66 resultados para Goat producers
This work highlights and analyzes the citations and co-citations by different authors, countries and institutions in series of researches on biofuel. These relations represent a knowledge map which shows the areas of research by different countries and authors. The contributions of different institutions were also shown. With this knowledge map developed, areas of research that still need more attention as well as the most important studies were highlighted. The software used for this analysis is Citespace which is developed by Chaomei Chen. Sources of information are articles retrieved from ISI Web of Science. Biofuel as a renewable form of energy is discussed. Its sources, types, methods of production, effects, market, and producers were discussed. Also plans and strategies that aim at boosting world biofuel market were listed as well as recent researches on it. Knowledge mapping, its types and methods as well as the method and software used for the analysis were also discussed.
The main purposes of this study are analyzing of forest sector of North-West and research of potentials of wood fuel market in this region. Research is focused on definition of the most perspective areas for export of wood fuel: logging residues, industrial wood processing residues, pellets and briquettes. Russian wood energy industry is very young in comparison with European countries. Nowadays there are no support and serious attention from the government to this sector. Hence almost all wood fuel market is oriented to the Western Europe. Export of wood fuel is dominated over the internal consumption. Pellet production in North –West is rapidly growing. Despite internal market has been developed the lion's share of pellets goes to export. Part of industrial wood processing residues is used by producers for their own goals, part goes to the export and rest of them is not used at all. Logging residues as raw materials for fuel have great potentials; most of them are left in a forest. Special techniques for their processing are too expensive for Russian entrepreneur. Some parts of North –West, which are situated close to the border with European countries, are potential for export. Political, economical and logistical challenges are complicated facilities for foreign customer to purchase wood fuel in remote parts of North-West. However some decisions for solving this problem exist and Russian manufactures are still interested in export of their products.
The thesis examines System Integration and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) channel in the St. Petersburg drives market. The aim of the study was to increase understanding the relationship between OEM and SI and producers, problems and ongoing trends. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision. An essential part of this study was interviews as primary information sources, organized with SI and OEM companies which represented the basic SPb industry segments. The wholesalers and end users are left out from the analysis. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision.
This thesis is based on the personal experience gained related to the planning and production of three web-based teaching materials for the teaching subject knownas sloyd at the comprehensive school in Finland. After the teaching materials had been produced and published on the Internet at the Finnish textile teachers' website KässäBoxi, the idea for this thesis emanated from the questions: Why do the three teaching materials look the way they do and why do other textile teachers comment that they are different? In earlier sloyd educational research it has been stated that a scientific paradigm affects the individual ideology of a sloyd teacher. The aimfor my doctoral thesis is to continue on the topic. As the area of interest comprises the thought behind three teaching materials in sloyd, the aim of the thesis is to show how teaching and educational ideologies in sloyd appear in the teaching materials at hand. The research approach has parallels to research about another, tangible phenomena, namely the iceberg. In a similar way as an iceberg, a teaching material has a profound base, but the base is not always completely visible to the user of the teaching material. In this thesis I strive to show what there is under the surface, on the surface and above the surface of three teaching materials in sloyd. The research approach is defined as qualitative and phenomenologic-hermeneutic. The analysis results in knowledge about how the producer of a teaching material affects the character of a teaching material by choices concerning for example the form, structure, language and illustrations of the teaching material. The analysis also shows how the producers' individual educational and teaching ideologies within the teaching subject at hand appear by means of traces concerning the view on the pupil and the teacher, and the view on planning and conducting teaching in sloyd. The thesis also results in knowledge about how sloyd educational scientific theories and demands from society, as they are stated in the national core curriculum, appear in the three teaching materials. The application of the sloyd educational scientific theory of individual sloyd activity as a holistic educative system is also widened in the thesis. This thesis contributes to future research on producing teaching materials by information about what aspects a producer of teaching materials needs to consider and how the aspects become visible in the teaching materials. This kind of knowledge is valuable to teacher students in sloyd, to teachers in sloyd who intend to plan and produce teaching materials and to teachers who tutor the planning and production of teaching materials.
