55 resultados para 303-U1305C
Soitinnus: pasuuna.
Invocatio Q.B.C.
Challenges of mass university conceived and experienced by university language centre language teachers The massification of the university involved not only an expansion but also a transition from one period to another, from elite higher education to mass higher education. Massification cannot be viewed as expansion and structural change but it has to be viewed in a context of a number of changes involving universities, state, economy, society and culture as well as science, technology, education and research. In the Finnish academic context, massification is often associated with negative development and it may be used as an excuse for poor teaching. The objective of the present study is to find out how the mass context is manifested in the work of university language centre language teachers. The data were collected by means of semi-structured questionnaires from 32 language teachers working at language centres at the universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku in Finland. Both Finnish and native speakers, 6 male and 26 female teachers, were included. All the teachers in the study had taught more than 10 years. The data were complemented by interviews of four teachers and email data from one teacher. Phenomenographic analysis of the informants’ conceptions enabled a description of their experiences of students at a mass university, conceptions of teaching and learning and of issues related to work health. Some conceptions were consonant with earlier results. The conceptions revealed differences between two teacher groups, teachers of subject-specific language, or language for specific purposes (LSP), and teachers of elementary and advanced language courses (general language teachers). For the first, the conceptions of the investigated teachers provided a picture of the students as a member of a mass university. The students were seen as customers who demanded special services to facilitate their studies or were selective about the contents of the course. The finding that appeared only in the LSP teachers’ data was the unengaged attitude towards language study, which appeared as mere hunt for credits. On the other hand, the students were also seen as language learning individuals, but a clear picture of a truly interested language learner was evident in the data of general language teachers. The teachers’ conceptions of teaching and learning revealed a picture of experienced teachers with a long background of teaching, reflecting experiences from different time periods and influences from their own education and illustrating the increasing problems with organizing individual tutoring due to large, heterogeneous groups. It seemed, however, that in spite of the large student groups, general language teachers were able to support the students’ learning processes and to use learner-centred methods, whereas LSP teachers were frequently compelled to resort to knowledge transmission type of teaching. The conditions of the mass university were clearly manifested in the respondents’ conceptions about work satisfaction: there were a number of factors related to administration, teaching arrangements and the status of the language centres that were likely to add to the teachers’ work stress, whereas traditional characteristics of academic work were viewed as promoting work satisfaction. On the basis of the teachers’ conceptions, it is safe to assume that academic mass context and students’ orientations have an effect on the teacher’s approach to teaching, while there is no unequivocal association between mass university teaching and poor teaching.
Seloste artikkelista: Segmentation of model localization subareas by Getis statistics / Minna Räty & Annika Kangas. - Julkaisussa: Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 2, s. 303-317.
Liikenneturvallisuutta voidaan parantaa mm. kehittämällä liikenneympäristöä ja lisäämällä turvallisen liikkumisen osaamista. Liperin liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelma on laadittu, jotta liikenneturvallisuustyö olisi jatkuvaa ja systemaattista kaikissa kunnan hallintokunnissa. Liikenneturvallisuuden nykytila selvitettiin onnettomuus- ja tierekistereiden, asukaskyselyn ja yleisötilaisuuden kautta asukkailta saadun palautteen, asiantuntijavuoropuhelun sekä oppilailta saadun palautteen avulla. Ongelmat keskittyvät Liperissä Ylämyllylle, sillä Kirkonkylässä on tehty vast’ikään merkittäviä tieremontteja. Valtatieltä 9 nousi esiin muutama liittymä ja tiejakso, joilla ongelmia koetaan, kuten ns, Käsämän liittymä. Nykytila-analyysin ja valtakunnallisten tavoitteiden perusteella Liperin liikenneturvallisuuden tavoitteiksi asetettiin ns. nollavisio, jonka mukaan kenenkään ei tarvitse kuolla tai loukkaantua liikenteessä. Liikenneympäristön toimenpidesuunnitelmassa on esitetty liikenneturvallisuuteen tähtääviä periaatteita, kuten liikenneturvallisuuden ja esteettömyyden entistä merkittävämpi mukaanotto maankäytön ja rakennusten suunnittelussa. Varsinaisina toimenpiteinä on esitetty mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja, jotta niiden toteuttaminen olisi mahdollista lähivuosien aikana. Ratkaisuille on laadittu alustavat kustannusarviot, ja ne on priorisoitu, mikä helpottaa niin kunnan kuin Ely-keskuksenkin toiminta- ja taloussuunnittelua. Toimenpiteiden alustavat kustannusarviot ovat yhteensä noin 3,3 miljoonaa euroa. Liikenneturvallisuustyön kehittämiseksi on esitetty seudullista yhteistyötä liikennejärjestelmätyön puitteissa. Myös kunnan omalle liikenneturvallisuusryhmälle on esitetty ”askelmerkkejä”, joiden avulla työ on helpompaa ja systemaattista. Tarkoitus on, että liikenneturvallisuustyö on osa normaalia päivätyötä, eikä siitä aiheudu kohtuuttomia ponnistuksia.
The Baltic Sea is unique by its biological, geochemical and physical features. The number of species of larger organisms is small and the species composition is distinctive. On the contrary microbial communities are diverse. Because of the low salinity levels, bacterial communities differ from the ones in the oceans. Knowing the structure of these communities better and how they response to different environmental conditions helps us to estimate how different factors affect the balance and function of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Bacteria are the key players when it comes to natural biogeochemical processes and human-induced phenomena like eutrophication, oil spills or disposal of other harmful substances to the sea ecosystem. In this thesis, bacterial community structure in the sea surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Archipelago Sea were compared. In addition, the effect of diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes on bacterial community structure was studied by a mesocosm experiment. Diesel, crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation capacity of the Baltic Sea bacteria was studied in smaller scale microcosm experiments. In diesel oil experiments bacteria from water phase of the Archipelago Sea was studied. Sediment and iron manganese concretions collected from the Gulf of Finland were used in the crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon experiments. The amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation genes was measured in all of the oil degradation experiments. The results show how differences in bacterial community structure can be seen in the sea surface when compared to the subsurface waters. The mesocosm experiment demonstrated how diatom-bacteria interactions depend on other factors than diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes, which do not seem to have an effect on the bacterial community structure as has been suggested in earlier studies. The dominant bacterial groups in the diesel microcosms differed in samples taken from a pristine site when compared to a site with previous oil exposure in the Archipelago Sea area. Results of the study with sediment and iron-manganese concretions indicate that there are diverse bacterial communities, typical to each bottom type, inhabiting the bottoms of the Gulf of Finland capable to degrade oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.