46 resultados para Georgian literature.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Addenda: Turcica, Arabica, Persica and Caucasica. Studia Orientalia, vol. 64, 1988.


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The first objective of the thesis is to find out which factors impact on customer profitability has been studied in scientific articles. The second objective is to find out the main authors and publishers from the subject area. Expectations were to find factors from marketing and management accounting literature, but this study did not succeed to gather management accounting perspective on the subject area. This study used bibliometric methods. The data for this study was collected manually from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Search words resulted 770 articles and from those 82 were included to further analyze. Descriptive analysis, citation analysis and content analysis were made. Bibexcel and Pajek software were used in this study. Publication activity was concentrated on years 2004-2013. The most productive author around the subject area is Kumar Vipin from Georgia State University (USA). A multiple customer profitability factors were identified. A lot of research was made for example about satisfaction, relationship duration, loyalty, marketing actions and customer equity drivers. The research is concentrated on service sector. The results are suggesting that there are research gaps in business-to-business and manufacturing sector.


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Venäjällä on hyvin keskeinen asema Suomen sotilaallisissa uhkakuvissa. Neuvostoliiton ajoilta periytynyt käsitys Venäjästä Suomen turvallisuutta uhkaavana tekijänä on kuitenkin ajoittain kyseenalaistettu Venäjän jatkuvasti lähentyessä Eurooppaa. Elokuun 2008 Venäjän ja Georgian väliset sotatoimet Etelä-Ossetiassa voidaankin nähdä eräänlaisena Venäjän merkityksen kehityksen kulminaatiopisteenä, jonka myötä Venäjän uhka-asema on joko jälleen vahvistunut tai jäänyt pysyvämmin taka-alalle. Tutkimuksen kohteena on tarkastella Georgian sodan vaikutuksia Venäjän uhkaan ja merkitykseen valtiollisena toimijana Suomen uhkakuvapolitiikassa. Tutkimuksella on pyritty selvittämään, miten vuoden 2008 Venäjän ja Georgian välinen sota on vaikuttanut Suomen sotilaallisiin uhkakuviin ja Venäjän merkitykseen Suomen turvallisuuspolitiikassa. Tutkimus on toteutettu vertailemalla Suomen valtioneuvoston turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittisten selontekojen sotilaallisia uhkakuvia ja niiden tulkintaa Venäjästä ennen ja jälkeen Georgian sodan, eli vuosilta 2004 ja 2009. Tutkimus on menetelmältään teorialähtöinen sisällönanalyysi, jota ohjaa konstruktivistinen yhteiskuntateoria ja sen teemat uhkakuvien genealogiasta (historiallisesta alkuperästä), habituaatiosta (tottumisesta) ja reifikaatiosta (vahvistuminen ajan kuluessa). Oleellinen osa tutkimusta on myös mahdollisuus uhkakuvien emansipaatioon (muutokseen), joka ei varsinaisesti ole konstruktivismin teema, mutta soveltuu erinomaisesti tutkimukseen. Konstruktivistisen yhteiskuntateorian teemojen kautta toteutetulla vertailulla Suomen sotilaallisista uhkakuvista ja Venäjän merkityksestä Suomen uhkakuvapolitiikassa ennen ja jälkeen Georgian sodan on pyritty selvittämään juuri Georgian sodan aikaansaamia kehityslinjoja. Tutkimuksessa tullaan tutkimusaineiston perusteella siihen johtopäätökseen, että Venäjän uhka-asema on vahvistunut vuosien 2004 ja 2009 välillä, mihin suurin yksittäinen tekijä on ollut juuri Georgian sota. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella on täten havaittavissa Venäjän Suomen turvallisuutta uhkaavan merkityksen konstruktivistisen yhteiskuntateorian mukaista reifikaatiota Georgian sodan seurauksena. Vaikka tutkimusaineistosta nouseekin esiin myös Venäjän uhka-aseman väistymistä tukevia havaintoja, ovat ne kuitenkin painoarvoltaan vähäisempiä ja tulkinnanvaraisempia kuin uhka-aseman vahvistumista tukevat havainnot. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella Suomen uhkakuvat ovat pääpiirteissään pysyneet samansuuntaisina, mutta sotilaallisen uhkan painoarvo uhkakuvien joukossa on kasvanut huomattavasti Georgian sodan jälkeen. Tämä osoittaa omalta osaltaan Venäjän sotilaallisen voimankäytön uhkan kasvua osoittaa Venäjän ollessa ainoa Suomea edes mahdollisesti sotilaallisesti uhkaava tekijä.


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Many industrial applications need object recognition and tracking capabilities. The algorithms developed for those purposes are computationally expensive. Yet ,real time performance, high accuracy and small power consumption are essential measures of the system. When all these requirements are combined, hardware acceleration of these algorithms becomes a feasible solution. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of these hardware acceleration solutions, which algorithms have been implemented in hardware and what modifications have been done in order to adapt these algorithms to hardware.


