47 resultados para Manutenção lean
Teollisilla markkinoilla yhä useampi yritys pyrkii siirtymään ratkaisuliiketoimintaan. Kuitenkin muutos on osoittautunut vaikeaksi monissa yrityksissä, joissa toimintatapa on vakiintunut tuotekeskeiseen liiketoimintaan. Lean-ajattelua on menestyksekkäästi sovellettu moniin teollisuusyrityksiin, joissa on onnistuttu tehostamaan asiakasarvon tuottoa. Tämän pohjalta kandidaatin työn tavoitteena on tarkastella, miten lean-ajattelulla voitaisiin tehostaa ratkaisuliiketoimintaan siirtymistä. Työssä esitellään sekä ratkaisuliiketoiminnan että lean-ajattelun teoriaa, jonka pohjalta tarkastellaan lean-ajattelun soveltamismahdollisuuksia ratkaisuliiketoimintaan siirryttäessä. Lopuksi vertaillaan lean-ajattelun soveltamisen hyötyjä ratkaisuliiketoiminnan vaatimuksiin ja toisaalta haasteita, miten lean-ajattelu ei vastaa ratkaisuliiketoimintaa. Lean-ajattelun tukee parhaiten ratkaisuliiketoimintaa sekä asiakas- ja toimittajakeskeisyyden yhdistävän lean-ratkaisun kautta. Lisäksi lean-ajattelu tuo ratkaisuliiketoimintaa laajemman näkemyksen organisaation kehittämiseen. Haasteet liittyvät erilaiseen näkemykseen asiakkaan roolista liiketoiminnassa ja tarjoaman luomisesta.
The experiences of several healthcare organizations were considered to distinguish the most frequently used lean tools, the success and failure factors, and the obstacles that may appear while implementing lean. As a result, two approaches to “go lean” were defined, and analyzed from the prospective of the applicability to healthcare processes. Industrialization of healthcare was studied, and the most promising digital technology tools to improve healthcare process were highlighted. Finally, the analysis of healthcare challenges and feasible ways to address them was conducted and presented as the main result of this work. The possible ways of implementation of the findings and limitations were described in the conclusion.
The objective of this thesis is to better understand customer’s role in lean startup methodology. The aim is to find out how customers are involved in lean startup methodology implantation and increase the likelihood of new venture survival. This study emphasizes the usage of customers in shaping of new product development processes within companies, through iteration and constant communication. This communication facilitates the development of features that are requested by the customers and enhances the prospects of the new venture. The empirical part of the study is a single qualitative case study that uses action research to implement the lean startup methodology into a pre-revenue venture and examines its customer involvement processes. The studied case company is Karaoke d.o.o., developing a game called kParty. The study used the theory discussed in the literature review: customer involvement (in the survey and interviews conducted for the lean startup methodology), lean principles (through the implementation of lean startup methodology) and lean startup methodology, which are the central building parts of this thesis as a whole. The thesis contributes to the understanding of customer involvement in lean startup methodology, while giving practical implications of customer orientation and product market fitting.
Tässä kandidaatin työssä analysoidaan kohdeyrityksen varaosakunnostuksen tehokkuutta ja havaitaan toiminnassa esiintyviä puutteita. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on nostaa esille toiminnassa esiintyvät kehityskohteet. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa arvioidaan Lean-ajatusmallin sovellettavuutta kunnostusprosessin kehittämiseen. Lopuksi Lean-ajatusmallin ja haastatteluissa esille nousseiden kehitysehdotusten pohjalta, kohdeyritykselle esitetään ehdotuksia menetelmistä toiminnan tehostamiseksi
Lean-filosofia ei ole syntynyt hetkessä vaan sen periaatteet ovat syvällä historiassa. Leaniin kuuluvia asioita kuten standardointia, oikeaan tarpeeseen vastaamista ja tuotannon virtausta on käytetty aikaisemmin erilaisissa sovelluksissa. Lean-käsitteen pohjana on Toyota Production System, joka oli syntynyt vaadittaessa kustannustehokasta tuotantoa niukin resurssein. Lean syntyi, kun yhdysvaltalaistutkijat kiinnostuivat Toyotan käyttämistä tavoista valmistaa monia erilaisia malleja tehokkaasti. Leania voidaan pitää vastakohtana massatuotannolle. Lean levisi kulovalkean tavoin läntisessä teollisuusmaailmassa, vaikka sitä ei välttämättä edes kokonaisuudessa sovellettu. Leanista eroteltiin selkeitä työkaluja, joilla yritykset pääsivät kehittämään toimintaansa ja tehostamaan prosesseja. Työkalut otettiin innokkaasti käyttöön valmistuksessa ja niille kehitettiin myös muita sovelluskohteita. Leanin perimmäinen filosofia jäi usein huomiotta, eivätkä kaikki saaneet odotettuja tuloksia. 2000-lukuun mennessä leanin periaatteet oli tutkittu jo läpikotaisin. Ymmärrettiin leanin implementoinnin koskeneen koko organisaatiota, jotta sen periaatteita voitiin toteuttaa tehokkaasti. Lean on kuitenkin tähän päivään mennessä yhä hieman vieras asia sisältönsä puolesta vaikka termi alkaa olla tuttu jo kaikille monilla eri aloilla. Leanin tutkimus jatkuu ja sille löydetään yhä uusia sovelluskohteita, osin ratsastetaan termin maineella, osin ymmärretään oikein virtaustehokkuuden merkitys asiakkaan palvelemisessa.
