49 resultados para Line balancing


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The focus in this thesis is to study both technical and economical possibilities of novel on-line condition monitoring techniques in underground low voltage distribution cable networks. This thesis consists of literature study about fault progression mechanisms in modern low voltage cables, laboratory measurements to determine the base and restrictions of novel on-line condition monitoring methods, and economic evaluation, based on fault statistics and information gathered from Finnish distribution system operators. This thesis is closely related to master’s thesis “Channel Estimation and On-line Diagnosis of LV Distribution Cabling”, which focuses more on the actual condition monitoring methods and signal theory behind them.


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In this thesis, the DFMA is presented and used for the purpose of having a design for a vertical transfer line that can be easily manufactured and assembled. The design of the transfer line, the major components and drawings are presented. The ease of assembly, the costs of manufacturing and differences between the use of steel structure and aluminum are compared. The ALARA principle is followed to minimize the risk of radiation exposure by the means of locating the test ion sources outside the radioactive area.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of the Finnish Defence Forces’ NH90 helicopter for parachuting operations with the T-10 static line parachute system. The work was based on the Army Command’s need to compensate for the reduction in the outsourced flight hours for the military static line parachuting training. The aim of the research was to find out the procedures and limitations with which the NH90 IOC+ or FOC version helicopter could be used for static line parachutist training with the T-10B/MC1-1C parachutes. The research area was highly complicated and non-linear. Thus analytical methods could not be applied with sufficient confidence, even with present-day computing power. Therefore an empirical research method was selected, concentrating on flight testing supported with literature study and some calculated estimations. During three flights and 4.5 flight hours in Utti, Finland on 1720 September 2012, a total of 44 parachute drops were made. These consisted of 16 dummy drops and 28 paratrooper jumps. The test results showed that when equipped with the floor mounted PASI-1 anchor line, the deflector bar of the NHIndustries’ Parachuting Kit and Patria’s floor protection panels the Finnish NH90 variant could be safely used for T-10B/MC1-1C static line parachuting operations from the right cabin door at airspeed range of 5080 KIAS (90–150 km/h). The ceiling mounted anchor lines of the NHI’s Parachuting Kit were not usable with the T-10 system. This was due to the static lines’ unsafe behaviour in slipstream when connected to the cabin ceiling level. In conclusion, the NH90 helicopter can be used to meet the Army Command’s requirement for an additional platform for T-10 static line parachutist training. Material dropping, the effect of additional equipment and jumping from the rear ramp should be further studied.


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Communications play a key role in modern smart grids. New functionalities that make the grids ‘smart’ require the communication network to function properly. Data transmission between intelligent electric devices (IEDs) in the rectifier and the customer-end inverters (CEIs) used for power conversion is also required in the smart grid concept of the low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution network. Smart grid applications, such as smart metering, demand side management (DSM), and grid protection applied with communications are all installed in the LVDC system. Thus, besides remote connection to the databases of the grid operators, a local communication network in the LVDC network is needed. One solution applied to implement the communication medium in power distribution grids is power line communication (PLC). There are power cables in the distribution grids, and hence, they may be applied as a communication channel for the distribution-level data. This doctoral thesis proposes an IP-based high-frequency (HF) band PLC data transmission concept for the LVDC network. A general method to implement the Ethernet-based PLC concept between the public distribution rectifier and the customerend inverters in the LVDC grid is introduced. Low-voltage cables are studied as the communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz–30 MHz. The communication channel characteristics and the noise in the channel are described. All individual components in the channel are presented in detail, and a channel model, comprising models for each channel component is developed and verified by measurements. The channel noise is also studied by measurements. Theoretical signalto- noise ratio (SNR) and channel capacity analyses and practical data transmission tests are carried out to evaluate the applicability of the PLC concept against the requirements set by the smart grid applications in the LVDC system. The main results concerning the applicability of the PLC concept and its limitations are presented, and suggestion for future research proposed.


