology program of Tekes. SMILE is one of four subprojects of the VALOSADE. The SMILE study focuses on the case of the company network that is composed of small and micro-sized mechanical maintenance service providers and forest industry as large-scale customers. The basic principle of the SMILE study is the communication and ebusiness in supply and demand networks. The aim of the study is to develop ebusiness strategy, ebusiness model and e-processes among the SME local service providers, and onthe other hand, between the local service provider network and the forest industry customers in a maintenance and operations service business. A literature review, interviews and benchmarking are used as research methods in this qualitative case study. The first SMILE report, 'Ebusiness between Global Company and Its Local SME Supplier Network', concentrated on creating background for the SMILE study by studying general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networks of different industries. This second phase of the study concentrates on case network background, such as business relationships, information systems and business objectives; core processes in maintenance and operations service network; development needs in communication among the network participants; and ICT solutions to respond needs in changing environment. In the theory part of the report, different ebusiness models and frameworks are introduced. Those models and frameworks are compared to empirical case data. From that analysis of the empirical data, therecommendations for the development of the network information system are derived. In process industry such as the forest industry, it is crucial to achieve a high level of operational efficiency and reliability, which sets up great requirements for maintenance and operations. Therefore, partnerships or strategic alliances are needed between the network participants. In partnerships and alliances, deep communication is important, and therefore the information systems in the network also are critical. Communication, coordination and collaboration will increase in the case network in the future, because network resources must be optimised to improve competitive capability of the forest industry customers and theefficiency of their service providers. At present, ebusiness systems are not usual in this maintenance network. A network information system among the forest industry customers and their local service providers actually is the only genuinenetwork information system in this total network. However, the utilisation of that system has been quite insignificant. The current system does not add value enough either to the customers or to the local service providers. At present, thenetwork information system is the infomediary that share static information forthe network partners. The network information system should be the transaction intermediary, which integrates internal processes of the network companies; the network information system, which provides common standardised processes for thelocal service providers; and the infomediary, which share static and dynamic information on right time, on right partner, on right costs, on right format and on right quality. This study provides recommendations how to develop this system in the future to add value to the network companies. Ebusiness scenarios, vision, objectives, strategies, application architecture, ebusiness model, core processes and development strategy must be considered when the network information system will be developed in the next development step. The core processes in the case network are demand/capacity management, customer/supplier relationship management, service delivery management, knowledge management and cash flow management. Most benefits from ebusiness solutions come from the electrifying of operational level processes, such as service delivery management and cash flow management.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli kasvattaa tietämystä kultuurin vaikutuksesta luottamuksen rakentamiseen monikulttuurisissa partnerisuhteissa. Kulttuurin oletettiin aiheuttavan hankaluuksia pitkäaikaisen suhteen luomisessa, etenkin luottamuksen ollessa kyseessä, sillä kulttuurit ja tavat olivat erilaisia toimittajan ja asiakkaan päässä. Tutkimus käsitteli johtajan nakökulmaa: mikä oli johtajien mielestä kriittistä luottamuksen ja yhteistyön onnistumiselle. Empiirinen osa suoritettiin UPM-Kymmenellä ja sen kolme partneria valittiin case-esimerkeiksi. Tutkimus keskittyi ostaja-myyjä –suhteeseen. Materiaali kerättiin case-asiakkaista vastuussa olevia myyntijohtajia haastattelemalla. Tulos oli, että johtajille tärkeintä yhteistyössä olivat samanlaiset organisaatiokulttuurit sekä normit. Kansallisella kulttuurilla oli merkittävä vaikutus suhteen alussa sekä liikeasioiden mennessä huonosti. Luottamuksen havaitseminen eri kultuurien välillä todettiin vaikeaksi. Eri arvot, viestintätyylit, jopa kieli joissain tapauksissa vaikeuttivat luottamuksen rakentamista. Luottamus oli erilaista maasta riippuen, sen tyyli ja määrä vaihteli.