Imagine the potential implications of an organization whose business and IT processes are well aligned and are capable of reactively and proactively responding to the external and internal changes. The Philips IT Infrastructure and Operations department (I&O) is undergoing a series of transformation activities to help Philips business keeping up with the changes. I&O would serve a critical function in any business sectors; given that the I&O’s strategy switched from “design, build and run” to “specify, acquire and performance manage”, that function is amplified. In 2013, I&O’s biggest transforming programme I&O Futures engaged multiple interdisciplinary departments and programs on decommissioning legacy processes and restructuring new processes with respect to the Information Technology Internet Library (ITIL), helping I&O to achieve a common infrastructure and operating platform (CI&OP). The author joined I&O Futures in the early 2014 and contributed to the CI&OP release 1, during which a designed model Bing Box and its evaluations were conducted through the lens of six sigma’s structured define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) improvement approach. This Bing Box model was intended to firstly combine business and IT principles, namely Lean IT, Agile, ITIL best practices, and Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) into a framework. Secondly, the author implemented the modularized optimization cycles according to the defined framework into Philips’ ITIL-based processes and, subsequently, to enhance business process performance as well as to increase efficiency of the optimization cycles. The unique of this thesis is that the Bing Box model not only provided comprehensive optimization approaches and principles for business process performance, but also integrated and standardized optimization modules for the optimization process itself. The research followed a design research guideline that seek to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by creating new and innovative artifacts. The Chapter 2 firstly reviewed the current research on Lean Six Sigma, Agile, AOP and ITIL, aiming at identifying the broad conceptual bases for this study. In Chapter 3, we included the process of constructing the Bing Box model. The Chapter 4 described the adoption of Bing Box model: two-implementation case validated by stakeholders through observations and interviews. Chapter 5 contained the concluding remarks, the limitation of this research work and the future research areas. Chapter 6 provided the references used in this thesis.
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study the opportunity to apply Lean practices to product management function which happens in an office environment. Since product management plays an important role in the company’s success story, it’s important to have it functioning as effectively as possible. The goal was to find those Lean tools and methods that fit the best to the needs of product management. The research was conducted as a qualitative action research which comprises a comprehensive literature review and a single case study. Theoretical information about Lean Thinking and product management was collected from articles, literature and Internet sources. Moreover, empirical data was collected by conducting interviews in the Case Company’s product management department in order to gain an in-depth understanding of product management’s problematics. The results indicate that most of the product management challenges could be overcome by applying Lean practises. Based on the usability rate, which has been discussed in the empirical part of this study, the most suitable Lean practises for product management function are: value stream mapping, Kanban and KPIs.
The importance of Technology Transfer activities of companies is underpinned by the changes in technological and economic environments. However, there is still a significant gap in defining possible ways for Technology Transfer projects effectiveness improvement. The Master’s Thesis overviews common problems faced by the companies in implementation of Technology Transfer projects and examines Lean management principles as possible way to improve its effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the relevant scientific literature and results of the survey, conducted among the firms of different types, the approach to Technology Transfer projects implementation with the use of Lean management principles is proposed. The approach serves to solve some of the important problems faced by the managers of Technology Transfer projects. It is envisaged that this approach can help to increase overall Technology Transfer projects’ effectiveness.