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The purpose of this research was to provide a deeper insight into the consequences of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) for line managers. The consequences are viewed as used information system (IS) potentials pertaining to the moderate voluntaristic category of consequences. Due to the need to contextualize the research and draw on line managers’ personal experiences, a qualitative approach in a case study setting was selected. The empirical part of the research is loosely based on literature on HRM and e-HRM and it was conducted in an industrial private sector company. In this thesis, method triangulation was utilized, as nine semi-structured interviews, conducted in a European setting, created the main method for data collection and analysis. Other complementary data such as HRM documentation and statistics of e-HRM system usage were utilized as background information to help to put the results into context. E-HRM has partly been taken into use in the case study company. Line managers tend to use e-HRM when a particular task requires it, but they are not familiar with all the features and possibilities which e-HRM has to offer. The advantages of e-HRM are in line with the company’s goals. The advantages are e.g. an transparency of data, process consistency, and having an efficient and easy-to-use tool at one’s disposal. However, several unintended, even contradictory, and mainly negative outcomes can also be identified, such as over-complicated processes, in-security in use of the tool, and the lack of co-operation with HR professionals. The use of e-HRM and managers’ perceptions regarding e-HRM affect the way in which managers perceive the consequences of e-HRM on their work. Overall, the consequences of e-HRM are divergent, even contradictory. The managers who considered e-HRM mostly beneficial to their work found that e-HRM affects their work by providing information and increasing efficiency. Those managers who mostly perceived challenges in e-HRM did not think that e-HRM had affected their role or their work. Even though the perceptions regarding e-HRM and its consequences might reflect the strategies, the distribution of work, and the ways of working in all HRM in general and can’t be generalized as such, this research contributed to the field of e-HRM and it provides new perspectives to e-HRM in the case study organization and in the academic field in general.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of the Finnish Defence Forces’ NH90 helicopter for parachuting operations with the T-10 static line parachute system. The work was based on the Army Command’s need to compensate for the reduction in the outsourced flight hours for the military static line parachuting training. The aim of the research was to find out the procedures and limitations with which the NH90 IOC+ or FOC version helicopter could be used for static line parachutist training with the T- 10B/MC1-1C parachutes. The research area was highly complicated and non-linear. Thus analytical methods could not be applied with sufficient confidence, even with present-day computing power. Therefore an empirical research method was selected, concentrating on flight testing supported with literature study and some calculated estimations. During three flights and 4.5 flight hours in Utti, Finland on 17−20 September 2012, a total of 44 parachute drops were made. These consisted of 16 dummy drops and 28 paratrooper jumps. The test results showed that when equipped with the floor mounted PASI-1 anchor line, the deflector bar of the NHIndustries’ Parachuting Kit and Patria’s floor protection panels the Finnish NH90 variant could be safely used for T-10B/MC1-1C static line parachuting operations from the right cabin door at airspeed range of 50−80 KIAS (∼90–150 km/h). The ceiling mounted anchor lines of the NHI’s Parachuting Kit were not usable with the T-10 system. This was due to the static lines’ unsafe behaviour in slipstream when connected to the cabin ceiling level. In conclusion, the NH90 helicopter can be used to meet the Army Command’s requirement for an additional platform for T-10 static line parachutist training. Material dropping, the effect of additional equipment and jumping from the rear ramp should be further studied.


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Biopolttoaineet ovat tärkeä energianlähde suomalaisessa energiantuotannossa. Biopoltto- aineille on kuitenkin ominaista laadun vaihtelevuus. Yksi tärkeimmistä laatutekijöistä on kosteus, joka vaikuttaa myös polttoaineen energiasisältöön. Laatutekijät puolestaan vai- kuttavat polttoainekäsittelyyn, polttoprosessiin ja koko laitoksen hyötysuhteeseen. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia voisiko biopolttoaineiden online-laadunmittaus tuoda lisäarvoa energiantuotantolaitokselle. Esimerkkinä käytettiin yhtä online-laadunmittaus- sovellusta, InrayFuel-röntgenmittausjärjestelmää. Sillä voidaan seurata biopolttoaineiden kosteutta ja polttoaineen sisältämiä vierasaineita. Työssä on laadittu kustannusanalyysi, jolla pyritään selvittämään, onko nykyisen kertaluontoisen mittausmenetelmän korvaami- nen jatkuvatoimisella kannattavaa. Esimerkkilaitoksena on Etelä-Savon Energian Pur- sialan voimalaitos, jossa röntgenmittausjärjestelmään on testattu. Saatujen tulosten mukaan investoiminen esimerkkimittausjärjestelmään maksaisi itsensä takaisin alle vuodessa. Kun laitoksella pystytään seuraamaan polttoaineen laatua jatkuva- toimisesti, laadunhallinta paranee ja sitä kautta voidaan saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä. Polt- toaineesta johtuvat häiriötilanteet vähenevät, polttoaine on mahdollista optimoida edulli- semmaksi polton kannalta ja poltto-olosuhteita voidaan säätää paremmin, jolloin päästöt vähenevät ja hyötysuhde kasvaa. Työssä käytetty laskenta analysoi kuitenkin hyvin ylei- sellä tasolla, sillä käytössä ei ollut laitoksen omaa taselaskentajärjestelmää. Laskenta siis sisältää paljon oletuksia. Tämän ja rohkaisevien tulosten vuoksi tutkimusta jatkuvatoimi- sen laadunmittauksen hyödyistä kannattaa tehdä enemmän.