"Biopolttoaineiden saatavuus ja hankintalogistiikka Kaakkois-Suomessa" -hankkeen tavoitteena oli tuottaa ajantasaista ja paikkaan sidottua tietoa energiatuotantoon soveltuvan biomassan saatavuudesta ja biomassapotentiaalin tehokkaan käytön mahdollistavasta logistiikkajärjestelmästä Kaakkois-Suomen alueella. Tarkastelussa mukana olleet polttoaineet eli metsä- ja peltobiomassat sekä turve ovat ns. paikallisia polttoaineita, joiden hankinta tapahtuu maaseudulta, ensisijaisesti mahdollisimman läheltä kutakin käyttöpaikkaa. Hankkeessa tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia lisätä paikallista polttoaineenhankintaa, kuljetusmääriä ja -kalustoa järkevästi 2010-luvulla toteutettavan energiapolitiikan myötä kasvavan polttoainetarpeen puitteissa. Rautatie- ja vesitiekuljetusten hyödyntämistä logistiikassa tutkittiin kahden tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Tutkittavia asioita olivat myös tuotantoketjujen lisääntyvä työvoimatarve sekä maantieteellisesti laajenevan raaka-ainehankinnan kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä aiheutuvat ympäristövaikutukset. Tärkeimpinä tuloksina saatiin tietoa siitä, kuinka laajalle alueelle biopolttoaineiden hankinta eri asiantilojen vallitessa Kaakkois-Suomen alueella ulottuu, ja millaisia hankintalogistiikkaan liittyviä ratkaisuja voidaan ottaa käyttöön alueellisen polttoainepulan muodostuessa. Logistiikan kannalta Kaakkois-Suomen etuja ovat monipuoliset kuljetusverkostot, mutta toisaalta varsinkin hyvät yhteydet ulkomaille rajoittavat paikallisesti investointiaktiivisuutta bioenergian tuotanto- ja käsittelykaluston osalta. Lisäksi maaseudun yrittäjien keskuudessa epävarmuutta aiheuttavat heilahtelevat raakapuumarkkinat ja muuttuva energiatukipolitiikka.
Jatkuvasti kiristyvät päästörajoitukset ajavat eri alojen energiatuottajia kehittämään uusia ratkaisuja päästöjen pienentämiseksi. Viime aikoina myös laivojen päästörajoituksia on tiukennettu ja tulevaisuudessa niitä tullaan tiukentamaan lisää. Nämä tiukentuvat päästörajoitukset asettavat myös laivan dieselmoottoreiden valmistajat uusien haasteiden eteen. Yhtenä vaihtoehtona on lisätä dieselmoottorin rinnalle energiavarasto, joka vähentää dieselmoottorin päästöjä varsinkin nopeissa kuormituksen muutoksissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan sähköisten energiavarastojen mitoitusta laivan sähköjärjestelmään. Energiavarastot mitoitetaan useaan eri toimintatilanteeseen. Mitoituksen lisäksi pohditaan energiavarastoilla saatavaa mahdollista rahallista hyötyä sekä päästöjen vähenemistä.
The offset printing process is complex and involves the meeting of two essentially complex materials, printing ink and paper, upon which the final product is formed. It can therefore be expected that a multitude of chemical and physical interactions and mechanisms take place at the ink-paper interface. Interactions between ink and paper are of interest to both the papermakers and ink producers, as they wish to achieve better quality in the final product. The objective of this work is to clarify the combined influence of paper coating structure, printing ink and fountain solution on ink setting and the problems related to ink setting. A further aim is to identify the mechanisms that influence ink setting problems, and to be able to counteract them by changing properties of the coating layer or by changing the properties of the ink. The work carried out for this thesis included use of many techniques ranging from standard paper and printability tests to advanced optical techniques for detection of ink filaments during ink levelling. Modern imaging methods were applied for assessment of ink filament remain sizes and distribution of ink components inside pigment coating layers. Gravimetric filtration method and assessment of print rub using Ink-Surface-Interaction-Tester (ISIT) were utilized to study the influence of ink properties on ink setting. The chemical interactions were observed with the help of modified thin layer chromatography and contact angle measurements using both conventional and high speed imaging. The results of the papers in this thesis link the press operational parameters to filament sizes and show the influence of these parameters to filament size distribution. The relative importance between the press operation parameters was shown to vary. The size distribution of filaments is important in predicting the ink setting behaviour, which was highlighted by the dynamic gloss and ink setting studies. Prediction of ink setting behaviour was also further improved by use of separate permeability factors for different ink types in connection to filtration equations. The roles of ink components were studied in connection to ink absorption and mechanism of print rub. Total solids content and ratio of linseed oil to mineral oil were found to determine the degree of print rub on coated papers. Wax addition improved print rub resistance, but would not decrease print rub as much as lowering the total solids content in the ink. Linseed oil was shown to absorb into pigment coating pores by mechanism of adsorption to pore walls, which highlights the need for sufficient pore surface area for improved chromatographic separation of ink components. These results should help press operators, suppliers of printing presses, papermakers and suppliers to papermakers, to better understand the material and operating conditions of the press as it relates to various print quality issues. Even though paper is in competition with electronic media, high quality printed products are still in demand. The results should provide useful information for this segment of the industry.