Lean-ajattelun hyödyntäminen laskentatoimen raportointiprosessissa – Case tuloslaskelman raportointi
Useat yhtiöt ovat nähneet lean-tuotannon uutena mahdollisuutena vastata kiristyneeseen globaaliin kilpailuun ja suorittaa prosessit tehokkaammin ja pienemmillä kustannuksilla. Lean-ajattelun levitessä on se tullut osaksi myös laskentatoimea. Täman tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten lean-ajattelu ja -työkalut sopivat laskentatoimen raportointiprosessiin ja tutkia, minkälaisia hyviä ja huonoja puolia niissä on. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on samalla tehdä prosessista entistä tehokkaampi, virtaviivaisempi ja nopeampi riskeeraamatta raportoinnin laatua. Raportointiprosessia tutkitaan case-yrityksessä, joka on iso suomalainen teknologian, automaation ja palveluiden toimittaja ja kehittäjä. Case-yrityksestä tutkielmaan on valittu yksi raportoiva yksikkö. Motivaatiota aiheeseen luo se, että lean-ajattelu on usein yhdistetty tuotantoon ja toimitusketjuihin, jolloin sen tuominen talouden ajatteluun ja raportointiprosessiin on mielenkiintoinen tehtävä. Lisäksi yrityksessä on todettu, että raportointi vie liian kauan ja liiketoiminnan päätöksenteon tueksi tieto tarvitaan yhä nopeammin. Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimuksen empirian aineisto on kerätty teemahaastattelujen, fokusryhmätyöskentelyn ja raportointiprosessista kerätyn datan avulla. Lean-työkaluista raportointiprosessin parantamisessa hyödynnettiin ensisijaisesti arvovirtakartoitusta, ja A3-työkalua käytettiin konsernitasolla projektin hallintaan. Kaizenin eli jatkuvan parantamisen kulttuurin luominen oli myös yksi tavoitteista. Raportointiprosessista kuvattiin aluksi arvovirtakartoituksella nykytilanne, jonka pohjalta löydettiin parannettavia asioita. Kehitysideoiden avulla luotiin yksikölle tavoitetila, jonka hyötyjä verrattuna alkuperäiseen arvovirtaan mitattiin läpimenoajalla, korjausten lukumäärän muutoksella ja säästetyllä työkustannuksella. Kaikki edellä luetellut mittarit paranivat. Läpimenoaika lyheni yhdellä päivällä, korjausten määrä pieneni kolmannekseen alkuperäisestä ja työnkustannus pieneni vajaan neljänneksen alkuperäisestä. Parantuneiden mittareiden ja tutkielmaan tehtyjen haastattelujen perusteella voidaan todeta, että lean-ajattelu sopii talouden raportointiprosessin parantamiseen ja ajattelumaailmaksi. Prosessia parannettaessa kävi myös ilmi, ettei teorian mukaisesti tätäkään prosessia voi parantaa irrallaan muista yrityksen prosesseista vaan parannusta tehdessä pitää koko organisaatiossa olla hyvä kommunikaatio ja parantaa myös muita prosesseja. Lisäksi raportointiprosessin nopeuttamista vaikeuttavat tekniset edellytykset, vaatimus korkeasta laadusta ja kunkin prosessin toiminnon tuoman arvon määrittäminen. Lean-työkalut ja etenkin arvovirtakartoitus todettiin talouden prosesseihin sopiviksi. Tutkielman prosessi ja sen muutokset todettiin vaikeasti yleistettäväksi organisaatiossa muihin yksiköihin tai prosesseihin, mutta sitä pidettiin hyvänä esimerkkinä ja todisteena siitä, että lean-ajattelua voidaan hyödyntää tarkkuutta vaativassa raportointiprosessissa.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
The process of developing software is a complex undertaking involving multiple stakeholders. While the intentions of these parties might vary to some extent, the ultimate goal can be seen as a satisfactory product. Lean and agile software development practices strive toward this and they place customer contentment as one of the highest aims of the process. An important aspect of any development process is the act of innovation. Without it, nothing progresses and the whole process is unnecessary. As a target domain expert, the customer is an important part of effective innovation. Problems arise, however, when the customer is not actively taking part in the activities. Lack of familiarity with software development can easily cause such issues. Unfortunately, the amount of research conducted on product innovation is unimpressive. This makes it difficult to formulate a recommended approach on stimulating the customer and encouraging a more active participation. Ultimately, a small set of high-level guidelines were identified from the available literary resources for inducing innovation. To conclude, this thesis presents the findings made during the development of a small web application and compares them to the aforementioned literature findings. While the guidelines seem to provide promising results, further empirical research is needed to attain more significant conclusions.