55 resultados para video card game


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Contactless integrated circuit cards are one form of application of radio frequency identification. They are used in applications such as access control, identification, and payment in public transport. The contactless IC cards are passive which means that both the data and the energy are transferred to the card without contact using inductive coupling. Antenna design and optimization of the design for contactless IC cards defined by ISO/IEC14443 is studied. The basic operation principles of contactless system are presented and the structure of contactless IC card is illustrated. The structure was divided between the contactless chip and the antenna. The operation of the antenna was covered in depth and the parameters affecting to the performance of the antenna were presented. Also the different antenna technologies and connection technologies were provided. The antenna design process with the parameters and the design tools isillustrated and optimization of the design is studied. To make the design process more ideal a target of development was discovered, which was the implementation of test application. The optimization of the antenna design was presented based on the optimization criteria defined in this study. The solution for the implementation of these criteria and the effect of each criterion was found. For enhancing the performance of the antenna a focus for future study was proposed.


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Konferenssiesitelmä: PHOTOGRAPHY NEXT International Conference at Moderna museet and Nordiska Museet, Stockholm, 4-5 February, 2010


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee poptähti Michael Jacksonin tähtikuvaa populaarina myyttinä arkkityyppien näkökulmasta. Tutkimus käsittelee myös tähteyden historiaa ja siirtymää klassisesta Hollywood -tähteydestä postmoderniin tähteyteen. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään Jacksonin positiota kulttuurisella tähtikentällä ja sitä, mitä uutta rajatilasankarin, initiaation ja tricksterin arkkityypit voivat kertoa tunnetusta poptähdestä. Tutkimusaineistoksi on valittu Jacksonin Moonwalker –elokuva (1988) ja sen sisällä oleva Smooth Criminal -osio, joka sisältää juonellisen tarinan ja musiikkivideokohtauksen. Smooth Criminal -musiikkikohtaus viittaa kulta-ajan Hollywood -tähden Fred Astairen Band Wagon –musikaalin (1953) Girl Hunt Ballet -musikaalinumeroon. Tutkimuksen kulttuurihistoriallisessa osiossa tuodaan vertailuun Astairen ja Jacksonin erilaiset tähteydet, videoiden narratiivit ja sankaruudet, joita tähdet ilmentävät narratiiveissa. Arkkityyppeihin keskittyvässä osiossa sama Smooth Criminal -narratiivi luetaan uudestaan näiden kolmen arkkityypin kautta, jolloin Jacksonin tähtikuvasta avautuu uusia aspekteja. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen rungon muodostavat sveitsiläisen analyyttisen psykologian perustajan Carl Gustav Jungin teoria arkkityypeistä ja tätä teoriaa soveltava postjungilainen tutkimus. Tutkimuksen kulttuurihistoriallinen puoli pohjaa perinteiseen tähtitutkimukseen ja erityisesti Richard Dyerin sekä Edgar Morinin teoksiin. Käytän postjungilaista elokuva- ja tähtitutkimusta tutkimuksessani, joista tärkeimpiä ovat John Izodin ja Luke Hockleyn teokset. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että tähteys on kulttuurisidonnaista ja ilmentää omaa aikaansa. Astairen tähteys ja narratiivin sankaruus koostuu muutamista pelkistetyistä aspekteista. Jackson on tähtenä eräänlainen hybridisankari, jossa yhdistyvät monet vastakkaiset merkitykset. Rajatilasankarin, initiaation ja tricksterin arkkityypit ovat kaikki löydettävissä tutkinnan kohteena olevasta narratiivista. Arkkityyppien kautta voi nähdä, että Jacksonin ilmensi tähteydessään myös näitä kaikille ihmisille yhteisiä psyykkisiä sisältöjä, mikä voi osaltaan selittää hänen globaalia suosiotaan.


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The main goal of the present Master’s Thesis project was to create a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based system for the control of single-electron transistors or other cryoelectronic devices. The FPGA and similar technologies are studied in the present work. The fixed and programmable logic are compared with each other. The main features and limitations of the hardware used in the project are investigated. The hardware and software connections of the device to the computer are shown in detail. The software development techniques for FPGA-based design are described. The steps of design for programmable logic are considered. Furthermore, the results of filters implemented in the software are illustrated.


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In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.


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14 x 21 cm


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Tämän kandinaatintutkielman lopullisena tavoitteena oli määritellä mitkä ovat keskisuuren suomalaisen pelinkehittäjän digitaalisen markkinointiviestinnän keinot digitaalisessa jakelukanavassa sekä selvittää miten digitaalinen jakelukanava vaikuttaa yrityksen liiketoimintamalliin ja miten yritys toteuttaa digitaalisen markkinointiviestintänsä. Teoriaosuus koostuu digitaalisen jakelun, digitaalisten jakelukanavien, markkinointiviestinnän ja digitaalisen markkinointiviestinnän määrittelystä sekä digitaalisen markkinointiviestinnän toteutuksesta digitaalisessa jakelukanavassa. Empiriaosuus käy läpi suomalaisen keskisuuren pelinkehittäjän Frozenbyte Oy:n kautta lävitse miten yritys pystyy vaikuttamaan digitaaliseen markkinointiviestinsäänsä. Lopputulemana tutkimus päätyi johtopäätökseen, ettei erityistä jakelukanavalta ostettua markkinointiviestintää keskisuurella tai pienellä pelinkehittäjälle ole mahdollista hankkia, vaan viestintä täytyy toteuttaa epäsuorasti. Tutkimuksen myötä löydettiinkin kaksi keinoluokkaa digitaalisen julkaisukanavan sisäisen markkinointiviestinnän toteuttamiseen: välillinen vaikuttaminen ja tuotteen kehittämisen kautta tapahtuva viestintä.