Tämän diplomityön aiheena on palvelutarjooman kehittäminen elintarvikeketjussa toimivalle seutulogistiikan palveluyritykselle. Työn tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa uudenlaisen logistiikkapalvelun käynnistämisen tueksi. Työssä kartoitetaan kaakkoissuomalaisen elintarvikeketjun logistiikan toimintamalleja ja palvelutarpeita. Aineistona on käytetty 23 elintarvikeketjun osapuolen (tuottaja, jalostaja, myyjä) haastatteluja sekä olemassa olevia selvityksiä aiheesta. Työ sisältää katsauksen kaakkoissuomalaiseen ruokatuotantoon ja elintarvikeketjun eri vaiheiden nykytilaan. Tuloksena ovat jäsennetyt palvelutarpeet elintarvikkeiden toimitusketjun eri osapuolille. Lisäksi palveluyrityksen toimintaa selvennettiin rakentamalla sille liiketoimintamalli, joka sisältää arviot yrityksen tärkeimpien osa-alueiden sisällöstä ja toimintatavasta. Liiketoimintamallin ja eri osapuolien palvelutarpeiden pohjalta työssä rakennettiin kaksi palvelutarpeisiin perustuvaa vaihtoehtoista palvelutarjoomaa ja arvioitiin niiden ominaisuuksia ja toteutettavuutta Kaakkois-Suomessa. Työn sisältö ja lopputulokset ovat julkisesti hyödynnettävissä paikallisesti tuotetun ruoan tuottajien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien ja palvelun parantamiseksi.
Pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia vaihtoehtoisella yksityisen kopioinnin hyvitysmaksujärjestelmällä voisi olla Suomessa. Hyvitysmaksulla tarkoitetaan korvausta, joka maksetaan oikeudesta tehdä teoskappaleesta kopioita yksityiseen käyttöön. Maksu on Suomessa sisällytetty vuodesta 1984 alkaen kopiointilaitteiden hintoihin ja näin vyörytetty valmistajilta ja maahantuojilta kuluttajien maksettavakasi. Maksun alaisia laitteita ovat esimerkiksi C- kasetit, CD- levyt, digiboxit ja ulkoiset kovalevyt. Tutkielmassa kuvataan hyvitysmaksujärjestelmän historiallista kehitystä nykyiseen muotoonsa, sen toimivuutta eri intressiryhmien näkökulmasta sekä arvioidaan varteenotettavia vaihtoehtoja nykyiselle järjestelmälle. Aina uusiutuvan haasteen hyvitysjärjestelmän kehittämisessä muodostaa teknologian jatkuva muuntuminen ja uusien kopiointitekniikoiden yleistyminen. Siihen tekijänoikeuksia koskevat säädökset ovat vastanneet puutteellisesti tai jälkikäteen. Tutkimuskysymyksiä tarkastellaan virallistenlähteiden, kirjallisuuden ja asiasta julkaistujen, eri intressitahojen kannanottojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen toteutus on sekoitus kvalitatiivista, historiallista ja lainopillista tarkastelua sekä oikeustaloustiedettä. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että hyvitysmaksujärjestelmä ei tällä hetkellä suoriudu sille asetetuista tehtävistä tyydyttävästi, ja vaihtoehtoisen järjestelmän etsiminen on ajankohtaista. Varteenotettavaksi vaihtoehdoksi yksityiseen käyttöön tapahtuvan kopioinnin korvaamiseksi tekijöille ja tuottajille on tässä tutkielmassa arvioitu korvauksen toteuttaminen viestintärahaston kautta. Tämä ratkaisisi monet nykyiset ongelmat, ja näyttäisi tutkimuksen pohjalta arvioituna olevan paras vaihtoehto. Tähän siirtyminen vaatii kuitenkin ratkaisua kohtuullisen hyvityksen määrittämisen ongelmaan.