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The main objective of the study was to identify and evaluate criteria for international partner selection in university-university context. This study attempted at promoting better understanding of how universities should proceed in selecting partners for producing joint research publications. Thus, the aim of the study was to gain an understanding of how research collaborations can be developed and how partners can be selected. The choice of a right partner has been identified as a precondition for partnership success. In international research collaborations partnering scientists with different skills and backgrounds bring together complementary knowledge into research projects, which in most cases results in a higher quality output. Therefore, prior to selecting a partner, the set of criteria should be established. This research examined twelve Russian universities with the status of national research university as potential partners for Lappeenranta University of Technology, and selected the most appropriate universities based on established set of criteria. Potential partners’ evaluation was done using secondary sources by tracking partners’ academic success during the period 2005 – 2010. Based on established criteria, the study calculated the partnership index for each university. The results of the research reveal that among twelve examined universities there are four potential partners who have been rather active in publishing scientific articles during 2005 – 2010.


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In summary the main findings of the study are that there seems to be is no universal definition of value in the context of industrial relationships, but a notion that it is context-, time-, and actor dependent. Value co-creation is a suitable concept in the context of buyerseller relationships. The evolution of a relationship from a transactional to a partnership is long and eventful - a process where the outcome is impossible to estimate in advance. The process is filled with differenttypes of events and also conflicts, which as a matter of fact can be seen as constructive forces in relationship development. The perceived value of a relationship is an antecedent to pursuing a high-involvement strategy; once a partnership exists, the value co-creation potential is realizable through exploiting interdependencies. Those interdependencies are the trigger for value co-creation potential. The value cocreation potential is realized though different processes of value co-creation either to achieve efficiency in exchange or effective use of resources. The logic of buyer-seller partnerships is to create and exploit interdependencies in order to create both efficiency and effective use of resources. (Summary of main findings p. 176)


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The objective of the dissertation is to examine organizational responses of public actors to customer requirements which drive the transformation of value networks and promote public-private partnership in the electricity distribution industry and elderly care sectors. The research bridges the concept of offering to value networks where capabilities can be acquired for novel product concepts. The research contributes to recent literature, re-examining theories on interactions of customer requirements and supply management. A critical realist case study approach is applied to this abductive the research which directs to describe causalities in the analyzed phenomena. The presented evidence is based on three sources, which are in-depth interviews, archival analysis and the Delphi method. Service provision requires awareness on technology and functionalities of offering. Moreover, service provision includes interactions of multiple partners, which suggests the importance of the co-operative orientation of actors. According to the findings,portfolio management has a key role when intelligent solutions are implemented in public service provision because its concepts involve a variety of resources from multiple suppliers. However, emergent networks are not functional if they lack leaders who have access to the customer interface, have power to steer networks and a capability to build offerings. Public procurement policies were recognized to focus on a narrow scope in which price is a key factor in decisions. In the future, the public sector has to implement technology strategies and portfolio management, which mean longterm platform development and commitment to partnerships. On the other hand, the service providers should also be more aware of offerings into which their products will be integrated in the future. This requires making the customer’s voice in product development and co-operation in order to increase the interconnectivity of products.


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This thesis examines partnerships in sustainable urban development projects. Achievement of urban development requires the involvement of several parties. The cooperation of the actors of sustainable urban development is achieved by forming partnerships. The purpose of this study is to find solutions and best practices for the management of partnerships in sustainable residential development projects by examining partnerships and their success factors in sustainable urban development. The impact of the roles, responsibilities and interactions of actors taking part in the processes of creating sustainable urban development in outcomes of these development projects and thus on the overall success of accomplishing sustainable development raises the question of how to manage these collaborations. In order to be able to find the best ways of organizing sustainable urban development projects, it is crucial to have the knowledge of how the interactions between all the parties involved in the development can be managed successfully to give the best outcomes. The main research question of this study is: What are the characteristics of successful partnerships in sustainable urban development projects? In order to answer this question, the success factors in partnerships between actors of sustainable urban development are analyzed. In addition, challenges related to these partnerships are examined to get a more comprehensive view of the features of these collaborative ventures and the obstacles that have to be overcome to ensure the successfulness of cooperation. The research approach is multiple case study comprising four cases. The empirical data has been gathered through theme interviews from four different sustainable residential district projects in Sweden and Finland. A comparative analysis of the cases is performed, based on which seven success factors of partnerships in sustainable urban development supported by the prevailing theories are formulated. In addition, challenges faced by projects regarding the partnerships are discussed.


