149 resultados para vårdande roll
Avhandlingen söker en djupare förståelse för vad som är det vårdande för människor som befinner sig i djupt lidande som gränsar till det outhärdliga lidandet. Människans övergripande livsrum är sammansatt av flera mindre rum dit tillträde ges i olika omfattning. Vissa av människans handlingar innebär att de rum som ger möjlighet till näring och växt är stängda. Endast de yttersta livsrummen återstår att vistas i. Vårdaren bör vara beredd att ge sig in i dessa tillsammans med patienten. Fokus är på vad som är det vårdande i en samtalsform som här benämns hermeneutiska vårdande samtal. Patienterna som samtalen förs med befinner sig inom rättspsykiatrisk vårdkontext. Där vårdas människor, som överlämnats till vård efter att de begått brottsliga handlingar. Skälet till att de vårdas och inte befinner sig i fängelse är att de befunnits lida av en allvarlig psykisk störning (som den juridiska termen lyder). Grunden för samtalen är den caritativa vårdvetenskapen där ethos anger tonen och riktningen. Substansen i samtalen hämtas från de filosofiska fundamenten varat och transcendensen, det Oändliga samt gränssituation. En annan del av samtalsplattformen utgörs av några centrala begrepp såsom lidande, livsförståelsemörker och försoning. Skönlitterära texter, poesi och musik har även utgjort en viktig förutsättning för samtalen att växa sig mot allt större djup. Samtalen ses som en gemensam bildningsresa för forskaren och forskningspersonen som handlar om att lämna det bekanta för det främmande och sedan återvända som en annan. Rytmen och rörelsen i samtalen är väsentliga för uppnåendet av den horisontsammansmältning som kan leda fram till en gemensam förståelse av saken, det vill säga vad som är det vårdade. Resultatet framträder genom en mönsterskapande fas, ett sökandet efter det universella samt en allomfattande tolkning. De mönster som visar sig är att bära och hantera skuld, lindrat lidande genom utveckling i livsförståelse, möten i vårdade gemenskap samt försoningens vandring och slutligen hopp. Dessa mönster ger glimtar av en ny förståelsehorisont. Förståelsen av vad som är det vårdande i de hermeneutiska vårdade samtalen utifrån dessa mönster, mynnar ut i följande: Den vårdade gemenskapen innebär att vårdaren är tillsammans med patienten i gränssituationen, den gemensamma förståelsen av saken betyder att patienten så småningom kan ge sig själv rätten att inneha det mänskliga ämbetet, lidandet öppnar för det universella som ibland kan ta formen av en gudstro, enda vägen till försoning är att för alltid bära skulden, reningen ger kraft samt slutligen att vara varandras hopp. Den nya förståelsen har kontextspecifika drag, men öppnar för ett vidare inseende i vad som är det vårdande för den som befinner sig i ett stort lidande. Den funna kunskapen betraktas utifrån sin universella karaktär som överförbar till andra människor och till andra vårdade kontexter än den som är aktuell i studien.
The Roll-to-Roll process makes it possible to print electronic products continuously onto a uniform substrate. Printing components on flexible surfaces can bring down the costs of simple electronic devices such as RFID tags, antennas and transistors. The possibility of quickly printing flexible electronic components opens up a wide array of novel products previously too expensive to produce on a large scale. Several different printing methods can be used in Roll-to-Roll printing, such as gravure, spray, offset, flexographic and others. Most of the methods can also be mixed in one production line. Most of them still require years of research to reach a significant commercial level. The research for this thesis was carried out at the Konkuk University Flexible Display Research Center (KU-FDRC) in Seoul, Korea. A system using Roll-to-Roll printing requires that the motion of the web can be controlled in every direction in order to align different layers of ink properly. Between printers the ink is dried with hot air. The effects of thermal expansion on the tension of the web are studied in this work, and a mathematical model was constructed on Matlab and Simulink. Simulations and experiments lead to the conclusion that the thermal expansion of the web has a great influence on the tension of the web. Also, experimental evidence was gained that the particular printing machine used for these experiments at KU-FDRC may have a problem in controlling the speeds of the cylinders which pull the web.