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This study reviews the research on interaction techniques and methods that could be applied in mobile augmented reality scenarios. The review is focused on themost recent advances and considers especially the use of head-mounted displays. Inthe review process, we have followed a systematic approach, which makes the reviewtransparent, repeatable, and less prone to human errors than if it was conducted in amore traditional manner. The main research subjects covered in the review are headorientation and gaze-tracking, gestures and body part-tracking, and multimodality– as far as the subjects are related to human-computer interaction. Besides these,also a number of other areas of interest will be discussed.


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In this paper, we review the advances of monocular model-based tracking for last ten years period until 2014. In 2005, Lepetit, et. al, [19] reviewed the status of monocular model based rigid body tracking. Since then, direct 3D tracking has become quite popular research area, but monocular model-based tracking should still not be forgotten. We mainly focus on tracking, which could be applied to aug- mented reality, but also some other applications are covered. Given the wide subject area this paper tries to give a broad view on the research that has been conducted, giving the reader an introduction to the different disciplines that are tightly related to model-based tracking. The work has been conducted by searching through well known academic search databases in a systematic manner, and by selecting certain publications for closer examination. We analyze the results by dividing the found papers into different categories by their way of implementation. The issues which have not yet been solved are discussed. We also discuss on emerging model-based methods such as fusing different types of features and region-based pose estimation which could show the way for future research in this subject.


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This literature review aims to clarify what is known about map matching by using inertial sensors and what are the requirements for map matching, inertial sensors, placement and possible complementary position technology. The target is to develop a wearable location system that can position itself within a complex construction environment automatically with the aid of an accurate building model. The wearable location system should work on a tablet computer which is running an augmented reality (AR) solution and is capable of track and visualize 3D-CAD models in real environment. The wearable location system is needed to support the system in initialization of the accurate camera pose calculation and automatically finding the right location in the 3D-CAD model. One type of sensor which does seem applicable to people tracking is inertial measurement unit (IMU). The IMU sensors in aerospace applications, based on laser based gyroscopes, are big but provide a very accurate position estimation with a limited drift. Small and light units such as those based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMS) sensors are becoming very popular, but they have a significant bias and therefore suffer from large drifts and require method for calibration like map matching. The system requires very little fixed infrastructure, the monetary cost is proportional to the number of users, rather than to the coverage area as is the case for traditional absolute indoor location systems.


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The emergence of depth sensors has made it possible to track – not only monocular cues – but also the actual depth values of the environment. This is especially useful in augmented reality solutions, where the position and orientation (pose) of the observer need to be accurately determined. This allows virtual objects to be installed to the view of the user through, for example, a screen of a tablet or augmented reality glasses (e.g. Google glass, etc.). Although the early 3D sensors have been physically quite large, the size of these sensors is decreasing, and possibly – eventually – a 3D sensor could be embedded – for example – to augmented reality glasses. The wider subject area considered in this review is 3D SLAM methods, which take advantage of the 3D information available by modern RGB-D sensors, such as Microsoft Kinect. Thus the review for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and 3D tracking in augmented reality is a timely subject. We also try to find out the limitations and possibilities of different tracking methods, and how they should be improved, in order to allow efficient integration of the methods to the augmented reality solutions of the future.


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The information technology (IT) industry has recently witnessed the proliferation of cloud services, which have allowed IT service providers to deliver on-demand resources to customers over the Internet. This frees both service providers and consumers from traditional IT-related burdens such as capital and operating expenses and allows them to respond rapidly to new opportunities in the market. Due to the popularity and growth of cloud services, numerous researchers have conducted studies on various aspects of cloud services, both positive and negative. However, none of those studies have connected all relevant information to provide a holistic picture of the current state of cloud service research. This study aims to investigate that current situation and propose the most promising future directions. In order to determine achieve these goals, a systematic literature review was conducted on studies with a primary focus on cloud services. Based on carefully crafted inclusion criteria, 52 articles from highly credible online sources were selected for the review. To define the main focus of the review and facilitate the analysis of literature, a conceptual framework with five main factors was proposed. The selected articles were organized under the factors of the proposed framework and then synthesized using a narrative technique. The results of this systematic review indicate that the impacts of cloud services on enterprises were the factor best covered by contemporary research. Researchers were able to present valuable findings about how cloud services impact various aspects of enterprises such as governance, performance, and security. By contrast, the role of service provider sub-contractors in the cloud service market remains largely uninvestigated, as do cloud-based enterprise software and cloud-based office systems for consumers. Moreover, the results also show that researchers should pay more attention to the integration of cloud services into legacy IT systems to facilitate the adoption of cloud services by enterprise users. After the literature synthesis, the present study proposed several promising directions for cloud service research by outlining research questions for the underexplored areas of cloud services, in order to facilitate the development of cloud service markets in the future.