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Julkaisumaa Intia 356 IN IND


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The aim of this study is to find out how game companies perceive the three traditional funding sources and how well their opinions and needs are reflected on the choices they make. To accomplish this, 20 game companies were questioned about multiple topics with the help of Tekes and Neogames. The results of this study show that game developers clearly differentiate the three major funding sources and the public sector ends up being the most significant source of external funding. This study also points out that most game companies are indeed facing issues in acquiring funding as well as various other resources.


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A rapidly growing gaming industry, which specializes on PC, console, online and other games, attracts attention of investors and analysts, who try to understand what drives changes of the gaming industry companies’ stock prices. This master thesis shows the evidence that, besides long-established types of events (M&A and dividend payments), the companies’ stock price changes depend on industry-specific events. I analyzed specific for gaming industry events - game releases with respect to its subdivisions: new games-sequels, games ratings and subdivision according to a developer of a game (self-developed by publisher or outsourced). The master thesis analyzes stock prices of 55 companies from gaming industry from all over the world. The research period covers 5 year, spreading from April 2008 to April 2013. Executed with an event study method, results of the research show that all the analyzed events types have significant influence on the stock prices of the gaming industry companies. The current master thesis suggests that acquisitions in the industry affect positively bidders’ and targets’ stock prices. Mergers events cause positive stock price reactions as well. But dividends payments and game releases events influence negatively on the stock prices. Game releases’ effect is up to -2.2% of cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) drop during the first ten days after the game releases. Having researched different kinds of events and identified the direction of their impact, the current paper can be of high value for investors, seeking profits in the gaming industry, and other interested parties.


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Video transcoding refers to the process of converting a digital video from one format into another format. It is a compute-intensive operation. Therefore, transcoding of a large number of simultaneous video streams requires a large amount of computing resources. Moreover, to handle di erent load conditions in a cost-e cient manner, the video transcoding service should be dynamically scalable. Infrastructure as a Service Clouds currently offer computing resources, such as virtual machines, under the pay-per-use business model. Thus the IaaS Clouds can be leveraged to provide a coste cient, dynamically scalable video transcoding service. To use computing resources e ciently in a cloud computing environment, cost-e cient virtual machine provisioning is required to avoid overutilization and under-utilization of virtual machines. This thesis presents proactive virtual machine resource allocation and de-allocation algorithms for video transcoding in cloud computing. Since users' requests for videos may change at di erent times, a check is required to see if the current computing resources are adequate for the video requests. Therefore, the work on admission control is also provided. In addition to admission control, temporal resolution reduction is used to avoid jitters in a video. Furthermore, in a cloud computing environment such as Amazon EC2, the computing resources are more expensive as compared with the storage resources. Therefore, to avoid repetition of transcoding operations, a transcoded video needs to be stored for a certain time. To store all videos for the same amount of time is also not cost-e cient because popular transcoded videos have high access rate while unpopular transcoded videos are rarely accessed. This thesis provides a cost-e cient computation and storage trade-o strategy, which stores videos in the video repository as long as it is cost-e cient to store them. This thesis also proposes video segmentation strategies for bit rate reduction and spatial resolution reduction video transcoding. The evaluation of proposed strategies is performed using a message passing interface based video transcoder, which uses a coarse-grain parallel processing approach where video is segmented at group of pictures level.


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Designing user interfaces for novel software systems can be challenging since the usability preferences of the users are not well known. This thesis presents a usability study conducted for the development of a user interface for game developers to enter game specific information. By conducting usability testing, the usability preferences of game developers were explored and the design was shaped according to their needs. An assessment of the overall usability of the final design is provided together with the main findings that include the usability preferences and design recommendations. The results showed that the most valuable usability preferences are quickness, error tolerance and the ability to constantly inspect the entered information.


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The usage of digital content, such as video clips and images, has increased dramatically during the last decade. Local image features have been applied increasingly in various image and video retrieval applications. This thesis evaluates local features and applies them to image and video processing tasks. The results of the study show that 1) the performance of different local feature detector and descriptor methods vary significantly in object class matching, 2) local features can be applied in image alignment with superior results against the state-of-the-art, 3) the local feature based shot boundary detection method produces promising results, and 4) the local feature based hierarchical video summarization method shows promising new new research direction. In conclusion, this thesis presents the local features as a powerful tool in many applications and the imminent future work should concentrate on improving the quality of the local features.