The aim of this dissertation is to develop a theory on intercultural caring to deepen the understanding of caring between nurses and patients who have different cultural backgrounds. The research questions are: 1) What is intercultural caring? 2) How is intercultural caring described and understood? 3) How is intercultural caring described and understood in a maternity care context from the patients’ perspective? 4) What is the substance in a theory on intercultural caring? 5) What is the substance in a theory on intercultural caring in maternity care from the patients’ perspective? The theoretical perspective is based on caritative theory and the caring science-tradition (Eriksson, 2001, 2002) and has a hermeneutic approach. In the first study, 19 texts of Campinha-Bacote, Kim-Godwin, Leininger and Ray are analysed through content analysis. A model for intercultural caring is then created abductively. The second study is a metasynthesis of 40 studies on intercultural caring in maternity care research. The third study is a focused ethnography, in which 17 immigrant mothers are interviewed and observed. The theory on intercultural caring is created through a hermeneutic synthesis of the three studies. A synthesis of the studies with a maternity context results in five patterns of interpretation: the experience of caring is related to power; the family is always present; childbearing and change of culture can give women multiple vulnerabilities; both the mother and the nurse change when they meet; conflicts can cause change. The theory and patterns of interpretation consolidate into a contextual theory on intercultural caring for clinical maternity praxis. In this theory, caring consists of four dimensions: universal, cultural, contextual, and unique caring, which permeate each other. Universal caring is nondependent of time and space. Cultural caring considers the cultural background, the acculturation and the equality of each mother. In the maternity care culture, cultural competence, cultural safety, and acculturation of the nurse are emphasised. Contextual caring considers the specific cultural features of the childbearing mother. In this respect, the nurse is expected to be an expert and to clarify cultural assumptions in maternity care. In unique caring, the mother expects good communication, respect for the family, goodwill and somebody who cares for her and meets her needs, in order for trust to be built. In this respect, the nurse listens to the woman’s narrative, is flexible, open, courageous, and non-judgemental. The nurse shows an understanding for the life situation of the woman, and strives for continuity to preserve the care relationship. It was found that external circumstances affect intercultural caring. Moreover, intercultural caring is expected to decrease misunderstandings and conflicts, alleviate suffering and promote health and life. The theory adds knowledge to the phenomenon of intercultural caring for the nursing and caring sciences, and for the nursing care of patients with other cultural backgrounds than the nurses. The theory can be used in nursing, education, research and administration.
Under andra världskriget rådde en starkt nationalistisk anda i Japan. Bland det mest centrala var att visa lojalitet och vördnad för den japanska kejsaren och staten. Olika handböcker publicerades för att sprida lärorna om statens ideologi och utveckla andan bland japanska soldater och civila. Principer från olika religiösa traditioner blandades samman och inlemmades i lärorna som ingick i handböckerna. I avhandlingen undersöker jag på vilket sätt religiösa doktriner, mer specifikt shintoistiska, buddhistiska och konfucianska, sammanblandades och syntes i ideologin. Mitt fokus ligger på två skrifter, Kokutai no hongi och Senjinkun, som publicerades i Japan under 1930– och 1940–talen för att utveckla den rätta andan inför kriget. Jag gör en tolkande studie av handböckerna för att få en uppfattning av hur de tre religionerna ingick i lärorna inom ideologin. Jag använder mig här av engelska översättningar av skrifterna och stöder mig på tidigare forskning av dem. Förutom det jämför jag de två handböckerna för att se ifall det finns likheter mellan lärorna i dem. Utgående från min studie konstaterar jag att det finns vissa likheter mellan lärorna i de två skrifterna. De tre religionerna hade en viktig roll inom den rådande ideologin. Shintoismen utgjorde grunden för lärorna och de konfucianska och buddhistiska principerna var strukturerade kring de shintoistiska lärorna. Vilken av religionerna som var viktigare än den andra inom ideologin är svårt att avgöra. Alla religionerna var väsentliga beståndsdelar av ideologin.
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is the technology of choice where very thin and highquality films are required. Its advantage is its ability to deposit dense and pinhole-free coatings in a controllable manner. It has already shown promising results in a range of applications, e.g. diffusion barrier coatings for OLED displays, surface passivation layers for solar panels. Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (SALD) is a concept that allows a dramatic increase in ALD throughput. During the SALD process, the substrate moves between spatially separated zones filled with the respective precursor gases and reagents in such a manner that the exposure sequence replicates the conventional ALD cycle. The present work describes the development of a high-throughput ALD process. Preliminary process studies were made using an SALD reactor designed especially for this purpose. The basic properties of the ALD process were demonstrated using the wellstudied Al2O3 trimethyl aluminium (TMA)+H2O process. It was shown that the SALD reactor is able to deposit uniform films in true ALD mode. The ALD nature of the process was proven by demonstrating self-limiting behaviour and linear film growth. The process behaviour and properties of synthesized films were in good agreement with previous ALD studies. Issues related to anomalous deposition at low temperatures were addressed as well. The quality of the coatings was demonstrated by applying 20 nm of the Al2O3 on to polymer substrate and measuring its moisture barrier properties. The results of tests confirmed the superior properties of the coatings and their suitability for flexible electronics encapsulation. Successful results led to the development of a pilot scale roll-to-roll coating system. It was demonstrated that the system is able to deposit superior quality films with a water transmission rate of 5x10-6 g/m2day at a web speed of 0.25 m/min. That is equivalent to a production rate of 180 m2/day and can be potentially increased by using wider webs. State-of-art film quality, high production rates and repeatable results make SALD the technology of choice for manufacturing ultra-high barrier coatings for flexible electronics.