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Valuable minerals can be recovered by using froth flotation. This is a widely used separation technique in mineral processing. In a flotation cell hydrophobic particles attach on air bubbles dispersed in the slurry and rise on the top of the cell. Valuable particles are made hydrophobic by adding collector chemicals in the slurry. With the help of a frother reagent a stable froth forms on the top of the cell and the froth with valuable minerals, i.e. the concentrate, can be removed for further processing. Normally the collector is dosed on the basis of the feed rate of the flotation circuit and the head grade of the valuable metal. However, also the mineral composition of the ore affects the consumption of the collector, i.e. how much is adsorbed on the mineral surfaces. Therefore it is worth monitoring the residual collector concentration in the flotation tailings. Excess usage of collector causes unnecessary costs and may even disturb the process. In the literature part of the Master’s thesis the basics of flotation process and collector chemicals are introduced. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), an analytical technique suitable for detecting collector chemicals, is also reviewed. In the experimental part of the thesis the development of an on-line CE method for monitoring the concentration of collector chemicals in a flotation process and the results of a measurement campaign are presented. It was possible to determine the quality and quantity of collector chemicals in nickel flotation tailings at a concentrator plant with the developed on-line CE method. Sodium ethyl xanthate and sodium isopropyl xanthate residuals were found in the tailings and slight correlation between the measured concentrations and the dosage amounts could be seen.


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The main strengths of professional knowledge-intensive business services (P-KIBS) are knowledge and creativity which needs to be fostered, maintained and supported. The process of managing P-KIBS companies deals with financial, operational and strategic risks. That is why it is reasonable to apply risk management techniques and frameworks in this context. A significant challenge hides in choosing reasonable ways of implementing risk management, which will not limit creative ability in organization, and furthermore will contribute to the process. This choice is related to a risk intelligent approach which becomes a justified way of finding the required balance. On a theoretical level the field of managing both creativity and risk intelligence as a balanced process remains understudied in particular within KIBS industry. For instance, there appears to be a wide range of separate models for innovation and risk management, but very little discussion in terms of trying to find the right balance between them. This study aims to shed light on the importance of well-managed combination of these concepts. The research purpose of the present study is to find out how the balance between creativity and risk intelligence can be managed in P-KIBS. The methodological approach utilized in the study is strictly conceptual without empirical aspects. The research purpose can be achieved through answering the following research supporting questions: 1. What are the characteristics and role of creativity as a component of innovation process in a P-KIBS company? 2. What are the characteristics and role of risk intelligence as an approach towards risk management process implementation in a P-KIBS company? 3. How can risk intelligence and creativity be balanced in P-KIBS? The main theoretical contribution of the study conceals in a proposed creativity and risk intelligence stage process framework. It is designed as an algorithm that can be applied on organizational canvas. It consists of several distinct stages specified by actors involved, their roles and implications. Additional stage-wise description provides detailed tasks for each of the enterprise levels, while combining strategies into one. The insights driven from the framework can be utilized by a vast range of specialists from strategists to risk managers, and from innovation managers to entrepreneurs. Any business that is designing and delivering knowledge service can potentially gain valuable thoughts and expand conceptual understanding from the present report. Risk intelligence in the current study is a unique way of emphasizing the role of creativity in professional knowledge-intensive industry and a worthy technique for making profound decisions towards risks.


