427 resultados para Sulkunen, Olavi: Kansainväliset ammattiyhdistysoikeudet
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Dedikaatio: Johannes Kraftman.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: Jehovah auxiliante.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Arkit: A-B4.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilua on tutkittu pitkään ja yhtämittaisesti jo vuosikymmenten ajan ympäri maailmaa. Kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilusta on valtava määrä, mutta tutkimustulokset odotuskuilun muodostumiseen vaikuttavista syistä ovat osittain epäselviä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on koota yhteen kansainvälisten tutkimusten tuloksien pohjalta keskeisimmät syyt odotuskuilun muodostumiselle ja keinot odotuskuilun kaventamiseen käyttäen lähdemateriaalina 2000-luvulla ja sen jälkeen julkaistuja tutkimuksia. Tutkimus on toteutettu systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Lähdeaineisto haettiin systemaattisesti EBSCO-tietokannasta, jonka kautta lopulliseen aineistoon valikoitui yhteensä 31 tutkimusta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilu muodostuu ensisijaisesti johtuen yleisön kohtuuttomista odotuksista ja yleisön tietämättömyydestä tilintarkastajien velvollisuuksista. Todennäköisinä keinoina odotuskuilun kaventamisessa ovat tilintarkastusraportoinnin laajentaminen sekä yleisön kouluttaminen erityisesti tilintarkastajien roolista heitä koskevista velvollisuuksista. Tutkimustulokset eivät kuitenkaan osoittaneet yksimielistä keinoa siihen, kuinka yleisön kouluttaminen pitäisi toteuttaa.
Nursing education research has confirmed its place in the discipline of nursing and caring sciences being one of the most central research areas. However, extensive and systematic analysis of nursing education research has been lacking both nationally and internationally. The aim of this study was to describe the focus of nursing education research in Finnish doctoral dissertations in the field of nursing and caring sciences between the years 1990–2014. In addition, the characteristics (i.e. methods, study informants and reporting of validity, reliability, and research ethics) of the dissertations were described. Also, international reviews (N=39) focusing on nursing education research were analysed for a background literature. A literature review was carried out. Altogether 51 (=N) Finnish doctoral dissertations of nursing and caring sciences in the field of nursing education research were included in the final analysis. The data for this research was collected from the open publication lists of each university offering education in nursing and caring sciences in Finland. The dissertations were published in 1990–2014. The data were analysed by content analysis both deductively and inductively. This study consists of a scientific article manuscript and a background literature review. Nursing education research has focused both nationally and internationally on four main areas: structural factors in nursing education, nurse teacherhood, teaching activities, and learning and learning outcomes in nursing education. In Finland, the most central focus area was learning (84.3 %) whereas nurse teacherhood and structural factors in nursing education were studied the least. Students were the predominant study informant group while nurse staff including nurse mentors were next and nurse educators only the third. Surveys and interviews were the most common data collection methods. In the findings there were a lot of similarities with international reviews of nursing education research. Finnish nursing education research has been very student-centred yet studies focusing on the education of other nursing based professions or different levels of education are rare. Future research about nurse teacherhood, curricula and structural factors in nursing education is recommended. There is also a need for experimental designs. In addition, nursing education research should focus on the central phenomena of nursing education and working life. All in all, more nursing education research is needed. Nursing education dissertations cover only 12.3 % of all the dissertations of nursing and caring sciences in Finland.