The aim of the study and research questions: The aim of this study is to illuminate how caring communion can aid in promoting health as becoming in elderly people in the context of natural caring. The target group of the study consists of elderly citizens living at home. The focus of this thesis is on the concept of communion and how caring communion can affect the inner health resources in a patient’s inner health domain, as well as how caring communion can support health as becoming and inner health resources in the elderly. The main research questions of this study are the following: 1) what does communion mean? 2) what does caring communion mean? 3) what is the connection between caring communion and health? Theoretical perspective: The theoretical perspective of this qualitative study relies on the caritative caring theory as developed by scholars of caring sciences at the Åbo Academi University’s Vasa unit. The caritas motive is based on an ethos built on a consideration of togetherness, i.e. caring communion, a place where one feels at home and where one can be the person one was meant to be. Methodology: A hermeneutic research approach based on Gadamer (1997) permeates the study. This entails that understanding and interpretation become central. The study conducted in the thesis is divided into three sub-studies. Sub-study one and two are based on ontological determination whereas the third sub-study is carried out by contextual determination. The first sub-study is conducted by etymological and semantic analysis of the concept of communion (gemenskap) based on Koort (1975) and the second sub-study by determining the basic epistemological category of the concept based on Eriksson (2010b). Sub-study three is conducted through content analysis of 18 multidisciplinary and 13 caring science articles and dissertations based on Kvale (2009). The aim in the third sub-study is to define caring communions in various contexts of meaning based on Eriksson´s model of conceptual determination (2010b). All studies are interpreted through hermeneutic interpretation where the continuous movement from a part of a whole, to the whole, to part again, leads to new understanding. Finally, the findings from all the three sub-studies are compared to the concepts of pre-understanding and the inner-health-domain model of Wärnås (2002). Results: The results of the study offer a description of the dimensions of caring communion and a model that illuminates how caring communion can further health as becoming. The fundamentals of caring communion rest on the idea of a human being’s absolute right to dignity as a base for communion. The concept of communion contains a moral, an ethical, and a spiritual component. In communion, there exists a moral and ethical responsibility and a willingness to commit oneself. The individual is part of a connection or relation and knows the aim and course for the communion. A caring connection, a caring culture, a caring atmosphere and caring listening are characteristics of caring communion. In caring communion, the elderly feel trusting and see themselves as unique, powerful, and valuable. The model demonstrates that when the elderly are able to rest in caring communion, the virtues of courage and faith become strong and desire for life awaken within the elderly and health as becoming becomes possible. Conclusions: The outcome of the study is that all communion is not necessarily caring communion. In order for communion to be caring and for the elderly to achieve health as becoming, there are certain criteria that must be met. This is especially important when designing activities for the elderly in the context of natural caring.
The goal of this study was to find and develop new or improved service concepts for rolls in a paper machine and secondary targets were to find out what the KPIs and values of the concepts are. Two methodologies were utilized in researching this problem; firstly sales personnel were interviewed about customer values and KPIs and a questionnaire about service modules were sent out to four BSI (basic sales item) responsible persons. Throughout the research process differences in geographic regions were identified and several customer KPIs and values were discovered. The interviews showed that the main concern for customers is the cost of operations. The goal is to produce the same or in some cases more tons with smaller operating costs. The questionnaire standardized the data about service modules and made it possible to link these values, KPIs and concerns of customers to Valmet’s service offering. Eventually these service modules were used to create a service concepts that offer flexibility, cost savings, safety and peace of mind for the customers. With this new conceptual approach Valmet can more flexibly answer to customer quotations and modify the offering to better generate customer value and customer satisfaction. In addition a new BSI was defined and proposed for pilot projects.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää kylmälujitetusta austeniittisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettavan putkipalkin pituussuunnassa hitsaamalla tapahtuvaa valmistusta. Työssä tarkastellaan eri hitsausprosessien lämmöntuonnin ja putkipalkin kylmämuovaamalla tapahtuvan valmistuksen ja hitsin jälkikäsittelynvaikutuksia putkipalkin pituushitsin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosassa on perehdytty austeniittisen ruostumattoman teräksen hitsaukseen, kylmämuokkaamalla lujitetun teräksen käyttäytymiseen hitsauksessa, monipoltinkaari-, TIG-suurtaajuuspulssi- ja kaariavusteiseen laserhitsaukseen. Kokeellisessa osassaon suoritettu koehitsauksia edellä mainituilla menetelmillä kylmälujitetulle austeniittiselle ruostumattomalle teräkselle ja suoritettu saatujen koehitsien mekaanisien ominaisuuksien arviointia. Saatujen koetulosten perusteella ontodettu, että huolimatta hitsauksen lämmöntuonnin kylmämuokatun teräksen lujuusarvoja alentavasta vaikutuksesta on mahdollista valmistaa hitsin osalta perusaineen lujuusluokituksen täyttäviä putkipalkkeja. Tämä johtuu putkipalkin kylmämuovaamalla tapahtuvan valmistuksen ja hitsin jälkikäsittelyn hitsauksessa pehmentyneen vyöhykkeen lujuusarvoja takaisin perusaineen tasolle palauttavasta vaikutuksesta.