Contemporary organisations have to embrace the notion of doing ‘more with less’. This challenges knowledge production within companies and public organisations, forcing them to reorganise their structures and rethink what knowledge production actually means in the context of innovation and how knowledge is actually produced among various professional groups within the organisation in their everyday actions. Innovations are vital for organisational survival, and ‘ordinary’ employees and customers are central but too-often ignored producers of knowledge for contemporary organisations. Broader levels of participation and reflexive practices are needed. This dissertation discusses the missing links between innovation research conducted in the context of industrial management, arts, and culture; applied drama and theatre practices (specifically post-Boalian approaches); and learning – especially organising reflection – in organisational settings. This dissertation (1) explores and extends the role of research-based theatre to organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of practice-based innovation, (2) develops a reflexive model of RBT for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations in order to contribute to the development of a tool for innovation management and analysis, and (3) operationalises this model within private- and publicsector organisations. The proposed novel reflexive model of research-based theatre for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations extends existing methods and offers a different way of organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of general innovation management. The model was developed through five participatory action research processes conducted in four different organisations. The results provide learning steps – a reflection path – for understanding complex organisational life, people, and relations amid renewal and change actions. The proposed model provides a new approach to organising and cultivating reflexivity in practice-based innovation activities via research-based theatre. The results can be utilised as a guideline when processing practice-based innovation within private or public organisations. The model helps innovation managers to construct, together with their employees, temporary communities where they can learn together through reflecting on their own and each others’ experiences and to break down assumptions related to their own perspectives. The results include recommendations for practical development steps applicable in various organisations with regard to (i) application of research-based theatre and (ii) related general innovation management. The dissertation thus contributes to the development of novel learning approaches in knowledge production. Keywords: practice-based innovation, research-based theatre, learning, reflection, mode 2b knowledge production
Väestön ikääntyminen pakottaa yhteiskunnan ja julkisen terveydenhuollon muutoksiin. Jotta ikääntyvien ihmisten kotona asuminen voidaan mahdollistaa, palvelujärjestelmän pitää mukautua muuttuvaan tilanteeseen. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on tunnistaa asiakaslähtöisiä lähellä asiakasta tarjottavia palvelukokonaisuuksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu asiakasarvon luomisesta ja palvelutarjoamista. Tarkasteluryhmänä on Etelä-Karjalan alueen 60–90-vuotiaat ja käytetty aineisto on kerätty vastaajilta postitse lähetetyllä kyselyllä. Tutkimus on eksploratiivinen ja tulosten tulkinnassa on hyödynnetty määrällisen tutkimuksen ja verkostoanalyysin menetelmiä. Työn keskeisimmät tulokset ovat tunnistetut asiakassegmentit ja heidän tarpeidensa pohjalta muodostetut palvelupaketit. Tulokset indikoivat asiakkaiden tarpeita ja tuloksia on analysoitu myös tuottajan näkökulmasta. Empiiristen tulosten lisäksi teoriaviitekehystä on kehitetty eteenpäin, jotta palvelukeskeiset teoriat voidaan ymmärtää yritysten näkökulman lisäksi asiakkaan näkökulmasta.
The objective of this thesis was to examine the potential of multi-axis solutions in packaging machines produced in Europe. The definition of a multi-axis solution in this study is a construction that uses a common DC bus power supply for different amplifiers running the axes and the intelligence is centralized into one unit. The cost structure of a packaging machine was gained from an automation research, which divided the machines according to automation categories. The automation categories were then further divided into different sub-components by evaluating the ratio of multi-axis solutions compared to other automation components in packaging machines. A global motion control study was used for further information. With the help of the ratio, an estimation of the potential of multi-axis solutions in each country and packaging machine sector was completed. In addition to the research, a specific questionnaire was sent to five companies to gain information about the present situation and possible trends in packaging machinery. The greatest potential markets are in Germany and Italy, which are also the largest producers of packaging machinery in Europe. The greatest growth in the next few years will be seen in Turkey where the annual growth rate equals the general machinery production rate in Asia. The greatest market potential of the Nordic countries is found in Sweden in 35th position on the list. According to the interviews, motion control products in packaging machines will retain their current power levels, as well as the number of axes in the future. Integrated machine safety features together with a universal programming language are the desired attributes of the future. Unlike generally in industry, the energy saving objectives are and will remain insignificant in the packaging industry.