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The tightening competition and increasing dynamism have created an emerging need for flexible asset management. This means that the changes of market demand should be responded to with adjustments in the amount of assets tied to the balance sheets of companies. On the other hand, industrial maintenance has recently experienced drastic changes, which have led to an increase in the number of maintenance networks (consisting of customer companies that buy maintenance services, as well as various supplier companies) and inter-organizational partnerships. However, the research on maintenance networks has not followed the changes in the industry. Instead, there is a growing need for new ways of collaboration between partnering companies to enhance the competitiveness of the whole maintenance network. In addition, it is more and more common for companies to pursue lean operations in their businesses. This thesis shows how flexible asset management can increase the profitability of maintenance companies and networks under dynamic operating conditions, and how the additional value can then be shared between the network partners. Firstly, I have conducted a systematic literature review to identify what kind of requirements for asset management models are set by the increasing dynamism. Then I have responded to these requirements by constructing an analytical model for flexible asset management, linking asset management to the profitability and financial state of a company. The thesis uses the model to show how flexible asset management can increase profitability in maintenance companies and networks, and how the created value can be shared in the networks to reach a win-win situation. The research indicates that the existing models for asset management are heterogeneous by nature due to the various definitions of ‘asset management’. I conclude that there is a need for practical asset management models which address assets comprehensively with an inter-organizational, strategic view. The comprehensive perspective, taking all kinds of asset types into account, is needed to integrate the research on asset management with the strategic management of companies and networks. I will show that maintenance companies can improve their profitability by increasing the flexibility of their assets. In maintenance networks, reorganizing the ownership of the assets among the different network partners can create additional value. Finally, I will introduce flexible asset management contracts for maintenance networks. These contracts address the value sharing related to reorganizing the ownership of assets according to the principles of win-win situations.


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After a productivity decrease of established national export industries in Finland such as mobile and paper industries, innovative, smaller companies with the intentions to internationalize right from the start have been proliferating. For software companies early internationalization is an especially good opportunity, as Internet usage becomes increasingly homogeneous across borders and software products often do not need a physical distribution channel. Globalization also makes Finnish companies turn to unfamiliar export markets like Latin America, a very untraditional market for Finns. Relationships consisting of Finnish and Latin American business partners have therefore not been widely studied, especially from a new-age software company’s perspective. To study these partnerships, relationship marketing theory was taken into the core of the study, as its practice focuses mainly on establishing and maintaining relationships with stakeholders at a profit, so that the objectives of all parties are met, which is done by a mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises. The most important dimensions of relationship marketing were identified as trust, commitment and attraction, which were then focused on, as the study aims to understand the implications Latin American business culture has for the understanding, and hence, effective application of relationship marketing in the Latin American market. The question to be answered consecutively was how should the dimensions of trust, commitment and attraction be understood in business relationships in Latin America? The study was conducted by first joining insights given by Latin American business culture literature with overall theories on the three dimensions. Through pattern matching, these insights were compared to empirical evidence collected from business professionals of the Latin American market and from the experiences of Finnish software businesses that had recently expanded into the market. What was found was that previous literature on Latin American business culture had already named many implications for the relationship marketing dimensions that were relevant also for small Finnish software firms on the market. However, key findings also presented important new drivers for the three constructs. Local presence in the area where the Latin American partner is located was found to drive or enhance trust, commitment and attraction. High-frequency follow up procedures were in turn found to drive commitment and attraction. Both local presence and follow up were defined according to the respective evidence in the study. Also, in the context of Finnish software firms in relationships with Latin American partners, the national origins or the foreignness of the Finnish party was seen to enhance trust and attraction in the relationship