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Työn tilaajana toimi Visedo Oy. Työn tavoitteina oli tutkia Visedo Oy:n ohjelmistokehityksen nykytila, tunnistaa seuraavat parannuskohteet ja antaa ohjeita havaittujen parannuskohteiden korjaamiseksi. Visedo Oy:n tehonmuokkain ohjelmistokehityksen nykytilaa käsiteltiin neljän valitun osa-alueen näkökulmasta: ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurityyli, komponenttipohjainen ohjelmistokehitys, ohjelmistotuotelinjojen kehitysmenetelmät ja ohjelmistovariaatioiden hallinta. Valituilla osa-alueilla havaittujen parannuskohteiden perusteella annettiin korjausehdotuksia: ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin rakenteeseen, komponenttien jakautumiselle, komponenttien koostamiselle ja komponenttien versioinnille. Lisäksi ehdotettiin uudenlaista ohjelmistotuotelinja rakennetta, joka yhdistää kerros- ja komponenttipohjaiset arkkitehtuurityylit mahdollistaen ominaisuuksiltaan eroavien tehonmuokkain ohjelmistojen hallinnan.


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The aim of this thesis is to search how to match the demand and supply effectively in industrial and project-oriented business environment. The demand-supply balancing process is searched through three different phases: the demand planning and forecasting, synchronization of demand and supply and measurement of the results. The thesis contains a single case study that has been implemented in a company called Outotec. In the case study the demand is planned and forecasted with qualitative (judgmental) forecasting method. The quantitative forecasting methods are searched further to support the demand forecast and long term planning. The sales and operations planning process is used in the synchronization of the demand and supply. The demand forecast is applied in the management of a supply chain of critical unit of elemental analyzer. Different meters on operational and strategic level are proposed for the measurement of performance.


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This thesis studies the possibility to use lean tools and methods in a quotation process which is carried out in an office environment. The aim of the study was to find out and test the relevant lean tools and methods which can help to balance and standardize the quotation process, and reduce the variance in quotation lead times and in quality. Seminal works, researches and guide books related to the topic were used as the basis for the theory development. Based on the literature review and the case company’s own lean experience, the applicable lean tools and methods were selected to be tested by a sales support team. Leveling production, by product categorization and value stream mapping, was a key method to be used to balance the quotation process. 5S method was started concurrently for standardizing the work. Results of the testing period showed that lean tools and methods are applicable in office process and selected tools and methods helped to balance and standardize the quotation process. Case company’s sales support team decided to implement new lean based quotation process model.


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With the new age of Internet of Things (IoT), object of everyday such as mobile smart devices start to be equipped with cheap sensors and low energy wireless communication capability. Nowadays mobile smart devices (phones, tablets) have become an ubiquitous device with everyone having access to at least one device. There is an opportunity to build innovative applications and services by exploiting these devices’ untapped rechargeable energy, sensing and processing capabilities. In this thesis, we propose, develop, implement and evaluate LoadIoT a peer-to-peer load balancing scheme that can distribute tasks among plethora of mobile smart devices in the IoT world. We develop and demonstrate an android-based proof of concept load-balancing application. We also present a model of the system which is used to validate the efficiency of the load balancing approach under varying application scenarios. Load balancing concepts can be apply to IoT scenario linked to smart devices. It is able to reduce the traffic send to the Cloud and the energy consumption of the devices. The data acquired from the experimental outcomes enable us to determine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of a load balanced P2P smart phone-based applications.


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Gear rattle is a phenomenon that occurs when idling or lightly loaded gears collide due to engine’s torque fluctuations. This behaviour is related to vibration behaviour of the transmission system. Aim of this master’s thesis is to evaluate Adams and Adams/Machinery as a simulation tools for modelling the rattle e ect in a transmission system. A case study of tractor’s power take-o driveline, suspected to be prone to rattle, is performed in this work. Modelling methods used by Adams in this type of study are presented in the theory section while simulation model build with the software during this work is presented in the results. The Machinery toolbox is used to create gears and bearings while other model components are created with standard Adams tool set. Geometries and excitations are exported from other softwares. Results were obtained from multiple variations of a base model. These result sets and literature review suggest that Adams/Machinery may not be the most suitable tool for rattle analysis. While the system behaviour was partially captured, for accurate modelling user-written routines must be used which may be more easily performed with other tools. Further research about this topic is required.