Alahuulten, kärkilistojen, turboputkien ja telapinnoitteiden pinnankarheutta mitataan Rautpohjan tehtaalla nykyään pääosin koskettavalla pinnankarheusprofilometrilla. Profilometrin käyttö on hankalaa ja epäluotettavaa tai käytössä on muita ongelmia. Paperin kuituorientaation mittaamiseen käytetään nykyisin mm. TSO-menetelmää tai repäisymenetelmää. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa diffraktiiviseen optiseen elementtiin perustuvan kiiltomittalaiteprototyypin mahdollisuuksia karakteroida pinnan ominaisuuksia ja tutkia kiiltomittalaitteen soveltuvuutta tuotannon laadunvarmistuksessa. Alahuuli-, kärkilista-, turboputki-, telapinnoite- ja paperinäytteistä valmistettiinnäytesarjoja, jotka mitattiin nykymenetelmin ja kiiltomittalaitteella. Tulostenkorreloituvuutta tutkittiin ja taloudellista merkitystä arvioitiin investointilaskelmin. Paperin kuituorientaation, paperin pinnan kuituorientaation ja telapinnoitteiden mittaaminen kiiltomittalaitteella osoittautui taloudellisesti erittäin merkittäväksi. Ennen mahdollista kiiltomittalaitteen käyttöönottoa prototyyppiä on kehitettävä, kiillon korreloituvuutta tulee tutkia edelleen ja aiheesta on tehtävä lisätutkimuksia.
Koneuusintojen sekä täysin uusien konelinjojen myötä SC-paperin valmistuskapasiteettia on tullut ja tulee paljon lisää 2000-luvulla. Uudistettujen sekä uusien linjojen tuottavuudet ja laatutasot ylittävät huomattavasti Myllykoski Paperin PK7:n nykyisen tason. Tämän vuoksi PK7:lla tulee pystyä valmistamaan vähemmän kilpailtuja ja jalostusarvoltaan parempia laatuja kuin mitä suurimmat SC-tuottajat valmistavat. Työn tavoitteena oli antaa vastauksia investointitarpeisiin, jos PK7:n tuotesuuntaa ollaan muuttamassa. Toisena tavoitteena oli luoda puristin- ja viiraosan vedenpoiston kannalta ajoikkuna, jossa muuttujna ovat neliömassa, paperikoneen nopeus sekä massatärkkelyksen määrä Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin SC-paperikoneen viira- ja puristinosan vedenpoistoa. PK7:n nykyisen listakenkäformerin vedenpoistokapasiteetti voi olla riittämätön nykyisellä laatutasolla ja hiokemassoilla suurempia ajonopeuksia tavoiteltaessa. Ongelmiksi voivat tulla listakengän vedenpoisto ja viiraosan jälkeinen kuiva-aine. Puristinosalla paksut lajit, alhainen kuiva-aine sekä nopea ja äkillinen vedenpoisto voivat aiheuttaa telanipissä kurausta. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin raskaiden ja ohuiden neliömassojen sekä eripaperilajien mahdolliset vedenpoiston rajoitukset viira- ja puristinosalla. Formeritelan ja listakengän sekä 1. puristimen vedenpoistokapasiteetit tulivat koeajon perusteella kriittiseksi raskailla lajeilla ja suurilla massatärkkelysmäärillä, kun koneen nopeus nousi yli 1240 m/min.