In Finland the thermal treatment of sewage sludge has been moderate in 21th century. The reason has been the high moisture content of sludge. During 2005-2008, 97-99% of sewage sludge was utilized in landscaping and agriculture. However agricultural use has been during 2005-2007 less than 3 %. The aim of national waste management plan is that by 2016 100% of sludge is used either as soil amendment or energy. The most popular utilization method for manure is spreading it on arable land. The dry manures such as poultry manure and horse manure could also be used in incineration. The ashes could be used as fertilizers and while it is not suitable as a starter fertilizer, it is suitable in maintaining P levels in the soil. One of the main drivers for more efficient nutrient management is the eutrophication in lakes and the Baltic See. ASH DEC process can be used in concentrating phosphorus rich ashes while separating the heavy metals that could be included. ASH DEC process uses thermochemical treatment to produce renewable phosphate for fertilizer production. The process includes mixing of ashes and chlorine donors and subsequent treatment in rotary kiln for 20 min in temperature of 900 – 1 050 oC. The heavy metals evaporate and P-rich product is obtained. The toxic substances are retained in air pollution control system in form of mixed metal hydroxides. The aim of conducting this study is to estimate the potential of ASH DEC process in treating phosphorus rich ashes in Finland. The masses considered in are sewage sludge, dry manure from horses, and poultry and liquid pig manure. To date the usual treatment method for sewage sludge in Finland is composting or anaerobic digestion. Part of the amount of produced sewage sludge (800 kt/a fresh mass and 160 kt/a TS) could also be incinerated and the residual ashes used in ASH DEC process. Incinerating only manure can be economically difficult to manage because the incineration of manure is in Finland considered as waste incineration. Getting a permit for waste incineration is difficult and also small scale waste incineration is too expensive. The manure could act as an additional feedstock in counties with high density of animal husbandry where the land area might not be enough for spreading of manure. Now when the manure acts as a supplementary feedstock beside sludge, the ash can’t be used directly as fertilizer. Then it could be used in ASH DEC process. The perquisite is that the manure producers could pay for the incineration, which might prove problematic.
Choosing the right supplier is crucial for long-term business prospects and profitability. Thus organizational buyers are naturally very interested in how they can select the right supplier for their needs. Likewise, suppliers are interested in knowing how their customers make purchasing decisions in order to effectively sell and market to them. From the point of view of the textile and clothing (T&C) industry, regulatory changes and increasing low-cost and globalization pressures have led to the rise of low-cost production locations India and China as the world’s largest T&C producers. This thesis will examine T&C trade between Finland and India specifically in the context of non-industrial T&C products. Its main research problem asks: what perceptions do Finnish T&C industry buyers hold of India and Indian suppliers? B2B buyers use various supplier selection models and criteria in making their purchase decisions. A significant amount of research has been done into supplier selection practices, and in the context of international trade, country of origin (COO) perceptions specifically have garnered much attention. This thesis uses a mixed methods approach (online questionnaire and in-depth interviews) to evaluate Finnish T&C buyers’ supplier selection criteria, COO perceptions of India and experiences of Indian suppliers. It was found that the most important supplier selection criteria used by Finnish T&C buyers are quality, reliability and cost. COO perceptions were not found to be influential in purchasing process. Indian T&C suppliers’ strengths were found to be low cost, flexibility and a history of traditional T&C expertise. Their weaknesses include product quality and unreliable delivery times. Overall, the main challenges that need to be overcome by Indian T&C companies are logistical difficulties and the cost vs. quality trade-off. Despite positive perceptions of India for cost, the overall value offered by Indian T&C products was perceived to be low due to poor quality. Unreliable delivery time experiences also affected buyer’s reliability perceptions of Indian suppliers. The main limiting factors of this thesis relate to the small sample size used in the research. This limits the generalizability of results and the ability to evaluate the reliability and validity of some of the research instruments.
Nettobudjetoinnin implementointi kunnallisessa yksikössä - Case: Helsingin kaupungin liikuntavirasto
Julkisen sektorin organisaatioita on kritisoitu niiden tehottomuudesta palveluiden tuottajina ja kritiikki on lisännyt keskustelua julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin sopivasta suhteesta. Julkisen sektorin organisaatioissa tilanteeseen on herätty ja toiminnan tehostamiseen on alettu etsiä keinoja. New Public Management:in ja tulosjohtamisen ajatusmaailma ovat ottaneet jalansijaa julkisen sektorin johtamisessa ja samalla tuoneet mukanaan entistä tulospainotteisempaa ajattelutapaa. Helsingin kaupungin liikuntavirastolla siirryttiin bruttobudjetoinnista nettobudjetointiin vuoden 2013 alusta. Budjetointimenetelmän muutoksen taustalla vaikuttaa tavoite viraston toiminnan tehostamisesta. Tutkimus keskittyy selvittämään liikuntaviraston muutosprosessia ja uuden budjetointimenetelmän implementointia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda työkalu helpottamaan nettobudjetoinnin implementointia. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla, jotka suoritettiin joulukuun 2012 ja huhtikuun 2013 välillä. Empiiriseen aineistoon ja muutosjohtamisen teoriaan nojaten tutkimuksessa onnistuttiin luomaan liikuntavirastolle muutosprosessin vaihemalli, joka sisältää toimenpide-ehdotuksia muutoksen ja uuden budjetointimenetelmän implementoinnin helpottamiseksi.